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att Pani RAILWAYS. Trnportant Chapters Tntio duction Tracttve Resistance (Train Resfstance & Tractie effort Geomelsic Design (Curvatiive toms & Crash Fermanent w. (Rail, Sleeper & ballast) SBNation «ancl yards Signalling & Tnlérlockt Track Fixtires and Maintenance Cre, ep Tunnels Tutboduetion The Fivst Railway was opened tow trappie , fr the histe Heer ce ge September 1825. in wand bet aa 21 The eae ig woas developed by ‘Mr. Geome Stephenson, veloped a Me Guege Set he was nefther nm engfincex nor a Selentist 8. The sirst wbloay ts tor Trappic | in the Dar % tee aed 1853 bebween Pemba and “Thane, about 33 km 4. There are Nine Zones 4 seis formed fa 1950 Nome of Rafloay tone | Head opptee hentia ) Novthem Ratloa carr) | New Delhi | 4108 km | 2) Eastem Railway “CER) | kolkata i 4HIOS km \ 3) Central Rathoay Cor) | — Mumbat 6144 km | 4) Southern Reser (2), | Chennai | 4BIZ km | 5) Westen Raileay (wR) | Numba? AGT km 6 South Central ena (Sek) Secunderabad | B62! kn 1) North Eastexn eli (neR)| ements a Cutter Paltesh) | 8) North East Frmtfer , Maligagn | 1515 km Cunard) 6287 km | NEF 4) South Eastern Rails cs . Kolkata 5.) Were are Six move new Zones Name op the Zme Head aruarter 1) Bast Cental Ratlony (Ec) Hajipur (Bihar) iD East Coast Bhubaneswar Allahabad CUP) Tatpur (Rafasthan) Bangalore Jabalpur (Mr) 1B) North Ce ub 4) North Westem 5) Seuth westérn 6) West Central 6. Production Units and ae Standard of Traian Rai ln Unt | Head opptee ean {! |D Research Desfgn and | To dest, oe | Lucknow i te «Standards Opanieation Ctr Pn | core | “4 1.) | 2) CWittarantan ere el Chittaranfan | Wariupactire aA Heatric Works ~CcLw) i Choest Ss | Lecomestive 3) Diesel Lecomotte | Varanaa’ — Manupatlive of Dezel works (DLW) | aaeete eros A) Trlegral Coach Perambur Nanupactive oF Fac (REE) Cohennai) Coaches SD) Diesel t Patiala Nanupachiive of 7 Re tat | ls | Se che RG) Coach ale | ° P REN conch Geo | Cay” | Magar op ] st) Wheel & Axle Plat ellis Manupactin ? CWAP) a = whee e “hale x tt ot we 10. The iid pp ome vail To 12-8 m CApprocimadely 13m) for Broad Casgel Wo Sa)m) (tei) pee Meter Gauge ‘The Ga tan be depined as the Clear distance between two wails of ome tiack or , the Cleay Aslance bebocen te ~uming faces Of @ track, Tn Thdia | there are four types of Gauges (eG) Broad Gas - th fdih “oy is 1-e16EMEG> a 0, 4| mens Ct fe ey ‘SG z b) Metre Gauye 2 G = 1-000 m : 3 2) 0.162 m Narow 4 4 Gee ° (qu) a) Ugne Ga - Gs O6lom ) vamos Tr Thdfa , Broad care fs also called standard Sari a and Uk adopt Standard Guage let G= \45am Gut Tapan has adopted Mel¥e Gau havi P i eat, ney The maximum lead aa i pana oF Tndfan Rail fs BIO times op 1 own rag ee Th Tndia , the weight of wail adoptad fs 52 Fe for Speed upto 130 kmph Bur ip the Speed fs move than 130 kmh then the Sde rodighe op wil fs Go fale Th Tidia thee types op wal aw \used on Broad Gauye © N oe " eK 2, ) 60 ME oGe alm) 2 52 MR (52 bole) 2 40 R (40 “Rb]yd) > appre. 45 Ig Tn Train, the marimum axle load on ‘railway fiack ts 28-56 tonnes - BG Cfor one Hele) 11.34 tonnes — MG 13.26 tones -— NG Axle load = Slo x Waele S10 x52 = 26-52 tonnes Sio x 45 = 22-4 tonnes Blo x 60 = 30.6 tonnes The brack modulus op a ~atilway back indicates About the stippness ‘op the track which canbe detined as the load applied on the tmek b produce unit depevmatfon (deflection) per unit lest of the track. Tt a ine ie ‘ a a The size op ballast (shone chips) fe as below a) For wooden Sleeper - Simm b Fox Steel Sleeper = - 38 mm fn & ing ©) For potnk a 25 ron Board (IRB), the %y| According to Trdian Rae maximum permissible ato) a curvaliive Shall be a below | a) Broad Gauge - 3 10° b) Nekre Siar — 16° © Navn Gauge — $ Ho Radius, R= 1120 Sa xe 2 | The maximum pesmfasible Super elevation on Indian aa Curve Shall be as belaw SE=e€2 1G lo BE = A xlbtém= 0.1676 m A 16.16 em lo. Ss 16-5 em VC eX oc = Io. ‘ = 0.01T62m a 1-62 em No > pbx oteam = * 16. The powey vequired te haul the goods on vail. Wack 6" One- sixth of the power required on gen i. The wheels op Frain are coned aa lope 1 tn 20 ae Ceeprned Ja api) R— 46-4 oa) _ae cue pet - Sewprang - ef: M2) a wwe ale ee | SS PS FG Ree FS 2 a 59 ays CA) a Beale Cy ai used | =a ai I Seacomare | Gin oles) wee | wee yun oer v to uoyes -seany 9 23. 24. 