Final Gear Calculator

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Inputs Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value

Outside Diameter in inches DoG= 3.2 DoP= 2.2

Number of Teeth NG= 30 NP= 20
Pitch Diameter in inches DG= 3 DP= 2

Fixed Constants Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value

Pressure Angle in degrees φ= 20 φ= 20
Outputs Gear Symbol Value
Diametral Pitch P= 10.0000
Base Diameter in inches DbG= 2.8191
Root Diameter in inches DRG= 2.7560
Whole Depth in inches htG= 0.2220
Addendum in inches aG= 0.1000
Dedendum in inches bG= 0.0220
Auxiliary Angle in degrees φAG= 31.3213
Interval of Contact in inches uG= 0.2298
Roll Angle at Theoretical Limit Radius in Degrees ϵlG= 11.3616
Theoretical Limit Radius in inches rlG= 1.4377
Form Diameter in inches dfG= 2.8753
Circular Tooth Thickness in inches t= 0.1571
Fillet Radius in inches rfG= 0.0300

All formulas are from the Boston Gear Ca

Values in formulas that have bars around the
pinion value if you are calculating for the gear a
Pinion Symbol Value Formula
P= 10.0000 N/D
DbP= 1.8794 Dcosφ
DRP= 1.7560 Do-2ht
htP= 0.2220 2.2/P + .002
aP= 0.1000 1/P
bP= 0.0220 ht - 2a
φAP= 28.2414 cos-1((|Db|/2)/((|D|/2)+|a|))
uP= 0.2441 ((|D|/2)+a)*sin(φA)-(|D|/2)*sin(φ)
ϵlP= 5.9508 tan-1(((D/2)sin(φ) - u)/(Db/2))
rlP= 0.9448 (Db/2)/cos(ϵl)
dfP= 1.8846 2(rl - .025*(.025/P))
t= 0.1571 Pi/2*P
rfP= 0.0300 .3/P

m the Boston Gear Catalog

have bars around them use the
ulating for the gear and vice versa
Parameter Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value
Number of Teeth NG= 78 NP= 31
Diametral Pitch Pd= 12 Pd= 12
Shaft Angle (in degrees) Σ= 90 Σ= 90

Is There a Full Set of Inputs? Yes Yes

Fixed Constants Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value

Pressure Angle (in Degrees) φ= 20 φ= 20

The gears produced by this spread sheet have no crowning

and always have a pressure angle of 20 degrees
Outputs Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value
Ratio mG= 2.516 mG= 2.516
Pitch Diameter DG= 6.500 DP= 2.583
Pitch Angle (in degrees) Γ= 68.325 ϒ= 21.675
Outer Cone Distance Ao= 3.497 Ao= 3.497
Face Width F= 0.833 F= 0.833
Equivalent 90° Ratio m90= Err:509 m90= 2.516
Working Depth hk= 0.167 hk= 0.167
Addendum (at heel of tooth) aoG= 0.051 aoP= 0.116
Whole Depth ht= 0.184 ht= 0.184
Dedendum (at heel of tooth) boG= 0.133 boP= 0.069
Dedendum Angle (In Degrees) δG= 2.182 δP= 1.126
Face Angle (in Degrees) Γo= 69.451 ϒo= 23.857
Outside Diameter DoG= 6.538 DoP= 2.798
Pitch Cone Apex to Crown XoG= 1.244 XoP= 3.207
Circular Pitch p= 0.262 p= 0.262
Root Angle (in Degrees) ΓR= 66.143 ϒR= 20.549
Back-Angle Distance No Symbol 3.497 No Symbol 3.497

