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Conducted towards the partial fulfillment & requirement For the Award of the Degree of
‘Master of Business Administration’.

UNDER GUIDANCE OF: Corporate guide:

MR.hitesh kar mR. b.n.dash.
Asst. – professor SR. manager-CUSTOMER CARE
Marketing (FACULTY) (Bajaj electricalS ltd.)

Submitted bY: Mr. sandip Shannigrahi

Reg. no.: 1106247152
batch: 2011-13


I, Sandip Shannigragi, hereby declare that, the project entitled

“Traders and customers satisfaction on Bajaj Electricalas Ltd
in Kolkata market” is submitted by me to Bajaj Electricals Ltd.,
based on a research study conducted and presented towards the partial
fulfillment for the Award of the degree - ‘Master of Business
The report is based on my own work experience during the one and half
months with the organization.

Date: signature


This is to certify that the project work entitled “Traders and Customers satisfaction of Bajaj

Electricals Ltd. in Kolkata city” is a piece of work done by Mr. Sandip Shannigrahi (Reg.

no.- 1106247152), student of Regional college of Management Autonomous, Bhubaneswar

(RCM), under my guidance and supervision for the partial fulfillment of the course Master of

Business Administration under BPUT .

To the best of my knowledge and belief the thesis embodies the work of the candidate himself

and has been duly completed. Simultaneously, the project fulfills the requirements of the rules

and regulations related to the summer internship of the institute and I am assured that the project

is up to the standard both in respect to the contents and language for being referred to the


Prof. Hitesh Kar

Faculty Marketing

Regional College of Management Autonomous


This is to certify that, Mr. Sandip Shannigrahi; a student of MBA (Marketing &
Finance) bearing Regd. No. 1106247152 of Regional College of Management
Autonomous, Bhubaneswar has successfully completed the Summer Internship
Project from 15th May to 30th June, 2012 under my guidance. The topic covered by
him is “Traders and Customers Satisfaction towards Bajaj Electricals Ltd. in
Kolkata City”.

During his tenure his conduct found satisfactory.

We wish him all success for his future.

For Bajaj Electricals Limited

Mr.B.N. Dash

Senior Manager & Head –Customer Care

Bajaj Electricals Limited, Kolkata, West Bengal.


It is impossible to thank the people who have helped me prepare my project, but I would like to

take the opportunity to express my profound gratitude and indebtedness to the following.

I am expressing my deep gratitude to ‘Bajaj Electricals Ltd’ for giving an opportunity to do a

project on ‘Traders and Customers satisfaction towards Bajaj Electricals Limited in
Kolkata city’ and study under them....

I would like to thanks Mr. B. N. Dash (Senior Manager-Customer-Care, Bajaj Electricals

Ltd. in Kolkata) for assisting & guiding me throughout the training programme.

I am also extremely grateful to my project guide Mr. Hitesh Kar (Astt. Prof. Marketing,
RCM) for assisting and guiding me throughout the project. I am very grateful to RCM for
providing me the opportunity of taking up such a practical project which gave me a firsthand
useful experience.

Last but not the least; I also like to thanks all the respondents & friends and
dealers/distributors, customers for giving me their precious time, relevant information and
experience, without which the project would have been a different story.

Sandip Shannigrahi


Page no.

a) Executive Summary 7

b) Chapter- 1
1. Introduction 8
2. Objective of the project 12
3. Scope 13
4. Limitation 14
c) Chapter – 2
1. Research Methodology 16

d) Chapter – 3
1. Company Profile 19

e) Chapter – 4
1. Data Analysis & Interpretation 38

f) Chapter – 5
1. Findings 78
2. Suggestions 79
3. Conclusion 80

g) Questionnaire 81


As the title of the project suggests, this project is all about the study of the “Traders & Customers

Satisfaction towards Bajaj Electricals Limited in Kolkata City”. Trader’s satisfaction is one of

the most important factors for a manufacturing company as they distribute the products to the

customers from the company and they have direct contact with the customers.

As there is tough competition in the market of home appliance it is very much important for

Bajaj Electricals to have satisfied trade partners and Customers. A satisfied customer is an asset

for the company who will make repeat purchase and bring new customers.

As this is all about the detail study of Home Appliances product in KAOLKATA market, a lot

of survey is conducted, by which all the primary information about the level of satisfaction of

dealer and customer were collected. In this process several distributors, dealers, customers were

surveyed. All the required secondary information is gathered from the company as well as from

the internet, books and journals. In order to find out the Brand & their price preference, service

level, product quality, margin, promotional offer, after sale service they want from the company,

a questionnaire has been prepared. The questionnaire for the existing dealers and customers will

help to interpret the satisfaction level of Traders & Customers. At last by analyzing the response

of the questionnaire by different charts and we can draw a conclusion about the Traders and

Customers Satisfaction towards Bajaj Electricals.



Marketing is essentially about marshalling the resources of an organization so that they

meet the changing needs of customers on whom the organization depends. As a verb, marketing

is all about how an organization addresses its markets.

Marketing is “The management process which identifies anticipates and supplies

customer requirements efficiently and profitably”.

“Marketing is a total system of interesting business activities defined to Plan, piece,

promote and distribution want satisfying products & services to present and potential consumers”

- William. J. Stantion

“Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the follow of goods and

services from the producer to the consumer or user”

- American Marketing Association

A social and managerial process, by which individuals and groups obtain what they need

and want, through creating and exchanging product and value with others.
Customer satisfaction begins with a difficult faith; it starts with a commitment to deliver the

result for each customer which is also a concern of the dealers. Hence for a manufacturing

company, in order to satisfy its customers, it is highly important to satisfy its dealers, as they are

the direct customers to them. Establishing satisfaction as the ultimate goal is like the other

ultimate goals of business pursuit of higher profits or shareholders wealth. Perfect dealer service

or satisfaction is one that meets the combined need satisfaction is a systemized service that

involves the entire organization. But many organizations have yet to develop this kind of

awareness of dealer satisfaction strategy.

