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in ea strong hunch feather and mandrake coot. And they 1 never go wrong with a toad. deduce how to mak reputations go up and down as theie theories are published or disproven, AV the end of the game, reputation i So now, J shall light my fice, for it is time to get to w converted fo points. Points for arlifacts and studied alchemy. Knouledge, wealth, and Fame can all be found in the (A Aen sen. Hom dil Tx alongs gad to te ora ee bs with Fi ie, ‘ego rly to ance aatcs gio? Ready to feake deco ta wl ein expe aed adit? We, my gag ie this «lng jy Jt wl secede ind Lt bg singly, pein om ints we nid a alle Aho th Fes Ba? eis» mason. adres 8 tou, Now allo needs Filly ep alia Tab TU wit wile wa et oe op. The Card Reader ‘TopleyADeniss oui cede Ahenisb app on yout serine or ae. To gle app. can ths QR code Rete ect alec nb bee Th ory ie Youve aad pal forte gae. (play witht tsp, see Bing page) (Onkyo deve is neces. ayes can sae. Once you hn dvnladed he ap anc it andi he uton. Pease en his fouleter DEMO, Mixing Potions Fee? We Now ts ox ngs ope wiht oe henids ir pains by conning tw diercat beara ‘ip Ae EI ce on and san these fo ars a~ > L SRweA ee etre When he app recognise ads, thy how op Inthe om ball he corn, When th app dla Se concingeleas, 5 ON Basic Principles of Alchemy Cngatlatins on ining yar fis pti IF ga [lel insets cel, gu med whch ‘be big pin Tous it se at a sei ary ines calle to make thing cana? Wel its fine fry olen a ile hy, Alchemicals cake) ° 2 8 ue > oR > a 7 Re ABQ eo Each pein! comepnds fo ex 1 ali. An ales! hs red aspect «grec apt anda Nhe asp an each spect can ie poste omega When i alhenils combine, malhng aed ani and ty ake one of es pins Q m0 me Bon Bravos ins mown ‘Toft wha pion eat okor ach insign and cor keen a gc on on alchemical and a Tit cron the other Esper Pop Qui sal vel th tue ntae of gion ad id lam Now can yu tell me what pine wil at wh go coke th ta? Deduction Misng ptosis easy ace gn now which alebenial cexspas to wbichingrdet. Bat we dt Kana Ka tint wondeful? Se many musiies wating to be sole ‘Aad mach eat money wile Fa ou seach Inyo Fist exgerinen. you disor tha mushroom and toad combine ake ep. What de sell you about thicaenica) There acconl f ways fomhe op &+-@ B+ Ss- a &+%-@ B+S-a ‘We don't know which pair of alchemicals we have, and we dont know sich ingredient corresponds bo wich all of the pair, But we doko that mushroom and fd canna he any ofthese hurls BHR Because dort faethe G@syabl Thiel apt isnogeirs, ‘Tobe sexes albeit, yo edt ty a cy The rl ing experiment Take a @ Frshnom andioad "The dohckon gis rein wha yor expsincal Ee Yr peel dans pied oe mrs ad oad a hon. In geen you vil hve fo proce by clihating pombe ual only cre gost reminn You dauton psf oor pon we You ean ale pokes ing any ee yo a recta theres of your ad pli at the inkerseon The Gamemaster Board The Neutral Potion Gach alnical as cacy ove alehenical at reat it When you canine a nealing pi, ye 2 pion tht fas no magical fects alfhugh tds rake a tasty snp Itwoaebenieals ate nom cachctherto make antl potion 3, "Shea So K- 4 Do ast become Sewage when yor six © antl pave. Soe eaecinent fas acts gine go at of inmate. Now gust ned sigue tho oui Things kw: + Bach aldenial har exacly one abhenzal Hat reutlies it(Hmakesa re, Beso ren pion wih slr aon ee + An akhemizals neater fas he oppo Sr cach spect ached}, + On your deduct grid, ahenical Bal neue cach ober ain aljacent ro Noe the ronal bade flight nd dr sang. theyre Selection by Hand "Tecan eae gives you the opin fe set ingens ky TandIrsadof scanning cards you wll he an eter pon the tn ingredients you are mixing Everything ele vars the sae. Pop Quiz ‘ ‘Thpwealendy eld the loc for Bid la Fad ‘that haps hex wo i id lw and toed Oe tall: Wt alec as coe ead od? a bie 3 Ad avu ay oun alchnist gps fendaaontal raining is caplet Wel complete eangh I have to gt back to wc. T wish goo mach sacs all pr endear, an if yo told we hag to pli a8 inprtaat scone, be sac to give pope cet to the lchenist ap tas ga ceeting yuk Web-Based Card Reader At ashenisherecpamescom, you can find « webdased seron ofthe app On th web cards ae selec by had Uefa sme reson you wat fo play Abbess witout wing an electronic devi, one penn can ply panemaer and cas cad read The pacar can we the ox li ep the ganar angle hidden from he the players. "The gumenase nes up he 8 ngei iesund isthe sly and randomly int the 8 ee Teasers nel ery sete al cmc Thence ay Ile cil re ye ig ‘The ganeraser handles every station hat nore rogues the card vale For example, veneer lye neds sea geen cad. the par pues th cards ce dwn saemater The gamemase locks up the esuling pion andthe ives the answer hat the cand as |e in ha station The gamemader can then pth ngredinh in the dard Irth hatery on your snarghoe dis nd you wa we panemaster ange Fi our fune, jut omer he furl gnc cole fan ordered lis of 8 ingreinsusing his Single sloth: Actual on send ought maybe we hol ep Balinfcrnaintn cores. Batt palo fe hers dyin, acon who plying canta he ao umes by pecking atthe avers inthe pp and ein up the guemaster ang cordingly. Goneratr Exam: "Th gamcrases tang se up 0 you can ca all ee cxamples on this page and gv the sae answershal fhe ad reader wal jist ie ai alte game ne esoend you play the pence at. few of hrs we splat ge0F pon adventurer tiles ‘Shull the adventurer tikes face awiand tablet wow ‘the game (Patitbuc in he box Eee adventurer and se the stack] adventurer space conference tiles es le ete appetic arian or this de fore maser variant, The one ie oro Heseie T wiae goes ic the hop ‘dventoers The one maked rer abvtbe btn abet Fourplay ge. The top ri yop artifact cards Die heard ino del If Wh and PI Shue cach deck independent, Draw 9 cards at random Fo deck If and place hem ine arc ron, Draw 3 card at ee same board The selected rfc re he stil cars thekow Thy wil at Be needed fh game rads fr coaig is order matkets ch pyr oe fk Sl the ngreints and dal ace up tthe Players Eelesatey Public & Private Section Ingredient cards tion Bape acca ade, your grants, Thetypes of ingredients and for cards in your hand the types of seals ce Variant: Each player dros your ates, your number of gold pices, and the number you play he ingredients in your expesiments, and your daducios from ingen fromthe top ofthe deck fodiypeolcardsinyourandarshayspeblcinonege. sera arab! ec! hom he or pa Thi inkmatn Master Variant Each ple dws 2 can behilden chind your kotor seen Ingrid fromthe pote ek. Ay Bid catds Favor Cards Fach lye drs 2 Ercan soosesoneflep ard one Acar > ini Laboratory cauldron Thecaullroncan also go.on the ft ‘or igh side, team ‘even stand alone. + thre player cubes + furplgenf cubes Lee ex cubes ex Nelrod Piya naiog ede Be abcde Thea you kee all cope Beced ein ond a eg Theory Board grants Amagettenas down. teputation markers Each le pts ove faskon he spac fein puttin. conflict tokens ed only the ate int Forthe apprentice var leave teen ihe box. alchemical tokens Sarina D Give the stating plaeriolen the player nba vas ros raenlyinalaboricey Initializing the Card Reader Altbe stut of e ame rch he pp, sek he mas or apprentice vasan and tpt Tudlon. ‘The app ill andonly asign each grein! 