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Curso académico 2019-20

Profesora: Loren Ortiz Blanco

Curso académico 2019-20
Profesora: Loren Ortiz Blanco

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Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU

Among British citizens there are a lot of doubts about the consequences of the UK's vote to leave the European
Union. Adrian Wallis runs a small electronics company and wants to know about export tariffs after Brexit, and
what they'd mean for his business.

As long as Britain has been in the EU we haven't really talked much about tariffs. That's because all trade within
the European Economic Area is tariff-free. On top of that the EU has trade agreements with 52 other countries as
well. After Brexit, Britain is going to have to negotiate new deals all on its own. That's both a problem and an
opportunity. The key body in all of this is the World Trade Organisation and at the moment the UK is only a
member via its membership of the EU. One bit of good news is that the UK will automatically become a member
in its own right as soon as it leaves the EU. That matters because in the period when the UK is negotiating a new
trade deal with the EU, and that could take years, trade would be conducted under WTO rules. At the moment,
for non-food items, that implies an average tariff of about 2.3%. But suppose the EU were to impose a 10%
tariff on UK car imports, for example. Well, then the UK could impose the same tariff on German and French
cars. In theory, an economist would say that it creates a situation where everyone has an incentive to sort out a
better deal for their consumers. The snag is that these things take years, if not decades. They tend to be done on a
country-by-country and sector-by-sector basis.

So if Adrian is waiting to find out the implications for his business, then I'm afraid he's going to have to be
patient. Maybe very, very patient.

1. Write a composition about one of the following topics (maximum 3 points):

a. Britain is going to leave the European Union. Do you think this situation could affect Spanish students? Give your opinion in at least 80

b. Write a story of at least 80 words beginning with this sentence: "I remember the first time I went to England with my classmates".
Remember that the 12 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the 80 words you must write.

2. Answer the following two questions:

a. According to the text, is it clear for British people how they will live out of Europe? Explain your answer, providing evidence from the
text (maximum 1 point).

b. Does the writer say that the referendum result will be visible in a short period of time? Explain your answer, providing evidence from the
text (maximum 1 point).

3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each word (maximum 0.5 points each

a. taxes b. work out c. difficulty

4. Read the following short dialogue:

Jorge: to ask for a grant to study at a British university next year.

Sara: What? I

Now imagine that you are Jorge. Advice your friend Sara that it is necessary to learn English. (maximum 1 points).

5. Grammatical transformation.

a. Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice. Do not omit any part of it (maximum 1.5 points):

Then the UK could impose the same tariff on German and French cars.

b. Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative form of the present perfect tense (maximum 1 point):

It creates a situation with an incentive to sort out a better deal for their consumers.


Trump is an American businessman, television personality, politician and the 45th President of the United
States. Trump´s proposals include, among many other things, important income tax cuts, significant
infrastructure and protection for the elderly, typically considered liberal policies.
However, he considers himself totally flexible on many aspects. One of Trump´s distinctive marks is his
position on illegal immigration and in particular building or expanding a border wall between the U.S and Mexico.
Trump´s political positions and his descriptions of his beliefs have frequently changed. A prestigious journalist
has recently described his positions as “eclectic, improvisational and often contradictory”. In this way, during his
campaign, Trump made a record number of false statements compared to other candidates. He made 282
promises over the course of his 2016 campaign and many of them were evident lies or, to say the least,
questionable statements.
He registered as a Republican in Manhattan (1987), but then he changed his party affiliation to the
Independence Party of New York in 1999. In August 2001 he became a Democrat. In September 2011 Trump
changed to “no Party affiliation” and in April 2012, he again returned to the Republican Party. Curiously enough,
he is not at all ashamed of having changed sides so many times along his life.
This president is a populist, arrogant, authoritarian politician. As many have noted, his policies favour the
rich over those less wealthy. He doesn’t have any interest in the Constitution and what it allows him to do and
what does not allow him to do.