25 The minfmum ultimate tensile stress of Trdian Rail Shall be F24 Mm The yield stress of Trdfan Raj] shall be 425 Wha the fYermfssfble shress fn Indian Rafl fs 236 Me The maximum permissible wear on Tndian Rall is 5+. op the se op il General! veil & made up op high carbon steel bur is cc a ce medium Carbon steel The vailway track fe highly elastic due t presence of ballast Katha & a' mode op transport which comes under One degree op freeclom where lateral and vertical Movements ave vestiatned, Tn Trdte Flot Footed Rail CFF), also known as Vignel’s vail fs widely used The width op expansion joint on ae track fs about Hm te S mm Cb = 2a at) & SL = xizxie-$ x 30 = 4,68 mm Tr Thdfa Short welded wai] (5wR) consfels op thvee vail leagi eed fe The Welded Rail (LWR) im Trdia is 200m for BG and 300m for MG (less than 1 km ) The Continuous welded Rail CCWR) fs more than 1 km (> 4 km) ; ¥e de 9 21. the Sleepew Densi is the number op sleepers per wail id Cone vail esi) Th Dadian sleaper density for high speed tack (Trunk Route and Main line) ts kept as MrT Where ™) fs the la 4 ome wail Fo ‘nm! Sleeper eae expressed 25 M4 % Total Number op sleeper ~equtred for one kilometer tee Broad gene track ¥6 No Sleeper density emt emer) = 14-8 N = 20 Number of mifl pe km = 000m x5 (BB = 156-25) 2157 ‘ Total number of sleepers = 20 xIST Z = 1570. No. of sish plats = — 4 wails x Bry no KREE Tractive Resfstance (Train Resietance ) arf Capatity) The veststance ‘independent op Speed of the train f 7 : takes place due to friction A ), Journal friction, Wave action of vail and resistance due t intemal pants Tt fs ii & elation, donne : \ Ki, = o006W yg where W — total cai 4 the tyain in tonne The rain vvesistance Aependent on Speed takes place due to timek Prrequlanit Vertical movement 5 wheel due to poor maintenance and due te eg friction Oscillation and cae Cnesing action). SaaS) Fven p relation oy Ri, = 0.00008 WV where Ww - total welgnt 4 the ‘train in tonne Whe Speed Sw kmph The vest eo 4 wig etc Cie GT diac, spe Dont the *Samare 4 the Speed eh the rain Rx 1 ev? Re, = ©: 00008 wv No. op pik bolts = 4x No. 4 jeinls = 4X No. of sails 2 ye io = 629 Total wet. op rail 2 52 kgm x 128x157 = toh 5 x10" Ka 28. “the Symbol adopted for ~ locomotives. © 1s ee for oad G - WwW Mekre cane y Narrow Gage - Z Yass ro ae eee - g et SHH. o.asx1 > 0-415 3 108 Im z Total ballast = 1:08 xX Ip0o = \oeo m3 3, The train vesistance due te atmocpheric eppect by considering Xero velocity op wind fs dfvectty 5 proportional “te Sauae of “tte velocity op tu train and na proportional to the tstal voefgnt cae Cain De fs Ge FA vrelation Ri. - 0. 0000006 wy Peat Pa eat Oncaea < = eee eee prpile i gin as below a) Due to a ee cg track, seen - a wen —_ w cos (oral Tacit Fan) Ry = Wsine Since “6 is small sino = tin B = qe tn ne Rye wx Grtiok fi = aa Ry - wx = ae 4 she Where ww - beta efit oq train in tonne he anette due to gration fn tonne 2 the tractive vesfatance due to curvative op track poptle takes place due t subbing 4 flange with the vail head, due 1 slippage a Wheel Logit as well as nk due to tneveasecl pressure © faner vail caused finsupptetent Super elevation, due ts Feed pressure on ouléa raf] caused by exes Super elevattan, due fo poor track mainlinance, dle to Tmproper gauge, due to poor alignment, due te ae. 4 wom out mil and high oy low jerrts The tracthe vesislance due to curvature is a) direc Proportional to tre force Seca potetion wp dtrectly proportional 12 gause O Inversely proportional te radius itera cee DY divectty propertfonal te digeed. of curating According to TRO, R, = 9:0004 HO —- Broad Ga 0.0003 we _ Mele G 0.0002 WB - Narow Gouge Re + th tone a W > Total bali 4 tratn Tad ct fn tonne 6 Total tractire vestetince developed external source must be esyual to Total ahi Capac a the lecomotive Total hauti 4 capes ts the product Dp coegefcient op friction and the tole wheels Comping wheels) Hauling Capacity = fx nx one axle load where nM — no. of paty op, Anivt ty wheels, Him coeppietent of gatetion Oy vc avetje) et ltng or attng wheal wheal Ain TAle wheels Tle wheels a eee axle. leads Cate on all alatit sa ae fale wheel | | Div whe Ret Re + Rt Ry t Re = penx w ina) @.00008 wiv + 0.000006 wy? + word + 0.0004 we ton 0.0003 w6 (oo Take of resistance styl tome ; 0.0002 wd ey = ene Numerfeals :- Daefixmine the pag ce 4 a locometive O-6- t Where One axle Lt and ae dampness fs avaflable Pe mxnx w ra > 1x 3x 26 a 6 2 Uy tonnes 2 Determine ~eeislance due to curvltiee on Broad 4 Wh tive fs 2" 20' “a ere clearee 4 Curvvaliive Ts Oo Ro = c.cce4 we (Bren Gauge) = O.0004 x 1 (#8) = 0.00045 fonne per tonne of ae of Frain 3 A Loeomotie on Broad G, vobeels Pair each | Cau 25 tonne. Delisrfne the maximum load. that frack has 6 deft Can ve pulled my 27. Slope witty 3° curvature at sokm/hm Assume. Cae dampness 0.0016 Ww + 6. CQ008 Wx 8D + 0. CEDD0CEW x BO + wxl + 2 cecH wx 2? = 1 Db 6 W- 318.33 tonnes A locomathe on Me Track has 3 pales 4 Avivte voheels each Carvyf, 20 tenes, Determine Ahe maxknun Yak tk can pul” on: level Hack with cumaliiee oy 2 at so km/hy . fe 5 O.00l6 W + 0.00008 Wx5D + O. 2000006 Wx 50” level goat . + wx +) 00003 wx 2 = 1x 3x20 & x taleulator) t we 1248-7 tonnes ( Find out the steepest amdtent on a Tee track usin the fama Aate for a train having 20 a ”) wae each ara = 18 tonne oy) a vestelance of Yoagon = 215 iyltime 9 spe a tie train “S50 km/hr : 4) weigt op locomotive with tender = 120 tame e) Trattive eftere =f locomotfie .