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Tesla’s Gambit

Aligning IP Strategy with Business Strategy

By Wendi Backler, Elizabeth Cimaroli, Michael Deimler, and Emily Kos

T wo schools of thought dominate

the realm of intellectual property (IP).
Let’s call them the confrontational and the
The business world, however, is not quite
so binary. Business leaders should not let
the lawyers and the hackers blind them to
collective schools. a broader range of strategies. The ex-
tremes of “sue” and “share” are not the
The confrontational view is built around only options.
asserting and defending legal rights, ex-
tracting royalties, winning judgments, and Tesla Motors seems to be artfully avoiding
ensuring the freedom to operate. The most this false choice. In June, the electric-car
extreme practitioners are so-called patent maker generated tremendous buzz when it
trolls that demand royalties even though announced it would grant competitors ac-
they themselves do not make goods or sup- cess to its patented technology. At first
ply services. blush, this might look like a wholesale IP
giveaway, placing Tesla clearly in the col-
The collective view starts with the premise lective and copyleft school. But a closer
that most innovation is incremental and look shows subtleties in the company’s ap-
that strong IP rights impede progress by proach.
putting up landmines and tollbooths in the
way of subsequent inventors. “Copyleft”
licenses allow free use of copyrighted The Five Dimensions
works so long as modifications to those of IP Strategic Intent
works are also free. This school of thought At BCG, we use five dimensions—referred
originated with hackers and academics and to collectively as the IP strategic-intent
found expression in the development of framework—to think though the most effec-
open-software platforms such as Linux and tive way to use IP to win in the market. Each
its commercial offspring, Android and dimension runs along a continuum between
Chrome OS. the extremes of sue and share, and all five

For more on this topic, go to bcgperspectives.com

need to be both consistent with one another Tesla is trying to expand the size of the pie
and in alignment with the company’s overall over the long term rather than insisting on
business strategy. The five dimensions can taking the largest helping today, as patent
also help tease out the strategic intent of ri- trolls try to do. As the technological leader,
vals’ IP moves. Using this framework to ex- Tesla will presumably profit handsomely
amine Tesla’s decision is revealing. through market expansion.

Strategic Versus Tactical. Does Tesla’s Relationship Oriented Versus Transaction-

move support the company’s long-term al. Is the initiative meant to be enduring
business strategy, or is it more isolated and and mutually beneficial, like the Nike–
opportunistic, as when a company sells a Apple partnership to commercialize Nike +
nonessential part of its IP portfolio? iPod workout-tracking products, or is it a
one-time opportunity?
Verdict: Clearly strategic. Tesla could have
used its strong patent portfolio to discourage Verdict: Somewhere in the middle. Press
rivals. Instead, by removing the threat that it reports indicate that Tesla is working with
will assert its patents, Tesla is trying to shape Nissan and BMW to develop standards for
and accelerate the growth of the industry. charging stations and plugs in order to
The nascent electric-car industry is subject avoid a Betamax–VHS-type stalemate. Tes-
to network effects. The more charging sta- la wants to develop a “common, rapidly
tions and related infrastructure are in place, evolving technology platform,” in Musk’s
the more electric cars will be sold—driving words, but his statement did not refer to
manufacturing costs down. Lower costs will any relationships or partnerships with oth-
increase sales and encourage infrastructure er companies or to making tool kits, anno-
investment: a virtuous cycle. tated designs, or instructions available. The
company does not want to be in the litiga-
Tesla understands that it can’t build the tion business, but it is less clear how close-
industry single-handedly. As the compa- ly it wants to collaborate with others.
ny’s CEO, Elon Musk, wrote on his blog,
“Our true competition is not the small Open Versus Closed. Is the company making
trickle of non-Tesla electric cars being pro- its IP assets widely available, or is it trying to
duced, but rather the enormous flood of gain advantage by keeping its technology
gasoline cars pouring out of the world’s proprietary? (The trade secret protecting the
factories every day.” recipe for Twinkies and the formula for
WD-40 is closed; standards are open.)
The company has announced its intention
to build a $5 billion battery factory—whose Verdict: Open, but with an asterisk. Tesla
output could exceed Tesla’s needs—in has not publicly offered zero-royalty licens-
partnership with Panasonic. Making its es, which would be legally binding. It has
technologies available could encourage simply pledged not to sue other companies
other automakers to buy Tesla batteries, as if they act in “good faith,” a loophole-wor-
Toyota and BMW are already doing, help- thy phrase. Likewise, Tesla’s patents serve
ing the company move down the experi- as collateral to secure financing, so lenders
ence curve. could eventually have a say in their use.
Moreover, the carmaker retains valuable
Value Creating Versus Value Extracting. Is trademark and copyright protections.
Tesla merely trying to extract value from
an established market through aggressive Collective Versus Independent. Is Tesla’s
licensing, or is it trying to create new goal to create common IP assets through
sources of value? collaboration or to go it alone and build
and maintain an IP advantage?
Verdict: Clearly value creating. Electric cars
today have a 1 percent market share. By Verdict: Hard to tell. In many ways, the
making its patents available to competitors, move serves to blur the distinction. Tesla’s