1. Write a composition about one of the following topics ( maximum 3 points):

a) What do you think about Donald Trump as a politician? Explain your answer in at least 80 words.
b) Write a story of at least 80 words ending with this sentence : “As a consequence, Peter decided he
had to abandon the States”. Remember that the 11 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the
80 words you must write.
2. Answer the following two questions:
a) Does the writer say that Trump was honest during his campaign? Explain your answer providing
evidence from the text (maximum 1 point).
b) According to the text, is the President of the States going to enforce American Constitution? Explain
your answer providing evidence from the text (maximum 1 point).

3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each
word(maximum 0.5 points each word):
a. becoming larger b. convictions c. interest

4. Read the following short dialogue:

Eugene: I´m going to travel to the States next Summer.
Peter: I´m sorry Eugene but I´m afraid of travelling so far away. I have never been out of Spain and I hardly
speak English.
Now imagine that you are Eugene. Use just two or three sentences to advise your friend that travelling to
the States would be a fantastic experience and give him a good reason for it. (maximum 1 point).

5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence as a third type (impossible) conditional (maximum 1.5 points):
If you are a populist authoritarian, your policies will favour the rich over those less wealthy.
b. Turn the following sentence into the negative, Interrogative form of the simple past:
He considers himself totally flexible on many issues.

Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura
Curso 2015-2016
Asignatura: Inglés Tiempo máximo de la prueba: 1h.30 min.

El alumno deberá escoger una de las dos opciones, A o B, y responder en inglés a todas las preguntas que se formulan en la
opción elegida, sin mezclar preguntas de una y otra. En el caso de la primera pregunta (la redacción), deberá escribir tan
sólo sobre uno de los dos temas propuestos.

Opción A
Music concerts
A concert is a live music performance by one or more artists on a stage in front of an audience. The performance may
be by a single musician or by a musical group, such as an orchestra, a choir or a band. Concerts are held in a wide variety
and size of settings, from private houses and small nightclubs, dedicated concert halls, entertainment centres and parks to
large multipurpose buildings, and even sports stadiums. Before recorded music existed, concerts gave the main
opportunity to hear musicians at work.
The nature of a concert varies by musical genre, individual performers, and the place. So, concerts by a small jazz
combo or a large band may have the same order of program, mood, and volume, but be different in music and dress. In a
similar way, a particular musician, band, or genre of music might attract spectators with similar dress, hairstyle, and
Some artists or groups create very elaborate and expensive shows. To generate a memorable and exciting
atmosphere and increase the spectacle, performers frequently use additional entertainment devices. These can include
elaborate stage lighting, electronic imagery, pre-recorded video, inflatable sets, artwork or other set pieces, various special
effects such as theatrical smoke and pyrotechnics, and unusual clothes for the artists. Activities during these concerts can
include dancing, sing-alongs, and moshing. Performers known for including these elements in their shows include such
dissimilar artists and bands as Iron Maiden, Daft Punk, Lady Gaga, Slipknot, and Madonna.
Concerts involving a large number of artists, especially those that last for several days, are usually known as festivals.
Unlike other concerts, which typically remain in a single genre of music or in the work of a particular artist, festivals often
cover a broad range of music and arts. Due to their size, festivals are almost exclusively held outdoors.

1. Write a composition about one of the following topics (maximum 3 points):

a. Do you usually go to large concerts with many people in the audience? Why or why not? Give your
opinion in at least 80 words.
b. Write a story of at least 80 words beginning with this sentence: "I remember the first time I went to a
music festival". Remember that the 11 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the 80 words
you must write.
2. Answer the following two questions:
a. Does the writer say that only one artist or band participates in each music festival? Explain your
answer, providing evidence from the text (maximum 1 point).
b. According to the text, can you normally listen to concerts in different places? Explain your answer,
providing evidence from the text (maximum 1 point).
3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each
word (maximum 0.5 points each word):
a. uncommon b. unforgettable c. diversity
4. Read the following short dialogue:
Charlie: Did you know that our favourite rock band will have a concert in our town next summer?
Mary: No, I didn't know about that at all. That's great! I believe rock concerts are a wonderful opportunity for
people who really like music.
Charlie: Well, I've never been to a concert in my life.
Now imagine that you are Mary and that Charlie is your best friend. Use just two or three sentences to
advise him to go to the concert and to give him a good reason for it (maximum 1 points).
5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice. Do not omit any part of it (maximum 1.5 points):
Concerts gave the main opportunity to hear musicians at work.
b. Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative form of the past perfect tense (maximum 1 point):
Other concerts typically remain in a single genre of music.