= 12 tonne 9 Rolling vesistane 23°8 aie Rte, - Re y (wage) + Re (Locomotive) = Bo) x (wea Se aoe ie oo erne cea Cs eee ec 2) = 1320 = 132 Tone Wis Ww + We ceamotive > [20x18] + 125 = 480 -temne. 2 1632 + 0. C008 K YAO SD + 2, D00000K 480% SO - ree ees) alone = 0: oles Vin 54:10 4 = iin 60 #%| : Gi Calculate the max fu permfsahble train load that can be pulled a locomotive desigcaled as 2-6-4 in an axle lead % 25 feine earth. The tt has to Rae Speed Ff 65 kmh on 4 aT level frck . (BG) WMso caléulate the veduetin fry peed ip tre timin has & climb a gradient | fo 200 Ty train “climbs the gradient with a 2° curve, then What would be the Aeduetfoo in peed , ) 0+ 0016 W 4 ©, 00008 WX 5D + 0.0000006 wx bo? LWKS + 0.0004 WxO = LeHy os 6 W= 1308-724 tonne we 1308 tonnes % 2 ” Bea RIED + ©. 00008 K1308 x V + 0. 2000006 1308 xV faeces (G2) +O == tix ae 26 é Vie cy. 5 kmfhr Reduction %o speed = 85 ~ 54.5 = 80.5 km/hr 2) 0.0016 1308 + o.c0008 KIBOEK + O,0000006x1308xV2 + 1308 (he) + D.cpmyx (208x275 1 xy x25 Ve 4e.86 km] he Reduction Ip speed = @5 — = 36.12 Kea Pho 1 Determfne the grdtent. for a Bq frck ten the gre ne vesistance together wily Curve vesislance due & a cure 4 3° shall “be equal to the resistance due & alas rer ai etme) ra = 5 crulig) a 2.0004 Wx 2° = tye Zoo g= 3.8x10* g° lin 263.15 Traportant Notes - Wind vestslance Shall be the maximum wher wind fs aettr ak oan le 4 60° tp the Atrectfon ay tain movement The wind ~esistanee fs ge FF formula, Ry = ©.000e017 av? w Where a = exposed area of the tain th sym Vis Velocity ef, wind to km/he Ros Wind vesfstanee tonne Resistance Aue to oheting 4 the train fe ae “4 fornela , a) For locomotive | resistance = O19 X Weight Locomotive in Pleone For Aa , sesislance = 0.005% ae 49" | 3| Restotane due te acceleration fs R, = 0.028 w (eae t qh by fee | where w= total weight hath fn Tone y, Gta velcro aor Y= Trikfal velosthy % kim [hw se ried tierce & We Wale epee eually eynal & or Ute a excess of ce “peat Th fs the propulstve fore developed 4 engine T+ 3 cerfred by yelation as ica belo, ——— ms. g ANS n Fisten cylinder Total w.p = Extemal w-D Forex (Tog tro = Tax one rotation gait Wheel Tova’) d Px [tx Ed? x (+L) > Te x (™D) : : = ioe ao bxdix 2 2 Tex D ne pate 2 The tinetine epport ‘ineveases with Tocrease th pressure pisten Ata and stroke lens but cecreases with increase fm wheel dia. A smaller Ata 4 wheel Tncreases the tiactive epport but reduces the Speed A lame din of, Wheel veduces toe tractie lout Ineveases the speed effort Te tractive epport Toergaseg then che speed decreases The active epport ts, dependent on Horse poner and lie popertional te Vest The Jounal friction te Independent of speed havi Value about eb b ! ky] tome. 4g But % case A han geass te te 12 per tine, one ER Geomete Destan of Ketloas Track Curva live. Design 0 1, Relation between *o" cA Curviliiwe and Radius 4 curvatiove Accortin. Tre the ave lengtis Por turve G StcHfn 1s 30m Tp @= 360), chreumperence = 2™R O. | chreumperena = re — Tp 6-8 Are length - 2 fre length 2m7k = 3D 360" 6 R= 30x36 = 18.87 rx 8 e. x Ra 120 8 8 im degree y Radius, & in'ng, Note += | YD Waximon permisetb le degre 4 cumniure (0) | for BG, 8= lo Reto = i120 2 172 m lo For ig, O= Ic” Rmfn = $120 2 107s m "6 For Ne, 0: Ho" Rein = (120 + 4am 2 Th chord longi, ©» 30m 8 = 2x15 x Bo © Re = re. 87 z Re (mle-87 -4 i20 o ° Btn degree | z Expression for Versine of the curvetliere Tial chord leapt e 2 2 past Ri = (R-vy" £(g) Boe ghee 2Rv +c" negligible , sev Wty ot ae Types of gendient on Trafan Ratloay Gradient can be defined as the departure of, the track from the level surface of the track which be 4 4 A or jal pane Th fs expressed tn percentage ov the hovfeental distance frmwelled por a wise. or fall fn one unit Gradients are provided ty vveach the vartous stations located at dipperent elevatfors and to vedue he cost Of earth work. There ave fay “are 4 inane FA Ruling Gradient” HB