1 diferent alkemizal. (Goi you wee boping 1 ai an range by enenberig the ans Fr the previous une. ouar:ulothsh) Each ndumiation has fuel code, Wie hs down Ifyou ned epee the ome ona diese devi cexanpk, i your fra card reader rns ou of poe ‘hist alo enables you ola with uo oe mare card wish reader Che Round The games ple ins rounds Al he Beginning of oc oad ples chose thei pay oder Then pyr elare ‘lier action forthe rand. Daring the ound actions are elated in order, oc acand the board Play Order ‘ou sat pd wth sly nl tah th oes, king fe inkeestng tings oid up in your Inbaticy Or peeps ou apd sone tne ding Fas Tx pe aumued town. in exchange fe Foul, of eu Reyianing wih te plage wih the starting plier maker and proweing ceive around the fal, cach ler cases an order suc, Lone ces ge You more cardsot kayo a dshantge she reskin sone ‘When #isyparhs chore pee By) your order mater on one of he alc aa nd dw Seiad are “Two lec chooe he ume pce and oon san choos fh ren sce he very boton Thala spec spaceleralconiss wh dranka potion on ke reas sound Se page 1. Ina lie pe yo camel doo fe pce bled Drawing Ingredients ‘Draw the indicated rumber of ingredients from Py ihc lap of the deck Do otek nyo he Fc SIE, hans eae BD oly fe bo Frage Ingen acon pce. Drawing Favor Cards ‘These represent favors that the townsfolk ove, b~ Done bdiced number of fave cards Fonthe topo be deck Tb cither deck runs out of cards, shulle its discard pile to. ‘make anew deck. Favor Cards For card ge yoo a ngewe abanae ding sone ado the rourd They lly hen ey can be sed Sone fr cards sy ‘sey enmity. These must be layed as oon a8 ou daw tem. Car ae expied in dela athe endof in rlebook. Afro playa oar itgeestothe dicad pe ms acriow nequns cu. ‘ASECOND ACTION REQUIRES POSSRLEHENE EACH BES ONLY ONEACTIN Getting Nothing oe er dais ace aggsaclng) pe eed te get tags done puck, [a that case fringing favs. Goa Jot ck abt al ok i shou thi pace you daw no cad butt eat ou vil tog it~ or mage sesond Paying Gold fine te aks fs. ea a ge uy fr lls fromthe bake nd eat them on gus wg then ou, Tochosthisspuce, youn pay gldpece. yu dont av the gol you can choos: his pace (On hs space youd ro cans but you ae guaran fo oe Yes. sometins shat important Play Order Forth et ofthe round phy onder wil be deeeined by See ee The tating player marker wil ae ao Fther ee this ‘ound. Atthe end of the round, it will be passed fo the let $e cl eae bre ila tig pla Declaring Actions Daal sassy bn che ean ez mae ha cad) tfc dec sen The plage neal asi ge Spe unas bo bee ae Sk, eel by Be nl ace pnca na Maron ‘eds ih sata (ots vt an sb a adv of sexing voat other players are doing before they ECTS om in Meet yet le Sony dela yer ach soe Pile pe Neier at be on gr as this round. Different have different requirements us ‘luseated below. ee pa Series go daa ren have Each player has their oxn row, cnerespending to thcit position on the order spaces. If you are lowest on the ‘onder spaes, you declare ations first and place your cubes in the hotfoe row at cach action space, The next player places cubes in the row just above the bottom row, and 0 ‘on, The player highest on the onder spaces wil go lst and eee ioe ee ‘ited (eS) acd Example 1h the iladaton onthe Losi ofthis page, Bl foe He. aaa intaaeek illstation tthe bottom of ts page, Re’ aber are nage in the mile rom. Green is highest. Ste declares ectoos ome she knows everthing that Blue ond Red plan odo. Her eabes oiatle ftom, ae Fiest Round Exceptions 008 igees se your fof cubes (The aumberof cubes depends on the runbe of ayes. Seepage 8) ‘The tres stos mare wit this sb ar swale ihe ist und Resolving Action Spaces ashton spaces sched onder cache around he ESD THE ACTION PACS IV THIS. @@ OOO @ ee ®O 800 88 8D OO 6088 @& OC) THREE ACTONSARE NORE SQUIRES CUBE ACTION REQUIRES 2 RST ACTION EQUINE CURE ‘SSECOND ACTION REQUIRES ‘AuoweD. MOE ‘On each ston sae, per te fi ations in onde, ining wih the plaer onthe highest cupid rox ‘When you tale ou soon renae your ebe (Or nove DEP ei eis rb] Ozone nthe aon sae his tle het et acon. layers wh ‘no sons maya he second nthe sane ode, DED Sons thai actos in he des, (TD) a ot a te Coe. ps8 When tf our fun fo petra. an ain you may you mind and deine your ain insead. ek ap your cbe (or cabs) and pu onthe unwed cobes spsce Atte end of he round vy pr of used cobs wl all you dr I ro ad. See pape fe dlls Actions Available in the First Round Five actions are available to you in the first cound. We will cover these frst Forage for Ingredient is flip apse gaol eee a: ena tne iors Be Dn con ohn Siecle tae snd uae ‘When tis your tum fo Seer cite cea ingen rom he wo doe | rndba ingredient fom the fp of he deck Cards in He row re rot replied, pers who ply ler may hae nore Tied cic. Once al the Exeup cards re ge, our nly ices dru fromthe op ofthe deck (Or ou can thay decline he aon and move your cabeto ke used cubes space) Oneal pyr have ished thir sfons re, enoweany resin coup igre tom the bard and pl en inthe dicard ple ae down. A new set of 5 face-op ingredient il be el the bing othe next ound Cransmute Ingredient Th eects ee ae ats nid. Tl bape thr iil polly tte Mae De ee @ tak oe te cle me yo fa ies “Wher yon pay he eto, oral sored wd le Re aes rats Bide Caran scm bte Bepeoyaiuy Iie toe Gel caito de ge shal soo deaded Te dad pl shad always be face down, ‘ie Tht ia quick say gl he geld pce you realy ed ei lea cays bas pal poy ‘really, really need. Skilled alchemists, however, vill mabe ‘nal lhe mney hy eaming gan and ling potions jo adventures Buy Actifact Noth. se sco Sal full of exensive bade, ‘When you buy anata tke ok he cards in the att rowandpaythe costae oper eh comer Keep your atl che abe in ot fou vere scene cansecthen vicrox rows ATTHEEND OF THEGANE Teale seer leo pte kat bagi ‘Chon eon, Lint oe pervond ay alfa have elect hat la Hh ete game. Ian cle doesnt sey is ined o once per ound, ‘Benyou can ue ier tn i apples (bhatt have an mai ee! th an be wed only onc, Using his lt spt of your Bay Art acon ‘Mos aris ar veth voy poink a he end of he une Swe have vale vio pin ha are exained on hx tel pe ton ea Sten ees eon replied, ct ven the Se Dag the onfrece at fhe end of round $ and aun at the nd of ound 8) any remaining alas ill be dicaed and the rest three aaa Uni en the schlads arekpt lace up on the table 0 hat players can ead ten an plan ahead {Te tre council as Bonne tats ow animals ease Ete ses acising fe the winged pig athe, Se nm alchemists Fae tots hic pins on ple Fatuatl the toou bas a god spy of alebeny stead in the