Dealer Satisfaction begins with the following specific assumptions about company’s

relationship with the customers.

1. The dealer service activities focus mainly on existing dealers.

2. Some dealers are more important than others

3. They are the assets.

4. The dealer is always specific.

The dealer needs and value should influence every aspect of the organization strategy,

employee safety and performance, product and organization strategy, employee safety and

performance, product and service development, sales and marketing programs, operational

procedures and information and measurement system.

Understanding the dealer is critical to the success of any customer focus initiative, the

first step in understanding the dealers is to listen to them. A company needs to hear what its

dealers are saying about its people, product service and vision. Their information helps to

develop meaningful product and service.

Organizations need to listen to their dealer satisfied, dissatisfied neutral and prospective.

As one company executive said, “talking to a satisfied customer is talking to myself”.

In the past, dealer satisfaction and service was the responsibility of a separate

organization that supported the dealer primarily after the sale. Today, service is also likely to be

interested with the every product accompany offers.

High dealer satisfaction comes from providing effective services. But giving that service

is a continuous activity. It means being efficient, reliable, courteous, curing and professional

every time.


As there are a large number of dealers dealing with Bajaj Home Appliances Products,

the study was conducted to know the dealers satisfaction towards Bajaj Electricals. This

in turn enables the company to enhance its stringent competitiveness in the Home

Appliances market.

Also this study was conducted to know the satisfaction level of the customers who are

using Bajaj Home Appliances Products as customer satisfaction provides a leading

indicator of consumer purchase intentions and loyalty. Also it helps to gain new

customer and retention of existing customer.


Objectives are the end towards which activity aimed; the end result to be achieved. No enterprise

or an organization can accomplish its task until it has some defined objective.

Likewise no research work can carried out until and unless it has some objective. The objective

of my research study is based on the criteria which are follows:-

 To find out dealers satisfaction level with Bajaj Electricals Limited.

 To find out factors influencing dealers to deal with Bajaj Home Appliances Products.

 To identify dealer’s suggestions with respect to Bajaj Electricals Limited.

 To know the satisfaction level of customers towards Bajaj Home Appliances Products.

 To know the customers preference on which basis they choose a brand.

 To know importance of after sales service for satisfaction of customers.

 To find out if there is any need of changing products attributes.

 To identify customer’s suggestions with respect to Bajaj Home Appliances Products.


1. This project study is carried out for academic purpose and for partial fulfillment of MBA


2. Scope of my study is limited to the geographical area of Kolkata.

3. The study is concerned with the service quality of Bajaj for satisfaction of its dealers and


4. All findings and recommendations are based on the analysis of dealers & customers opinion.

5. The data available from Bajaj dealers and customer helped company to make necessary

changes in product and their service.


The project suffers from the following limitations due to the inherent and restrictive nature of the

study undertaken:

1. Project duration is very short to carry out such a project work.

2. The study was limited to the geographical area of Kolkata.

3. The sample size is limited.

4. Getting accurate information from the respondents due to their inherent problems. They may

be partial or refuse to co-operate.

5. Concern person of shop keeping in charge will always change, so that their assessment of the

product and the relationship with the company officials could not be adequate.




Research methodology describes how the research study was undertaken. This includes the

specifications of research design, source of data, method of data collection, the sampling method

and the tools used:


The study is conducted in Kolkata City.


The duration of project work is about 45 days.


The research design used in this project by the researcher is the descriptive research


Descriptive research design:

 Determining the relationship between two are more variables.

 It is well structured.

 It is more economical, we can gather more information.

 Problems can be found after the questionnaire preparation.

 It needs less time.



Population for this research is set of dealers and customers those who are dealing

with Bajaj Home Appliances Products in Kolkata City.

Sample units:

The sampling units used by the researcher for this research, are those who are

dealing Roots Auto Products.

Sample size:

The number of samples collected by the researcher is 20 dealers and 30 customers.

Sampling procedure / Sampling method:

The sampling method used for this study is non-profitability convenience

sampling, which is selected according to the easy and convenience of the researcher.


Primary data:

The researcher collected both by direct survey from the retailers through

questionnaire & interview schedule. The researcher used structured non-disguised


Secondary data:

Here the researcher collected secondary data from the company profile, industry

profile and official web sites.


Research instrument used for data collecting is questionnaire and interview



The questionnaire is prepared in a well-structured and non-disguised form so that

it is easily understandable and answerable by everyone. The type of questions include in the

questionnaire are open-ended questions, multiple choice questions and dichotomous questions.

Interview Schedule

The interview method of collecting data involves presentation of oral-verbal

stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal responses. Then the responses are filled up in the

questionnaire, for further analysis.


The researcher carries out analysis through various statistical tools. The statistical

analysis is useful for drawing inference from the collected information.

 Simple percentage analysis.

 Cross - Tabulation




The bajaj group of India owes immense gratitude to their founding father whose vision

and dedication over the years has greatly helped to build a business house that can set

standard in Indian industry.