Vowtltun Gradient © 8 Pusher Gradient (Helper gre) 4 Gradients at station yards Rul font ts ‘Dindi as the gradient which delérmines the maximum Noad thar the engine ean haut on the section Th fe the maximum gradient allowed on the track sectfon According to Trdian Railoay Board (TRB) the manimun pornfesile saa aaa with cone locomotive trato Shall be i) Plain Lone (terrain) —~ 1 tm i & t fn 200 % ‘arly arel : = 1 fa we & It 1B Nomentum Gradient These gents axe more Severe than the wili que but th do not determine the maximum load the train. Such ‘iad Acauires Suppictent memeitun te negotiate them Tn Valley zone falling gee fs usually allowed a a vist ec : A Kain while coming down a fallir wadient acayutces supptetent momentum —( additional kinetfe eneaiyg) which would enable te train te overceme a steeper cial finaane than the vwult fen This fete wadient fe called as momentia 2 "4 0 m aresient | Care qa helper rediont) | | vadienls axe te insportint fp mourns Zone where sleeper radients are mecessany te reduce the lengin of the Tack. Th such cases one locomotive | te Tn capable 4 haul the Wain load and hence one | extin engine Shall be provided on the steepest gradient called pusher iad or helper gradient On Westem ghat with broad Gace track pusher qmtiok fs 1 tn 37, On a Ser the | aridtent available Te 1 ty 25 | A Helper ime Fool fa 1, 1 tn too wit additforal one engin (aaa adopted Gree at stakin B. The vadient at statlon yard should be low ts Prevent the “movement op standing Vehicles on the track Aue % eppect a arity and “slong wind o a gentle push To prevent “addttfonal restslance due fo éenk on the stavting vehicle, the gradient should be low * On Trdlan Ratloay , for all the ages the masionim i. pertted © th station - is 1 tm G00 fy entation — gradiZent 1 tr (000s recommended from aaa paint i view gh Grade Compensation on Curves, Tn ower t aveld ststanees beyond the allowable limtt, the gradtonb are veduded on cuwes and the vreductton fo gent fe known as qe Compensation fer ewes Ty Tdie gente Compensation tore currvatione fs Ae as a) for BG - ccf werd a cure » Mg - ee per dfs nee 9 Ng - CnC z a iar qos Ty terms 4 vadius ft fs tea 48 SG aan z R in *m! ) Mg — 52.5 4 z Qo NG- 35 Rg Super Elevation C cant) Wher a tiain moves ‘around a curve, ft fs outed to cestvfpugal foree acting horfzentally at the centre al vehicle vadialld aiay prem the centre : cas hfs ineveases the lope oe oulér val] To counteract - the effet Cea fore, The level of outer vel] “fs raised above the Inney vail A the certain amout ts. tnfoduce the contvipeta | force. This waised elevation 4 outer vai] abore the & on» nex all at a hovicontal curve fo eallech sai natcaiell The term cant represents the fransvexse alepe Objectives A Super elevation 1 TS fabroduce ithe centrepelal foree for crtateenctt te effect of conbepuge fowce.- Te provide faster movement 4 tain on curves To Prevent ewatlment and te veduce the side wear and ereep of vail, 4. Te provide equal Atehfbutfar ai wheel loads on feo wale 5 Te veduce ‘the Cost” é Te ~educe the lendan. meee wail and 6 reduce mafolénance a track ts move out a position due te more lead on outer will, 1. To provide an even and smooth running track To ensure compertable vide to pamengers and Sage Movement of gee Go . Taney rail 7 ouler 20% reo Conbripugad force Yan x = € 4 super eevation For equilibrium, C laterally) z . = Litévalll porces al the plane = 0 ¢ Helly) Ww sing — PcosK = © w sing = Pecos x w sina = PF cask w lane = P e. My? Case 4 Broad Gauge. , Gs 1-616 0 we = 166 em = 4-81 mfsee™ 4 = 481 cenfcee™ R= Rx10 oo Ue eee = (27-18 cm en ee ¢ R = Qr-18y*x Vere 4a x KR xloo e fn em. Vi fn Kragh R fa mp Re (120 @ Case 2 Meter Gauge G f.000 m = ltoocm C2712 v)*x 100 981 x RX tov es 0.186 v2 Case 3 Nawrow Gauge, G= ©: 162 m “6 = 716.2 tm e+ Cenng vy" x 16.2. | atx RxD = 0.994 ve | ane ery | z. Dream fi pert The Super elevation or cant obtained fem abo tonmulee is known as eayilibrfum Cant When the lateral pores and wheel loade ave alnoct caput the cant 1s satd tb be tw egy lorie Eqnt librium cant fs proviled on tne baste 4 “average speed of te trains the avers Speed fs also known as Ee ee id by welatfon, V= Vig = WY, + Avy + Ngva+ n+ natn Where 1,02, 1, denote the number 4 trains unnfi oreatccxA ees Speede | vio ,V. ‘respectively . To lack 4 suf hiedent dda the average speed i Taken as three - fourth maxtmum Speect But fe shatl net be less than bo kph, Tt means Ip s fs less than 5 kmh then Average speed Ts 50 Knephy Lint ls of Super elevatfon According fo Tndfan Raflway Boar, the