| Tesla’s Gambit 2

discussions with other companies on com- responsibilities spread across legal, R&D,
mon standards and its will-not-sue pledge operations, and individual divisions, consis-
suggest a degree of collective self-interest, tency of IP strategic intent, let alone sub-
but the company has not made any broad- tlety, is hard to achieve.
er promise to help its rivals. In contrast, a
patent pool—such as the one created a de- Inconsistencies in IP strategies can pose a
cade ago to foster radio-frequency identifi- significant risk. Consider Kodak. The com-
cation (RFID) technologies—falls clearly in pany turned to aggressive licensing to stem
the collective camp. losses and help finance its digital transfor-
mation away from film. While that val-
The Overall Verdict. Assessing Tesla’s move ue-extraction strategy provided short-term
using the five dimensions of our IP strate- relief—between 2003 and 2010, Kodak
gic-intent framework reveals how working generated more than $3 billion in IP reve-
between the extremes of sue and share can nue—it may have undermined its long-
significantly enhance an organization’s term strategy, which depended on forging
competitive advantage. partnerships with the very companies it
was accusing of patent infringement. In
Could Tesla have gone further? If its strate- the language of our strategic-intent frame-
gic intent was solely to eliminate barriers work, Kodak’s desire to create long-term
and drive innovation, it could have done relationships was out of sync with its
more, such as devising a copyleft-type li- short-term value-extracting activities. (See
cense or abandoning its patents. But Tesla the exhibit.) Then-CEO Antonio Perez ac-
also has a business to run, so it took a more knowledged this contradiction in the Wall
measured step. Street Journal in 2010. In 2012, Kodak
sought bankruptcy protection (from which
it has since emerged).
Syncing IP and
Business Strategy Given the growing strategic importance of
The broader point is that companies in IP, it’s essential that business leaders re-
general need to be taking a more subtle think their approach—seeking to avoid the
and strategically aligned approach to their perils of inconsistency and chart a subtler
IP. Yet given the fragmented governance course to enhanced competitive advantage
structure for IP in most organizations, with between the extremes of sue and share.

Breaking Down Tesla’s and Kodak’s IP Strategic Intent

Strategic Tactical

Value Creating Value Extracting

Relationship Oriented Transactional

Open Closed

Collective Independent
Share Sue

Tesla’s position Kodak’s position Potential misalignment

Source: Tesla; media reports; BCG analysis.

| Tesla’s Gambit 3

In our experience advising clients, the IP fluent in the arcane intricacies of patent law
strategic-intent framework creates a com- to think strategically about relationship-ori-
mon language that helps senior managers ented versus transactional initiatives, closed
identify and explore a broader range of stra- versus open innovation, and the rest. The
tegic options, assess and ensure the internal framework helps support the critical conver-
consistency of their IP strategy, and break sations needed to ensure that IP strategy is
down the barriers among siloed IP stake- internally consistent and supports the com-
holders. Senior executives do not need to be pany’s overall business strategy.

About the Authors

Wendi Backler is a principal in the Toronto office of The Boston Consulting Group. You may contact her
by e-mail at backler.wendi@bcg.com.

Elizabeth Cimaroli is a partner and managing director in the firm’s Chicago office. You may contact her
by e-mail at cimaroli.elizabeth@bcg.com.

Michael Deimler is a senior partner and managing director in BCG’s Atlanta office. You may contact him
by e-mail at deimler.michael@bcg.com.

Emily Kos is a principal in the firm’s Chicago office. You may contact her by e-mail at kos.emily@bcg.com.

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advi-
sor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all
regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform
their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep in­sight into the dynamics of companies and
markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients
achieve sustainable compet­itive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results.
Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 81 offices in 45 countries. For more information, please
visit bcg.com.

© The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2014.

All rights reserved.

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