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The Curse of the Mummy


Answer key  答案
BEFORE READING 1 b woke up e tents
1 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c c drawing f dream
2 Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the d outside
answers now. They will find out as they read that the 2 a light d hole
answers are: b camp e golden
a2 b3 c4 d1 c statue f star
3 The answer to question ‘g’ is ‘Hathor’.
pp. 8–9 GUESS WHAT
READING CHECK Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the
b T answers now. They will find out as they read that the
c T answers are:
d F (Tutankhamun died when he was very young.) 1a 2c 3a 4a
e F (Some French artists came to visit on September
12th 1922.) pp. 26–27
g F (Tariq doesn’t like Mr Ayrton. / Tariq likes Anne.) Many important people come to see the opening of
WORD WORK Tutankhamun’s tomb. Mr Carter is going to photograph
1 b 4 c 9 d 8 e 2 f 5 g 6 h 1 i 7 and write about all the things in the tomb before
2 b bird e treasure sending them to the museum in Cairo. Carter and his
c dig f tomb men find pens, games, shirts and a beautiful golden
d artist g sand chair in the first room of the tomb. After seven weeks of
GUESS WHAT hard work there are no more things in it. Then Carter
Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the and his men can go through into the second room. This
answers now. They will find out as they read that the room has pictures of King Tutankhamun and his wife,
answers are: Ankhesenamun, on its walls. After work Tariq sleeps,
a, c, e and f. and he has a dream about being King Tutankhamun. He
sees Ankhesenamun in his sleep. She has the face of
pp. 14–15 the French artist, Anne.
b Mr Carter e Mr Carter b Ancient g poison
c Mr Carter f Lord Carnarvon c god h shrine
d Karim g Tariq d palaces i burial
WORD WORK e Queen j around
1 b broken d snake f lie k side
c cover e spirit GUESS WHAT
2 b steps d hope Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the
c seals e walls answers now. They will find out as they read that the
GUESS WHAT answers are:
Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the a No b Yes c No d Yes e No f Yes
answers now. They will find out as they read that the
answers are: pp. 32–33
a + h Tariq thinks he sees Anne one night. READING CHECK
b + g Carter’s men find a second door to the tomb. 1 b T
c + l Carter, Carnarvon and Tariq look at the things c F (Tariq is sorry when Lord Carnarvon dies.)
through a hole in the door. d T
d + j Carter, Carnarvon, Evelyn and Tariq go into the e F (Tariq doesn’t feel happy about opening the
tomb with lights one night. mummy.)
e + i Evelyn and Tariq are afraid of the spirit of f F (Tariq’s father writes to him.)
Tutankhamun. g F (Tariq goes to work in Cairo.)
f + k Carter and Carnarvon leave the tomb last of all. 2 b T c LC d HC e HC f T g HC
pp. 20–21 b bite e sure
READING CHECK c dangerous f coffin, sarcophagus
b The seals on the tomb door are not all broken. d curse g inside
c Tariq can see golden animals through the tomb door. GUESS WHAT
d Carter, Carnarvon, Tariq and Evelyn go into the Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the
tomb at 2 a.m. answers now. They will find out as they read that the
e There is a door in the tomb between two black answers are:
statues of Tutankhamun. a 2 b 1 c 3 d 1 (or 3)
f Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter go through this
door. pp. 40–41
g Tariq and Evelyn leave the tomb because they are READING CHECK
afraid. b 1 c 5 d 2 e 6 f 8 g 3 h 10 i 7 j 9

书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘光盘版) 第一级
The Curse of the Mummy

Answer key  答案
WORD WORK f Can they open the door? Yes, they can.
b key e food
c film star f wine 5 Tariq’s dream
d bacteria b (1) At first, Tariq saw Anne in the desert.
GUESS WHAT d (2) Then, he saw something in the sand.
Open answers a (3) Later, a mummy came out of the sand and took
pp. 42–46 c (4) In the end, Tariq woke up from his dream.
PROJECT 拓展训练 Finding the tomb
Annie’s Diary d (1) At first, they moved all the stones.
1 a It’s golden, hot and wonderful. a (2) Then, Howard Carter looked at the seals on the
b She feels sad because they’re/she’s there for only door.
two weeks. c (3) Later, Howard Carter made a hole in the door
c She wants to go back and stay there for longer. and looked into the tomb.
d She went to the Valley of the Kings. b (4) In the end, Tariq went into the tomb with
e She is drawing lots of pictures. Howard Carter.
f She met a young Egyptian man in the Valley.
g He helped her to find her Egyptian bracelet when it Going into the tomb
fell into the sand. c (1) At first, they made a hole in the door.
h She thinks it was nice of him to help her, but she d (2) Then, they went into the tomb and looked at the
doesn’t think Mr Ayrton was very happy about it. treasures.
i She must be careful. b (3) Later, Tariq and Evelyn waited outside.
2 France is cold, dark and strange. I’m not very happy a (4) In the end, they closed the hole and left the
because it’s wintertime here. I want to go back to Egypt! tomb.
I’m not drawing much these days. This morning, I went 6 b chair countable
to the Art School. I met Mr Ayrton in his office, but he c food uncountable
didn’t speak to me. I think it was crazy of me to like d game countable
him. I must leave Paris soon. e gold uncountable
3 Open answers. f jewel countable
g money uncountable
A box of your things h museum countable
4 1  d basket of fruit 3  a board game 5  f child’s throne i noise countable
2  c wine jar 4  e ear-rings 6  b head-rest j poison uncountable
5 1  f mobile phone 3  b Game Boy 5  c hamburger k statue countable
2  d can 4  a baseball cap 6  e skateboard l sand uncountable
6 Open answers m thief countable
7 Open answers n tomb countable
o treasure uncountable
pp. 47–53 p wine uncountable
1 b works 7 b any
c writes c some
d take d a
e gives e a lot of
f dig f many
g doesn’t want g some
h doesn’t like h some
2 b Tariq always feels cold at night. 8 Regular verbs: dreaming, marrying, saying, working
c They usually stop for lunch at midday. Verbs ending in consonant + -e: hoping, making, waking
d Visitors often come to the Valley of the Kings but Verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant: digging,
they don’t usually stay there. putting, sitting
e Tariq never goes to the cinema. Verbs ending in -ie: dying
f Tariq doesn’t often meet beautiful girls. 9 b are saying
3 b can’t c isn’t listening
c can’t d is looking
d must e are visiting
e can’t f is helping
f must g are looking
g can h is drawing
i isn’t feeling
4 b Can Karim speak English? No, he can’t. j feeling
c Can Howard Carter understand old Egyptian seals?
Yes, he can. 10 b working
d Can Tariq tell his diary everything? Yes, he can. c meeting
e Can Lord Carnarvon come to Egypt quickly? No, he d talking
can’t. e living

书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘光盘版) 第一级
The Curse of the Mummy

Answer key  答案
f feeling c What did Karim find in the sand? A step.
g putting, sending d Who did they wait for to open the tomb? Lord
11 b When did Howard Carter finish working in the e Where did they send the treasures from the tomb?
Valley of the Kings? To the museum.
c Why did Anne stop meeting Mr Ayrton? f What was in the burial room? A golden shrine.
d Who does Tariq like talking to? g How did Lord Carnarvon die? From a mosquito
e Where does Anne love living? bite.
12 b How old was Tutankhamun when he died? h Did Anne remember Tariq when she met him
Eighteen. again? Yes, she did.

书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘光盘版) 第一级

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