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wa 12 13 44 1s 16 menvidinn & utece ot reqruitment .guru SECTION - A This question consists of TWENTY-FIVE sub-questions (1.1 - 1,25) of ONE mark each. For each of these sub-questions, four passible alternatives (4, 8, C and 0) are given, aut of which ONLY ONE is correct. Indicate the correct answer by darkening the appropriate bubble against the question number on the left hand side of the Objective Response Sheet (ORS). You may use the answer book provided for any rough work, ifneeded The divergence of vector 7 = af yj +zkis T+irk 0) a @o jt Consider the system of equations given below: xey=2 2x +2y=5 ‘This system has (a) one solution (b) mo solution (¢) infinite solutions (d) four solutions What is the derivative of F(z) «|xfatx = 07 @a (b) =a 0 (d) Does nat exist Tha Gauss divergence thearem relates cartain (a) surface integrals to volume integrals {b) surface integrals to line integrals (©) vector quantities to other vector quantities (d) ling integrals to volume intagrals For a spring-loaded roller-follower driven with a disc cam, (a) the pressure angle shoud be larger during rise than that during return for ease of transmitting mation (b) the pressure angle should be smaller during rise than that during return for ease of transmitting mation (©) the pressure angle should be large cunng rise as well as during return for ease of transmitting mation (@) the pressure angle does not affect the ease of transmitting motion The shape of the bending moment diagram for a uniferm cantilever beam carrying a uniformly distributed load ovar its langth is (a) a.straight line (b) aLhypertiota botharioen: This 46 sict ah ial ole. This might heueed for WwW 1a 1a 110 penviaing a i: In the figure shown) Hib: Sina HEFEAS wFB40 position 4 ( the equilibrium position) when a mass m is kept on it. During free vibration, the mass is at position 8 at some instant. The change in potential energy of the spring-mass system from pasition A to positon B is a) Fit (b) $b? =mgx. we Ek(er 5? (8) Sec? 4 mon A partcle P is projected from the earth surface at latitude 45° with escape velodty v=11.18 km/s. the velocity direction makes an angle « with the local vertical. The particle will escape the earth’s gravitational field (a) only when «= 0 {b) only when = 45° {c) only when & = 90° (d) irrespective of the value of « Bars AB and BC, each of negligible mass, support Imad P as shown in the figure: In this arrangement, © P (a) bar Aa is subjected to bending but bar BC is not subjected to bending (b) bar Ag is not subjected to bending but bar BC is subjected to bending (©) neither bar AB nor bar BC is subjected to bending (@) bath bars AB and BC are subjected ta bending The ares moment of inartia of a square of size 1 unit about its diagonal is 4 i cay os Ors © > Oe forwattens This This might bet 1.11 Which of the following’Statenrant td Bora? S32 (a) Flywheel reduces speed fluctuations during a cyde for a constant load, but flywheel does nat contral the mean speed af the engine if the load changes. (b) Flywheel does not reduce speed fuctuation during a cycle far a constant load, but Aywheel does not contol the mean speed of the engine if the load changes. {c) Governor controls speed fluctuations during @ cycle for a constant load, but gavemer daes nat contrat the mean speed of the engine if the load changes. (d) Governar controls speed fluctuations during a cyde for a constant load, and governor also control the mean speed of the engine if the load changes. 1.12 The Slunit of kinematic viscosity (v) is fa) msec Kb) kgytm sec) (2) mjsec® (a) msec? 1.13 4 static fig can have {a) non-zero normal and shear stress (b) negative normal stress and zero shear stress (©) posibve normal stress and zero shear stress (d) era normal stress and non-zero shear stress 114A gas having ¢ negative Joule-Thomason coefficient (u < 0), when throttled, will (a) become cooler (b) become warmer (©) remain at the some temperature (d) either be cooler of warmer depending an the type of gas 1.15 Lumped heat transfer analysis af a solid object suddenly expased to a fluid medium at a different temperature is valid when (a) Biot number < 0.4 (b) Biot number > 0.4 {c) Fourier number < 0.1 (2) Fourier number > 0.4 1.16 The Rateay turbine belongs to the category of (a) pressure compounded turbine (b) reaction turbine (©) velocity compounded turbine (d) radiat flow turbine 1.17 For the circular tube of equal length and diameter shown below, the view factor Figis 0.17. the view factor Fiz in this case will be (a) 0.17 (b) 9.21 (©) 0.78 penvidian & i1es6 at (latorwattons Th te Hot at @a fox 118 119) 1.20, 12h 1.22, 1.23 1.24. 