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Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources

R Mongeau and SPJ Brooks, 3W Banting Research Centre, Ottawa, QC, Canada
ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

This article is reproduced from the Encyclopedia of food sciences and nutrition, vol. 3, pp. 1813–1822, ã 2003, Elsevier Science Ltd., with an
updated Bibliography section supplied by the editor.

Background These results were based on the analysis of composites made of

up to 20 individual foods purchased over a 30-month period
Although dietary fiber has been known for more than 2000 using the Englyst gas–liquid chromatography method. A more
years under various terms (e.g., bran and roughage), the term recent version of this method would have given a higher pro-
‘dietary fiber’ first appeared in 1953 and referred to portion of xylose relative to glucose.
hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin. The term ‘fiber’ is some- The different monomeric residues of Figure 1 are the basic
what misleading since only a fraction (cellulose) of dietary units that form the major NSP macromolecular constituents
fiber is fibrillar in nature. To correct this misnomer, other shown in the upper part of Table 1. Cellulose and b-glucans are
terms (e.g., plantix) have been proposed, but despite these generally unbranched polymers containing mostly glucose res-
efforts, the term ‘dietary fiber’ has survived. idues. The b-glucans have mixed b-1,3 and b-1,4 interresidue
This section deals with several different aspects of dietary linkages and are a constituent of dietary fiber from barley and
fiber, including its determination and many of its physiologi- oats. The glucose residues of cellulose are joined by b-1,4
cal effects. Most of this information is relatively new and is the linkages. In addition to their resistance to the enzymes of the
result of progress in research brought about in the last 30 years. human digestive tract, these linkages allow greater inter- and
The first part of this article will focus on the nature and com- intrapolymer hydrogen bonding than the a-1,4 linkages of
position of dietary fiber, its properties, and examples of sources starch do. This allows the formation of tightly condensed
of dietary fiber. This is followed by a definition of dietary fiber. crystalline regions within the cellulose microfibrils. Cellulose
Although this should be a relatively straightforward descrip- includes structurally amorphous regions where the presence of
tion, there are many different viewpoints concerning the other sugars can be found. The final cellulose structure is a
nature and physiological effects that dietary fiber should function of the glucose and nonglucose contents: the degree of
have. These will be discussed in relationship to the physiolog- cellulose crystallization is inversely proportional to the non-
ical effects of dietary fiber. glucose residue content. Cellulose is a minor fraction of the
total cereal dietary fiber but is a major fraction of dietary fiber
in other foods. The proportion of cellulose in the dietary fiber
Chemical Structure of a food is not reflected by the glucose content of the NSP
fraction, since glucose is also a major component of other
The composition and structure of dietary fiber differ from plant fractions such as b-glucans and hemicelluloses.
to plant. It is also a function of the portion of the plant that is Xylose is a part of the primary chain of hemicelluloses and
edible and the stage of maturation and is largely composed of the gums and the secondary chain of gums and pectin. Arabinose
cell wall (structural) components that give the plant physical is in the primary chain of gums and the secondary chain of
stability. As such, it is made of highly interlinked sugar-based hemicelluloses and pectin. Hemicelluloses constitute a major
and phenolic-based polymers (hemicelluloses, pectic substances, fraction of dietary fiber; this fraction is largely made of arabi-
phenolics, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans) in a matrix of amor- nose and xylose in cereals and of xylose and glucose in fruits
phous structure with some enmeshed cellulose microfibrils. The and vegetables (Table 1). Pectic substances are prevalent in
cell wall components are intimately linked together through citrus fruits. They are also present in vegetables, legumes, and
various linkages including protein–sugar bonds. cereals in small amounts (Table 1). Other polysaccharide con-
stituents are mainly represented by galactose or mannose in
bananas. Nonstructural NSPs represent a small portion of
Polysaccharide Fiber Components
dietary fiber. The monomeric NSP composition is of limited
Dietary fiber comprises carbohydrate and noncarbohydrate usefulness in predicting the properties and functions of dietary
polymers; most of these are structural components. The carbo- fiber. This is because the structural architecture of dietary fiber
hydrate polymers are often described as nonstarch polysaccha- plays a large role in many of its physiological properties, and
rides (NSPs) to differentiate them from the (relatively) easily this structure cannot be predicted by its composition. Indeed,
digested starch components of food. Figure 1 shows the pro- two dietary fibers with a similar component profile (e.g., wheat
portion of the monomeric constituents of fiber polysaccha- bran and corn bran) can have clearly different structures, even
rides from three food categories (11 cereals, 13 fruits, and 11 under optic microscopy, and can show different behaviors in
vegetables) and from canned mushrooms, peanuts, and baked the gastrointestinal tract.
white beans. As can be seen, arabinose is a major NSP compo-
nent of cereals, peanuts, and beans. Xylose is present in large
Nonsaccharide Fiber Components
amounts only in cereals. Pectic substances (uronic acids) rep-
resent a substantial part of fruit, vegetable, peanut, and bean The minor components of dietary fiber that are not polysac-
NSPs. Mushroom NSP is formed mostly of glucose residues. charides and, hence, not NSPs also play an important

404 Encyclopedia of Food and Health

Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources 405

tissues. In most fruits and vegetables, lignin represents only a

small part of dietary fiber, although it can be as high as 4% of
dry matter in mature pears.
Cutin, waxes, or suberin may also be present in some
Distribution (%)

tissues. These compounds are mixtures of lipids, proteins,

and carbohydrates that form the waterproof covering and cuti-
50 cle on the outer cell wall of plants. They are especially resistant
to digestion and fermentation. As such, they impair the digest-
ibility of other cell wall components and are usually found in
the feces.



