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United International University

Assignment 01

Couse Title: Consumer Behavior

Course Code: MKT 4101

Submitted to,

Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business and Economics

Submitted by,

Asif Arman

Id 111 161 323

Section: B

Date of Submission: 20th May, 2020

Answer to the question 1
Does subliminal advertising works?

Subliminal advertising is the use of words or images, which we don’t consciously detect.
Subliminal advertising was only effective with products that people knew of and somewhat
liked, if customers notice that stimuli and give attention to the advertisement. The flashes made
the brand name more cognitively accessible, their theory went, so it wouldn't work with very
high-profile brands - you couldn't make a brand like Coca-Cola much more familiar to people
than it already is. Researchers inserted a dozen frames of a Coca-Cola can and another dozen of
the word "thirsty" into an episode of the TV show "The Simpsons". Participants reported being
an average of 27% thirstier after the viewing than they were before. Subliminal ads really
influence us, most people will not be consciously aware they’ve seen a stimulus that was
presented for some seconds. They can influence people in all different sorts of subtle ways.
Sometimes subliminal ads are not effective as promising because if the audiences are not aware
of the product or particular knowledge ex, FedEx logo, there is arrow symbol between last 2
words E and X but most people are not aware of it. The arrow indicates FedEx’s faster delivery

Answer to the question 2

Find two print advertisements that use some of the stimulus factors discussed in this chapter
to gain attention. For each example, evaluate the effectiveness of the stimulus factors used?

Marlboro and Ferrari Example,

Marlboro has been advertising

in the world of motor sport for
years. Marlboro cleverly got
round this ban by creating a
more unidentified design.
They simulated a tobacco
packet by painting a bar code
on the back of the car.
However, because of the laws banning the advertising of these products, they have had to
innovate and advertise themselves in a more subtle way. Most of the effective way to advertise
when you have no permission for promoting your product, but audience who smoke most of
them can understand this perhaps nonsmoker will miss this.


Here we can see, there is arrow between A and Z. It highlights its capabilities of everything ,this
prestigious brand is saying that customers can find all kinds of products from A to Z. Amazon is
of the most important online stores in the world and there subliminal techniques with their logo
is pretty effective.

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