Opción B
Jobs and society
Jobs influence who we are and our relations with others. In most societies, jobs are a fundamental source of self-
respect and social identity. Historically, family names in many cultures were associated with specific occupations
because people defined themselves by what they did: “Miller” in English, “Herrero” in Spanish, “Schumacher” in
German and “Charpentier” in French are significant examples.
Jobs connect people with others through networks. The workplace can be a place where one can encounter new
ideas and information and also interact with people of different ethnicities. The distribution of jobs within society has
a strong influence on people’s expectations and aspirations for the future and on their perception of social justice.
These individual influences of jobs may have collective consequences. Having or not having a job may affect key
elements of social cohesion such as the capacity of societies to manage collective decision making peacefully. The
frustration of unemployed young people during the Arab Spring, for example, suggests that the lack of jobs can be a
source of social conflict. However, this does not mean that the relationship between jobs and social cohesion is
immediate or direct. On the contrary, the relationship is contextual and shaped by individuals; by their values,
attitudes, and behaviours; and by the institutions that surround them. And it goes both ways: social cohesion can
influence jobs by shaping the context in which investment decisions are made.
Unemployment can cause depression and lead people to drop out of community life. Migrants without social ties
are often excluded from job opportunities that would allow them to succeed in their new environments. In extreme
cases, if people, particularly youth, lack jobs and hope for the future, they may turn to violent or criminal activity to
compensate for the absence of self-esteem and sense of belonging that a job might give them. Similarly, jobs
offering limited opportunities for future growth can lead to alienation and frustration.

1. Write a composition about one of the following topics (maximum 3 points):

a. Do you think that having a job is essential for everyone? Why or why not? Explain your answer in at
least 80 words.
b. Write a story of at least 80 words ending with this sentence: "As a consequence, Helen decided she
had to look for a good job". Remember that the 13 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the
80 words you must write.
2. Answer the following two questions:
a. Does the writer say that not having a job has positive consequences for people? Explain your answer,
providing evidence from the text (maximum 1 point).
b. According to the text, does our occupation help us to establish relationships with other people? Explain
your answer, providing evidence from the text (maximum 1 point).
3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each
word (maximum 0.5 points each word):
a. disappointment b. equally c. jobs
4. Read the following short dialogue:
Elizabeth: Dad, could you give me some money, please? I'm going out with my friends this evening and…
Father: I'm sorry, but I'm not giving you any money.
Elizabeth: But Dad, I need some money!
Father: But I won't give it to you. You are already 23 years old, but you never have any money because you
don't have a job.
Now imagine that you are Elizabeth's father or mother. Use just two or three sentences to order her to look
for a job and give her a good reason for it (maximum 1 point).
5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence in indirect style (reported speech), beginning with the words He said
(maximum 1.5 points):
Family names were associated with specific occupations because people defined themselves
by what they did.
b. Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative form of the future simple tense (maximum 1 point):
Social cohesion can influence jobs by shaping the context.


Anyone who's watched a professional football match cannot help but notice it. Players will suddenly
fall to the ground in agony, screaming and rolling around. Then, incredibly, they jump up and start playing
again as if nothing had happened. They're not really hurt – they're faking! They call it “diving” and it's
become a plague in today's football. In fact, a recent study of 32 World Cup matches found 293 incidents of
suspected diving.
Diving has not always been so prevalent. Before World War II, players with serious injuries just
continued playing. Biographies of footballers from earlier days suggest that concealing pain and injury was
seen as an important tactic in the game. Players never wanted their opponents to suspect they were hurt or
that it was easy to intimidate them.
Attitudes towards injuries started to change in the 1970s and 1980's when football authorities became
more anxious about serious injury to players. As a result, referees started penalising players who cause
injuries. Over time, players saw the advantages of getting hurt during a game. Players causing injury were
punished or even sent out of the game. Your own team could get a free kick or a few minutes to rest while the
referee was dealing with the injury.
When it became evident that injuries could benefit a team, players began acting as if they were hurt.
Although a player suspected of diving can be penalised, in reality this rarely happens. Studies show there are
visible indications of faking, but the referee is not always able to see them. Watching hundreds of hours of
matches, researchers identified 169 dives. Not one was punished.
Various solutions to the problem have been suggested. For instance, videos of the game could help
referees make decisions of more referees could be added to help judge each game. One thing is certain. If
divers were punished more severely and more frequently, they might think twice before faking injury.
Unfortunately, as long as diving can actually help teams win, it probably won't disappear any time soon.