we ase, gp can alongs toy pt rion pul, ‘The Bal ho ans of te ound gi you He mot inkoaton. This where you mix eo ingen ae ce what happens. The procedure fr ning u potion he sane vcr you are Teng ona Sadat or Ding he a our: hose 2 young cardio mi. 2 Pho hem in your aon so a oon ee can ee then. 1, I< pending on he acon spe. § Sean he cards and tp MEI when he eader recone he S, Show he result the ote players. Yes, hey wile sich potion you ma, bu thy wl st now wich ingrtinlsyou wed 6 Pat the comeponting rel ake in your reals rangle 7. the coresponding rel kn on your ple ‘ard freind the oer ples ha you have mde tht pon (ety aly have hat en thee). "his is mandaory Pons you have med ar plc Aro, & Disardihe ingredients youd. ngeionts areavas operated (Esen i your soup has aed ete card readers “st by hand option you sl ut thf ingredients in fhe crlen. That wy you or oped hem) ‘The maj diferemse betcen fhe two ston is what pers vie you mica reat potion The eek ofthe Cest on Student ‘etude wil dink aging Foc seine Bil es sik hen bell dink anhiag fe science and ld gi ‘heed lero use iain sf the experinent Seen ayes who expesinent lar tyke ata dante. One the sadnt dks a negate pon, his 2a Br scence is coidenbly deinihed. Fo everyone plying cer he slayer who ized the negate potin, Be atin cons 1 gold pee (You aby Fave the epion of elning fhe ton and moving your cake tthe used cubes space reeds tice tape Cae treason) Exe ound oa gets new stden- one whee buns wil the Bre of see ne who doce kaw about what apened othe pers stent othe Bis experinens ofthe round are ahs re unl sameone ves nave Yelp. Tefe ployee ner fas 1 py, 0 Yl fe on the slat hive eg Tht god nem fo Ble. I cams det hae to py cher He ies 3, The dent i oll happy. Gren deo oe yay ie GO reves hy, bt Garmin hi ta she fl in hil he’ alg be con do aba! 2 No Re’ traf sh msl oes plo om the aed she wast pay 1 gol ic toe bak She so ie . bealh da ati sha he nize, Ylon and re ail ili py 1 gl pee cach tye pore econ tes Othee Fun Things That Can Happen Frm ple dak «potion hey wil alae thie order mask on th ren pce the btm Those vbo pol th marks thre Et wl play ahead ol the wo pot ee Drink Potion isis the singlet way to find J st oh pi OF couse, it des fave sane deowbcks The adange experneting on youre that joa do nt fav pany gl ze The iaduntige is that he egalie potors hae ap impact on ‘he ess irr asorng fo the edhe of th negaie pon you dk ‘9, iis is a pion of nsanity. Go dat omen kinking i gm emer ding waked cabs hag he tun qc Bat eee dhe emeairs ‘Youbet point repaaon %Thsise pion dps 1s bcd na wp ia {he acing we gu can mee goa is Mone yout order maker ono his BDI) exer sce. Next rand you lt choose an re spe wh te oer players nse! you wl dre He card inated by his spel order pce and pt ‘This perl lads ony one ound. If your marker has Been on ke pura space fhe etre rund, you can rowel hens ie Bein deinking pong sofa Fgcecuee peer pata ensches ow (Ofcoune, you dink potion agai, yu Thue pl yor maker back agin) ‘@ Corgan! Gea hve just sure kinking pis. bs x sud, yo mst hae bit wp a8 mmariy Bat een, yu dk Fe tha gra ull ned 0 sed some tne ceca stead of taking our aon eae Back f our Paperboard put iton the pital sae Fothe ext oind, you wilhae Tesco fw. [No native pation can affect ou tie inthe same round, Poste ad el potions have no ge lest ut ued espe: cin ee To You When You Ate Paralyzed Stig played woud nt be hii same layer hse advantages two rounds to) nite nll event thal player on he ts arabe fo, hear eps sing arcund te ble wilt es fo 1 upared player Intheineibly ule wena all ersareprcd, cated plow glad Tay Fe dtr ar pus fu pe yet 3 ‘ pune Se pul le asthe murs eke pth marta Ne nd te ig pla hens he sacle {the plier te Li's elng all Be adres fing wie oe ho wal ave sre his od Your First Round Yourowhnow ncugh io playyour Bt round ol Achniths Wal aod the entre ound, Tae ae afew Wings hal Tapper afer the Dk Pn action pas B eseed Balu cn ad aout hoo det later you wat you ean play our fr round nv. Then, come hick Ker andar about te oer 3 ation spaces The ules fr wha fodo af he end ot he onda on pe. Actions Available in the Second Round Afi te fs round all ations areola ana ples hae the fll complement of afon abe. Hope, you leaned something boa the ingen th ft round. Now t's kine fo pal hat broledge fo we Sell Potion Tel plo fo a it atc, a gash of pica to dininate an eng wheats ned tions oF al ids ad the en ere toby te Sling pains is 3 god ung to make lt of money ya ow what wie ing, (ite money yu thik yo an fe i [Ath being of each round fet the Ss) new adventure pean fn. Te adverse lke wing here wen i tne fr yout la potion The boo tat ofthe tie shows ich poss heaven would Hoy. te ha th ston regu 2 ation euks and you can we toy ons per rund. is deren aot way swe You might ot he lang in he aul onder Well cin lina as Ll a pene itsyourtr, Offering a Potion ‘When it your turn fo sella pon, you mast choose one dike thes pt he alu wanis Your hae Tinted by layers who ne ated ahead af you Inala zoe pense npn chon Se scion pace othe pce Hew te potion oa plano tha bis hal ptm hoe opal ou Whether ou sccesaly mi tht pation or thse who plyafer youl athe leo choose it Ina Bplaer gare the aheafrr vil buy only fro psp nlp yy doe nyo the Bes yo choose the third psn, ou pula eth dt abcd leva foe esd lero shoe. Ifyou choos cher of th Fr, our cube boos of bh f the Sit tuo an th send layer foe wl he oly tir opt, Eker way. only ples can sella pain each ound Ina 2player rane onb he Bit ples ca ll a pon Te speed Bs ol de pls Inalleacs +The plaeaay bus the opin oll ary he 3 potions, +The maxiua runer of pts ht can be wld is 1 lesan he number ofl Ifyou don Hl your ops when sy far you can des your aon, Ieee dae his ain, one place wil be ondle fs a potnn. This player mast Aesine the ation and mow bis hr ees the used coabes space. Bee page 16) Offering a Guarantee Wa lpi, ds it vet be ac the ne pat wt? Of coe Onn an al, pig peeeiong yee ey ie Nt fp in wel fe a ie ik unin, See rueiioran iorslet eal ote mtti et Tea cers Bevels of Quality Bonet pth ese ‘sign and correc Cas ga sl ya coed sgn bu the wrong coe. Natl Yu mined the net pton sé . Wrong sgn. You ied pion wih the wong sign Cobrisunkroen, “When oe oral pd; pel yout le cio cexbe on he pace net en of ese el of qui. Urea ge ae Mages Ton il oaks ptm ha! pod eee ate Eee pete Coca ep tock cl roa your eb. Hyon lin one an va oe eed you don gel pad Il yu aie ptn ble Ba gee eetel gape pal ay a el erated in a Ts wath it? OB i eo dare 4 gt pet bs Bes costecch ag et pellpaed cn pot Soret ond cote "Thin eld bua a” Youcan cag ld pes fe guna. Te jail yor me nica pan wh cared sig lm elroy igéplieh) "This amaging potion eas (Sy whan andi guaranteed to fae 20 ieee pl alt bampibaioesnce You can cage 3 ld pices fr this urate You gel ad as ang you dont mia poton wh he wong Sgn ee a ec ae sboauely gurantee Ce ap ieee Nachos eS nal vat ou mix you opi ixing the Potion Mining pion fran abuenkrer sia fo ming a ‘potion for an experiment. You set up 2 ingredient cards in ‘your cauldron and fap commie ion, ‘The card reader wil diay the six efsctive polis. Tap ‘he onethe adventurer ants youto make (Even you know yuri jents make a different vu sillhave to! Soe ae ‘When you scan the cards and tp the cand reader il not reveal what you mixed wl ut el you how cle yo et byline ot laf ‘Show your rel the ofher payers. Ifyou nied yo then you kno xa which potion you made: Makit on} oatatl ay ale ioe oar with fobens as you do when you peiorm an experiment f you mixed. 