White Beans

Models of primary cell walls of plants were often obtained from
nonfood materials such as wood and tobacco. Because the cell
wall material forms a large part of these plants, the models
Figure 1 Distribution of the main polysaccharide constituents of dietary provide a wealth of information on the interactions between
fiber from some foods and food categories. The values are means of cell wall components such as carbohydrates and lignin and
n ¼ 11 cereals, n ¼ 13 fruits, and n ¼ 11 vegetables. Other values are protein and carbohydrates. More recent reports have provided
for n ¼ 1. ▪: glucose; : arabinose; : xylose; : uronic acid; and □: some structural information on the cell walls of plant foods.
other sugars. These reports have shown that, in carrots, protein–protein or
protein–polysaccharide linkages may contribute to the forma-
tion of a rigid, inextensible cell wall. Other data have shown that
Table 1 Main macromolecular constituents of dietary fiber
protein may form up to 10% of cell walls in immature plants
Fruits and and appears to be important for structural cohesion. The major
Constituent vegetables Cereals Legumes part of the flesh of fruits and vegetables contains undifferen-
tiated types of cell wall that have significant amounts of highly
Polysaccharides branched hemicellulosic types of polysaccharides. The cellulose
Hemicelluloses content is usually low, and cellulose is laid down in a more
Xyloglucans X X oriented arrangement in the matrix. This may reflect stresses on
Glucuronoxylans X
the plant. The cell walls are often rich in pectic substances and
Arabinoxylans X
Glucuronoarabinoxylans X
contain  10% protein, as described earlier. These cell walls are
Galactomannans X thin and elastic with the cell form maintained by osmotic
Cellulose X X X pressure.
b-D-Glucans X In contrast, the outer layers of many seeds and nuts contain
Pectic substances (pectin) X X X thick lignified cell walls that are difficult to break. These serve
Others as mechanical protection to the seed within and as a vapor
Lignin X barrier to prevent desiccation.
Phenolic esters X X
Protein X
Glycoproteins X X
Physical Properties
Soluble and Insoluble Dietary Fibers
structural role. Table 1 shows the distribution of the nonsac- It is possible to separate the total dietary fiber (TDF) into
charidic polymers that are intimately associated with dietary soluble and insoluble components based on solubility in
fiber structure. These polymers include glycoproteins (fruits, water, but quantifying the amount of soluble fiber remains
vegetables, and legumes), proteins (cereals), phenolic esters problematic. This is because the conditions utilized to measure
(cereals), and lignins (lignified tissues of fruits, vegetables, the proportion of soluble fiber differ among laboratories (e.g.,
and cereals). Lignin is of special interest because of its role in time, temperature, pH, and type of buffer; see the section
slowing down the fermentation of dietary fiber. It is a complex ‘Definition (Based on Function and Structure)’). It should
group of phenyl propane polymers formed by the condensa- be noted that the distinction between soluble and insoluble
tion of aromatic alcohols and is especially important in con- fibers is somewhat artificial, since it is difficult to predict the
ferring structural stability. As such, highly lignified tissues are actual fiber solubility in the gastrointestinal tract.
found in the stems of plants such as trees and bushes and in the For many years, it was thought that soluble fiber was not
stalks of cereals. Lignification occurs at the expense of water commonly found in foods. Reports on pectin, guar, legume
and pectin as cells differentiate and mature. This increases cell fiber, and oat bran appeared in the early 1960s, and currently,
wall rigidity in critical areas. Since edible plant tissues are it is estimated that about a third of the daily TDF intake is
consumed when relatively immature, their cells are largely soluble fiber. Pectic polyuronides are the major soluble dietary
undifferentiated and, largely, unlignified. Wheat bran and the fiber components of vegetables and fruits, but the exact com-
small seeds covering strawberries are examples of lignified position varies from plant to plant. When measuring dietary
406 Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources

fiber, one must also take into account the method of food Table 2 Effect of grinding on the properties of wheat bran insoluble
preparation because the soluble fiber content of a fiber source fibera
is influenced by the method of food preparation. For example,
Mesh Apertureb MPS Glycocholate
some polyuronides are susceptible to depolymerization at the
sieve (mm) (mm)c WHCd bindinge
high temperatures used to cook the foods. Similarly, some
insoluble fiber is susceptible to depolymerization at higher As is 800 9.5  0.1 26.5  1.5
temperatures and may be found in the soluble fiber fraction. 20 840 420 8.1  0.1 24.9  1.2
In addition to the distinction between soluble and insolu- 40 420 280 6.6  0.2 23.8  0.8
ble fibers, viscosity may also be an important fiber characteris- 60 250 180 5.8  0.1 22.1  1.0
tic. This is because viscous fibers modestly lower blood 80 175 160 5.6  0.1 21.5  0.3
cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations and attenuate a
Residue after neutral detergent and porcine pancreatic a-amylase treatments.
the postprandial glucose response. It is thought that the b
Aperture size of sieve used with a Wiley mill, intermediate model.
increased viscosity of the intestinal lumen reduces the rate of c
MPS, geometric mean particle size.
diffusion of glucose, cholesterol, and triacylglycerols to their d
WHC, water-holding capacity, grams of water per gram of insoluble fiber, using the
respective receptors along the intestinal wall, reducing absorp- centrifugation method; mean  SEM of three measurements.
tion. The results of a recent meta-analysis using several differ- e
Grams of glycocholate bound per 0.2 g of insoluble fiber; mean  SEM of four
ent clinical studies showed a statistically significant lowering of measurements.
plasma triacylglycerols and cholesterol in subjects fed for at
least 14 days with a diet supplemented with oats, psyllium, Although lettuce fiber isolates retain much water, the water-
pectin, or guar gum, but the effect was modest: a decrease of holding capacity expressed in grams of water held by fiber per
1 mg dl1 g1 of soluble fiber was observed. If we consider gram of edible portion of food has been found to be higher for
that an individual with moderately higher blood cholesterol wheat bran fiber (4.5 g) and carrot fiber (2.1 g) than for that of
has a total serum cholesterol value of  300 mg dl1, the lettuce and various other foods (0.3–1.3 g). The water-holding
change brought about from the consumption of viscous, solu- capacity of fiber from the bran of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals
ble fibers is on the order of 0.3%. Considering that oat bran is positively correlated (r  0.85 and P < 0.05) with its mean
contains about 20% fiber by weight and only half of this is particle size (MPS): the water-holding capacity of 160 mm MPS
soluble, one can calculate that 10 g of oat bran per day is wheat bran fiber is 59% of that of 800 mm MPS wheat bran
needed for each 0.3% change in total cholesterol. fiber (Table 2). A large portion of the water held by wheat bran
Insoluble dietary fiber is, by definition, the fraction of the fiber appears to be free water.
TDF that is not soluble in hot buffer solution. However, the The water-holding capacity has a significant effect on fecal
measured proportion of insoluble fiber can vary depending on output and stool hardness, as discussed earlier. These factors
the dietary fiber methodology. Insoluble dietary fiber consists are important physiological effects of wheat bran and contrib-
primarily of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin. It is often ute significantly to its laxative effects.
incorrectly believed that insoluble fiber is not fermented to
any great extent by the bacteria present in the large bowel.
However, actual measurements of fiber fermentability have
Bile Salt Binding and Serum Cholesterol Reduction
shown that a significant proportion of insoluble dietary fiber
is fermented. This is true even for wheat bran, which has a There is considerable interest in the cholesterol-reducing prop-
relatively lower insoluble fiber fermentability of between 30% erties of dietary fiber. This is because the influence of serum
and 40% ( 90% of the wheat bran TDF is insoluble dietary cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density
fiber). The fermentability of oat bran is even greater – up to lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, in particular) on cardiovascular
80% of the insoluble fiber (approximately half of the TDF) is disease is considerable. Three different mechanisms have been
fermented in the human large intestine. The degree of ferment- proposed to account for the serum cholesterol-reducing prop-
ability is a property unique to each dietary fiber and depends erties of dietary fiber. As discussed earlier, a certain soluble
largely on the nature and the structural arrangement of the viscous fiber may modestly lower cholesterol by increasing
fiber components and also on other physical characteristics luminal viscosity and preventing cholesterol (re)absorption.
such as particle size. For example, the structure of coarse Acetic and propionic acids, produced by the fermentation of
wheat bran favors a high water-holding capacity (see later) dietary fibers in the gut, are thought to inhibit liver cholesterol
and a slow rate of fermentation. This permits the microtrap- synthesis at the metabolic level. Dietary fibers also have the
ping of slowly released fermentation gases, increasing fecal ability to bind cholesterol directly: deconjugated bile salts are
bulk and stimulating defecation. bound to pectic substances by hydrogen bonding, and lignin
appears to bind bile salts through hydrophobic interactions.
The actual in vivo mechanism is unknown, and it is likely that
Water-Holding Capacity
different fibers operate through different combinations of all
Dietary fiber holds water by adsorption and absorption. Some three mechanisms to influence blood cholesterol levels.
water is also retained outside the fiber matrix (free water). The In vitro evidence suggests that the physical form of the fiber
particle size, chemical composition, and structure of dietary may also play an important role in binding bile salts. In com-
fiber influence the water-holding capacity. The in vitro water- monly ingested ready-to-eat cereals, glycocholate binding
holding capacity cannot be used to predict the impact of highly (r ¼ 0.90, P < 0.001) and taurocholate binding (r ¼ 0.86,
fermentable fiber on colonic function. P < 0.05) have been positively correlated with the MPS of the
Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources 407

neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Reducing the particle size of significant increase with high-methoxy pectin. Some of the
wheat bran NDF from 800 to 160 mm reduces its glycocholate nonstructural dietary fiber components can also increase
binding by 19% (Table 2). The bile salt-binding capacity of viscosity.
fiber isolates, although method-dependent, may reflect events
in the terminal small intestine. Purified fiber fractions may be
Microbial Degradation (Fermentability)
poor (cellulose) or strong (lignin) binders. Some rice bran
appear to have a high capacity to bind bile salts. Most dietary fiber remains undegraded until it reaches the large
Human cholesterol-lowering studies have linked the con- intestine, where the extent of fermentation depends on the
sumption of dietary fiber with lower total plasma cholesterol source and several other factors, including the physical struc-
and increased LDL/HDL ratios in addition to reductions in ture of the fiber, presence of specific components in the fiber
serum triglycerides. Studies such as these have suggested that matrix, nitrogen source, bacterial adaptation, and transit time.
cardiovascular risk may be reduced by consuming particular It is generally accepted that soluble fiber is almost completely
types of foods high in dietary fiber, most notably whole cereal fermented in the large intestine, but unfortunately, it is also
grains. However, it should be noted that coronary heart disease generally believed that insoluble fiber is not fermented. Actu-
(CHD) is a complex disease and is affected by many factors. For ally, both insoluble and soluble fibers are extensively fermen-
example, the reduction in CHD observed in a recent study was ted. On average, 70–80% of the TDF from mixed diets (e.g.,
larger than would be expected from the beneficial effects of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and most cereals) is degraded by
soluble dietary fiber on serum cholesterol levels only. Thus, colonic bacteria. Since insoluble dietary fiber is the major
reductions in CHD are likely to be the result of many factors, dietary fiber fraction, representing approximately two-thirds
one of which is TDF intake. of the TDF in Western diets, this means that insoluble fiber is
highly fermented. Indeed, as indicated in the preceding text,
70–80% of the insoluble fiber from oat bran and up to 40% of
Cation Exchange Capacity
the insoluble dietary fiber from wheat bran are fermented.
Cation exchange is partly dependent on the presence of uronic There is some indication that fermentability depends on
acid in the nonesterified form. The preparation of the fiber particle size, with small particle sizes being more readily fer-
material may decrease the number of nonesterified carboxyl mented, but this has not been consistently reported, and the
groups and the apparent cation exchange capacity. Wheat bran effect appears modest. In rats fed with purified diets containing
contains little uronic acid, and its cation exchange capacity is 15% hard red wheat bran, NDF fermentability was largely
mainly due to diffusion within the dietary fiber network. The unchanged (34–36%) when the MPS varied from 1275 to
cation exchange capacity of fiber from different sources is 394 mm. Similar trends were observed when American Associ-
difficult to compare, unless it is expressed per edible portion. ation of Cereal Chemists soft and hard wheat bran were fed at
According to the affinity of minerals for carboxylic acid groups, various MPSs. In these experiments, 37.3–37.6% and
cabbage and coarse wheat bran show a high cation exchange 30.0–32.8% of the NDF were fermented, respectively.
capacity compared with pectin.
There has been some concern that the ability of dietary fiber
to bind minerals (as measured in vitro) may lead to mineral Interaction between Structure and Physiology
deficiencies in individuals consuming high-fiber diets. In
Food Processing
North American diets, calculations show that mineral intakes
far exceed the potential binding capacity of dietary fiber so that The physicochemical properties of dietary fiber per se are
no need for concern arises. In addition, minerals that are dependent on the chemical composition and the structural
bound to fibers or that are trapped in the (as yet undigested) characteristics of the fiber. However, as noted earlier, knowing
cell wall matrix may not be absorbed in the small intestine but the former does not allow one to predict the latter. When
could be partially released and absorbed in the colon when the considering the potential in vivo effect of dietary fiber, one
fiber is degraded by bacteria. Absorption of minerals in the must also take food processing practices into consideration.
colon has been suggested as a mechanism for accounting for Many different types of food processing practices are currently
increased mineral absorption in rats fed with fructooligosac- employed. Foods can be boiled, canned, frozen, blanched,
charides. This may explain why cation adsorption has not been parboiled, extruded, adiabatically extruded, and milled. All
consistently related to mineral bioavailability. However, wheat processes can have an effect on dietary fiber content, as mea-
bran fibers can permanently bind heavy metal ions to decrease sured by current methodologies. For example, heat treatment
their toxicity. can break glycosidic linkages in dietary fiber polysaccharides.
This can solubilize some of the insoluble fiber and reduce the
TDF content if the polymers are broken down into small
Viscosity and Gelling Properties
molecular mass fragments. Heat treatment can also reduce
As mentioned earlier, certain soluble fibers, such as oat b-D- the overall length of the polysaccharide chains to lower viscos-
glucans, are viscous when dissolved in water, while others, ity and the water-holding capacity of the fiber. The pentosans
such as pectins, show gelling properties. These fibers influence in dietary fiber can react with amino acids such as lysine
gastric emptying and absorption rates in the small intestine. (Maillard reaction) and form new polymers that do not behave
Direct measurement of the viscosity produced by concentra- physiologically like dietary fiber. The boiling of vegetables
tions of fiber likely to be used in diets has shown little effect of increases the apparent TDF content, but this seems to be due
low-methoxy pectin, a slight increase with wheat bran, and a to the loss of nonfiber components to the water.
408 Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources

It is often difficult to predict beforehand the effect of a food fecal weight but was due to a decrease in fecal volume, parallel-
processing method on the TDF and the distribution between ing the effect demonstrated for bran in Table 3. In ready-to-eat
insoluble and soluble fractions. For example, extrusion cook- breakfast cereals, the fiber MPS has been found to vary between
ing of some cereal bran apparently increases its water-holding 350 and 2000 mm. Increased particle size normalizes gastroin-
capacity in vitro, although this does not translate into a change testinal transit time, delays gastric emptying, and may also
in fecal water-holding capacity in vivo. Extrusion cooking of affect the extent of insoluble fiber fermentation. Although
wheat bran not only causes small decreases in the TDF and dietary fiber has many positive effects on the digestive tract,
insoluble dietary fiber but also gives rise to small increases in excessive milling of dietary fiber to produce small particles in
soluble dietary fiber. Processing of rice (abrasion or parboil- the range of 7–70 mm may have negative effects. Smaller parti-
ing) removes the seed coat and the majority of the dietary fiber. cles do not exhibit the transit time normalization associated
Some collapsing of the fiber structure also occurs during food with larger bran particles, and the persorption of a small
preparation and/or mastication due to the reduction of particle amount of very fine fiber particles may occur in some regions
size, and the fiber structure of sources such as spinach may be of the intestinal wall. Contrary to persorbed starch granules,
modified by cooking. persorbed fiber particles are not degraded in the blood and
Milling is known to significantly affect TDF fermentation in may impose an increased workload on the kidneys. Data on
the human colon. Cereal grains have a tough outer seed coat persorption are scarce, and much work is needed on this
that would be completely resistant to digestion if the cereals subject.
were not milled prior to consumption. After milling, the thin- Studies with apples, apple puree, and apple juice have
walled dietary fiber structures from the endosperm are partly highlighted the link between the physical integrity of the cell
disrupted and, thus, easily broken during fermentation. Milling, wall and the beneficial effects of unprocessed dietary fiber, in
therefore, not only makes the endosperm accessible to the this case, a lowering of the glycemic index of a food (the rise in
digestive enzymes in the upper digestive tract but also makes blood glucose that accompanies the ingestion and digestion of
the dietary fiber more accessible to colonic bacteria. However, a carbohydrate-containing food). Only the unprocessed apple
milling can also negatively affect the physiological properties of had a reduced glycemic index; the apple puree, containing the
the dietary fiber in grains. While coarse grinding and adequate physically degraded dietary fiber, was similar to apple juice in
mastication appear to be sufficient for the digestion of cereals, response. This demonstrates the importance of the physical
fine grinding disrupts much of the cell wall architecture, and encapsulation of available macronutrients within the fiber
further milling can even interfere with its determination by matrix. This effect has also been observed with rolled oats
gravimetric methods. Table 3 shows the effect of milling on where higher glycemic indexes were observed with more finely
the dry bulk volume of wheat bran, as measured in a volumetric cut oats. Studies such as these show that the integrity of the cell
cylinder. The volume of the coarse bran was reduced from wall is important in bringing about beneficial physiological
5 ml g1 to < 2 ml after grinding in an M5 Wiley mill using a effects, even in the presence of viscous, soluble fiber types
0.5 mm screen. Fiber from different sources ground under the (b-glucans in the cell wall; see the section ‘Bile Salt Binding
same conditions may behave differently during milling, so that and Serum Cholesterol Reduction’).
their resulting particle sizes may be different.
As discussed earlier, the particle size of unfermented wheat
bran fiber may be related to colonic function and fecal charac- In Vitro Measurements
teristics in humans and laboratory animals. Finely ground
In vitro properties of fiber isolates have been used to estimate
cellulose or even wheat bran, for example, may have a consti-
their potential in vivo effect. However, in vitro data should be
pating effect, whereas coarsely ground wheat bran prevents
used with caution. The measurements are influenced by the
constipation. The influence of particle size on fecal bulking
methods used to follow digestion in vitro and by the methods
has been measured directly in rats. When rats were fed with
used to prepare the fiber. Other confounding influences are
diets containing 12% hard wheat bran, the fecal wet density
also present: the fiber residue obtained in vitro may have been
was 0.796  0.010 (mean  SEM, n ¼ 12) in the coarse bran
altered by heat or chemicals or may still contain residual
group (geometric MPS: 850 mm) but increased to
digestible materials. For these reasons, in vivo conditions gen-
0.888  0.013 in the fine bran group (geometric MPS:
erally result in a more extensive digestion than that measured
308 mm). This increased density was not due to a change in
in vitro.