1.- Write a composition about one of the following topics (maximum 3 points)
a.- Do you think judges are always fair in sports competitions ? Give your opinion in at least 80
b.- Write a story of at least 80 words ending with this sentence: “ That's why I will never forget
the day I met my idol”. Remember that the 12 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the 80 words
you must write.

2.- Answer the following two questions:

a.- Does the writer say that in the past players hid any injury they might have while playing?
Explain your answer, providing evidence from the text (maximum 1 point)
b.- According to the text, are divers punished when they fake injury? Explain your answer
providing evidence from the text (maximum 1 point)

3.- Find in the text words or expressions having a similar meaning to the following words (maximum 0.5
points each word)
a. after a while b. simulate c. common

4.- Read the following short dialogue:

John: Mum, I don´t want to go on studying because I love football and I´d like to spend my time on
training hard to become a good player.
Mum: Didn´t you want to become a good doctor to help people with serious illnesses?

Now imagine you are John´s mother. Use just two or three sentences to advise him to make up his mind
and give him a good reason for it ( maximum 1 point)

5.- Grammar transformation.

a.- Change this sentence into the Third Conditional: (maximum 1.5 point)
If divers were punished more severely, they might think twice before faking injury.
b.- Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative form of the simple future: (maximum 1 point)
Players causing injury were punished or even sent out of the game.

Go on Two Wheels

-hour closedown of London Underground in

February 2014, thousands did just that and took to two wheels. During the General Strike of 1926,
the middle-class volunteers who drove trains were strike breakers. Similarly, these two-wheeled
drivers were trying to beat the Tube strike.

With every turn of a bicycle wheel, human freedom is advanced. Cyclists do not have to face
timetables; through their own sweat, they make their way in the world, free from following rigid lines
of steel and electricity. The bike is individualism in action.

The bicycle is a reminder of the freedoms people enjoyed in the lost days of Queen Victoria time in
England. You pay no taxes or duties; you need no licence, permit or certificate of efficiency - you
just get on your bike. And any cyclist with road sense will have a relaxed attitude towards highway
regulations. It is absurd to give dog-like obedience to a red light when your eyes and ears tell you it
is safe to go.

in 1892, knew that it not only gave women an escape from home and husband, but also a reason
to throw off compressing dresses. Many lady cyclists, for practical reasons, made cause with the

The car is no longer a symbol of freedom, so if you want to feel free, go on two wheels.

1) Write a composition about one of the following two topics (maximum 3 points):
a) In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in big cities? Explain your
answer in no less than 80 words.
b) Writ
the best option for being punctual

2) Answer the following two questions:

a) How did cycling affect women in the past? Explain you answer. (maximum 1 point)
b) Does the writer say that using a bike makes us free? (maximum 1 point)

3) Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each

a) exactly b) schedules c) created

4) Read the following short dialogue:

Mary: Really? Look for it!!! I can help you.

Now, imagine you are Mary and Brian is your best friend. Use just two or three sentences to give him some
advice and to give him a good reason for wearing a helmet. (maximum 1 point)

5) Grammatical transformation.
a) Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech, beginning with the words He told me that: (maximum
1,5 points)
The car is no longer a symbol of freedom, so if you want to feel free, you must go on two wheels.
b) Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative form of past continuous tense: (maximum 1 point)
The bike has always pedalled individual freedom forward.

Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura
Asignatura: Inglés Tiempo máximo de la prueba: Una hora
El alumno deberá responder a todas las preguntas que se formulan, excepto en el caso de la primera
pregunta (la redacción), donde puede elegir entre la opción a y la opción b. El alumno deberá hacer
todos los ejercicios en inglés. (Puntuación máxima del ejercicio: 10 puntos. Puntuación máxima de
cada pregunta: 1ª pregunta = 3 puntos; 2ª = 2 puntos; 3ª = 1 5 puntos; 4ª = 1 punto; 5ª = 2 puntos).

