IRCAM Pauset December - 01

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IRCAM Newsletter

Exercices du silence
The Exercices du silence find their inspiration in Louise du Néant's letters (1639-1694).
Du Néant was an aristocrat from Angers whose mystical experiences - marked by
mortifications, humiliations, and illuminations - were among the most radical of her time.
A recital in fourteen scenes for voice, piano, and electronics, this monodrama by Brice
Pauset questions the limits of representation that has been stripped down to the bare
minimum here: a piano and a voice.
Saturday, December 6 at 8pm, Opéra national de Paris-Bastille, Amphitheatre
Festival d'Automne à Paris

concerts | conferences | publications | courses | cardholder advantages

Double entente
Brice Pauset / Elliott Carter
The late works of Elliott Carter illustrate an extraordinary apprehension of musical time, rhythm,
and polyphony. This is the case in Carter's piece Two Diversions for piano where we can hear a
contrast between simultaneous musical ideas. In Brice Pauset's Perspectivae sintagma I for a
MIDI piano and an electro-acoustic system, the listener finds themselves faced with a particular
idea of the cannon - there is no recognizable subject and there is no identifiable reply.
Friday, December 12 at 8pm, IRCAM, Espace de projection

"A Homage to Elliott Carter" International Colloquium

This colloquium exalts the oeuvre and the man who will celebrate his 100th birthday on
December 11 with the intention of creating a space for reflection on the composer's language
situated between tradition and innovation, the performance of Carter's music, his influences and
sources in the arts and sciences, and his writings. World-renowned Carter specialists, including
Andrew Mead from the University of Michigan, and the leading analysts of Carter's work will be
Thursday & Friday, December 11 & 12 at 9:30am, IRCAM

"Composition and Contemporary Musicology" Seminar

This seminar examines recent works - the inherence of their processes, their morphologies, their syntax, their style, and their
methods - a dialogue between the composer and musicologist. This seminar is organized by the CNRS, the Conservatoire
National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, and IRCAM.
Saturday, December 13, 10am-1pm, CNSMDP: Philippe Manoury, Serge Lemouton, Alain Poirier
Friday, December 19, 10am-1pm, CNSMDP: Helmut Lachenmann, Laurent Feneyrou
IRCAM Newsletter

Vers une sémiotique générale du temps dans les arts

This collective work brings together the proceedings from Les Unités Sémiotiques Temporelles
(UST), nouvel outil d'analyse musicale : théories et applications held in Marseille on December
7, 8, and 9, 2005. For the first time, researchers, artists, and teachers from different horizons e.
g. (music, visual arts, multimedia, dances, literature, mathematics, neuroscience) come
together on the theme of Temporal Semiotic Units.
The Musique/Sciences collection is available on our online boutique.

Software Workshops
These professional training courses, intended for composers, musicians, videographers, sound designers, sound engineers,
and other professionals, provide participants with step-by-step instruction on the software programs developed at IRCAM
tailored to their level, from beginner to advanced, focusing on three core themes of computer music: real-time, sound
processing, and computer-assisted composition.
Real-Time Interaction: Max/MSP (level 3) Saturday & Sunday, December 13 & 14

Every month, IRCAM cardholders, special Centre Pompidou Laissez-Passer for IRCAM
members, and newsletter subscribers are eligible for invitations or special offers made
available exclusively to them.
For further information on the IRCAM card:

Cardholder Advantages
MC93 Bobigny
Karlheinz Stockhausen | Musikfabrik
Michaels Reise um die Erde is the central act of Donnerstag, an excerpt from the opera Licht, a
colossal cycle of seven operas on the seven days of the week that took Karlheinz Stockhausen
almost 25 years to complete. Exceptional musicians can be heard in this startling production by
the famous Fura dels Baus.
December 13 & 14, 8:30pm, Sunday at 3:30pm
Special Ticket Prices: 17€ (full-price tickets 25€), | reservations 01 41 60 72 72 | www.mc93.
Théâtre Paris Villette
La tragique histoire du nécromancien Hiéronimo et de son miroir, a performance by Georges Aperghis. Premiere
A puppeteer imagines himself giving a show to seduce an opera singer. The singer, however, refuses the love her seducer
whose plans are destroyed by a series of events. This extraordinary opera-esque piece extols the marriage of a puppet and
contemporary music in a dreamlike and virtuoso ambiance. Production: Jean-Pierre Larroche.
From December 9 through the 23
Special Ticket Prices: 15€ (full-price tickets 21€) | reservations 01 44 64 79 70 |

Newsletter Subscriber Advantages

Théâtre des Champs-Elysées
"Captivités, l'art aux prises avec les camps"
From Stalag VIII-A where Olivier Messiaen composed Quatuor pour la fin du temps to the
writings on Auschwitz and Buchenwald by the Nobel prizewinner, Imre Kertész, this concert-
reading is a tribute to the victims of these camps: somewhere between despair and hope,
songs of captivity orchestrated by a mater in the art of the fugue. A concert-reading designed by
Pierre-Laurent Aimard. With Denis Podalydès.
December 15, 8pm
Special Ticket Prices: 25€ (full-price tickets 65, 53, 42, and 30€), please mention "code
captivités" when reserving | reservations 01 49 52 50 50 |
Salle Pleyel
Orchestre de Paris. Premiere by Richard Dubugnon, work by Gustav Mahler
Esa Pekka Salonen conducts this evening's concert featuring Das Klagende Lied, the least well-known of Mahler's lieder cycles
for orchestra and a concerto for violin by Richard Dubugon.
December 17 & 18, 8pm |
Exceptional Ticket Prices: 30€ (except category 5). Special Ticket Prices: from 10 to 42€ | reservations 01 56 35 12 12,
please mention "code IRCAM" when reserving.

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