Table 3 Effect of grinding on dry bulk of wheat bran (ml g1):

duplicate measurements Digestive Events
Sieve aperture a
Bran A b
Bran B Bran C Bran D An important consideration when examining the physiological
effect of dietary fiber is the fact that dietary fiber is concentrated
As is 3.1 3.4 5.1 3.5 and denuded only in the terminal small intestine. This means
2.0 mm (10 mesh) 2.7 2.4 2.8 2.1 that the dietary fiber that is partially associated with digestible
1.0 mm (18 mesh) 2.2 2.1 2.4 2.0 materials in the jejunum and duodenum may have different
0.5 mm (35 mesh) 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.7
physical properties from those of an entirely denuded fiber
Using an M5 Wiley mill. Mesh sieve equivalence is indicated in parentheses. matrix at the terminal ileum. In the large intestine, most of
Bran A was American Association of Cereal Chemists-certified soft white wheat bran; the soluble fiber and a large but variable portion of insoluble
bran B–D were soft or hard wheat bran from other sources. dietary fiber are degraded by the colonic microflora. As already
Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources 409

discussed, fermentation plays an important role in mediating these health benefits: “that portion of food which is derived
many of the physiological effects associated with dietary fiber. from cellular walls of plants which is digested very poorly by
human beings. . . Fibre is composed largely of cellulose,. . .
hemicelluloses, pentosans, pectin and lignin.”
Definition (Based on Function and Structure) There are many different definitions of dietary fiber. How-
ever, they all include certain specific and critical aspects. First
In the early 1970s, it became evident that cellulose represents and foremost, a definition must include the fact that dietary
only a small part of the TDF content of foods. Prior to this, fiber corresponds mostly to the structural material in the edible
there was a tendency to equate dietary fiber with cellulose part of plant foods in the usual human diet. This has been
because that is what was measured using the old crude fiber consistently reflected throughout the decades by the inclusion
method. While this helped reinforce the use of the term ‘dietary of the term ‘plant cell wall’ when referring to dietary fiber
fiber’ (cellulose has a fibrillar structure), cellulose represents (Table 4). The term ‘dietary fiber’ itself is something of a
only a small part of the TDF content of foods. Thus, at that misnomer, since dietary fiber is not fibrillar (except for cellu-
time, new methodologies were emerging, and it was clear that lose). To reflect this fact, many other terms have been proposed
there was a need for a dietary fiber definition that was linked to over the years, including unavailable carbohydrate and plantix.
the actual physicochemical composition of dietary fiber. None of these terms have succeeded in replacing ‘dietary fiber.’
It is in this context that the dietary fiber hypothesis appeared, Another important aspect of any dietary fiber definition is
a few years after Cleave’s hypothesis in 1956, which related that it is resistant to human digestive secretions (including
refined foods and Western diseases. The dietary fiber hypothesis enzymes) and not absorbed in the small intestine. The obser-
thus appeared as a refocusing of Cleave’s original ideas, revers- vation that dietary fiber increased fecal weight initially gave the
ing the original emphasis to become a diet high in unrefined impression that dietary fiber was resistant to both human
edible plant material that is protective against Western diseases digestive secretions and bacterial digestion in the lower gut
of the bowel. The dietary fiber hypothesis is important in under- (fermentation). While it is true that dietary fiber is not digested
standing the ‘dietary fiber concept,’ since it links botanical struc- and absorbed in the small intestine, a large proportion of
ture to digestive processes and health outcomes – mainly dietary fiber is fermented in the colon. The extent of this
noninfective colonic diseases such as constipation, diverticular fermentation is a function of several different factors (see the
disease, irritable colon, ulcerative colitis, appendicitis, hemor- section ‘Microbial Degradation (Fermentability)’), meaning
rhoids, polyps, and cancer of the large bowel. It is this link to that the extent of fermentation cannot be used as a criterion to
these and other health outcomes that has characterized much of define dietary fiber.
the work in the dietary fiber field over the last 30 years. The first Using ‘resistance to endogenous digestive secretions’ alone
dietary fiber definition in 1972 sought to describe the plant as a criterion may be confusing. For example, some dietary
structures and components that were responsible for mediating fiber may be partly degraded by acids in the stomach, while