Marrying more than one

Polygamy exists in three specific forms, including polygyny (one man having multiple wives), polyandry (one
woman having multiple husbands), or group marriage (some combination of polygyny and polyandry). Historically, all
three practices have been found, but polygyny is by far the most common. Confusion often arises when the general term
polygamy is used by a narrower definition is intended.
Polyandry is a practice where a woman is married to more than one man at the same time. Fraternal polyandry
was traditionally practised among nomadic Tibetans in Nepal, parts of China and part of northern India, in which two or
more brothers share the same wife. Polyandry is believed to be more likely in societies with few environmental resources
(little food, poor access to drinking water, and the like), as it helps to limit the growth of human population and to
guarantee survival of children. A woman can only have a limited number of children in her lifetime, no matter how many
husbands she has. Moreover, a child with many fathers has more possibilities to survive, because all those fathers will
take care of him or her. In contrast, the number of children would be increased if polygyny were practised, and a man had
more than one wife, because those wives could get simultaneously pregnant.
Group marriage, or circle marriage, can exist in a number of forms, such as where more than one man and
more than one woman form a single family unit, and all members of the marriage share a parental responsibility for any
children arising from the marriage. Another possibility is a long-lived line marriage. In a line marriage, every time a
husband or a wife in the group dies he or she is replaced by another, so that family property never becomes dispersed
through inheritance.
1. Write a composition about one of the following two topics (maximum 3 points):
a. Do you think that polygyny should be permitted in Spain today? Give your opinion in at least 80 words.
b. Write a story of at least 80 words beginning with this sentence: lizabeth never imagined she could legally marry
two men at the same time, but she was wrong . Remember that the 17 words in this sentence cannot be counted in
the 80 words you must write.
2. Answer the following two questions:
a- Does the writer say that polyandry is common in very rich societies? Explain your answer (maximum 1 point).
b- According to the text, is marriage between a woman and two or more men more common than marriage between
one man and two or more women? Explain your answer (maximum 1 point).
3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each word
(maximum 0 ch word):
a. particular b. custom c. legacy
4. Read the following short dialogue:
Mark: Do you know what? love! I ve found a wonderful woman and we re going out.
Edward: Wha But you are the one who has always said that having a couple was just like being in a prison,
only doing what that other person wants to do!

Mark: My friend even thinking about getting married, but not sure.

Now, imagine you are Edward and Mark is your best friend. Use just two or three sentences to advise him to
get married and give him a good reason for it (maximum 1 point).
5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence in the negative interrogative (maximum 1 point)
Group marriage can exist in a number of forms
b Turn the following sentence into the passive voice. Do not omit any part of the sentence. (maximum 1
Nowadays m

Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura
Curso 2016-2017. IES EXTREMADURA. PARP
Asignatura: Inglés Tiempo máximo de la prueba:
1h.30 min.

El alumno deberá escoger una de las dos opciones, A o B, y responder en inglés a todas las preguntas que se formulan en la
opción elegida, sin mezclar preguntas de una y otra. En el caso de la primera pregunta (la redacción), deberá escribir tan
sólo sobre uno de los dos temas propuestos.
B.G., a rapper from New Orleans who sang about h - -

his shiny diamond ring and big, fancy, expensive car, which were and are status symbols in hip-hop culture.
II Showing off your money and the expensive possessions you can afford to buy is of great importance to hip-hop
- e to mean diamonds, jewellery
and anything else extravagant and fancy -
developed into a popular slang expression, which found its way into many hip-hop songs.
III Soon, people outside the hip- -
and websites advertise and sell all kinds of bling-bling jewellery with enormous
sparkling jewels on them. Fashion stylists make sure their clients including famous Hollywood stars wear flashy
IV Because of its increased use, the original definition of bling-bling has changed. It has now come to mean a flashy