3 posh imep tric ego colo Take a biccloted ambiguous clea (tke: © Beds) cd mask your renal triangle, (You need tof mark enbiguos resus on yar ple bord) you ‘nixed @ then you know only the sign Take an uncolored ambiguous result token ( 2 oF —)) and mark your resul, ‘An example is on the next page. Tt you net the terms of your 9 ow rantee, take “money from QU S) ci tscy = eae sarante, a result of | oF jy abvays causes you to 1:1 point of reputation. Ax usual, dard your tro ingens facedown can eae coo oe Back Guarantee and Tecms of Sale th msg eater ss ad afin at Thao en ifr ofthe tos ade wih pion sl, tat Faget sch tes, ad ht fram ave es flo All money salle pid a adace aud the ent ‘tet a kaa side” accompanies tpt’ thle fc Twi nat ok font be titel to any conensation ets y * Ru ie cesar et ie dines, jon seas ts asnee omg See ree De anager ert a erasers hfe ed goes cond bal he ec bo for fake negate poo eth fering Sle det nat bo tik long peli. he dces fee to and mes he cabs he sad eno pase, J Nomitis Yello stu. Hivony chive is ‘Bad dio yt Helse eave abe ee pair athe 2g. lc ante sea he mony bl a ba Jel ak Gen loos asa, bl ht oo ster) Yel ss ap 2 gn, els ea adr et mang “and sum th card Wit happens et depend on at Mcateaks we Est mal! Ylbe hue mae 3. He mak tit tein rea angle co pleas sith thes He ab ua 2 ol pce ee ee GY clr & or &. Hema his rub tha oben OF Siib lnmajacielad Hn, Yeloe has ma th catalina is resales an lhe el pecs fo te tak, Th brine hoy. Bat in’ happy. Poor rsp io 3 soln! Yolo ls 1 pot of epltion 5 el Yloa hs nin ot pli len ee upped onic snag negat. He mars is teehee plir i'ma the tes of is guarrtc. Ani helen Tpit of eda fr rt ming pon ite core Offering a Discount “eat a tis ee! Chee pian te! Spit eet gi a tec ‘You've probably noticed that being fist on this action Geta on bis sintagy hese ‘aerjre choos his action, fhe a lace doen get sella potion a all, Bo dost ft pier closed a pln enone asa chance ry to Beco he i plays by fling 2 iGoerd Era lbgh weal all osc ir ng fist, fling a dsovent is achally the Birt hing that appens when if ne fo deal wih is ation spce. Bat ‘you are the only player on the action space, you skip the discount and go straight to selling. Each player has Four bid cars wih discount values of 0, 1.2, and-3, fll layers are declare Sel Poin acon ey all bid secelly by chosing one bid card and potiog fiz dat on Ue thls Whe eye fa coven they reveal ids simallanecasly. ‘Adventurers like bigger discounts, Each card has a certain eaker df nul Bosal) Reoskrcrorensh ves basal tt sie cs. Whoer bs bs mee ane lacs pls to sell firs. But the sl play ones silimporant isthe fe reer belnen plank ofr he sme andes of miley Soe Tangle ero 6) are ‘Lee your cad ace up one abl lth acon space i reed. Your dicount lnis your shoe of guarantee ‘When ts you fun fo sel potion, ou cana fe 3 rummate vhs soured price woul be 2 or ess carpe Rad player 2a + Sleconoeanena math uso a arc of god Pers + Sheca fer acomshgn gases pce of I eld piece + Shecoms ofr cir te lone gaaanies ao ed enh cars mz! th os ef the ome ‘ign uae, x lle (Maye th wan ore if eres ings ak a msl potion Or mabe de jt so bik he po fr tse ho ply af bs) Effects of Reputation Yn opt gous cp sad doen ie ee ee me: Al Seca 3 ps horned na ey ate le han el arty tic Alero buy potions from reputable alchemists, Green Zone: 14 to 17 Points BE & foe rit mene po sacl eee sour il, Forexmple i ype ofa dcoan of ya heal Tidy ln aps sea Wasa SB cD npstate ye kartoabiey Foressope fossa pata ei ane cer sig ys le 2 pla aad at Ul ea ‘eputafion ata conference, you hose ene more, fora total of : Ths penlly sis een # he noma sf repulaion fakes you cat ofthe green ane. For exangl if you hae 1f pins ad sel a neta potion, you end up wih 12 prin, ‘Wet ge is go, evap eager ve fom Blue Zone: 18 or More Points I jor repton tin Be Be Bas he ies suet ge Neg cra miley face ar os charge 1 ext gld pice sere yr he (yt cap the 3 dicount and thn oer the Fplbpee gure ‘The ein pr wuld 1) Whence oa ose reputation, yoo kes 2 A agenesis en you satin the Be oe. ot xan you haw 18 prinh and pulse atone. you wend up wth points (This canal happen, Buli's mach re amusing ven ithapensio someone che) ‘The Hae gu clint farther gnc all Red Zone: 6 Points or Less Bow Me rtiseitintd ut charge Is god pice foray guaran you oe This s ota dicount apna epider selag onder has ben deerme, For example, you fled the 2 dicount, you wuld he offer the xa rash aun (W's emaly§ gol pices Butyou mut charge’ frit Aller he dicount price 1) You can offer he dicount anor Rh Tegel hn ne gtaton souls 1 pointes. For cxanple sling potion ofthe pposiesiga aso elect on your repution nove Ifa conferaceaakesyou lox 3, yous ol ‘Your reputation can eer go below I. dns would fake teow 1 silenes you wh | pint of epi ‘Wha vrei yo to ra eile lees iis fal owe i opin of. ems on the Publish Theor fon reed ‘ondee, With each action, a player can cther pul a new ie J} or endorse aheary that someone ces plied Publishing a New Theory Gt np cy at ing cen ya know its alchemical. Or when you think you know. Ox ae i dan ar Lai sgt gs aide ota an lich ew to it lily ae cetia. Gq fhe akkencl lens and plc # = none fhe books nthe ery Arar. This our pbliseaet about the ue ident el hinged depicted on tha ook To mai as ous lactone of our seals eden on ay othe al paces Topablhatter, picky oo Nowpuyourpslhed Yoo ge gol isc tothe hank Wha? Go tht soc lish wwe pg yu? Ny Find Us isaac Once you he publied your ery, gin I pint of epain, 1 gp ek confident exch be wrong yeor seal ice aaage icone iden belind your seen When pt ren hyp ae cae cals ou ight a all the secrecy! Because your seal is actually a secret Te Beta elle hogy . Iperf al wg eye ri bel. Yoo loaf gt. starred seals and three siher-starred seals. You save these: Dsbeet on ih yu well tbe per le WoL ae i a i Bel nso ol il tre ch cary Fin pot ot eed ‘he pane and shersared sels am yo 3 but onli he ‘ery correct Ite thoy is wong, you tory oink (Ge age 12) Or you cane reputation pin if ‘ees enh Bra ee ope) ‘he undared seals ae for hedging aginst actin spe This is reprenied by 4 question mash on 2 Inekgroundefthl colo Hyouare proven won about at sede baiegelenh Bist ya sire (On) the color mates, a te sie ofthe ce) One ciferhand unstated selsare