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Chapter I: Introduction to Accounting

What is Accounting? Accountancy in the Philippines

 Accounting is the process of identifying, The seeds of Philippines accountancy as a
measuring, and communicating economic recognized profession were planted on March 17,
information to permit informed judgments 1928, when Act No. 3105 was approved by the 6th
and decisions by users of information Legislature entitled:
(AAA). “An Act Regulating the Practice of Public
 It is a system that measures business Accounting; Creating the Board of Accountancy;
activities, processes given information into Providing for Examination, for the Granting of
reports, and communicates findings to Certificates, and the Registration of Certified Public
decision makers (PICPA) Accountants, for the Suspension or Revocation of
Certificates; and for Other Purposes.”
Nature of Accounting Since then, both the profession and the body
Accounting is the language of business. It is that regulates it (BOA) have grown rapidly. From 43
the tool used to communicate financial information registered accountants in 1923, the number of
to users of economic/business entity. CPAs has grown to over 190,000 as at today.

Accountants Accounting Users  Don Vicente Fabella- First Filipino CPA in

the United States (Passed the Milwaukee,
Economic/Business Entity- Any organization that Wisconsin CPA Board Exams in 1915), and
uses resources to achieve its goals and objectives. founder of Jose Rizal University in 1919.
Two types:  Belen Enrile-Gutierrez- First Filipina CPA
 For-profit- entities who generate and one of the seven original trustees of
income from their operation. FEU in 1933.
 Nonprofit- entities who carry out
charitable operation. On May 13, 2004, Republic Act No. 9298,
Users of Information- Group of persons who are known as the “Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004”
interested in the financial information of the was signed into law by President Gloria
business. There are two kinds of users—External Macapagal-Arroyo repealing the Presidential
and Internal. Decree No. 692, the Revised Accountancy Law. It
is the governing law that regulates the practice of
History & Origin of Accounting accountancy in the Philippines since.
Scholars believe that accounting originates Function of Accounting in Business
from the early ancient civilizations. The primary function of accounting is to provide
 Scribes in ancient Egypt were known to quantitative financial information that is useful in
keep thorough records of the inventory of making economic decision. These financial
goods for the pharaoh. information are expressed and stated in a set of
 In Mesopotamia, records of commerce had reports called Financial Statements.
been inscribed on clay tables. Five major kinds of Financial Statements:
 Statement of Comprehensive Income- Also
However, it was not until the 14th century known as Profit/Loss Statement and Income
that Statement. It shows the result of the
a system of bookkeeping was introduced. company’s performance as a result of
Luca Pacioli- Franciscan friar and a mathematician operations at a particular period of time.
who published the “Summa de Arithmetica,  Statement of Changes in Equity- Provides
Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita information about the entity’s financial and
(Everything about Arithmetic, Geometry, and investing activities. This includes
Proportion)” in 1494 which introduced the double- investments and withdrawals of owners.
entry bookkeeping. He is then called the Father of  Statement of Financial Position- Presents
Double-Entry Bookkeeping”. the entity’s assets, liabilities, and capital at a
given point in time.
 Statement of Cash Flows-Provides nowadays. It is important then that
information about the entity’s cash inflows accountants continuously develop a working
and outflows resulting from its operations, and strategic knowledge of these
investments, and financing. technological advancements to better
 Notes to Financial Statements- Provides perform their work.
additional information to help explain
specific items in the record. Core Values of Accountants (AICPA)

Core Competencies of Accountants  Competence- It is one’s ability to perform

Core competencies are a unique high quality work in a capably, efficient, and
combination of human skills, knowledge, and appropriate manner (AICPA). A professional
technology that provides value and result to the accountant should perform professional
users (AICPA). services with due care, competence, and
diligence and has a continuing duty to
 Communication Skills- Accountants make maintain professional knowledge and skill at
financial reports and translate these to help a level required to ensure that a client or
the users of accounting information easily employer receives the advantage of
digest them. They need to have good competent professional service based on
communication skills to effectively up-to-date developments in practice,
understand the explicit and implied needs of legislation, and techniques.
their clientele. Without this skill, an  Continuing Education and Lifelong
accountant will not be able to properly Learning- Learning does not stop at school
convey the meaning of accounting or when accountants have already received
information to other people in the business. their certification. The business world is
 Leadership Skills- A leader is someone who changing every moment and the only way to
can influence, inspire, and motivate others adapt to the changing business environment
to achieve results. Accountants need to is to learn new things every time.
have this set of skills because the  Objectivity- Accountants are entrusted with
information that they provide to people in information and their responsibility is to deal
the business is used to make wise decision. with information without personal bias and
 Strategic and Critical Thinking Skills-Critical ensure that this will be free from distortions.
thinkers are problem solvers, and being  Integrity- It is conducting oneself with
able to think critically is important in honesty and professional ethics.
accounting. In the field, accountants are Accountants, especially the certified ones,
faced with many challenges, one of which is owe it to the public that the accounting
linking the data gathered to arrive at an information they provide is true and
insightful advice toward strategic decision accurate.
making.  Attuned to Broad Business Issues-
 Ability to Focus- Accountant’s primary Accountants must be in tune with the overall
objective is to provide financial information realities of the business (AICPA). They must
to its users. If they were unable to focus, have a deep understanding of the business
they will be sidetracked to other unimportant environment in the local and global settings.
concerns that will hinder them from This understanding will lead them to a
achieving their goal. sound interpretation of financial information.
 Ability to Interpret Converging Information-
Accountants must continuously deal with Fundamental Principles that Must Be Observed
wide range and varying information to By Accountants (PICPA)
provide insightful interpretations that are
timely and of value.  Integrity- A professional accountant should
 Adeptness with Technology- The current be straightforward and honest in performing
technological trends and inventions are professional services.
reshaping business functions and activities
 Objectivity- A professional accountant
should be fair and should not allow
prejudice or bias, conflict of interest, or
influence of others to override objectivity.
 Professional Competence and Due Care- A
professional accountant should perform
professional services with due care,
competence, and diligence. He/She has a
continuing duty to maintain professional
knowledge and skill at a level required to
ensure that a client or employer receives
the advantage of competent professional
service based on up-to-date developments
in practice, legislation, and techniques.
 Confidentiality- Accountants should respect
the confidentiality of information acquired
during the course of performing professional
services and should not use or disclose any
such information without proper and specific
authority or unless there is a legal or
professional right or duty to disclose it.
 Professional Behavior- A professional
accountant should act in a manner
consistent with the good reputation of the
profession and refrain from any conduct
which might bring discredit to the
 Technical Standards- A professional
accountant should carry out professional
services in accordance with the relevant
technical and professional standards.
He/She should conform to the technical and
professional standards of the Board of
Accountancy (BOA) or Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC), Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC), Auditing
and Assurance Standard Council (AASC),
Accounting Standards Council (ASC), and
other relevant legislation.

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