-b -bling and other hip-hop

language in order to appeal to a younger audience. Recently, bling-bling appeared in the respected Times newspaper in
Britain. It was used to criticise a famous politician for his bling-bling lifestyle, when he borrowed
a luxury yacht to go on holiday.
V -
language. Today it even appears in standard English dictionaries. However, for people in the hip-hop culture, bling-bling is

1. Write a composition about one of the following topics (maximum 3 points):

a. Traveling is just spending days visiting magnificent art museums and churches. Give your opinion in at least 80
b. Write a story of at least 80 words beginning with this sentence: "I recommend tasting some delicious Italian ice
the 11 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the 80 words you must write.
2. Answer the following two questions:
a. -
(maximum 1 point).
b. According to the
sentence true or false? (maximum 1 point).
3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each word
(maximum 0.5 points each word):
1. things people own
4. . Read the following short dialogue:
Charlie: Did you know that our favourite rock band will have a concert in our town next summer?
Mary: No, I didn't know about that at all. That's great! I believe rock concerts are a wonderful opportunity for people who really like
Charlie: Well, I've never been to a concert in my life.
Now imagine that you are Mary and that Charlie is your best friend. Use just two or three sentences to
advise him not to wear those clothes to go to the concert and to give him a good reason for it (maximum 1
5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice. Do not omit any part of it (maximum 1.5 points):
Los Angeles Lakers ordered diamond rings for the whole team
b. Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative form of the past perfect tense (maximum 1 point):
people outside the hip- -

Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura
Curso 2016-2017
Asignatura: Inglés Tiempo máximo de la prueba: 1h.30 min.

El alumno deberá escoger una de las dos opciones, A o B, y responder en inglés a todas las preguntas que se formulan en la
opción elegida, sin mezclar preguntas de una y otra. En el caso de la primera pregunta (la redacción), deberá escribir tan
sólo sobre uno de los dos temas propuestos.

Opción A
Pokémon first emerged in 1995 as a Nintendo video game. Through the decades, it has grown into a massive
franchise, which includes trading card games, animated movies and television shows, toys, and comics. Ironically, the idea
of creating the augmented reality game that has made Pokémon a household

using Google Maps. Though just a prank, the resultant enthusiasm caught the attention of San Francisco-based Niantic
Labs . The team, whose first augmented reality mobile app game, Ingress, has been downloaded more than 12 million

Similar to previous Pokémon games, players travel the world to capture and battle the monsters in their quest to
become the greatest Pokémon trainers. However, while the trips in the previous games were imaginary and conducted
within the confines of a room, Pokémon Go forces players t
émon in the real world, as well as discover various
landmarks or Pokéstops, which offer items and experience points.
The Pokémon are usually themed around the area where they appear for instance, players might find water
Pokémon near rivers and lakes or ghost-type Pokémon around graveyards. The game itself involves just a single player
trying to build the biggest collection of Pokémon. However, thanks to the fact that hundreds of fans often converge to areas
and landmarks with Pokémon or Pokéstops at the same time, the game is also giving fans a chance to meet up with like-
minded gamers and make new friends. An added advantage? It makes exercising fun!
Although it is very entertaining, experts advice players to be cautious while they explore the neighborhoods to catch the
imaginary monsters. The game has already resulted in some serious injuries. An additional issue has been an inc rease in

such as funerals or the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.

1. Write a composition about one of the following topics (maximum 3 points):

a. Do you think augmented reality games are dangerous? Why or why not? Give your opinion in at least 80
b. Write a story of at least 80 words ending with this sentence: "He decided to delete the game from his smart
phone". Remember that the 10 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the 80 words you must
2. Answer the following two questions:
a. Does the writer say that the idea for the game was originally a prank? Explain your answer, providing evidence
from the text (maximum 1 point).
b. According to the text, is it just a GPS the only app you need to play the game? Explain your answer, providing
evidence from the text (maximum 1 point).
3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each word
(maximum 0.5 points each word):
a. appeared b. permit c. unreal
4. Read the following short dialogue:
Ian: Do you want to go out to catch Pokémons?
Pam: I have never played it. I haven´t got the app in my mobile.
Now imagine that you are Ian and Pam is your best friend. Finish the dialogue and use just two or three sentences to
advise her to download the application for the game and to give him a good reason for it (maximum 1 points).
5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence in the active voice (maximum 1 point):
Ingress has been downloaded more than 12 million times by fans
b. Rewrite the following sentence in the interrogative negative form of the present perfect tense (maximum 1.5
The game is also giving fans a chance to make new friends.