Table 4 Use of the term ‘plant cell wall’ in defining dietary fiber over time

Year Text Reference

1885 The ‘cell membranes’ of Rubner Trowell, H. C. (1975). In: Burkitt, D. P. and Trowell, H. C. (eds.) Refined carbohydrate foods and
disease, p. 43. London: Academic Press
1929 The ‘skeletal framework of the plant’ McCance, R. A. and Lawrence, R. D. (1929). The carbohydrate content of foods. Medical Research
Council special report series No. 135, pp. 1–173. London: HM Stationary Office
1981 The ‘remnants of plant cells’ AOAC Fiber Consensus (1981). Association of Official Analytical Chemists 95th Annual Meeting,
October 1981, Washington, DC
1985 ‘Derived from plant cell walls and not Trowell, H., Burkitt, D. P. and Heaton, K. (eds.) (1985). Dietary fibre, fibre-depleted foods and
digested by human alimentary disease. London: Academic Press
1990 The ‘structural plant cell wall Eastwood, M. (1990). Function of dietary fibre in the large intestine. In: Southgate, D. A. T., Waldron,
composed of polysaccharides and K., Johnson, I. T. and Fenwick, G. R. (eds.) Dietary fibre: chemical and biological aspects, pp.
lignin’ 211–219. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry
1995 ‘The “cell wall material of plant foods” Heaton, K. W. (1995). The dietary fibre concept – time for a re-evaluation? In: Sørensen, A., Bach
responsible for the physical form Knudsen, K. E., Englyst, H. N., Gudmand-Høyer, E. and Nyman, M. (eds.) Metabolic and
and texture of unprocessed plant physiological aspects of dietary fibre in foods: recent progress in the analysis of dietary fibre, COST
foods’ 92, p. 15. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Commission
1995 The ‘plant cell walls’ are the common Cummings, J. H., Hudson, G. J., Quigley, M. E. and Englyst, H. N. (1995). The classification and
characteristic of plant foods that measurement of dietary carbohydrates. In: Sørensen, A., Bach Knudsen, K. E., Englyst, H. N.,
constitute a high-fiber diet Gudmand-Høyer, E. and Nyman, M. (eds.) Metabolic and physiological aspects of dietary fibre in
associated with beneficial effects food. Recent progress in the analysis of dietary fibre in food, COST 92, pp. 17–36. Luxembourg:
European Commission
1999 ‘The cell walls of edible plant tissues in Mongeau, R., Scott, F. W. and Brassard, R. (1999). Definition and analysis of dietary fiber. In: Cho, S.
the traditional human diet’ S., Prosky, L. and Dreher, M. (eds.) Complex carbohydrates in foods, pp. 305–316. New York &
Basel: Marcel Dekker
410 Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources

some small intestine-digestible material can reach the colon the list is rather specific and deals primarily with effects
where bacterial fermentation occurs. In addition, a definition observed with viscous fibers (lowering postprandial serum
based on the resistance to digestibility by endogenous digestive glucose and lowering serum cholesterol) or effects brought
secretions could be problematic if the material is not specified about from partial fermentation and water-holding capacity
as coming from the edible part of plant foods. Indeed, such a (laxation). These effects are well supported by clinical experi-
definition could be erroneously interpreted as meaning that ments with laboratory animals and with humans. However,
dietary fiber is any material resistant to in vivo digestion or even the original dietary fiber concept related dietary fiber intake to
as any material measured as dietary fiber by a specific dietary the diseases of Western man, including heart disease, cancer,
fiber method. Among the materials to be excluded from the and obesity. As mentioned earlier, the link between viscous
dietary fiber definition are ‘ruminant fiber’ and the products dietary fiber and heart disease is supported in the literature
formed during processing and/or cooking. There have been through its effect on serum cholesterol and triglycerides, but
requests to include some other plant components and manu- the link with other Western diseases has been much harder to
factured polymers, and this is a subject of much debate. Among demonstrate. It has been well established that eating patterns
the criteria that could be used to accept or reject a material as that favor foods high in dietary fiber and low in red meat
dietary fiber, only ‘edible plant cell wall’ is specific enough to significantly reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and obe-
allow an absolute definition. In addition, it links current die- sity. However, it has been relatively difficult to isolate this
tary fiber definitions to the original ‘dietary fiber concept,’ effect to dietary fiber consumption per se. Part of the problem
which recognized that a diet high in minimally processed comes from the almost exclusive reliance on epidemiological
edible plant foods provided many health benefits. Confusion studies to demonstrate any association. There are several rea-
often arises because of the overlapping characteristics and sons why epidemiological studies are generally favored. First,
physiological effects of the different ‘candidate’ materials with these studies provide data on free-living humans, rather than
those of a dietary fiber ‘reference.’ Examples of ‘candidates’ are inbred laboratory animals. Second, these studies follow the
polydextrose (a randomly bonded synthetic glucose polymer), long-term effect of dietary fiber consumption on health out-
inulin and fructooligosaccharides (naturally occurring comes. Third, the sample size can vary from a few hundred
glucose–fructose oligomers and polymers), and resistant starch (case control studies) to many thousands of individuals (pro-
(formed by food processing methods and largely undigested in spective cohort studies). This gives the studies good statistical
the small intestine). This overlapping means that it becomes power and lends weight to the conclusions. However, epide-
virtually impossible to distinguish between fiber and nonfiber miological studies also suffer from a number of shortcomings
material based on resistance to digestion alone. Debates such including problems with assessing food intake for the past 2–3
as this started shortly after dietary fiber became popular in the years (case control studies) or with monitoring food intake 2–3
1970s. They are still ongoing, as demonstrated by the publica- times over a period of 5 years and using this to predict disease
tion of a recent international survey of 147 professionals. outcome 15 years later (prospective cohort studies), problems
While a complete discussion of the merits of either side is that arise from the use of incomplete dietary tables to calculate
beyond the scope of this article, it is important to remember dietary fiber intake, and problems arising from the use of
the origins of the dietary fiber definition and the dietary fiber inappropriate methods for correcting energy intake.
hypothesis that firmly linked fiber to physiological outcome. The most striking conclusion from epidemiological studies
The definition of dietary fiber was first centered on the is a failure to provide support for an inverse correlation
‘original dietary fiber concept’ that linked the consumption of between dietary fiber intake and colon cancer. This concept
‘plant cell walls’ in unrefined, traditional foods to positive has long been entrenched in the literature largely because of
physiological outcomes. Table 5 shows two definitions that studies with laboratory animals that have provided much data
were proposed after the turn of the millennium. These two in favor of a protective effect of dietary fiber. The animal
definitions have taken the original ideas of the dietary fiber studies are supported by plausible physiological and biochem-
hypothesis into account and included a reference to some ical mechanisms that can account for the observed results.
specific physiological effects in humans. However, the epidemiological data are inconsistent in its sup-
While the newer definitions of dietary fiber specifically port for an inverse relationship between colon cancer and
mention the fact that dietary fiber has physiological benefits, dietary fiber intake, and clinical trials that examined the effect

