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All Our Astronomers

Are Stranded In Space! Year 5

t ro d u ct io Ta s k

The world is in need of something extraordinary. Our

beloved astronomers of the world were busy at work Our Principal, Mr. Stark has suggested
out at space stations and beyond. But then all was lost to the world’s leaders that you are the
as their only way hope was DESTROYED. It is up to our students to ask for help. Your task is to
YEAR 5 science class to save the day. We have to do design and create a 3-D solar system
their job while they figure out a way to get home. We can act as a resource to help teach
must be strong! We must use our knowledge of the others about the solar system while the

earth and space to teach the next generations about astronomers are stranded.

the solar system.

U s e f u l T ip s

Mr. Stark has been able to identify some helpful ways to get you started:
- Explore the worlds resources online that contain information on the solar system,
- Don’t forget to look through famous writer Julie Murray’s range of literature on the planets.
- Explore the reasons to why it is important for us to teach the next generations about the solar system.
- Make sure every detail to the colour of a planet is correctly identified.
- We
must remember to think sustainably, try to use sustainable resources when creating your solar system.

o ll o w
R u le s To F
When creating your 3-D solar systems
- Respect others around you and try to find the information on your own.
- Use recyclable materials for your planets
- Include information that may be helpful to those wishing to learn about the solar system.
- Make sure your 3-D model is built strong and and stable to deal with the harsh conditions of this climate.

Pre s e n ta t
Eva lu a t io n

io n

to consider when creating your 3-D Your work will be displayed on your desk at the
end of term. Our desks will be set out so
system model:
there is a lovely wide walkway through the
- Respect others creations
- middle so each solar system can be seen. We
Use Sustainable resources
- Planets are correctly ordered will go through our favourite models and also
- Planets are in in the correct relative size get some cool pictures of each other in front
of world saving hard work.

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