Jamnalal Bajaj was the founding father of the Bajaj Group. The adopted 'fifth' son of Mahatma

Gandhi, and the 'merchant prince' who held the wealth he created in trust for the people of

his country, Trust - a simple word that contains a whole philosophy handed down by

Jamnalal Bajaj to his successors. He valued honesty over profit.

kamalnayan Bajaj, elder son of Jamnalal Bajaj, followed footsteps of his illustrious father and

consolidated the Bajaj foundation. With characteristic foresight and pragmatic; vision, he

launched a steady diversification programme which gave the current name "Bajaj" both its

shape and size. His unique management style created a work culture that matched well with the

national spirit he had inherited.

Ramkrishna Bajaj took over the reins of the "Bajaj group" in 1972 after Kamalnayan Bajaj and

steered the Group from strength to strength for over 22 years. He had also actively participated in

the freedom struggle of the country. In post independent India, he had led the youth movement.

Shekhar Bajaj, Chairman & Managing Director of Bajaj Electricals Ltd., started his career with

Bajaj Sevashrarn after which he worked at Bajaj International, the groups export company. Mr.

Shekhar Bajaj joined Bajaj Electricals in 1980, became the Managing Director in 1987 and took

over as the Chairman and Managing Director in 1994. .

People don't just bring their brains to work: they also bring their hearts and soul. They want to

feel passionate about what they are doing and be a part of whatever is great. We at Bajaj

Electricals Limited, recognize this truism and seek out and strike a dialogue straight with the

hearts and souls) of our employees. Here is a quote from Mr. Shekhar Bajaj, our Chairman and

Managing Director -

"Every individual has the potential to perform if he or she gets proper motivation, the right

opportunity and the freedom to work. In the long run success is achieved when ordinary

people perform extraordinarily. It is important to keep an open mind rather than drawing

preconceived impressions about people. More often that not, such impressions will be

proven wrong."

Faster, Higher, Stronger - is our maxim, our way of individual and organizational performance.

This is how we managed a successful business turnaround in Bajaj Electricals Ltd - with and

through each one of our employees. And not only our excellent brand of products, our people

provide an excellent competitive advantage to us.

We are looking at collaboration for our luminaries business through a licensing agreement as there

is a need for technologically superior products which are state-of-the art. We are in advanced

discussions. I cannot disclose anything further at this stage," Bajaj Electricals chief operating

officer and president R Ramakrishnan said.

The luminaire business is one of the five special business units (SBUs) of the company. The

others are appliances, pans, lighting and the engineering business. Bajaj Electrical luminaires find

applications in the engineering, power, steel, cement, fertilizer, chemical and petrochemical


Earlier, Bajaj Electricals had entered into a licensing agreement with Morphy Richards of the

UK for its irons. This tie-up also entails a technology transfer.

The company is targeting revenues of Rs 1,500 crore by the year 2009-10.

"The biggest contributor to this will be the engineering business. Till recently, we were

only into the manufacture of power transmission towers. Now, we will be installing them

too," Mr Ramakrishnan added. The engineering and projects business is also the fastest growing


This business has an order book of over Rs 150 crore and has grown by over 85%, senior

company executives said. The company clocked net sales of Rs 505.26 crore in the last fiscal and
is expected to add around 25% to its top line this fiscal, he said. The company which had been

facing tough times a few years back has bounced back after the implementation of a restructuring


This entailed the reorganization in to five SBUs, brand building, and a growth of revenues.

Last year, the company also came out with a rights issue at premium of Rs 15 per share. Further,
the company also of out of the die-casting business by giving a VRS at the plant, selling the
development rights of the land and entering into a non-compete clause with a competitor.

Revamp helps Bajaj Electricals Turn Around

Hindu Business line

January 31, 2005

K. Giriprakash

V. K. Varadarajan

Bangalore Jan 30, 2005: BAJAJ Electricals has restructured its entire operations, including

shutting down some of its loss-making ventures, as part of its plans to turnaround the company.

Bajaj Electricals' President and Chief Operating Officer, Mr R. Ramakrishnan, told Business

Line that the restructuring has helped the company to turnaround and now it expects to double

its revenues to about Rs 1,000 crore within three years. The company hopes to end the current

fiscal with a revenue of around Rs 730 crore, an increase of 20 per cent over fiscal 2008-09.

Mr Ramakrishnan said it had roped in Accenture Consulting to chart out a turnaround for

the company. As per the new plan, Bajaj Electricals dropped its matrix structure for its

organisation in favour of separate business units for each of its businesses.

It now has five separate business units - engineering and projects, luminaire, appliances, fans and

lighting. "Each of these units compete as separate businesses with its, competitors," Mr

Ramakrishnan said. The company also got rid of unviable businesses.

For example, it shut down its diecast operations and offered VRS to 180 people. It also sold

surplus land of the unit.

He said the company also went in for financial restructuring by swapping high cost funds with

low cost long-term debt. The banks too have lowered interest cost and increased the

moratorium for another two years.

The company plans to invest about Rs 20 crore, spread over the next fiscal, to double the

existing capacity in its engineering unit to execute its Rs 160 crore worth of fresh order from

Powergrid Corporation for erection and commissioning of power transmission tower.

Mr Ramakrishnan said the engineering unit, which registered a growth of 88 per cent over the

last fiscal, is expected to outpace other business units. The company expects about 25 per cent of

its revenues to come from its engineering business, he said.

Mr Ramakrishnan said with the Power Grid according thrill the status of approved EPC

contractors, it expects bigger orders from the power company. He pointed out that with an

estimated investment proposal of Rs 75,000 crore by Powergrid Corporation, there was a

huge opportunity for the company.