Table 5 Recent proposed definitions of dietary fiber

Year Text Reference

2001 ‘. . .the edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are American Association of Cereal Chemists (2001). Report of the
resistant to digestion and absorption in the human small Dietary Fiber Definition Committee to the Board of Directors of the
intestine. . .promotes beneficial physiological effects including American Association of Cereal Chemists. 2001. The definition of
laxation, and/or blood cholesterol attenuation, and/or glucose dietary fibre. Cereal Foods World 46, 112–129
2002 ‘Dietary Fiber consists of nondigestible carbohydrates and lignin that National Academy of Sciences (2002). Food and Nutrition Board.
are intrinsic and intact in plants. Functional Fiber consists of 2002. Dietary reference intakes. Proposed definition of dietary fiber.
isolated, nondigestible carbohydrates that have beneficial Washington, DC: National Academy Press
physiological effects in humans’
Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources 411

of diet on the reappearance of colon polyps (colon cell growths content expressed on an ‘as is’ basis. Since some methodolog-
that have a 1/20 chance of forming a cancerous tumor) found ical variability is inevitable, the letters ‘E,’ ‘M,’ and ‘P’ in the
no protective effect of dietary fiber. Even though the link right-hand column designate which methods would give TDF
between adenomatous polyps and cancer is not straightfor- values in the range shown. Other methods not included in the
ward, these studies show that more research is needed to comparison are likely to agree with these values. The letter ‘E’
elucidate the relationship between the known physiological refers to NSPs as measured by the Englyst GLC procedure and
benefits of dietary fiber and cancer. includes a lignin value measured separately with potassium
permanganate. The letter ‘M’ refers to the Mongeau rapid
method, and the letter ‘P’ refers to the Prosky method. The
last two methods are gravimetric and include lignin in the final
Sources of Dietary Fiber determination. Table 6 shows a considerable agreement
between methodologies: 33 of 49 foods are designated ‘EMP,’
The TDF content of a food depends on many factors, including meaning that all three methods give similar values. In addition,
(1) the plant variety, (2) the stage of maturity when harvested, three foods are designated ‘MP’ and 13 foods ‘M’ only because
(3) the plant-growing conditions, and (4) the method of food sample size limitations precluded measurement with other
preparation. Although not all the methodological issues have methods. The TDF values are based on winter and summer
been completely resolved with respect to measuring dietary collections of up to 20 individual foods over 30 months in
fiber, there is now general consensus on the TDF content for different locations.
a majority of foods. Most fruits and vegetables contain low amounts of dietary
The names of 49 common dietary fiber sources are provided fiber (1.0–2.2% TDF) on an ‘as is’ basis. Legumes contain
in Table 6. The foods are classified according to their TDF intermediate amounts of dietary fiber (around 4% TDF), and
cereals contain between 1–2.2% TDF (corn kernels) and
Table 6 Sources of dietary fiber 15.5–15.8% TDF (oat bran). The dietary fiber content of
foods is greatly influenced by the moisture content. Thus,
TDFa Foods Methodsb cereal TDF values are high because these foods contain little
moisture (up to 10% at most), whereas fruits and vegetables
0.1–0.5 White rice, cooked M
contain 80–90% moisture on an ‘as is’ basis. The values of
Orange juice from concentrate M
0.6–0.9 Lettuce M
Table 6 are reported as a percentage of weight, but when
Cucumbers EMP calculating dietary fiber intake, it is important to factor in the
Pineapple, melons (cantaloupe) EMP serving size (30 g for breakfast cereals, 50 g for lettuce and
1.0–2.2 White bead EMP raisins, and 125 g for vegetables and fruits). For example, 1
Corn kernel (canned), potatoes (boiled), EMP serving of bran flakes will provide 4 g of dietary fiber, 1
green beans (boiled), cabbage (raw), celery serving of lettuce will provide 0.35 g of TDF, 1 serving of raisins
(raw), onion (cooked), green peppers (raw) will provide about 1.8 g of TDF, and 1 serving of corn will
Cauliflower (cooked), tomatoes M provide about 2 g of TDF.
Apple, bananas, orange, pears, strawberries, EMP
cherries, grapefruit, plums
Apple pie, blueberry pie, pasta (cooked) M
2.3–3.0 Rye bread M See also: Cellulose; Dietary Fiber: Bran; Dietary Fiber: Determination.
Mushroom (E ¼ 2.0) MP
Beets (canned), rutabaga (raw), carrots EMP
(raw), broccoli (raw)
Blueberries (E ¼ 1.9) MP Further Reading
3.1–4.3 Brown rice EMP
Raisins (seedless) M Anderson JW, Allgood LD, Lawrence A, et al. (2000) Cholesterol-lowering effects of
4.4–6.4 Bran muffins, wheat cereal, wholemeal bread EMP psyllium intake adjunctive to diet therapy in men and women with
hypercholesterolemia: meta-analysis of 8 controlled trials. American Journal of
White beans (baked) EMP
Clinical Nutrition 71: 472–479.
Kidney beans (baked), peanut butter M Baintner K (ed.) (1986) Intestinal absorption of macromolecules and immune
6.5–7.3 Peanuts EMP transmission from mother to young. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Green peas (boiled) M Bolton RP, Heaton KW, and Burroughs LF (1981) The role of dietary fibre in satiety,
8.0–9.3 Oatmeal cereal EMP glucose, and insulin: studies with fruit and fruit juice. American Journal of Clinical
9.4–10.3 Shredded wheat EMP Nutrition 34: 211–217.
12.3–13.1 Bran flakes EMP Brown L, Rosner B, Willett W, and Sacks FM (1999) Cholesterol-lowering effects of
15.5–15.8 Oat bran EMP dietary fiber: a meta-analysis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 69: 30–42.
40.6–40.9 AACC hard wheat bran (E ¼ 36.4) MP Brownlee IA (2011) The physiological roles of dietary fibre. Food Hydrocolloids 25(2):
TDF, total dietary fiber range in grams per 100 g on an ‘as is’ basis. Carpita NC (1990) The chemical structure of the cell walls of higher plants.
b In: Krichevsky D, Bonfield C, and Anderson JW (eds.) Dietary fiber: chemistry,
Methods: E, Englyst GLC method plus potassium permanganate lignin; M, Mongeau
physiology, and health effects, pp. 15–30. New York: Plenum Press.
rapid gravimetric method; and P, Prosky gravimetric method.
Cummings JH (1996) The effect of dietary fiber on fecal weight and composition.
Source: Mongeau, R. and Brassard, R. (1989). A comparison of three methods for In: Spiller GA (ed.) Handbook of dietary fiber in human nutrition, pp. 211–280. Boca
analyzing dietary fiber in 38 foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2, Raton, FL: CRC Press.
189–199; Mongeau, R., Brassard, R. and Verdier, P. (1989). Measurement of dietary Dikeman CL and Fahey Jr. GC Jr. (2006) Viscosity as related to dietary fiber: a review.
fiber in a total diet study. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2, 317–326. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 46(8): 649–663.
412 Dietary Fiber: Properties and Sources