1. Write a composition about one of the following two topics (maximun 3 points):
a) Do you think that some foreigners are victims of racism in Spain? Give your opinion in at least 80
b) Write a story of at least 80 words ending with
the 8 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the
80 words you must write.

2. Answer the following two questions:

a) Does the writer say that gypsies were discriminated in Spain in the past? Explain your answer
(maximum 1 point).
b) According to the text, do the radio, TV and newspapers in Spain discriminate foreigners? Explain your
answer (maximum 1 point).

3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each

a. incapacity b. unjust c. episode

4. Read the following short dialogue:

John: Did you know that the number of racist aggressions has increased a lot in the last years in Spain?
Mary: No, I didn´t know about that at all. I can´t believe it!. News like this makes me feel really sad.
John: I read it in the newspaper this morning.
Now, imagine you are Mary and that John is your brother. Use just two or three sentences to advise him
not to have racist ideas and give him a good reason for it (maximum 1 point).

5. Grammatical transformation.
a. Rewrite the following sentence in the negative interrogative (maximum 1 point)
Gypsies have been suffering this situation for 500 years now.
b. Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice (do not omit any part of it)
This has created a negative feeling towards immigrants among Spaniards.

Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura
Asignatura: Inglés Tiempo máximo de la prue ba: Una hora
El alumno deberá responder a todas las preguntas que se formulan, excepto en el caso de la primera
pregunta (la redacción), donde puede elegir entre la opción a y la opción b. El alumno deberá hacer
todos los ejercicios en inglés. (Puntuación máxima del ejercicio: 10 puntos. Puntuación máxima de
cada pregunta:

Schools of abuse

The British government has announced that school bullying has reached epidemic proportions. Last week,
England's specially designated Commissioner for Children said nearly every child was affected by the problem. Just
before the Anti-Bullying Week, which starts today (November 21), education ministers are considering fining the parents
of bullies. Pupils who attack or threaten their classmates could land Mom or Dad with a cash penalty of up to £1,710.
Schools minister Jacqui Smith said: "This will send a strong message to parents that schools will not tolerate a failure to
take responsibility for bullying." Additionally, there are proposals to give teachers a "clear right" to discipline children and
"restrain them through reasonable force" where necessary.

Ms. Smith said: "Bullying should never be tolerated in our schools, whatever the reason for it is." She added
that: "Children must know what is right and what is wrong, and that there will be consequences for crossing the line." She
spoke after the reporting to the authorities of some particularly violent and disturbing cases in schools. Twelve-year-old
bullies have attacked their victims, slashing them with knives and using iron bars to beat them unconscious. One child
was told she would be "dead meat" if she returned to school. Although the right to education without fear is included in
the UN convention on the rights of the child, it seems Britain's schoolchildren have taken the wrong path and are
determined to torment and injure other students rather than learning.

1. Write a composition about one of the following two topics (maximum 3 points):
a. Is bullying nowadays a big problem at school in Spain? Give your opinion in no less than 80 words.
b. Write a story of at least 80 words beginning with this sentence:
. Remember that the 12 words in this sentence cannot be counted in the 80 words you
must write.

2. Answer the following two questions:

a- ? Explain your answer
1 point).
b-According to the text, are there any examples of violent cases of bullying at school? Explain your answer
(maximum 1 point).

3. Find in the text words having a similar meaning to the following words. Give only one synonym for each word

a. named b. reason c. cutting

4. Read the following short dialogue:

Helen: What? But you love that school, James. Is anything wrong, my dear?

Now, imagine you are Helen. Use just two or three sentences to order James to report everything to his
teachers and give him a good reason for it (maximum 1 point).

5. Grammatical transformation.
a.Rewrite the following sentence in the past simple interrogative (maximum 1 point)
The British government has announced new anti-bullying measures
b.Turn the following sentence into a 3 type conditional sentence
Schools could help children if there were trained psychologists

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