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In this Fingerprint experiment, I used three methods to collect my fingerprint

and handprint, through latent, patent and by impression.


In latent
collection I used,
toner powder,
paint brush,
acrylic, bond paper
and clear tape. At
first, I had hard
time getting my
because my hand is
not greasy and the
way I dust my
fingerprint was too
hard. In order for
me to collect my
fingerprint, I had
to put a
moisturizer on my
To be exact I had filmed
myself four times until I
finally nailed to collect
my fingerprints.
When I got to collect
my fingerprints, I lift
my fingerprints twice
since the first lift is not

In getting my
handprint, I did the
same procedure but
used two clear tapes
to lift my handprint.
It was the same
mistake I had in my
first instance I lift
my fingerprint. I put
a lot of toner
powder that’s why
the collection was
not perfect.

In this
procedure, I am
not alone in doing
it, I needed the
help of some
people to finish
the task. To
execute the
collection, I used
an oil-based ink,
rubber (destroyed
slippers), acrylic
and bond paper.
This procedure is
the method used
by police officers
and investigators
to keep record of
fingerprints; the
fingerprints is
used to compare
ythe latent
fingerprints lifted
from crime

In this procedure, someone help me to get the impression of my handprint

and fingerprint by using a cloth, tissue, clingwrap, plastic spoon, container,
gypsum and alginate. Investigators use impressions to have a 3d figure of hands,
footprints or even weapons or instruments used to commit crimes.
First step: The alginate is mixed
with water.

Second step: When the alginate and water

is mixed properly. Pour the alginate onto
Third step: Wait for the alginate to

Fourth Step: When the

alginate is already dry, gently
move the fingers first and
carefully remove the hands
into the molded alginate.
Fifth step. Mix the gypsum with

Sixth step. Pour the gypsum onto the

molded alginate.
Seventh step: Let the gypsum dry
for about 20-30 minutes.

Eighth step: Carefully remove the


1. It was my first time to know that in
collecting fingerprints, there are
different procedures or modes.
Fingerprints can be seen anywhere
but it is hard to collect a fingerprint
if it was done in a wrong way;
2. Learning and studying forensics
needs passion. Forensics is not an
easy subject. Forensics must be
observant and focused, one mistake
the evidence in the crime scene
might be gone;
3. Police officers and investigators
have different way of collecting
fingerprint. Need to be gentle in
lifting fingerprints. Fingerprint is a
key element in linking the crime
scene to the suspect.

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