maxfrown Value of super elevation 1% one —~ tenth of te age Cae a Cmax 2 LKNETE™ = 16-16 lo a 16-5 em b) Meer 4, lmax = LL boom = 10 cm 6 ( ©) Naxrm 7 Roariw one ee ccen = 76 om | Bh USA, mmx: Superelevation ts 15:2em on tava Gauge C55) * Te the speed fs 120 kmph hen maximum Supe elevation. | 12 iegem. (Bq) Tp speed fs (60 kmph then maximum super elevation on Broad Gauge te 18-5 om. ' Tp Speed is 20° kmph then maximum Super elevator on Broad 4 Ss (8.5 ero ‘Tn Britain, maximum’ Super elevation fs I4erm, (4 - 1-435) Ga8) Maximum Fermfsstble Speed 29 Curves The Speed on cunves. Aependent on patevtng factors & the Gauge track, b) The mbes of We awe shy 2) Amount * Super elevation prouicted a) The presence Lor absence Yangon cue 2) The positon 4 rreeultant 4, vebtele (ead and contugal force Dp Fransttfn cues are provided bepore and apler the main curve Colreular cure), Marth formula fe adapted Ve 4 [R-T9 -. coo heap [R-67 - for BG & 1G where Ro Radius main curve Tp ‘m9’ R= (120 8 Vo ects in Kmph . PA for Nurmw Gaye, > 3.65 [R-6 ton 3:6 [R-6) Buk Te shall not exceed 50 Kmeh Gt Dia? Seed T | { 2. Tp Transit curves ave absent _ The maxtmum speed fo veduced by 207 Brad 1 Metr Gauge ¢ aN WE, (eae 5 mea aac Seem! Narrow G6. reece x3.b5 JR-6 5 = 2.42 [R-6 for NG T+ Fhall not exceed ho Koaph 3, For fee Ve joel 4. The Maxfmuns Speed ier Fansttfon cuwe fs now Adtemnined with the help of actual cant and Cant feten as given belao Y fer Be | Ve 0.27 (actial cant + Cant depiviency)x Ralins Where fetnal cant shall be fn ‘mm! Cant depiciency shall be fn ‘mm! Radius shall be in ‘my! ee Vin “Konph" 2) for MG) V= 0.347 (actual cant teat Aepletency)x Radius 3) For NG, Ve 3-69(R-6. @5! not more than 50 kmph I 3 : | Cant Depicteney. ¢:D) The Eqyilibvium cant % provided on the basi of exutlfbvium speed. (heighted average speed) But this eqn litbfum cant falls Short 4 tet wequived for the Wp Speed train, This Sa i Gant te called — Cant eta Cant depietency % the dipperence between the. eqpiiltovium cant for the maximum pemmfasible speed oa curve and the actual cant provided. on thre basis ai Cun SC ecall Aecording to Tndfan fats Road Cant alefelaney Shall net exceed a5 below » Broad aria D= 16mm . Cépeed “upte oo mph) Buk Tp speed 75 more than tbo kmpb then fe Shall, not exceed 100 mm 2) For Meley ,Gauge , D> SI mm 3) For re ia tar D+ 38 mm The Cant Deptiteney to Umitid due tivo reasons Dd ie Cant sr ge tse to 15 passenger 2» ne cant Aepfetency means higher would be the balanced ceitritugal fore Miher Abscomport and hence exitia pressure on culer mil fakes place. | Re Negative Super Elevation When the main line fs on a curve and has a tim cub of aes Flecure leading a branch line as shown fn 4fqulre below, ae aide elevadtien EI over the roan line cannot be provided. Aue te presence ) Th abow figure Ae vepeeseits Troer “ail of main line Where poink A should be lewer than the pont c a the outéey vail CD. ak ‘suftch secon Csfnt seckion) 2) Te above figure AE wesents Outer rail a Branch line. where point A should be higher than the point the Tomer vatl CF 2) Fer main line pefnt A should be ab lower level but for branch line the same point A sheuld be at wv lee)’ than ‘the point C, Such came cmAition Cannet bbe made with ab a time. Th such ease the physt erence fs an 5 the mainline and hence the final conclusion fs that point A must be at lower level than the pofrt c. Dh means super eleration is provided for mato line only. at the point. section 4) For branch \Sne, the point A fe oot be ber ( vshtch. Should be higher) . Dt means for branch line ‘there Ts ne super elevation. at fhe pein and hence it Said that the branch Cine has ative Sepeciclont iin Tn such ease the Speed must be reduced ( limited) branch line and main line also 3) The relation ‘betiveer, mainline and branch line at aa Flexure fs rian as below. re eC ee Oo 315 Vain —- De D- vais Visanty Bonet Rea Dna super elevation on branch Wine = Crmgin - D. Numericale :- A branch line having degree curvaliine 8° diverges out fn covtiany pleeure From a main Une harfy cuwahure a in fon The peed on main line is 4 kmph eh line Gs BG track. Determine 1) A super elewettion on 2) Speed on branch line Given data Omain = 5° Vinain = 45 ph Rmatr = Mize. S28 = Sh om D= Cant aepfetency = 760m for po Di Super elemtion on Branch line = emain ~ P eS Sat : Rreairn . as | ear STG 2 Shy . TT) — Te ce er Srrancn > 2 Reranch = IT = 250 8 Cmain ~P = Dey ae cr D- 135 Vien natn Ga V2lex 455 — 7.6 = 6 ~ tars vee Say 215 Vovanth = 34.02 Kemp a ) co) 4) PS Transition Cure Vransitfon curve 15 defines! as