Mr.Ramakrishnan said the company had entered into a licensing arrangement with Trilux, a

leading European luminaries brand and a market leader in lighting in Germany. The

tie-up, though is aimed to market the products to premium segments in the country, could

lead to manufacturing Trilux products in the long term.

Bajaj's own products to provide full spectrum of lighting products, he said. Similarly, Bajaj's

tie-up with UK's leading small appliances brand Morphy Richards had helped it to position

itself in the premium end of the market.

Mr Ramakrishnan said Bajaj Electricals has a market share of between 15 per cent and 20 per

cent in the appliances segment, 20 per cent in luminaries and 10 per cent in lighting.

The company has also been able to take on the unorganized sector by offering competitive

pricing of its products in the lower end. "Our China sourcing strategy has helped us to buy

from the world's best without compromising on the quality of the products,"

Bajaj Electricals Keeps on Shining More...

Bajaj Electricals Limited (BEL) is a part of the "Bajaj Group" of India w ho are in the

bus ines s of s teel, sugar, tw o wheelers & three wheelers. Bajaj Electricals is well

established in their range of products such as lamps & tube lights, luminaries, small

household appliances, ceiling fans & table fans and turnkey engineering services. The

company has been in existence for the last 60 years and has steadily grown and expanded

its business both in domestic and international markets.

Bajaj Electricals has 20 branch offices and 4 regional offices spread in different parts of

the country besides being supported by a chain of about 600 distributors, 2500

authorised dealers, over 60,000 retail outlets and over 200 service franchisees

BEL today has five major business units comprising of lighting, luminaries, electric

fans, home appliances, turnkey engineering projects. BEL's export activities are well

supported through its International division. The Company has recently forayed into

electric power generation through wind energy in its quest to reduce the depletion of fossil

fuels and preserved the environment.

Total Quality Management (TQM) has taken roots in some important business processes of

the Company. Few business units of the company have already received ISO Certifications

while the other BUs are on the anvil to obtain the same.


Times of India January 22, 2008

Bajaj Electricals has reported a 93.8 percent rise in its net profit for the third quarter

ended December 31, 2007 at Rs 4.75 crore as against Rs 2.45 crore in the corresponding period

of last fiscal. Revenues from operations during the quarter were higher at Rs 170 crore as

against Rs 126 crore i n the same period of 2007-08.

Leading the Way

Corporate Dossier

Economic Times

January 14, 2008

Shekhar Bajaj, Chairman & MD, Bajaj Electricals Ltd.

A leader sets an example for others to emulate, and hence must be a high-level

performer. He's also respected by subordinates and colleagues, alike. He must

embody honesty, integrity and trustworthiness.

A leader is knowledgeable and well read and must guide and empower his subordinates to

perform their best.


We aim to bring greater happiness to our customers, through our products 

and services, while continuously enhancing stakeholder value.

Trust builds Quality

Quality builds Satisfaction
Satisfaction builds Relationship 
Relationship builds Trust
We believe in “Inspiring Trust”

Build Trust: We will conduct all our business dealings with fair and ethical business practices
and strive to build trust in the minds of all our stakeholders.

Belief in Excellence: We believe in setting higher levels of Excellence in all our actions and will
recognize and reward the excellence achieved by our team members.

Delighting Customers: We will delight our customers by providing them world-class products
and services and thereby enhance their quality of life.

Ensuring Accountability : We will work in a transparent, performance oriented environment and
define clear accountability for our employees, while empowering them to achieve their
performance goals with speed and efficiency.

Encouraging Teamwork : We will ensure dignity and respect for the individual while
encouraging Teamwork.

Personal Growth : Every employee will be enabled to learn at the work place with significant
opportunities for Personal Growth and Contribution to the organization.


 Bajaj Storage Water Heater

Energy Efficient Horizontal

 10 year guarantee on copper tank  
 30% energy savings over ISI norms
 2 year comprehensive guarantee including
heating element

 Available in 10 litre capacity

GX 10

 Powerful motor : 550 watts, 18000 rpm

 5 year guarantee on motor
 3 stainless steel jars
 Unbreakable polycarbonate jar handles
 Cord winder
 Overload protector

DX 5

 Multiple, adjustable temperature levels

 Thermal fuse for additional safety
 Pilot light for thermostat operation
 Swivel cord outlet
 Large Sole Plate

 Non stick coated sole plate

Cordless Kettle 1 Litre

 1 Litre capacity
 Cordless operation for easy serving and
 Auto shut off
 External water level indicator on both

 Self illuminating transparent switch

Aqua Naturale

Makes drinking water healthy and safe through

seven stages of purification. It's a completely
natural process. In fact, it's the only purifier that
works without any resins. And without any
electricity. What's more, it doesn't require a
continuous flow of water supply.

The water that you drink is not only cleaned and

sterilized but also made healthier through the
addition of valuable minerals. Result: Healthy,
refreshing water. Just as nature gives you.