notwothanthig atthe end the ga. Bee page Todt) Essel ‘le blll sapien ry onthe ef of i poe He pt his QD scl on 2 0 hege oui he ed aspeck ‘Pooncone posit exon ots Bl illo ns peti Unls teys debuts scal ema fc don and seo untheend he ane. "Dea Caleago Ig ae wating is te itis beanse ing lpg of Sexo bos ben calle into. guesion. T umd Like it ated tht Twas alaoys cin alt its ise aed gen aspects, Oe ed aged, howe,” Available Tokens and Ingredients ‘You can pulh theory onl aboolaningredinat hat does aia avo ak a bbeial heh tein on ‘rfyatlen{tat spot carely ange ay ngrdnl ‘he reaon far this is sage: Fah akbenie then Geecapemde reach 1 arrdead. Back logrteal ee er ea alata Bad es herr Belen bata ox igenal weal arcrbcd publaed feory Of, you can yf kel he publier ha ‘ech Beary is wren, bike publ wl nel bie Mi detheny ep oissoL C lied ay te meee on. ‘You may want to teeth and ip out your hair, but ee ene na ‘hee nsompelacs vex round: So Debual Theory Be ale Endorsing a Theory Sentosa opal piss they Ue gd seta Unt onto wl sf acca "cg hg a we shed Shines sb at pecan gm cl de ‘adr ha then To endo a theory ta someone clichas publi, pt your seal on it judas you do when you publish ee Fetal euler ory Hee can nae vo sal, cfihe sane coor on asinge hay. ‘Youu pay 1 gold piece tothe bank. You abo mat pay ‘her seal on that theory. “OF couse you can be a co-anthoe foe pice.” ‘You gain no ition Foe endorsing the Ei Cikrelercsa eee ea ‘seal on that theory. Each heory has pace fortheee seals. na2-or3-playee game, ceveryonccan endorse the sane theory. Ina$layer game, you ‘cannot endorse atheary tha already has three seal. Grants Recut ci hey el ingens eins in fal ha tc wiig festa be pricks oan ee finely ee tat ee a Tn the middle of the theory board are $ grant files. Each epi $f inetzds thal ou say bwin Youn jos Se gradi yn ben ssh on eaten 2 of the ingredients depicted on a grant tile. (It doesn't alr oles flex eas epee ital EEE orendorsmens anit doesn mater uber fhe eal are stand or unsured) la bebe try of xpi If be a po nla thy aba! eer oor mahoo be sila ‘hs ginal ‘When oun a gran amedilely ile he and patton yourhoor facedown You immediately take 2 gl pices fro the bank. Each grant wil abo be sort 1 02 viony points a the nd of he game pe apices ae nee a te cei cane eu spel nly end mane on egies th te gaa cuit wl pene of Hoa! dest hid, Most aleenists sed all pit gant mony ca a hy new aia. IF ape ask, ap can sag ith “ae esti pice of ab espe! ealing easing geese” (nee yoe hae «gant no one ela ean ak Hl be re bec ole oe ott ote debunked youl not aro gveup he Head oa il totha fo ge bck Be ney yet lovin a sua onl hy bigs on al ob Trlngeli dpe ete inthe cae of hemi grant) This isthe meaning ofthe onthe ack your te. 1 you make singe peiaon ce enone! hat you fe 2 et rants at coe, chose 1 of hem Ee youtlint gat You wl nd selon thre ingredients fo quallyoyor tend grant Tak sone trois ae mee cet tha es. Techical, this acon is avaiable in the second ound But you wont be able fo ue an a theory has been tong, 7 reputation. Of couse anyone witha selon hal hey is al ibfbsng mpuaion Deus are bebo. ‘The log of ebuningssinpler in he apprentice wa Tiyou are plas ou Bist ga, you can skip he master lbunkig rules for noe They el ake mare sense once youkie prac! apprentice dbuling ‘The apg debunking ston ws diferent depending on fhe asian youae playing youve ou hu to fe wong ri ob demu cremiden te scting Then Apprentice Debunking The fl a the ead eabees be Bei iat speires eit Tha cre unr eel th Singer an hed npc, Dbking dasa sci tyes sands yon band. Boe yy ah lsh Sal veoh Israel geal oe hor ys a Ge aes be toed ys ss Fon 6 ore oop Tn Fiscal rade ll ow ens efit ingen Cope wi be, thie Dn ie scr alc ia Sek ape ne ea, you have fled to debunk the eoy (That hat nH re fo meso fe el iow ncotted) Yow bs 1 pial of rpattion Sr ieiiae pa lier tai The ret os Bc tens ic oppo ot in ct Sa Bie fern art dcthoy Gok eee lag Yer ead. epee ro He sal Bal ae Ie bgt Meyer ch erin Calas gel Coe os i ined aldo he plied boy sign ofthat aspect sal flen on Consequences of Debunking In citer variant the Fling things happen i you debunk theory Gain 2 pins opin. 2, Remove the acbnical taken rom the ther board, Reve each sa that ws ona thon Plger who ed an anatred el be no pin i he calor beh’ te quetin mal maths he spt hat aril debut he hey. Plyer who uid an unared wal hedging gar « Aileen calor eS pints opal. Plgers who wed a shared sl (ve o gal) hve S points frelon, Alleah hat were on hat ory ae enoed from play Selsate notre (You can ea the ace up ear the thar bard so noone has fo male notes on wich seas uve akeady ken wed) Ifyou he a cube one Falsh Theory actin sac. you he te opn ol immediate publi, Econ Ble asthe can reader za pil epece The card renders 3 Ths ches ot hark th ryan Ble oes pono pt. ed gos nek. Sh ks obec opin’ gn ane. The cand ade sys That preset th ail bei Red ut 2 poof pation an bares oe thet eal. gas Yl heiged —Blachged bb Gren ad sgaintthegren—otegaintthe a dards sipecw Yeloe grenspec Ble Greenlee bese pean biesSpoiof Spite replant. Al sss ae ese fon ply ort et of Be game. Debunking Your Oun Theory ‘You can ala! debunk ay thay, cen oneal os hve pled o endorsed youre Ifyou are sucrsfl you gun 2 points of repuhton, but you wil alo fe 5 pon if ou sal docs not hedge again he sole you wed in debunking If is happens. sou ain nds sone ange in repair Bpoint ss Foresanple, oul 13 pois Spit sho 18 ass From 5. (yoda Fnowuhythis mater Ess of Replton on page 1) wo woul cout hia & Immediate Publication Whenyou pos ha seis ean won, youve Be opin of nmi pulling 2 new thar if yu have ay ees ont Publish Theory scan pe ‘The thoy yu pubsh must ier: + ane ery about the ingredient in Be tery youu debunked: + oe en thse ng the ahenic ahen fe he ‘hoy yo jut debe. Esangle ed ij psec coma of bara scoaon ke Pll hon ao spe th co inate ass on of fet del Ses oer alchemical to scorpion a thor anigring ott a ingot Bash camo! ab nme con palsh onlng axel othr thle fathers Bd IE you fave 2 stn on he abl Theory aon pe, yout fst immediate publication uses up the Bet one. Ifyou Carma cond nmedte putin es wp he cod youl no bes onthe uli Thana space, you cannot ne santo immedi palit, meds pollo optional yas can ihe PblshTeay actin apace if you wi and fen palo cdo ny theory you wan (Bu don forge! hat ealkague night ebual a hoy and thi option pobh aked of yes) Pho Mewocy Dig ao os or Slovaecalnad to pli cass at Sent kena et ate. Fe exule Shmalieg ton dea scorpion contains that docs not prevent anyone frye polling» fry lal sao se adn de You can even publish a theory that was debunked earlier ths oad The onl nian is that you canal we he lama pollction egioa So poll We excl scl sry hak yous ud Scaled Thal sl be ey poe Inthe adr aan itis at enough na wich aspect is wong, ou ba ow an experinen tha proves at spect ong. Basle Lelia Jo mando terion Heron page ounce fa