Dreher ML (ed.) (1987) Handbook of dietary fiber: an applied approach. New York: Peressini D and Sensidoni A (2009) Effect of soluble dietary fibre addition on
Marcel Dekker. rheological and breadmaking properties of wheat doughs. Journal of Cereal Science
Eastwood M (1990) Function of dietary fibre in the large intestine. In: Southgate DAT, 49(2): 190–201.
Waldron K, Johnson IT, and Fenwick GR (eds.) Dietary fibre: chemical and Rodrı́guez R, Jiménez A, Fernández-Bolaños J, Guillén R, and Heredia A (2006) Dietary
biological aspects, pp. 211–219. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. fibre from vegetable products as source of functional ingredients. Trends in Food
Heaton KW (1995) The dietary fibre concept – time for a re-evaluation? In: Recent Science & Technology 17(1): 3–15.
progress in the analysis of dietary fibre, metabolic and physiological aspects of dietary Rose DJ, DeMeo MT, Keshavarzian A, and Hamaker BR (2007) Influence of dietary fiber
fibre in foods, COST 92, p. 15. Luxembourg: Commission of the European on inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer: importance of fermentation
Communities. pattern. Nutrition Reviews 65(2): 51–62.
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Nutrition Reviews 67(4): 188–205. fibres from different sources: a comparative approach. Food Research International
Kristensen M and Jensen MG (2011) Dietary fibres in the regulation of appetite and food 42(1): 176–184.
intake. Importance of viscosity. Appetite 56(1): 65–70. Selvendran RR and Robertson JA (1990) The chemistry of dietary fibre: an holistic view
Lee SC and Prosky L (1995) International survey on dietary fiber definition, analysis, of the cell wall matrix. In: Southgate DAT, Waldron K, Johnson IT, and Fenwick GA
and reference materials. Journal of AOAC International 78: 22–36. (eds.) Dietary fibre: chemical and biological aspects, pp. 27–43. Cambridge: Royal
Mongeau R and Brassard R (1982) Insoluble dietary fiber from breakfast cereals and Society of Chemistry.
brans: bile salt binding and water-holding capacity in relation to particle size. Cereal Slavin J and Green H (2007) Dietary fibre and satiety. Nutrition Bulletin 32(s1):
Chemistry 59: 413–417. 32–42.
Mongeau R, Scott FW, and Brassard R (1999) Definition and analysis of dietary fiber. Spiller GA (1986) Definition of dietary fiber. In: Spiller GA (ed.) Handbook of dietary
In: Cho SS, Prosky L, and Dreher M (eds.) Complex carbohydrates in foods, fiber in human nutrition, pp. 15–18. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
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O’Shea N, Arendt EK, and Gallagher E (2012) Dietary fibre and phytochemical Nutrition 25: 926–932.
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