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Supply the missing question tags

1.        The syringe is sterile, isn't it?
2.        He has had his injection, hasn't he?
3.        He’s not a consultant, Is he?
4.        They are radiographers, aren't they?
5.        You’re not going, are you?
6.        They did it, didn't They?
7.        This is the dispensary, isn't it?
8.        This isn’t the preparation room, Is it?
9.        They weren’t staff nurse, were they?
10.     Putri was admitted, wasn't she?
11.     She went home last week, Didn't She?
12.     You will help me, Won't you ?
13.     It won’t hurt, Will it?
14.     It doesn’t hurt, Does it?
15.     There are enough beds, Aren't ....?
16.     She can walk, Can't She?
17.     It wasn’t difficult to find, was it?
18.     You found them, Didn't You?
19.     He will get better, Won't He?
20.     This equipment isn’t sterile, Is It?
21.     You have given her a bedpan, Haven't you?
22.     She is on duty, Isn't She?
23.     Nurse Brown admitted him, Didn't He?
24.     You will come tomorrow, Won't You?
Supply the missing question tags
1.        The syringe is sterile, ……………………..?
2.        He has had his injection, …………………….?
3.        He’s not a consultant, ……………………………?
4.        They are radiographers, …………………………?
5.        You’re not going, ……………………..?
6.        They did it, ………………….?
7.        This is the dispensary, ………………………?
8.        This isn’t the preparation room, ………………………….?
9.        They weren’t staff nurse , ……………………….?
10.     Putri was admitted, ………………………………?
11.     She went home last week, ………………….?
12.     You will help me, ………………………..?
13.     It won’t hurt, ……………………?
14.     It doesn’t hurt, …………………..?
15.     There are enough beds, ………………..?
16.     She can walk, ……………………….?
17.     It wasn’t difficult to find, ………………..?
18.     You found them, ……………………….?
19.     He will get better, ………………………..?
20.     This equipment isn’t sterile, …………………………….?
21.     You have given her a bedpan, ………………………..?
22.     She is on duty, ………………………..?
23.     Nurse Brown admitted him, ……………………….?
24.     You will come tomorrow, …………………………?
Translation Exercise
          The key feature of abortion is cervical dilatation. As the name suggests, the outcome is
unavoidable pregnancy loss. The bleeding is more severe than in threatened abortion and the
woman may collapse from blood loss. The gestation sac separates from the uterine wall and
the uterus contracts to expel the concept. The uterine contractions cause discomfort similar to
that of labour contraction. If a vaginal examination were made, the doctor would find the
cervix dilating, possibly with products of conception protruding through it. The gestation sac
may be expelled complete or part, usually placental tissue may be retained
Ciri utama aborsi adalah dilatasi serviks (pelebaran mulut rahim).  Dilatasi Serviks Seperti
namanya, menyebabkan keguguran yang tak terhindarkan. Pendarahan lebih parah daripada
aborsi mengancam dan wanita dapat pingsan karena kehilangan darah.  Kantung kehamilan
terpisah dari dinding rahim dan rahim berkontraksi untuk mengeluarkan konsep tersebut. 
Kontraksi uterus menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan yang mirip dengan kontraksi persalinan.
Jika pemeriksaan vagina dilakukan, dokter akan menemukan serviks melebar, kemungkinan
dengan hasil konsepsi menonjol melalui itu.  Kantung kehamilan dapat dikeluarkan
seluruhnya atau sebagian, biasanya jaringan plasenta dapat tertahan
In a tag question, the speaker makes a statement, but is not completely certain of the truth, so
he or she uses a tag question to verify the previous statement. Sentences using tag questions
should have the main clause separated from the tag by a comma. The sentence will always
end with  a question mark. Observe the following rules:
1.      Use the same auxiliary verb as in the main clause. If there is no auxiliary, use do, does,
or did.
2.      If the main clause is negative, the tag is affirmative; if the main clause is affirmative,
the tag is negative.
3.      Don’t change the tense.
4.      Use the same subject in the main clause and the tag. The tag must always contain the
subject form of the pronoun.
5.      Negative forms are usually contracted  (n’t). (if they are not, they follow the order
auxiliary + subject + not: He saw this yesterday, did he not?)
6.      There is, there are or it as if it were a subject pronoun.
7.      The verb have may be used as a main verb ( I have a new car) or it may be used as an
auxiliary (John has gone to class already). When it functions as a main verb in American
English, the auxiliary forms do, does, or did must be used in the tag.
When the sentence is positive, we have a negative tag
For example
She is a genaocologist, isn’t she?
You have seen the treatment room, haven’t you
He likes ice cream, doesn’t he?
She will come, won’t she?
They often visit him, don’t they
When the sentence is negative, we have a positive tag
She isn’t a geneacologist, is she?
You haven’t seen the treatment room, have you?
He doesn’t like ice cream, does she?
She won’t come, will she?
They don’t visit him often, do they?

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