sein to is wh apo {S. Gear . Ay of thse 3 esas ol prone ht the Blanca ov he thay er ‘ip MEEMIRIN st ecard cede vere eveyone can see it W wl dplay the 8 ingredients Debunking dos not se the ingredient cards in your Daal inges Sel fo ingrediens The cad reader il show the sven potion Ske! one andthen ondehese 2 posites 1. The cad reader il ay Hat thse 2 ingreions do indeed produc th ps yo sled 2. The card reader wil sy thal hey d nt proce te potion yoasektd Eglin bch oulcone wil debunk thay ordenontnte 4 re cri Ieheen tw tears fas dsrbed Ix) Once eveyone undetands your explanation, top =a IB your expeinnt des nat debunk «ory o at ast denon are conic yu lose I point of reputation Fae wating He ni conmeniy ne, Hyou debunk thay that oun as sucess nd you gain 2 poins of reputation, I maser debunking is posible fs denonstale a confit without actully debunking a palate andiht i aio wet points Moshe ing, hover you wil ha ebured sone Debunking 1 Theory ‘he most conmon ct i he snple. You show hal one aspect of ane ingredients the epost of what has Been publi Yougsin J poinsand cern ithaseal ere iariskflosing pina explained inthe Coregueces ct Debunking. Exaple You ak the card reader if rp a maton make ‘The cad aera haley Thos he hea of sergio nth exapleon the fcing pe Yuka deed ithogh is gon spect econ nh hoy that eal sila S point exp fr the eo ploe a el st bps Tae eben sipthe Hyovare hating sk debking you canakip the rest feos Ocng von ol oy he pn no ll ou debunking ons probaly be hs ype. IF swab werd hapersndebaling you can ce etek iledn 2 Theories IF he board hus tov foe Both ingress a your enondraon it may be posse fo debunk then bth ‘Smee How shout th ae an abet ha i oppose of tee Bears hin thy are hah dynied besos ho «cance sel ieg nie fee sey macro, You ak He aed rake woe ead aoe ale ard te card wader og at they do, You hae Banded both teorsstoagh tr geen spt ‘When you debunk vs hsris eal ale sea on bth ‘Bread ad p the pena for bob (a lyr oes {Upsins sunt as on oF 10 st fo ss of 5) Your reval fora suet debunking attempt isl only 2 points eventhough you debunked tw af ence. You sptthe pina nnedaepalaon roto Demonstrating a Conflict Sracines yor denen show th one of fo ‘theories must be wrong, but it doesn't show which one is wong Bere you can Beurk the ssopion thy, smeone bls th en of oad Yo beh en! sion tae. Yu a He cd rea isis otha) rear ops biti ‘Th thor od lin tat tod ond po tb Ae poste Ha eps Thecaed rear bs conieel ths ou hoe nt baked eer ‘cry, Hoewes oe hae sh Hl bth Hecrs comet 4 ae. Acorn oh hey br tha eo ingens shold nae Erumple The suaon same as abe, cpt Hise oak He carla ferpionand iad make. Thee rae se ‘they ahr! Bad bt ores ar cork & ithe pion hey shal make, You be dense cot nll th presi eal negli ane fo bcd rear meas sat fo Jo ta cae. I a gies oar gpnets a irtin ‘Wherever you demon a new cont bebeen tuo Aerie on he Boar if courts as sca and ou ain 2 points of reputation. No one hes pins, however, Accaseitis ot dear wih hear wong Yoo danthae ‘Be optional innediepbliaon in Conflict When 2 thers ate ‘knontiled fo be in confit, na he wih antchg cole ens. ‘The sl and abel foes remain nthe hers, ut ‘hesealsolnge count or conferences grans and the {op alchemist ama Ge page Tor eis) Noone an crsdore a theory hat isin cn Confit ok fae no et during wr point serng atthe end of he pune, Teas in eanlimay be ued in debunking ates I ether theory sdebuke, remove both confit ons froth board. Th ober tery nee hay nse ain. Ben hough nigh be wrong) Invalid Demonsteations Yew i ington ing pin Sol 1, hele fo debunk last one pci thear ot 2 be ale demsastate 4 nw fctesy oni ax kscrbedabor. your leson can do cierto: his yo hold fe bon adel yur deacon yo efor denasatn tha des nite of he thins, itis Faded debunking ateng and you ke 1 pin ob thay bl am Byard Py Yel bo thal manda ‘oo and oer eter don! make fh dono ths in debug, be el prove onli is son it te ay bal bt iran a oad mag ea ype ry Bes Hall ly ae esate ving ham pol hoy Hed ty a fedone oe desrsaon fresh rl and bons egyne al maha rk and rer father donot make be ll be Tpit of reptlen ‘When you denonstate othr conic fmt bea sew conc IF yo demonstrat a coi shat is ready ended by a pir of con flens. hal is at awd ebanking tear cost ou | point pub, Hove you can ua theory ude sll ken ina Aenonsaton of feet oni Cop Alchemist Award “The player with the most sals on the 4 & Aheoeybound eit pint oF weputaon. ‘Tfnothcories haveboen published, noone sebth nad. player dpe gin pin. doce mate water the seals ar origina! pubbeations or endonemens. And of coun doesn mater whether hey ae sared or unstared Broa fh nkration sea Bui yo ae playing he muster variant dan count szason bores wih confi aks. Yaused Cubes aa. ‘The rund doesn alwys gous d len al sn have fo decline actions and move cubes to the unused cubes space, For euch pait of cates you have her athe end of the own daw | five car, (An unpaired cabe does get you anhing) ‘Take back your unased cubes. You should have the full set i wikisd Di Potion alin pul you fhe opal Hospital Q-@snaace asp fo the unas cubes pce They wil cout as scl cues lth end ol he ret od New Adventurer Renove te ol adentrer He Wo Raging a around, Ptthenet one on he ade space This reveas conferees, wl ocr he end ofthe nstround Sette conference fle on he conference spc alle the Dink Pin acton pace. Confrence 0, arte fp abbr fc wp, You wil avy now wih adbeafrer is coming fo fwn one sounded Conference Tees ies eae beg feta omer Bek Dc chr inte wth he Gm pees, Wel, actualy is jst aig hay fess a the sandices are ice IF you set up the adentur ouck corel thee wll be oneeees af he cod of roads and (you dda st tw corey fix itu) The cokerees esas ler resin of the Dik Pain ation pace and efor he topalhenit unard and oer end-o-ound busines. ‘Thor who hue he resuied number of pableans and adores ain pont rept, Thos who Jo nt wil ose rputon pin as indzated y Be conference fh cla pale ll ey hc ee theory brad As wit he op ahr avd cour all sz excep for tao hears wh conflict le). ~ End of the Round ‘A bax nxt othe order spaces reminds you ofthe things that happen ath end ofthe rou, Resloe them in he oder show, No ae ay te caiman of ang a the cave th tag oka abet Type sana wh atthe bce le we eine apes ae New /tctifact Cards ‘The end f the conference she sus the aria few arcs, Remove any at facts il renaning on he Board and Ja out ke he new aka level flee the Bt coneenee oe fff feb second ‘Then fo Woe on th palcenitseadand the other end-feound business Setup Por Next Round TBenyngrotetsadaare hinting, snore then De § newindian te ro ihe desk ant (Qing stp ora aye) shale be dad ple fo rakea new deck Meal oder mae thoes. (Eept fe snyfhl wer ponte pa spat and) ‘The sting player mare dul be pase one hee the Te (Fs pase pyr on ret mae bck cn the sandy sace, ‘Other Fan Things Thal Can Happen To You When You Ae Pale page 1) Nw yo ate ay