Assignment On Personality Characteristic of Elon Musk An Extravert or Introvert?

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Assignment on Personality characteristic of Elon Musk

An Extravert or Introvert?
Elon Musk is an introvert as he takes interest in his own world of thoughts and ideas as compared
to the external world of people and places. Careful listening, depth in discussions, and elaborate
nature show his introverted aspects. His liking for thoughts and ideas conveys his introversion. He
is a private person and his talks mostly go around his professional life, ambitions, readings and
working habits.
A Sensor or an Intuitive?
Elon Musk is intuitive as he observes the world through impressions and patterns that exist in his
mind. Musk is passionate about reading books and seeking higher education which is a strong
indicator of both intuitive and introverts. Intuitives are fond of physics and apply operating
principles fundamental on lifeless objects. Elon Musk has completed his bachelor’s in commerce
and physics and started PhD in Physics which he left in between. The strongest indicator of Musk’s
intuitiveness is living in the future. This future alignment drives him towards looking for change in
the world.
A Thinker or a Feeler?
Elon Musk is a thinker as he based his decisions on thinking instead of emotions. Thinking helps
him to intuitively make sense of things and understand the underlying principles. It helps him to
differentiate relevant from irrelevant, useful from useless and workable from non-workable. He is
an impulsive and fast thinker due to which he can understand almost everything that he encounters
in his field of cars, space vehicles, artificial intelligence, computers, and programs. Elon Musk is
known to be a rage firer. He is known for being rude and firing staff who do not meet his
expectations. This is a sign of thinkers as they are strong-willed and thick-skinned compared to
feelers who are gentle.
A Judger or a Perceiver?
Elon Musk is a perceiver as he likes to process new information when it comes their way. Elon
Musk thinks meetings and brain storming sessions as interruption in his effectiveness to deal out
things quickly. He is known to be the hardest worker amongst the entrepreneurs -working for more
than 80–90 hours a week which is a clear indication of his perceiving function. Elon Musk is
perceptive, impulsive and flexible which makes him different from judgers who are consistent,
orderly, and systematic.
Personality Type of Elon Musk
On the basis of above explanation on the listed traits, Elon Musk is INTP (Introvert, Intuitive,
Thinker, and Perceiver). INTP’s leading function is introverted thinking and secondary function
is extraverted intuition. Introverted thinking helps Elon Musk to make sense of information and
subjectively organize it, while extraverted intuition motivates him to change the world through the
application of refined knowledge.

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