All Formulas Come From table 5-22 of the Gea

DG=NG/Pd and DP=NP/Pd
Γ=Σ-ϒ and If Σ=90: ϒ=tan-1(NG/NP) If Σ<90: ϒ=tan-1(sin(Σ)/(mG+cos(Σ)) If Σ>90: ϒ=tan-1(sin(180-Σ)/(mG-cos(180-Σ)))
If Σ=90: Ao=1/2(DP2+DG2)1/2, If Σ≠90: Ao=DG/(2*sin(Γ))
F=Ao/3 or F=10/Pd (use the smaller value)
If Σ=90: m90=mG, If Σ≠90: m90=(mG(cos(ϒ)/cos(Γ)))1/2
aoG=(.54/Pd)+(.460/Pd*m902) and aoP=hk-aoG
boG=ht-aoG and boP=ht-aoP
δG=tan-1(boG/Ao) and δP=tan-1(boP/Ao)
Γo=Γ+δG and ϒo=ϒ+δP
DoG=DG+2aoG*cos(Γ) and DoP=DP+2aoP*cos(ϒ)
If Σ=90: XoG=DP/2-aoG*sin(Γ) and XoP=DG/2-aoP*sin(ϒ), If Σ≠90: XoG=Ao*cos(Γ)-aoG*sin(Γ) and XoP=Ao*cos(ϒ)-aoP*sin(ϒ)
ΓR=Γ-δG and ϒR=ϒ-δP
Back-Angle Distance = Ao

table 5-22 of the Gear Manufacturer's

Parameter Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value
Number of Teeth NG= 78 NP= 31
Diametral Pitch Pd= 12 Pd= 12
Shaft Angle (in degrees) Σ= 90 Σ= 90

Is There a Full Set of Inputs? Yes Yes

Fixed Constants Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value

Pressure Angle (in Degrees) φ= 20 φ= 20

The gears produced by this spread sheet have no crowning

and always have a pressure angle of 20 degrees
Outputs Gear Symbol Value Pinion Symbol Value
Ratio mG= 2.516 mG= 2.516
Pitch Diameter DG= 6.500 DP= 2.583
Pitch Angle (in degrees) Γ= 68.325 ϒ= 21.675
Outer Cone Distance Ao= 3.497 Ao= 3.497
Face Width F= 0.833 F= 0.833
Equivalent 90° Ratio m90= Err:509 m90= 2.516
Working Depth hk= 0.142 hk= 0.142
Addendum (at heel of tooth) aoG= 0.043 aoP= 0.098
Whole Depth ht= 0.157 ht= 0.157
Dedendum (at heel of tooth) boG= 0.114 boP= 0.059
Dedendum Angle (In Degrees) δG= 1.865 δP= 0.969
Face Angle (in Degrees) Γo= 69.294 ϒo= 23.539
Outside Diameter DoG= 6.532 DoP= 2.766
Pitch Cone Apex to Crown XoG= 1.251 XoP= 3.214
Circular Pitch p= 0.262 p= 0.262
Root Angle (in Degrees) ΓR= 66.461 ϒR= 20.706
Back-Angle Distance No Symbol 3.497 No Symbol 3.497

All Formulas Come From table 5-22 of the Gea

DG=NG/Pd and DP=NP/Pd
Γ=Σ-ϒ and If Σ=90: ϒ=tan-1(NG/NP) If Σ<90: ϒ=tan-1(sin(Σ)/(mG+cos(Σ)) If Σ>90: ϒ=tan-1(sin(180-Σ)/(mG-cos(180-Σ)))
If Σ=90: Ao=1/2(DP2+DG2)1/2, If Σ≠90: Ao=DG/(2*sin(Γ))
F=Ao/3 or F=10/Pd (use the smaller value)
If Σ=90: m90=mG, If Σ≠90: m90=(mG(cos(ϒ)/cos(Γ)))1/2
aoG=(.46/Pd)+(.390/Pd*mG2) and aoP=hk-aoG
boG=ht-aoG and boP=ht-aoP
δG=tan-1(boG/Ao) and δP=tan-1(boP/Ao)
Γo=Γ+δG and ϒo=ϒ+δP
DoG=DG+2aoG*cos(Γ) and DoP=DP+2aoP*cos(ϒ)
If Σ=90: XoG=DP/2-aoG*sin(Γ) and XoP=DG/2-aoP*sin(ϒ), If Σ≠90: XoG=Ao*cos(Γ)-aoG*sin(Γ) and XoP=Ao*cos(ϒ)-aoP*sin(ϒ)
ΓR=Γ-δG and ϒR=ϒ-δP
Back-Angle Distance = Ao

table 5-22 of the Gear Manufacturer's

Horse Power Required for Desired Application Shaft Sizes (in inches)
1 1/2
RPM Required for Desired Application 5/8
20 3/4
Min. Shaft Diameter for Desired Application (in inches)
Not Suitable
Not Suitable
Not Suitable

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