for ahr rund of dor, ly td mocking the ol who pba hat cu thay shout sxeions Che Final Round The game lus ic rounds. At the beginning ofthe fal rand, the fal adentue ail be plced net fo the Sell oons action space. (There are 6 adeendrers, you andomly chose If earn othe bor and here ws no adoenare in he found) ‘My alebonists ty to pres each he, Bt ace Ta ‘ule it can be satisfying to daeastste at sls to the nase, USE THECTHERSIDE ROR AFOUR AYER GANE. ‘When sting up fo th al ound ple the exibion Bound ah a ane an Dk Pinan spaces The wl replaced byte Exhibit Pin acon sae onthe cand read Exit Pon ations ae deed wh our her aon. You ae lied ote nar svn (Fina ols amcor ina tworoethreepaer ane ‘Thins he Bal ain space fo be teschedafle Publsh They. Each be sweet Tsim, ‘When tis yourtam o exis pt, emo your cake fromthe actin space and place tom on of thes potions Alice on the eston hurd. Tiss the potion ou are proning ei (Yo an coo api you hae alady sues eakibied The neil pion ot epi hecaseno one ising by ad soup) Frepre to ingredients in yor labomy as you do for experimen, fap on Be ard reader and ssn the ingredients Diced te ingens sherds asa iyo do at getthe rely caine move yor abe fhe WB space Youle | pint crepelation yo ah Bt ler scaly exh pao, _you gain 1 pont of rpttion Put your cube onthe jy Space yo cell exhib tt pti boty at nt eh our eke oe noe th oe ues lo Yoo gto pri icing that pot bon cnsily oi as posi Radon you noc esi 2 diferent sigs ofthe sane slr Fae ee rhe rental ay fia clos Sor 3 pots f reputation (More than ore plage can woe fis bonus) Reputation Points and Victory Paints Reputation points ate gine and string the oe a ro ve you rept boos and yourzeaofth orig hack can ed hoe md youlee Althe nd fhe ane sore vic pns a fle: & A repotation points become MD ier pis yw xd be ame wth 1S pons of reputation Jou Begin eal sing wah 16 ‘ike pinds Nest sr th ir pits for 2 pial acs: Ia plier has te Mogi es al pe eal ca pot he Mage Mio fit bebe the arcs and pans, Ifa bas the Wind Ml is ot sed al afler ‘he Big Reveal, card for ol pices Ss a nae ie pe sla ls ad QD wb change ck fer ire wcll ol Cee, peal brad gal pees Ou Pa ee pmsl ey thre feat You donot hive to lay ein the Bal round. Noe owes, ha ingens our had ue worth hing larg asx so tis yourla chance oak we fiber. Final Scoring Vitor point ar soredalihe el ofthe une Repuistonbonasesand peat ont apply fo te. Ma itr ina etn ath pil pon hen th reins hinged sare ved The Big Revelation And now comes the moment of truth, Place the card reader wher enqne ansetand Spee eden a nary ais gu ame ‘Thecand adel you bch dbbenical ws asocated vith ech ng Go Hough he theres one-one On ah ey ez ale sel, Tr the teary is correc, each ler scores he olin pits fr acre ek + Goldstaned eal Spoink, + Shesstaredeal:3 pin. + Undared seam point the theory i incorrect lacs los point asus + Shred pins + Undared sel mt prope heed 4 oink + Unda seal ppeyhodged ro poids How do you el te untae seals prope hedged? Lok at The aspect ofthe ico ea spec in inert then seal hedged aint ha clor are propery hedged and wal holged wai a diet arnt propay hedged IF mre than oe apc is inert thn ron of he salen be propery hedged (Once ll ears ae rested, soe the fp abhi rite ard drow for cand pain of unued cubes as ‘val Then fr al orig. ‘Note that players are losing victor fs, nol Heshehaet poping presen = ‘beingin the blu aone The red, green, and blue anes ofthe seoring ack have no meaning during final soring, cae tokens do mct matter at this point ofthe game. a ne eee Che Winner ‘he wna of he game the per wh The wad cy points. Bra es ung ioe oll pises as exined cater I gle ae sill, hy erin ed Wel dove! Axpprentice Variant and Master Variant. ‘Thee ar the difernes beeen theo arate 1A the Beginning of the gume,apprefices get 3 ingredient cards, Master ge only. 2. The conference ils are ferent. (Masters bello Ihe sandards) 2. The debunking rules are diferent. (Apprentice dtp) Detail ore vata “We raommend you the spreate vant eyo Bt se lethal it pte “ou can enn mixand mth he rans Foran oo col start wih 2ingredints, ws agpenize conferences, sand ly bythe master debking es als pose owe th fo varintsaan ease ot csr ple A nen player cans wth 3 ingredients ‘ble eveyone che tans wih The conker es an fe Mlaped ovo apy appre sandads he new Payerand maser andar experienced pers Andthe spate! ten spi nae dag hing Us fhese defo mete gune Fon and alleging fe corse! Using Your Deduction Grid Theoaghoat he course ofthe game, you gain information from carious ation even actions of ater players. You can reco this infomation on yoar deduction grid axing any stem you sant. The ony one who needs to understand iis you. Ths secon goes some examples of om io we that you lear Experimenting mbiquous Results ‘oot mat of your intonation omic Test on Student and Drink Paton sons For example, you nigh oad and rastvoom and. dacre Ha they rade. In fk, that was cur Sd ‘oo dn ne fobs cnn of ere shen you sl potin. Yu can ven we itassctofancxpernet Forex yeu wer tying sl be pion and pu nited muse and tol, he app ‘experiment on page 2 In your daluction ‘woul ayyouotancn mah whichis Pelaeicnl nese dened jot Ie rng a aon Te ‘ihe @ Thx arenolongerpssbiits ‘kinking he poten ou. Fee alco or oad. a he data, ‘hee poubies he been rose ok Debunking Oia cal pina nt Sm Ee DAL Tey tea Ts OF scissile Te mie ebosind, nlc gl Merci ch rien ion 20) hie oon rel benatin et ‘educlon gid. (Hower, @ someone demonstrates that mushroom and foad Sainte Ooi sludebabes Hatbaracen Yih ded your ‘om pen all) |S tn apprentice dcbonking you kaen about Ih oe Prete tl ale EF greeted erect sles ce Olen he res are anbigout Sagpse yoo ry fo make ar fen snd oad Th ted ade yu em + toad= 3, Whuthue oulaed? © You bn ou have mined eer ot Eb hs @ bin a ye ene ° Yoo in cine oy and Sielpeee gee ‘Wis mae brlerin ed. Yon to tna for ud but ifr atta tase < pobis heen cine fe lad Pala. poste oe negate. Hany plage ene eldest yx cde i ne @ pone te Uae hee dane mn a a a Go For mudioon ‘Tesers Vin Bruns, Hiner rk AL Vi. Marc a We i Mal Ra i A Game ans Hon, yhl Ze, Pl Pio, Di, Een Exe Fy Gon Gel, aa, ja Br, Lenk, et iacn Meal ae Monta, Olaf Pu Pt, Pena Roo, Rela, SF, ont, Tks, Ved, Yoka Yor, Zs, te Bro Board Gane Ch, Matis Kotry and other partipan af various ganing eves hough the Caech Repl and he wold. tion: Davi ‘Thanks to: Firs of all 1 would le to thank. snc who worked on this game, especially he atists and the graphic designers Foe eee ae Coa ne ia eset ase oben ee ‘Astitional Art: dakub Politzer fo think Dun Mes for blp wih the app Jason Hl fr ls of help wih he alebok, and Prul Grogan fr promoling ths game. ee rc ‘Aad li lid fea Wes beeen al he vet Tak ica ia eo Gea Desi Ply Marna Aad il Fed ha ppt an had he extra acon Translation: dason Holt ‘Special thanks fo: Vsada Chil, fr recommending this game to CGE and bts of useful advioe he gave