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Curse of
of the Mummy
the Mummy
Dominoes one

SETTING 18 Tariq wrote about his feelings in his ___.

Choose the best answer. a office b diary c dreams d work

1 There were many tombs of dead Egyptian kings in the ___ of 19 Anne wanted to be free of Mr Ayrton and she left his ___ in
the Kings. front of Tutankhamun ‘s golden shrine.
a Country b Garden c Hill d Valley a bracelet b jewels c money d pictures
2 There was a lot of ___ on Tutankhamun’s tomb. 20 People said Lord Ay killed Tutankhamun with ___.
a rain b sand c smoke d water a bacteria b a curse c poison d snakes
3 Tariq’s father and Mr Carter often met in the ___ in Cairo. 20 marks
a cinema b hospital c museum d office
4 Mr Carter and about twenty people lived in a ___ in the DIALOGUE
desert. Who said this?
a camp b street c town d village
21 ‘He died when he was one year older than me.’
5 Tariq’s friend, Karim, slept in the next ___. a Ankhesenamun b Karim c Tariq

a bed b house c room d tent d Tutankhamun
6 They first looked into the tomb of Tutankhamun through a 22 ‘Only one more year looking for Tutankhamun, Howard.’
little hole in a ___. a Lord Ay b Lord Carnarvon c Mr Carter
a door b step c wall d window d Tariq’s father
7 Tariq waited ___and looked at the night sky. 23 ‘We must stop digging at once and never, never open the boy
a downstairs b inside c outside king’s tomb’
d in the camp a Mr Carter b Maria Corelli c Karim d Tariq
8 Newspaper men and interested people came to see the tomb 24 ‘Oh Father, you’re very tired and ill.’
from all over ___. a Anne b Evelyn c Karim d Tariq
a Africa b America c Europe d the world
25 ‘We may find pictures on the walls or mummies or other
9 People in England were afraid of the curse and sent their beautiful things.’
treasures to the museum in ___. a Anne b Ankhesenamun c Mr Ayrton
a Cairo b Paris c London d New York d Lord Carnarvon
10 Tutankhamun couldn’t go out of his ___ very often because 26 ‘Lord Ay is watching me all the time now, and I am afraid.’
people thought he was a god. a Anne b Ankhesenamun c Mr Ayrton
a building b country c palace d tomb d Lord Carnarvon

20 marks 27 ‘The poison from a bad mosquito bite killed him.’

a Mr Carter b Maria Corelli c Karim
d Tutankhamun
Choose the best answer. 28 ‘Tutankhamun can’t be angry with anybody any more.’
a Lord Ay b Mr Carter c Maria Corelli
11 Tariq was an Egyptian ___.
d Karim
a artist b film star c photographer
d teacher 29 ‘I like her and she’s a very good artist.’
a Lord Ay b Lord Carnarvon c Tariq’s father
12 Lord Carnarvon, a rich friend of Mr Carter, was interested in
d Tutankhamun
old Egyptian ___.
a bicycles b films c newspapers d treasures 30 ‘Let’s go to the museum. You’ve got your key, haven’t you?’
a Anne b Mr Ayrton c Evelyn d Tariq’s father
13 Tariq was in love with ___ and wanted to marry her.
a Ankhesenamun b Anne c Evelyn 20 marks
d Maria Corelli
14 Many people thought the spirit of Tutankhamun was ___ with VOCABULARY
Lord Carnarvon. Choose the best answer.
a angry b friendly c happy d pleased
31 not thinking very well
15 Mr Ayrton was in Egypt to ___ old Egyptian treasures. a ancient b broken c crazy d strange
a get b draw c photograph d write about
32 to take away sand and earth
16 Mr Carter worked slowly and ___ and he wasn’t a tomb thief. a cover b dig c lie d marry
a badly b carefully c easily d noisily
33 you use this to speak
17 Anne had beautiful ___ eyes and a strong face. a music b spirit c statue d voice
a blue b dark c green d light

Dominoes 1/2 
1/2 © Oxford university press  Photocopiable
The Curse of
of the
the Mummy

34 to want something to be true

a curse b dream c hope d wake up
35 to make a picture with a pen or pencil
a colour b draw c learn d watch
36 a far away sun that gives light in the night sky
a jewel b shrine c star d treasure
37 a box usually has six of these
a pieces b sides c steps d walls
38 you eat this
a hungry b food c poison d wine
39 these very small things can make you ill
a bacteria b curses c drinks d holes
40 you can close or open a door with this

a hole b key c seal d stone

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
41 Karim found the first ancient ___ in the sand.
a jewel b game c pen d step
42 They knew it was Tutankhamun’s tomb from the ___ on
the door.
a letters b people c pictures d seals
43 Mr Carter’s helpers began ___ very early in the morning and
stopped when it got dark.
a drawing b digging c filming d writing
44 They covered the door and steps with ___ and waited two
weeks for Lord Carnarvon.
a newspapers b poison c sand d water
45 In Tariq’s dream a mummy came and took ___ down into the
a Ankhesenamun b Anne c him d Karim
46 Tariq went into the tomb at night with ___ when the other
workers were sleeping.
a a camera b Karim c his father d lights
47 There was something ___ between Tutankhamun, Tariq,
Ankhesenamun and Anne.
a bad b dangerous c sad d strange
48 It wasn’t a golden wall. It was one side of a tall, golden ___.
a coffin b sarcophagus c shrine d statue
49 When they opened the stone sarcophagus, they found a
golden ___ inside.
a burial room b coffin c shrine d statue
50 Mr Carter found a small fourth room with thirty bottles
of ___.
a baby food b milk c poison d wine

20 marks

Total marks

DOMINOES One 2/2  © Oxford university press  Photocopiable

The Curse
The Curseofofthe Mummy
the Mummy

Test Key
1 d 6 a
2 b 7 c
3 c 8 d
4 a 9 c
5 d 10 c
11 a 16 b
12 d 17 b
13 b 18 b
14 a 19 a
15 a 20 c
21 c 26 b
22 b 27 a
23 c 28 b
24 b 29 c
25 d 30 a
31 c 36 c
32 b 37 b
33 a 38 b
34 c 39 a
35 b 40 b
41 d 46 d
42 d 47 d
43 b 48 c
44 c 49 b
45 b 50 d

DOMINOES One 1/1  © Oxford university press  Photocopiable


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