Coolest RC 2004 – Rotochill

Made up of an attractive, corrosion-free

engineered, thermoplastic material for durable

 Latest state-of-the-art design

 Sleek and all new ultra modern looks
 Extra tough motor
 Uniform water distribution

 Water level indicator

AX 4

 4 brass burners with Stainless Steel body

 High efficiency burners
 Extra wide top accommodating large
 Available for LPG and PNG

 with 5 year guarantee

1600 T3

 16 Litre Capacity
 Stainless Steel inner chamber
 Keep Warm Function

 0-60 minutes timer

Aquatherm Instant Gas Water Heater

 Oxygen depletion monitor
 LED indicator for temperature
 Auto Shut Off

 20 minute timer

Majesty Heat Convector RX10

 Office Locator
Head Office Registered Office Company Showroom
51, Mahatma Gandhi Road 45/47, Veer Nariman Road 'World of Bajaj Electricals'
Fort Fort Bajaj Bhavan
Mumbai - 400023 Mumbai - 400023 Nariman Point
Phone - 22043780, 22043733 Phone - 22043841, 22045046 Mumbai - 400021
Fax - 22828250 Fax - 22851279 Phone - 22023626


Shareholding Pattern

As on 31st December, 2008

Under Clause 35 of the Listing Agreement

A Category No. of Of
1 Promoter's holding Share Shareholding
Promoters* held
Indian Promoters 5693850 65.88
Foreign Promoters Nil Nil
2 Persons acting in 104440 1.21
concert# 5798290 67.09
Sub Total:
B Non-Promoter's holding Nil
3 Institutional Investors Nil
a(i) Mutual Funds 500 0.01
a(ii) Unit Trust of India 150 0.00
b(i) Banks 6687 0.08
b(ii) Life Insurance 746010 8.63
b(iii) Corporation of India 108000 1.25
Oriental Insurance
Company Ltd. Nil Nil
C Flls
Sub Total: 861347 9.97
4 Others
A Private Corporate 389298 4.50

B Indian Public 1567010 18.13
C NRIs/OCBs 5905 0.07
D Any Other – Non 5430 0.06
E Resident 15600 0.18
Foreign Companies
Sub Total: 1983243 22.95
Grand Total: 8642880 100.00

As defined in Regulation 2(h) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)

Regulation, 1997. The promoter's holding shall include all entities in the promoter's group-
individual or body corporate.
# As defined in Regulation 2(e) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)

Regulations, 1997.


1. Total Foreign shareholding including Foreign Promoters, FIIs, NRIs/OCBs Foreign

Banks, Foreign Nationals and GDR & ADR holdings is 26935 i.e. 0.31% of the total issued

equity capital.

Shareholding Pattern as on 31st December, 2008 under Clause 35 of the Listing Agreement

Persons Holding more than 1% of the shares of the Company

SL. Name of Shareholder No. of To
No. Share equity
A 1. Promoters: capital
1 Jamnalal Sons Pvt. Ltd. 1429541 16.54

2 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 1719676 19.90

3 Hind Musafir Agency Pvt. Ltd. 200000 2.31
4 Bajaj International Pvt. Ltd. 200000 2.31
5 Shri Shishir Kamalnayan 136400 1.58
6 Bajaj 114000 1.32
Shri Rahulkumar Kamalnayan
7 Bajaj 190680 2.21
Shri Shekhar Bajaj
8 Shri Madhur Bajaj 90786 1.05
9 Shri Anant Bajaj 175366 2.03
B 2. Foreign Promoters: Nil Nil
Non-Promoter's holding: Nil Nil
3a. Mutual Funds & UTI Nil Nil
3b. Banks 8.63

Life Insurance Corporation

of India 1.25
Oriental Insurance 108000
Company Ltd. Nil Nil
3c. FIIs Nil Nil
4a. Private Corporate Bodies Nil Nil
4b. Indian Public Nil Nil
4c. NRIs/OCBs Nil Nil
4d. Any Other - Non Resident Nil Nil
4e. Foreign Companies



1. How long you are dealing with Bajaj Products?

Years dealing with Bajaj No of dealers

1-3 years 4
4-7 years 5
8-10 years 7
Above 10 years 4

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealer 11 are associated with Bajaj for more than 8 years and
Bajaj has also gain 9 dealers in the last 7 years.

2. Are you dealing with other companies?

Response Number of dealers

YES 18

NO 2

INTERPRETATION: 18 dealers of Bajaj dealing with other companies and only 2 are
exclusively dealing with Bajaj.

3. How do you feel about Quality of BAJAJ product?


Very good 6
Good 11

Satisfactory 3

Interpretation: Out of 20 dealers 6 said very good, 11 said good and 3 said satisfactory about the
quality of Bajaj Products.

4. Which factors enebles you to be the dealers of BAJAJ Products?

Promotion 1

Schemes 1
Company Policy 3
Margin 9
Band Name 6

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers 1 each said promotion & schemes, 3 said company
policy, 9 said margin & 6 said brand name of Bajaj as the reson of becaming a dealer of Bajaj
Electricals Ltd.

5. How do you rate Price of Bajaj products?


Very High 0

High 3
Average 12
Low 5

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers mejority i.e. 12 rated price of the Bajaj products as
average, 5 rated as low & 3 rated as high.

6. What do you feel about credit period given by BAJAJ?


Very good 3

Good 11
Satisfactory 5
Poor 1

INTERPRETATION: About credit period allowed by Bajaj to its dealers, more than 55%
dealers feels good, 17% feels satisfactory, 10% feels very good & only 10% feels poor. Most of
the dealers are satisfied about the credit period allowed by Bajaj Electricals.

7. How do you rate Promotional Activities taken by Bajaj?


Very good 3
Good 8
Satisfactory 5
Poor 4

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers surveyed 3 rated promotional activity of Bajaj as very

good, 8 rated as good, 5 rated as satisfactory & 4 dealers find it poor.

8. What type of promotional activity do you prefer with Bajaj?

Preference DEALERS

Discount 9
Gift 6
Prize Offer 4
Others 1

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers surveyed in different areas highest number ie 9 goes

with discount, then 6 wants gift, 5 wants prize offer & only 1 goes with other protional activity.

9. Whether the expected quantity of Bajaj products is supplied to you in time?

Response Number of dealers

YES 16

NO 4

INTERPRETATION: About 80% of dealers are satisfied with the time and quantity of products
supplied to them by Bajaj and only 20% are not satisfied with that.