me, (© GecchGanes Elion Outber I. Neutralizing Pairs ‘ ephiged on page 3 He neural potion Sis cred by nixng boo alec tat hue oppo sis in every ape Each alchenilfus exact ore abhenizal Ba netales it, Nevtalaing pin are grouped toger on your deduton ged (That & the rearing fhe igh and dk sang) Yoo can lean about seuaiig pu frogh pcan Abin ot seling potions. Ifyou dizer hl Brn + muioon + that tlle you tose fu ingredients are neta pi. By ‘el, si nt exouh nfrmation $9 clini ary pss. Bul yo aleady haw inforaton abou he ingredient Inthe press cumple, you doorered fal Fem canal be 9 oF Ss Becase rrudoom neutalies fem, you how rmusoom camot be her of the J aheizal hat neaale Bese. Green aro site how thi iafenaton © elias pss fr mse. "The information goes bo aye In fhe fist experinen, you kamed Ab oko, ne @ fen retales easioon, <0 it ead have ©. You can nit he neta of cath hei that was lined er rruskroom Thisisillstraledby he porte sro inthe pte. Advanced Techniques "Now go Back nd ok at yor pres cymes wi eeeg 2 posible hata tor rn Can you Bur ot why the) resus {you linia he oud possi led in his Tsao? ‘Ther are many oe hes of easing fhe have scored in his ex Pat ofthe fa of ing an alchemist is Finding cect fechiques tha kp you oe sepabuad of our clas. Deductions and Hedging Inthe end, cach of these ingredient as oy Fad) ‘vo posses resining You know bie red and bl aspects. Hypa ea the Sacingein’ pee bali eden dhe, But you might ced opis her ebne you kam wha ou med fo know. Tha hy ice Be Atoka agi grea. an F on Selected Artifacts Frrcxaple 2 er Noten oad ca elt ining ed nt coh pele ic eal dca foal and fer, you get points hese ys wed 3 diferent dngedens Special case yoo abohure he Mei Mota, acoleagse wildonly choos card be et ase or Feather Cap and ihe te willbe retuned your hand, One you knoe wich cari retro our Banyo can dee f ot se he Maie Morar and ve buh cards se ae fo be one fx Feherin Gap. Magic Micror Daring sorng you shold count hs ela wile the tacktillhos how many repution pints you al ab then of ply It ges you eta points or epulabon cnly'Thevidory oink ou get roma ts and rants welt onthe whe of Map Mos Round do: If reputon pins ae woth ho ion bebe Hee Mec Banvechiies Magic Mortar “Wheres yu lef Scan the ingens you wed efi, you ak ancker pager choos one the cards at andor, Only the chose cad is dade. You esp he oihee ‘Thisaprlest the Sel Pion, Teton Sudent Dik on, and shi Poin ston. Peciscope You ue he Pescope iediately te you ser the real Indore the eat pers acon. The Peiope apes fo the Sl Pt. Teton Stent: Drink Patin and Exhibit Pofn sts Ides nt app othe Thinking Cap atc Printing Press ‘When you endo teoy you sill us pay 1 gl piece Isle ow al ate, ony al ei he bl Ths men oom pub ee Robe of Respect Each gan of reputation i bigger by 1 For example, if you debunk. theory instead of gaining 2 points, you gain 3 ‘Special case: If you suscesslly debunk your own theory (Gee page 18) the Robe of Respect apps only if the result is cee in ee tig ocr wcinien Ecce Seal of Authority Foe} shing a new theory you get 3 points instead of 1. For aychee cielunatee ‘This horus is comulative with the Robe of Respect. If you ‘have both you ge points fo publishing a new theory and 3 Forendorsing a theory Use he ERIE Bt. You have 4 show he rents you calegucs, tual, ut herein pealy for mixing opie polis. You are mat loved ts the emt a rpc Be cope yar elo fest scorpion fod ard fern Hod you ned 2 oad cad. Wisdom Idol Waco Hsl snl sored wih he ober abs You we alle the Big Reslain, When ering eal foe sore! thors, yor ves soe I et pin water ey te sare The Wn el sa opp inet theo Witchs Trunk You can sl chose oer pus wih iggedils yoo seo allel fo dew th ingredient ads. Yoo ca il fet great he Frage or lg acon othe Herat. Favor Cards Each barr ead ell yoo when it ean be pled: Yo allow play alike lover cane he nang. That ‘Hla are canalalive ax explained below. Assistant ha fill vst py amend can ge ie mae wa de Inu 3-or ple game ou can fn your exe action cube inthebox. Ina Z-layer game (or «3-slyer game in which you play 2 copies ofthis card at once) you can use an acon ‘abe in one of the unused cles. Do forget oretuen the cube atthe end of the round, "The Assia jut ges you an ex cabifoe his oon You ate fl limited fo the taximam namber of actions allowed af ‘each action space, Associate Ng asin ad T wd tee fit UH te oot’? No? Why thank yu” Because your cubes arin the op ow. every bo declares that ation alter you wil hv puitheiecubes oe row lover than usual. someone elses cubes are already in the top tow (hecaase they played an Associate Loe 4) mow those cabs down othe secund row and pu you ine fp tow Tnofher words aplayerona high order space has bigger pushir associ than a player on a lower oder space On the Sel Poon ation space, your Avoca cues you Fi italy, but players sil id for the righ fo go Bt by offering discounts. as usual. (OF course, you win His, Your Associ is god at breaking is) Ifyou play fo Asoc ors, yoo must us thm on fo Afferent anton epuces. Barmaid Sie can Find yu lle samejing to ioe gn pia a8 aca pach Lees of ua ar explained on page Th Foe exaepl, ls ay you ply the Brel favor and rast you il aa pon with be eored sgnI unix", Heounsasfhoghyouachally ied “You ‘ell pot oe alti mixing neta pon ahd you so! th fms fou gute yo ply 2 Bred aoe ad got ae), he et Far mks coon! at an exact ah ad end Fee fives repuon Custodian TY sie to haw sea ho ea et pa iat hea al ‘When you plait car pli nef eho on {be Thnomate Ingredient and Sel aon sin spe wees le 4 Drak Paton acon sac af an cai Hine IF yoo a 2 Cason for yu pot 3 cakes thee. The szcond cal can of de dian ple imei bose outed nf one eres Be acon ace IF someane cle hs sheady led tee Cason fein 5 1 sti cad the atom sac. Pl oa ake above isn he slp ode Aafansien on th ce do not nit aati af Dri Poon aos on he sal pce. You an he Cesta ce inthe Bladen rik Fon isnt ale ‘When iin fo efor he ation you ie he pia Tiled Oneal cine eh le ade poldin Be dia ple Herbalist ‘She kaows all the secret paths through the forest, and she Alp Fi pb Inglis ‘Youcan discard any2 ingredients They don't have o he Zot ‘he 3 youhave jst drawn. ‘Thiscard mustbe played as non s you draw you dew 2 af once, esol the on ‘hen resolve the al Merchant hf Gut on fo 1 potal ‘Use a cube to block off the potion you sel, as usual. even ‘here is already a cube there. This migh make it posible for scone ee i asin cen aaa Ae fit player and you ge | gold piece fr each of he rest Shopkeeper IF yu spd i of tine talking wih te hyphen, pal Sisco that is pices ae Mlle Plyng ore Shplecper fare goby bigger oun, Ibis nt ps tae he price Below Sage ‘The old alchemist has many secrets. Oe secret is jst how rch gl be can exc fam. er’ athe Ik you play 3 Sage ors, you get 8 gol pits fr one tele ahi oli titont this ele alent ioe he only one wiht book be

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