a cune 4 parabalic native which fs Frboduced betioeen a straight and cixutar curve. ev between two branches of Compound curve Tts wdius varies prom ‘ngintty te a seleclad mfafmum in order to obtain full Super elevation and curvature, pPaS This is also knonm as Easement cune The hramitfin cure are necessary 2 provile an ae change frm 0 tegont faving Topi vadltue tthe vadius selected for a porttade cone Necessity of Provicling Tyansitfn Curve Tr a stmight track two wils are kept on the same level buk fio Curved position the outer vail is super elevated bs nner one and hence it fs eszential bb provide geet attainment | Super elevation Te the curvature fs suddenly attainecl a severe jerk Cjelt) is felt and hence ft must be avoided 4 ee Transition tune De te sudden application ] curvature there ts a chance Aevailment which’ can be aveided | | transite cure ee in the case 4 shasp curve To decrease the radius sume from fopintty ab the ee that a circular curve 4 selected vadins, tiansttion cume fe prodded The gradual ‘norease ov decrease of, the contef fore, on fhe vehicle can be Tlieduced by paerales| transfor curve P. mv? Rou 5 Po ce Rok P — tnerenses ! | , Te provide smooth vunning af vehicle and comfort | | g % the era Vransttion cure fe provided Reg pitvem rement of Transit curve 4 Pr should “be perpectly tangent + the stuatghe »)| The eof 4 transition curve Should be Such that curvature 7 fncrease at the same vale as the super elevation 9] Te should be such that the full super elevator at the Junction cn tramition curve and ctveular curve must be obtained A) This cue should join fhe civalar are tangentially cie) curvature al Gransition Curve should conpivm ad 4 curve TWpes op Transits Cure ) Spiral Cue : Th fs an Fdeal curve and satispies alll the rexpvemenh a transitie, curve Cie) radius 4 curvature fs ‘inversely propevttonal te leas of the curve anal the wake of arte 4 eee era eat fens 2)) Bemolli's Lemnfseate Th fits type of cure the wadiue cleoreasee as the length treveases, the radial acceleration fe not unlgowr” beyond Se" deflectton, 3) Cuble Parabsla Th thfs *pe oh cue tia equation of the cunahine Ts ai qee ay : H 2A 6RL Whoa yo perpendicular ofpece 4 transition curve a7 distance a ac point on the se a bem the commencement of tha cuurme Oe re ete Li + Total lens of transition cure, ead tet Cubic parabola ‘is “widely adoptéd on Trdian mailuay which ts also kno as Froude cume Tn this type Super elevation (actual’) in ‘em’ > lenge Th ‘mn! 11) L = 0.073 x Dx Vmax Whee Do cant Aepiciene in ' Vax ~ Mascot speed ‘ty km/hr bk 2 ig tn ‘mm WW) Ls 9-073 x € x Venax Where e@ - Super elevation fn ‘em " Vax = Maximum speect fry km [he iy) Loe ee RE R > Radius of main curve” to ro. Nate i+ Due fe provision of transition curve | the main curve is shipted Fnuare 4 a distance calles shipt vas Fornula Whe Lo ¢ A transition cuceve. as a, main curve a ib eo “shai track = | =e Shee ao 1 Frnnstit Main curve Ceivdulaw curve) i i S ' a ? \ wlthouk fauattion cove 1 1's d !, if 1 Re 0d (Radius u eee 1 oN re 1 Focwme Ty 1 transition eure ' decveases)/ & owen 5 oe | t es ' a : - i fH i. I a7 fj pe Numenfeals Determine the sp 4 trausftion curve for a broad curved track havi 5” Curvature and cane Wy em. Take maximum speed 86 kmph _ Given data Os @= lhem D- 1-6 em (cant Aepfeieny for BG) Venax = 80 kmph eee) > 12 X1y > 100-8 m | = 0.073% T-6X Bo | = A. 384 mm iy b= 0.073 © XVmax = 0-013 x1 x 8D ~ B16 m ivy b= HH R R=lo = W120 = 3h mM 6 5 L = Ay Saay = at6l m Adopt qe one Le loo. 8m 4 tol m Find +w length a transit curve and i haeaa ak eve lpm fer broad aa track aa RS curvatore and eant of |Z <0 Take maximum permissible speed ae kph Given data O= Wy curvature e= 12cm D= 1-6 em C for BE , Vv < tov kmph) Vinax = 89 mph Tatercval ae 215 iy Levee T2K12 = BG+y mo i | i) iii) iv) 4s L= 0.013 Dx Vmax = 0.093% 1:6x 85 = AT. 158m L = 0.073 @xVmax 1 ©.013 x 12x85 = 14 HE m Le 44 IR Re iW2o = W120 = 43am 8 ic Ls 4.4 [480 = d-24 m Adopt Ge Lea 2y m 2 lorem a Oe 6RL 5 3 = = 16 = 2-012m Gee Ex ysoxi0s pe: Be so = 0.0441 m, Exys0 x1om > eS = 0-336 Gx 43oxlos > 60* > = 0-191 9 Ex4BORIOS 3 ee = SST Gx 30 xlos 2-69 m je Gx yzoxlo5 4 > loo? RE 27 ro xySOXI05 ships, 22 £5 = 09* © ote m 2yR 24 x 430 lin l60 on a particular Hime a curve A he wally) vadient | fs &.G Ce and at the same situated on this rulé adéent what ar ® Shots be the qr exmpensation and allowable valng —— Crade Compensation = 2.000% per ie ©. c004x y section mee ence Compens ated (ae value = ca g adient — compensated value = A = bb x17? lbo = 4.65 xo? 2 lin 219.05 m Rudi fenk = 4 xioy = 0-625 7. "4 i we if 8 4 (BG) Grade Compensation = ee} fp * © = ooh xh” ONb «fe x Compensated grade value > Available - grade compensation = 0-625 — 0-16 O-4es eC all ome Kee SE Ec Pind the permissible speed on mainline havfi air flemure from 2 branth line where permissible speed Is Bo kmph. The degree 7 curvature a ta main line is 3° and ter branth line is 8. Take cant Se 1-6 em Given date Wmnch = 22 maple Surin = 3 a D = 6 em At 1-315. Venain Emain Rmafa = 1120 = (128 2 513.33.m Gaato a 2 coe | ents, Viranen Xyanth Rovanch = \12p See 2c ee | Bsn Bi Emain — D = D- Coranch . 