425 providing a piece of “emaotdataon. Th In descending order afi adsfifiRidt WHE MienMaF Honduct vity of (9) pure iran, (6) liquid water, (c) seturated water vapour and (d) aluminum can be arranged as fa) abed ib) bead () dabe (@deba Shrinkage allowance on pattern is provided to compensate for shrinkage when (a) the temperature of liquid metal drops from pouring to freezing tem perature (B) the metal changes from liquid to solid state at freezing temperatura (©) the temperature of solid phase drops fram freezing to rom temperature (@) the temperature ef metal drops from pouring to room temperature Tha cutting farce in punching and blanking operations mainly depends on (a) the modulus of elastiaty of metal (b) the shear strength ef motal (©) the bulk madulus of metal (4) the yield strength of metal In ECM, the material removal is due to (a) corrosion (0) erosion (©) fusian (4) ion displacement Two plates of the seme metal having equal thickness are to be butt welded with electric arc, When the plate thickness changes, welding is achieved by (a) adjusting the current (b) adjusting the duration of current (©) changing the electrode size (@) changing the electrode coating Allowance in limits and fits refers ta (a) maximum clearance between shaft and hole (b) minimum clearance betwaon shaft and hole (c) difference between maximum and minimum size ofhole (d) difference between maximum and minimum size of shaft Production flaw analysis (PFA) is @ method of identifying part families that uses data from (a) engineering drawings (b) praduction sehedule (©) bill of materials (9) route sheets when using 2 simple moving average to forecast demand, one would [@) give equal weight to all demand data (b) assign more weight to the recent dem and date (© include new demand data in the average without discarding the earlier data (@) include new demand dats in the average after discarding some of the earlier dial the, This might he waed for 2a 22 23 25 26 mnvidinn « utese This question consisthSP TRENT HERE Ab BdeHions (2.1 - 2.25) of TWO marks each. For each of these sub-questions, four passible alternatives (a, 8, © and 0) are given, out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Indicate the correct answer by darkering the approprate bubble against the question number on the left hand side of the Objective Response Sheet (ORS). Yau may use the answer book provided for any rough wark, iFneeded Tha mini um point of the function F(x) ~ [x*/3] - xis at fa) x Kb) x ()x=0 (a) = ‘The rank of 2.x 3 matrix C (= AB), found by multiplying 8 non-zero column matrix of size 3x Land a non-zero raw matrix B af size 1 x3, is fa) 9 wb (2 (a An unbiased coin is tossed three times. The probability that the head turns up in exactly two cases is a 1 2 3 @y Os @ 5 Os Two helical tensile springs of the same material and alse having identical mean coll diametar and weight, have wird. diamotars: dand £ Tho ratio of thor stiffhess is (aya xb) + (2) 64 (a) 128 ‘The maximum principal stress tor the stress state shown in the figure is ° ¥ @s 8 ) eS (2) = 8 (d) Cannot be predicted In 3 spark igniton engine warking on the ideat ato cycle, the compression ratia is 5.5. The work output per cyda (i.e., area of the P-V diagram) is equal to 22.625x105'G], where Vc is the dearance volume in mS The indicated mean effective pressure is () 4.295 bar (b) 5.250 bar (c} 96.870 bar (a) 106.00 bar The height of the cown-sprue is 175 mm and its cross-sectional area at the base is 200 mm® The cross-sectional area of the horizontal runner is also 200 mm*. assuming no fosses, indicate the corregt choice for the time (in seconds} required ta fil mold cavity af volume 10% mm#. (Useg = 10 m/s4 (a) 2.67 Xb) 8.45 (c) 26.72 (d) 84.50 For rigid perfectly plastic work material, negligible interface friction and no redundant work, the theoretically maximum possible reduction in the wire drawing operation is (a) 0.36 xb) 0.63 (c) 1.00 (d)2.72 During orthogonal cutting of mild steal with a 19° rake angle tool the chip thickness ratio was obtained as 0.4, the shear angle (in degrees) evaluated from this data is (a) 6.53 xb) 20.22 (o) 22.04 (a) 50,00 Resistance spot welding is performed on two plates af L.5 mm thickness with 6 mm diameter electrode, using 15000 4 current for a ome duration of 0.25 seconds, Assuming the interface resistance to b= 0.00010, the heat generated to form the weld is (a) 5625 W-see (>) 8437 Wesec (@, 22500 W-see (a) 33750 W-sec te Hot en otflaial one. Tike mieht: be wsed for 2.23, Fifty observations of Wi*PrceGeich BBEMOR vealed 9 mean cycle time of 10 min, the worker was evaluated to be performing at 90% efficiency. Assuming the allowances to be 10% of the normal time, the standard time (in seconds) for the jobis fa) 0.198

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