10. What do you feel abut the employees dealig with you in Bajaj?

Highly Satisfied 2
Satisfied 9
Average 5
Dissatisfied 4

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers surveyed 2 are highly satisfied, 9 are satisfied, 5 said
average and 4 are dissatisfied about employees dealing with them in Bajaj Electricals.

11. What are the factors that you expect from Bajaj?

Factors Number of Dealers
Promotional Sales 7
Follow- up 3
Scheme 4
Service 3
Credit Facility 3

INTERPRETATION: About the factors that dealers expect from Bajaj, out of 20 dealers highest
number of dealers ie. 7 goes with promotional sales, then 3 wants follow-up, 4 prefer scheme, 3
goes with service and 4 goes with credit facility.

13. Do you recommend your customers about Bajaj Products?

Response Dealers
YES 14
NO 6

INTERPRETATION: Most of the dealers ie 14 out of 20 recommonds their customers Bajaj

products and 6 dealers not recommends Bajaj products to their coustomers.

14. What do you feel about after sales service given by Bajaj?

Highly Satisfied 1
Satisfied 7
Moderate 5
Dissatisfied 7

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers 1 is highly satisfied, 7 are satisfied, 5 are moderately

satisfied about the after sale service given by Bajaj and a significant number of dealers i.e.7 are
dissatisfied about the after sale service given by Bajaj.

15. How satisfied are you with the speed of processing your orders?

Level of Satisfaction Number of Dealer
Highly Satisfied 5
Satisfied 10
Moderate 4
Dissatisfied 1

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers surveyed 5 are highly satisfied, 10 are satisfied, 4 are
moderately satisfied with the speed of processing their orders and only 1 deler is dissatisfied with
the speed of processing orders. It is evident that most of the dealers are satisfied with the speed
of processing.

16. How Satisfied are you with the accuracy of Processing your orders?

Level of Satisfaction Number of Dealer
Highly Satisfied 7
Satisfied 9
Moderate 3
Dissatisfied 1

INTERPRETATION: About the accuracy of processing orders 35% dealers are highly satisfied,
45% are satisfied, 15% moderately satisfied and only 5% are not satisfied.

17. How satisfied are you with our ability to provide you with the approprite paperwork that you
need for doing business?

Level of Satisfaction Number of Dealer
Highly Satisfied 5
Satisfied 9
Moderate 4
Dissatisfied 2

INTERPRETATION: In the sample size 25% of dealers are highly satisfied, 45% are satisfied,
20% are moderately satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied with Bajaj’s ability to provide them
approprite paperwork that they needed for doing business.

18. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of our Customer Service Team to your needs?

Level of Satisfaction Number of Dealer
Highly Satisfied 2
Satisfied 6
Moderate 7
Dissatisfied 5

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers 2 are highly satisfied, 6 are satisfied, 7 are moderately
satisfied and 5 are dissatisfied with the responsiveness of Bajaj’s customer service team.

19. How satisfied are you with the technical expertise of our technical support group?

Level of Satisfaction Number of Dealer
Highly Satisfied 1
Satisfied 6
Moderate 8
Dissatisfied 6

INTERPRETATION: Dealers are not so satisfied with the techical expertise of Bajaj’s technical
support group as 29% of dealers are disssatisfied, 38% are moderately satisfied and only 32% are

20. How satisfied are with the packaging our products with respect to maintaining damage free

Level of Satisfaction Number of Dealer
Highly Satisfied 8
Satisfied 6
Moderate 5
Dissatisfied 1

INTERPRETATION: Out of 20 dealers 8 are highly satisfied, 6 are satisfied, 5 are moderately
satisfied and only 1 is dissatisfied with the packaging of Bajaj Electricals’ products.


In my survey I have talked with 30 Customers to know the satisfaction level towards the Bajaj
Home Applience Products & to know suggestions to improve products and services of Bajaj
Electricals Limited.

2. Which factors do you consider most before purchasing products?(can be more than one)

Attributes Customer
Product Quality 21
Fuctionality 18
Price 24
Durability 26
Service Quality 19
Brand Name 14

INTERPRETATION: Out of 30 customer 26 consider durability, 24 consider price, 21 consider

product quality, 18 consider functionality, 19 consider service quality & 14 consider brand name
most before purchasing a product.

3. Are you satisfied with the product you are using?

Highly Satisfied 6 20%
Satisfied 16 53%
Moderate 5 17%
Dissatisfied 3 10%

INTERPRETATION: Out of 30 customer surveyed 6 are highly satisfied, 16 are satisfied, 5 are
moderately satisfied & 3 are dissatisfied with the products they are using from Bajaj.

4. Are you satisfied with the price of your product?

Highly Satisfied 2 7%
Satisfied 14 47%
Moderate 10 33%
Dissatisfied 4 13%

INTERPRETATION: Out of 30 customer serveyed 7% are highly satisfied, 47% are satisfied,
33% moderately satisfied & 13% are dissatisfied with the price of the product they are using.

5. Are you satisfied quality of your product?

Highly Satisfied 6 20%
Satisfied 13 43%
Moderate 5 17%
Dissatisfied 6 20%

INTERPRETATION: About the quality of the Bajaj products, 20% customers are highly
satisfied, 43% are satisfied, 17% are moderately satisfied and 20% dissatisfied with the quality of
Bajaj Electricals products.

