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Global Vision

winter 2011

T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L M AG A Z I N E F O R B US I N E S S E X E C U T I V E S $ 4.50 £ 3.00 € 4.50

Ewald Henshuys ceo Surinam Airways  Elite Film Festivals

 West Coast Travel  Fairmont hotel group  US Mid
Term Elections  BURLESQUE Works by Luma Rounge 
Incentient SmartCellarsm  Nobel PRIZE 2010 winner Mario
Vargas LlosA  Africa: EU Tripoli Summit 
GLOBAL p ersp ec t iv e s | 20 10 far nb oroug h air sh ow GLOBAL p ersp ec t i v e s | 20 1 0 fa rnbo roug h a ir sh ow

Farnborough International Airshow 2010 in review

787 lands at Farnborough photo credit Boeing

Eurofighter Typhoon BAE Systems Taranis UCV EADS A-400M Military Transport

By J e ffr ey Bradford P h. D.
for near 180 aircraft and a price tag of some June as costing $380 billion and having a $1.15bn from Norwegian Air Shuttle, and fi- major industrial players. British company show saw many aircraft missing with name
$35 billion over a twenty year period). In the production run of some 2,400 aircraft over a nally leasing company GECAS, which or- BAE Systems briefed extensively on their plates indicating that they were deployed in
July 2010 saw the world’s civil and epic struggle for supremacy between Airbus twenty-five year period. JSF has been priori- dered $3bn worth of 737-800s. ‘Taranis’ program named after a Celtic god. the Middle East ahead of the 1991 Gulf con-
and Boeing, the former was cited by the tized as part of a procurement review which Airbus, too, benefited from GECAS’s patron- The program to created an unmanned com- flict with Iraq over the Iraqi annexation of
military aerospace industry descend World Trade Organisation (WTO) for receiv- has highlighted cost-overruns and the proj- age – with a $4.9bn order for 60 A320 family bat vehicle offers the company a niche ad- Kuwait. The post Cold-War defence cuts
on a small private airfield on the ing subsidies, next the latter was also. Stale- ect officer was replaced. airliners. Steven Udvar-Hazy’ Air Lease Corp vantage and opportunity to retain the high- were yet to bite and yet, despite substantial
outskirts of London to meet, discuss, mate for this round perhaps. Farnborough saw the first visit of the Boeing also ordered A320s, with a $4.4bn order for tech skill base to design and manufacture engagement in international conflicts 2010
deal and show off their latest and In the civil airline world the Airbus A-380 Dreamliner 787 whilst still in development. 51 of the type. Finally Aeroflot ordered 11 entire combat aircraft systems. saw no such similar cancellations.
suffered its first in-service challenge follow- The aircraft is very impressive although not A330-300 from Airbus at a list price of Italian defence combine Finmeccanica was All-in-all the Farnborough Airshow demon-
greatest innovations. ing an engine failure aboard a Qantas air- especially distinctive to the casual observer. $2.3bn. present in a major way at Farnborough 2010 strated its continued place in the interna-
craft. Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, present at Interviewing the flight crew one of the big Challenger to the Vietnam-era C-130 Hercu- with an impressive pavilion, array of capa- tional aerospace industry with significant
The aerospace industry has had a rough ride. Farnborough, though still in testing, also had improvements from their perspective was les transport aircraft, the Airbus A-400M bilities and engagement of senior manage- industry and political representation. The
The economic crash has affected passenger a scare following a fire requiring a control the most intangible – air quality – on long flew at the show. The program has suffered ment figures such as Executive Chairman of airshow still remains the number one indus-
airline traffic and the airlines. The recession panel replacement. trips in this superb aircraft the negative ef- numerable delays, an earlier Farnborough Selex Systems Integration and former Depu- try venue for unveiling new aircraft outside
also impacted on Government spending in For the defence world the largest production fects of the flight time on travelers should Airshow twenty years earlier in 1990 saw a ty Chief Executive of the Defence Procure- of the United States such as the Boeing 787
the military sector which results less in can- program remains the Joint Strike Fighter be reduced. The flight deck is high-tech with full-scale mock-up made of wood present. ment Agency David Gould. Finmeccanica Dreamliner. During the show some US$47
cellations and more in delays to pro- (JSF) or F-35 Lightning II which is to replace a Heads-up-display and a real Twenty-First Clearly this program is moving closer to frui- emphasizes a blend of military, para-military billion worth of orders were announced. The
grammes, creating greater inefficiencies in current aircraft including the F-18 Hornet, Century look and feel. tion, though struggling national defence and law enforcement related technologies event featured 152 aircraft in static and fly-
production and procurement. A-10 Thunderbolt, F-16 Falcon and the AV-8B In terms of the Airbus versus Boeing battle budgets in Europe may introduce further de- which will have increasing appeal to the ing displays and the public weekend attract-
Legal controversies have also dogged the Harrier Jump Jet (used also by the Royal for order numbers the first day could be lays yet. changing defence environment and greater ed over 100,000 visitors.

The next Farnbor-
past year – in the military sphere the fight Navy and Royal Air Force until the recent seen as a victory for Boeing who won orders A sign of the rapid maturity of the Un- definition of the role of ‘homeland security’. ough International Airshow will take place
between Airbus (EADS) and Boeing spilled decision to scrap them as part of the SDSR worth some $13bn, with orders from Emir- manned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) sector was re- Looking back and comparing 2010 with older 9-15 July 2012.
out into the future aerial fueling tanker pro- Review). The program led by US contractor ates airline for 30 Boeing 777-300ERs worth flected in these aircraft being fully integrat- Farnborough events the industry would For more information see
gramme for the US Air Force (a requirement Lockheed Martin was estimated this past $9.1bn, an order for 15 737-800s value around ed into the pavilions and pitches of the probably feel in good shape. The 1990 air-


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