2 (Sag ere eat eer Rmaio Crmnchs Determine the value 4, eaypilitrium Cant on BE Ip degree 4, curvatine peed average — to Knap Meo : Pe Aelermine theoretical cant and maxfmum pewmtasible speed, 3, 2 als x Ve Sa ibe, eqyuilibstum a = -3I5 x to = le238 em Theoretical Cant = Conptlint, P = 238 tT 1g -838 cm Maximum permissible tats wv? Theorie!” As po IRB, Vmax = eh [Rte = 4.4 {(B-% Vinx 48-14 mph Adept Lesser Value Van = 10-628 kmh es) Sa 8 Dele«mine Trask where averrg Apeea is 50 kph and allewable cA fs hale 4 the max . Adopt max super roa 6 dhe | permfsstble sped on the curve on & MG Cant de elevation Yo the gauge , : Cer aan = loom epee cae ee G eu Coa) aa = 12.55 em o-eve 5 ioe & Vs [2.55% M20 2 o8 = 58.07 kmph eee oe = 4 (G2) = 52.48 kmh hee. TRE Adopt lessen Value Vian = 52.98 kmph 52 Kup 1 4.) Determine the equilibrium cant on a MG having 17 curvatin fey an ave aApeed 7 50 kmph, Meo | Aerermine tteoreteal cant based on uilibriium anh | Take cant Sa 5 em . tse determine max. peemissib | Speed 6 OG Ye 7S = 0.8% 50% tee 322) = 8.134 em eTheor = a eet = nO NS eae hr Vaaees Ving= 63-527 kemph TC eae Bee ae ec a fauph to. Caleulate the max, permissible ea Nigh speed Be track lth alae dala \ Degree curva tne - — Ben mown of suger elevatior A a Mansion cuane = 120 7 Nex. speed t be Sanctioned = 153 kmph imeor ~ “eayuil Bem + 10 cre cow fer high speed) " = (8 em 1-315 Venn Pay R vee ( 2) 135 Vine = 193. 4y Keaph » [ecco mU ret 130 = 0.073 x [0 = Vines Veoax = (18.08 koaph . E) Ls 0-073 Ceayi) x Var Ip = 0.073% 8 x Vinax Via = 222.6 kop XQ TRB formula fer hf Speed Vouk = 4-58 fe cs 4.58 ue = 184-44 Kmph Adopt least one maz = 153 = 190 kmph | | 1 On 2 transition curve on BE the speed Ire fs 125 Himes the vaxtmum penmisetble speed obtained Cank tormale, after cama) whe ae Aeffeten 4 Fg ae actual cant fs the eqpilibrium cant fovan aeeye eee Detawmine vadfurh, maximum speed and ane en cant een HRY R-To = 1-25 Vang een os Ds @ =e “4 cee. e evr elo kV « ee 2 1315 x 607 R max Tb = hats (3.52 Rg Re 615-15 m A ee Se zen on an ae o , = 86-63 kmph Cee ee ol " a= = 7.20 em Nomar ae Eeezeneececs) = 108. 28 knaph Eee Hey eae ine Cree i4 cuwvatine 4. R= i120 = 1120 = +4300 | 6 pica Be puee te C permissible’ ae px C-676 x too)en ~ Ko = 16:16 em Beta] ay pecan 7 Drone for BC = 554 cm << Téem Cu < tao bmph) Weary eats _ es 4 ag — Due to vigil’ the Wheel base , when the outer wheel 4, the ace statkes wi i en vail, there fs cry east mails outioard , Therap, the ae should be ail at the cure section So that lin, of veil can be covitwolled the wident og eee on “a iu @ ¢ YD Rigtd wheet base 2 me 4 the cune Ctiscexradh proportional) 5) r 4 flange The rg 4 fl fs Aependent on Aka 4 wheel and depth of wheel flange belaw vail top level According TRB, extra e width % given b eee ea a 4 g Where Bo i wheel base fn ~m’ for BG- Gm |} MG-4-Bem Ro madfus a curve Th 'm! Ls bap of slenge in ‘mm! ina relation, eee o4 ROE whee oh. olepth of wheel flanse tn ‘em! © Determine the extya aves widih with the help op fellow! | data Dia wheel — 165 m Riafd wheel base - Gm Dertn of, aria below fap 4 vail - 3-11 em Radius 4 the curve - 160 9 ‘ d= 13¢L+B)” 3 L= 0.02 Jh?+Dh een (note oe L= O44) m As 13 (oma | — eo = 3.31cn abo was © 4 Q, 4 meee [py pe eo Bug © SD e, ys52n> Jo 250N JoRY < IN fate jubpys some © wee Gri t= poreg eeppeaienpy Fruyesens e veryy, [eaerul © ONG NFP] aera rang © DO [A= = >] nbwo ee pee qubrenis) AMO ISO) erie =» 407 cbpes phe aaby ary 27129 reat =H Zz pede ony < 5°9 =N a exons Gommon Tey abu, Fotats and Cre: igs LOOGNYOAL AONVH LHO1S | speed to Delia i) 1 in 12 - Used on Flat timout in the slatfon fae of main line ty tin 16 = Weed at ae speed ‘temouk on BG and MG 4k 2) The ‘total aN aaa eee omen Lan Ae + (G-d-% sina) re aaik(i)) Le w cos K+ (E-d - Xin xheot Kp * Design a turnout on Be twack having switch Le. ay! 21", The cxosett number fs tin @-5. The heel Afvernence 7 ge em and slyaGht am is 0.65 Mm. Take lengti 4 switch rail 4.73 L % Cosxk + CG-d- XSind) cot = 0.85 Cos Km + (1676 ~ IH3— 9-85 SIN) 7 cot x+p 2 es een x = tan (4) ee eae ae x= 6m O85 cos 6-1 ST ceca al ea 67) Cot (G14 3421" L 2.0% Ro = 1696 — O-M43 — 0.65 Sin 6-1) Cos 13H" 27” 2 6-1 = 225-44 Re RoE = 22544 -~b67B . 