6. Are you satisfied with the design of your product?

Highly Satisfied 4 20%
Satisfied 17 43%
Moderate 6 17%
Dissatisfied 3 20%

INTERPRETATION: The design of the Bajaj product is found satisfactory as about 57% of
customers are satisfied, 13% are highly satisfied and 20% are moderately satisfied but 10%
customers are not satisfied with the design of products.

7. Do you agree that your product of Bajaj bears the latest technology?

Response Number of Customers % of Customers
YES 18 60%
NO 12 40%

INTRPRETATION: Of the 30 customers surveyed 18 customers i.e. 60% agreed that Bajaj
product bears the letest technology but 12 customers i.e. 40% does not agreed that Bajaj product
bears letest technology, wich is not a good sign for the company.

8. Have you been offered any warranty card with your product?

Response Number of Customers % of Customers
YES 30 100%
NO 0 0%

INTERPRETATION: 100% of the customers said they have been offered warranty card with
their products.

9. Are you satisfied with the warranty period offered by Bajaj?

Highly Satisfied 4 14%
Satisfied 17 56%
Moderate 6 20%
Dissatisfied 3 10%

INTERPRETATION: Larger section of the customers i.e. 56% are satisfied and 14% are highly
satisfied and only 10% are dissatisfied with the warranty period offered by Bajaj Electricals.

10. Have you come across any problems while using the product?

Response Number of Customers % of Customers
YES 18 60%
NO 12 40%

INTERPRETATION: Among the 30 customers 18 said they faced problems while using the
products and 12 customers said they did not face any problem while using products of Bajaj.

11. Have you lodged any complaint about the problem/defect in your product?

Response Number of Customers % of Customers
YES 20 67%
NO 10 33%

INTERPRETATION: About 67% of customers lodged complaint about the problem/defect in

their product and 33% customers did not lodge complaint.

12. Within how much time your complaint has been resolved?

On the same day 5 17%
Within two days 6 20%
Within three days 7 23%
More than three days 12 40%

INTERPRETATION: Out of 30 customers 17% said complaint were resolved in the same day,
20% said complaint were resolved within two days, 23% said complaint were resolved within
three days and 40% said complaint were resolved more than three days of lodging complaint.

13. Are you satisfied with the After Sale Service of your product?

Highly Satisfied 4 13%
Satisfied 8 27%
Moderate 6 20%
Dissatisfied 12 40%

INTERPRETATION: This chart shows satisfaction level of customers with the after sale service
of Bajaj. Out of 30 customers 13% are highly satisfied, 27% are satisfied, 20% are moderately
satisfied and 40% are dissatisfied.

14. Are you satisfied with the time taken by Bajaj to deliver your product after servicing?

Highly Satisfied 12 40%
Satisfied 10 33%
Moderate 6 20%
Dissatisfied 2 7%

INTERPRETATION: Of 30 customers surveyed 40% are highly satisfied, 33% are satisfied,
20% are moderately satisfied and 7% are dissatisfied with the time taken by Bajaj to deliver their
products after servicing.

15. Are you satisfied with the time taken by Bajaj to replace your product?

Highly Satisfied 6 20%
Satisfied 10 33%
Moderate 6 20%
Dissatisfied 8 27%

INTERPRETATION: Out of 30 customers 20% are highly satisfied, 33% are satisfied, 20% are
moderately satisfied and 27% are dissatisfied with the time taken by Bajaj Electricals to replace
their products.

16. Are your dealer provides Post Sales service?

Response Number of Customers % of Customers
YES 22 73%
NO 8 27%

INTERPRETATION: About 73% of customers said that their dealers provide post sale service
and 27% said that their dealer did not provide post sale service.

17. Are you satisfied with the post sales services provided by your dealer?

Response Number of Customers % of Customers
YES 16 53%
NO 14 27%

INTERPRETATION: Of the 30 customers surveyed 53% are satisfied with the post sale service
provided by their dealer and 27% are not satisfied with the post sale service provided by their

18. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of our Customer Service team to your need?

Highly Satisfied 6 20%
Satisfied 16 54%
Moderate 7 23%
Dissatisfied 1 3%

INTERPRETATION: 20% of customers are highly satisfied, 54% are satisfied, 23% are
moderately satisfied and only 3% are dissatisfied with the responsiveness of Bajaj’s customer
service team.

19. How satisfied are you with the technical skill of our technician?

Highly Satisfied 10 34%
Satisfied 16 53%
Moderate 3 10%
Dissatisfied 1 3%

INTERPRETATION: Most of the customers i.e. 87% are satisfied with the technical skill of
Bajaj’s technician and only 3% are dissatisfied.

20. How satisfied are you with the speed in which problems were resolved?

Highly Satisfied 2 7%
Satisfied 10 33%
Moderate 8 27%
Dissatisfied 10 33%

INTERPRETATION: Speed of resolving customers problems seemed to be a problem are for

Bajaj as 33% of customers are dissatisfied and 27% are moderately satisfied while 7% are highly
satisfied and 33% are satisfied.



1. From the detail analysis it is found that dealers are satisfied to doing business with Bajaj in

Kolkata Market.

2. More than 60% of dealers are doing business for a long time and also it has increased its

dealers in recent years.

3. Most of the Bajaj dealers are dealing with other electrical companies.

4. Most of the dealers happy with the product quality and price of Bajaj Electricals Products.

5. Dealers are unhappy with the promotional activity taken by Bajaj, they recommend more sales

promotional activity in dealers level also more advertisement to gain new customers.

6. Dealers are not satisfied with the after sales service provided by Bajaj, it is found that delivery

schedule is not maintained by Bajaj.