225-|m z 2 Airways The first Aiv flight fo Tndia was Perpormed in 1411 between Allahabad and Nainital zg The fist: international Aiv plight was performed betioeen Tndia and Lender tr 1424. Cas mail service) but commertial sewice was performed fn 1430 3 To Wa4yt, Afr Tnd?a was established under confeot Ceatral Government and jm 1953 Trdian Aivlines voas Separated fron Afr Tria tnténatfimal. §. Intemational cif Aviation Ovganisatfm CTCAO) was established fm 1447 with Head quater at Canada ( Montreal) S Federal Aviation Administration (on “gee4 CFAA) has been established tm USA 6 The Orientation or plannt ot, aa fs dectded with the help Wind rose vam The windvose Afagram fe 2. plot or Afageam th belioeen rind velocity | ths” direction and fe o time a ; ee is a the longest line on Wind wee Occurence The Afre ction Te io Ovientatton munway shall be such that the cvess— thd velocity (perpendicular te the wunnay length’) shall not exceed 925 kniph . for 454, Noo é Aecorting t Teas , the standard elevation fs taken a MsL (cer elevation and the standard temperatiore at sea level fe 15% The Temperalise lapse 7s ected 6:56 of, Above S& sur}ace 3% xe i x 12 1 4 Kemperattiore. at destred elevation + runny The temperature ignir ig pera adopted for desi mun lengtin is based on the mean a aa qd. wt Otadd maxim npn, fg fag * [Sates] We elevation 4 aexoplane Should be 1S above nom oe dung landing and 10-5 m during take of) Yoppf i dust ar Sea shall not exceed 607 of total vena lengtio the runway cai fs designed on the basis | a) Elevation” of runway position Cteao) & Dippervence 4 lempevatirre between existing and standard temperntioe at the same elcuatten (2642) 9 wadient the winws C not Teao but as % “d 4 { a) es pressure (for T- class munnay - 85 Jem® Tl - class mn a cali Accordé, te Tedo, increment ‘tn the “sun lengtr Aue to “elevatfn and ‘temperatine corvectin La not exceed Pf SZzil mt fa Ly fa 1 wage get as oe re 2 It 7 agi fan fi fan | wai a og 71 fet al fe wu gu | obs} ag +1 fan Ay tar ez | ots) gti | fags ons] og: | i fan [ay aka] set Spal] a och wad ov Over woe wah woh w Gt gt foe Sb unesen ae oa aagy 12 w cag, y | Paws ur (ye! aber 194g | sh a Pepys a paete 4 ee nae The ate oer lenp are based on standard Aeration called User tenel clevatfon, stindacd temperatine Ci I ce liga There are following correctfons to be applied for change fn elevation, temperatione and ‘iad d A eee to Terao the elevation correction fs given peo) ; J The basic lensth of a runway % Tneveased at the vate 7 iy (eames Oy % elevation above Wean sex Level According f Tero, Correction gov temperecturre, ts given as below The Sor covrected for elevation “is Tneveased ak the vate 4h sf for each the aerodrome ‘repevence poe exceeds the standard Tempevatire at the elevation atthe site, The aerodrome ~weperence lemperatike fs the mon’ mean of the mean aa tempeniture for the hottest month of the “the standard temperstine ak site ta dletewned veduch, the standard sea level témpenitire wre A the vale of 6-6'e /ih vise to elevation Clapse vale.) D) Comection pov gradfent TCAO has not made any vecommendatfon fo Vespect ah correction far andi. But Federal Aviation Agen. CFAR) Specipred a ea Correction at the vate pa fe 4 the lets corrected for each 1 1» a eppective pee Ae per Pee Witérnatfonal civil amiatfan ance (cA) under minfmum Clearance Gom additional lensth on etter end st the et Should ve adopted Cie) total levgte fs enual to ce oe cn manvony) According to Tero vecommendations, total correction eee he for Altitude and Tenperitinne should not exceed 35 7 Numerieals Determine the ae 4 mansoni resyubred from the follow! data ) Basie uw. fh = 2150 m 2) site elevation =“ 1500 m above mse D hewodrome veperence lenperature = 30'e 4 Eppective ia s O87. Te Xx ae 2150 = 2402.5 m Elevation covrectfon | cngontre exo ie saa al , a Standard temnperatine at destred elevation 2 (S'c - 66% x 1500™ oo m0 2 BC Be = tei, ~ Sstd Bole - BC 2 2h Ve JE = 2402-5 + . as 402-6 [= x aga tte Ve = | 3625°22 Check far fnerease, in ai fp Tacrease in aa tagte = 3625-22 -ZI5D , 45, 2190 = 68.615 7 < 35/.. 2190 + 35 y 2150 ToD Eee coe oe Gradient cprrectfon FAA _ Af. lonattudtnal x Avatlabl oe tet 2 for AY letting ei = 2402-5 4+/ 20 Teo x =| x 2402.5 cs i 100 = 2366-4 m

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