7. Dealers are satisfied with the speed, accuracy, paperwork while processing orders.

8. From my survey it is found that most of the customers of Bajaj are satisfied with the quality

price and design of the product which they are using.

9. About 40% of customer said that the products of Bajaj do not bears latest technology.

10. Customers are very satisfied with the warranty period offered by Bajaj.

11. As far as customer complaint is concerned 33% customers have lodged complaint about

problem in their product and 40% responded that their complaint has been resolved after three


12. Many customers are not satisfied with the After Sale Service provided by Bajaj.

 Bajaj should maintain good relationship with the dealers.

 Bajaj should provide more promotional scheme to its dealers and increase its promotional


 Bajaj should give more advertisement as it lacks in advertisement and sales promotional


 Company should improve After Sale Service and delivery schedule as it is very

important for dealers and customers’ satisfaction.

 Though product quality is good company should introduce more products with latest

technology and improve features.

 Bajaj should reduce the complaint resolution time for improve customer satisfaction.

 There is a need of further quality improvement.

As there is very tough competition in the market it is becoming more important to have satisfied

trade partners and customers to stay in market and to retain and gain new customer and for the

growth of the company. Bajaj is competing with many established Indian and global brands and

has mostly achieved in satisfying its customers as well as dealers. It is evident from this study

and Bajaj is advised to maintain its Quality and improve its service and products. The study has

been successful in knowing the Traders’ and Customers’ satisfaction towards Bajaj Electricals

Limited, in Kolkata.







1. How long you are dealing with BAJAJ products?

1-3 years 4-7 years 8-10 years above 10 years

2. Are you dealing with other companies?

Yes No

If Yes, specify

3. How do you feel about Quality of BAJAJ products?

Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor

4. Which factor enables you to be the dealer of BAJAJ products?

Promotion Schemes Company Policy

Margin Brand Name

5. How do you rate Price of BAJAJ products compared with the following competitors?

BRANDS Very High High Average Low


6. What do you feel about credit period given by BAJAJ?

Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor

7. How do you rate the Promotional Activities given by BAJAJ?

Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor

8. What type of promotional activity do you prefer with BAJAJ products?

Discount Gift Prize Offers Others (Specify)

9. Whether the expected quantity of BAJAJ products is supplied to you in time?

Yes No

10. What do you feel about the employees dealing with you in BAJAJ?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied

Average Dissatisfied

11. What are the factors that you expect from BAJAJ?

Promotional Sales follow-up Scheme

Service Credit Facility Others

12. Do you have any complaints about BAJAJ products?

Yes No

If Yes, specify the reason,

Delivery of goods Quality of products

After sales service Pricing

13. Do you recommend your customers about BAJAJ products?

Yes No
If No, specify the reason,

14. What do you feel about after sales service given by BAJAJ?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied

Moderate Dissatisfied

15. How satisfied are you with the speed of processing your orders?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

16. How satisfied are you with the accuracy in processing your orders?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

17. How satisfied are you with our ability to provide you with the appropriate paperwork i.e,
acknowledgement, packing list etc that you need for doing business with us?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

18. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of our Customer Services team to your needs?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied

19. How satisfied are you with the technical expertise of our technical support group
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

20. How satisfied are with the packaging our products with respect to maintaining damage free
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

21. Do you have any suggestions to improve the quality of BAJAJ products?
Yes No

If Yes, specify…………………………….

Dear Customer:
Questionnaire on Customer Satisfaction about Bajaj Electricals:

(1) Business □
(2) Salaried employee □
(3) Professional □
(4) Others: □ - Retired □ Housewife □ Student □
Gender: Male □ Female □
Age group: <20 □ 20-30 □ 30-40 □ 40-50 □ >50 □

1. Which household appliances do you use? (You can choose more than one)
(a) Iron (b) Mixer Grinder (c) Water Heater (d) Cooler (e) Microwave Oven
(f) Fans

2. Which factor(s) do you consider most to purchase the products? (You can choose more than
(a)Product Quality (d) Durability
(b)Functionality/Features (e) Service Quality
(c)Price (f) Brand Name (g) Others

3. Are you satisfied with the product you are using?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

4. Are you satisfied with the price of your product?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

5. Are you satisfied with the quality of your product?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

6. Are you satisfied with the design of your product?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

7: Do you agree that the product of Bajaj bears the latest technology products?
(a) Yes (b) No

8. Have you been offered any warranty card with your product?
(a) Yes □ (b) No □

9. Are you satisfied with the warranty period of offered by Bajaj?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied

Moderate Dissatisfied

10. Have you come across any problems while using the product?
(a) Yes □ (b) No □
11. Have you lodged any complaint about the problem/defect in your product?
(a) Yes □ (b) No □

12. Within how much time your complaint has been resolved? (Give TICK mark)
(a) On the same day (b) Within two Days
(c) Within three days (d) More than three days

13. Are you satisfied with the after sales-service of your product?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

14. Are you satisfied with the time taken by Bajaj to deliver your product after servicing?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

15. Are you satisfied with the time taken by Bajaj to replace your product?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

16: Are your dealer provides Post sales services?

(a) Yes (b) No

17: Are you satisfied with the post sales services provided by your dealer?
(a) Yes (b) No
18. How satisfied are you with the time taken to respond to telephone enquires?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

19. How satisfied are you with the politeness of staff?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

20. How satisfied are you with the technical skill of our technician?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

21. How satisfied are you with the speed in which problems were resolved?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied
Moderate Dissatisfied

22. Would you recommend others to use the product you are using?
(a) Yes □ (b) No

23. Do you have any suggestion?

If Yes, then specify …………………


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