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Important Information for English/Conversation Club Fridays

1. Students have until Thursday 3:00 PM to register for their appropriate levels
and time of their preference, using the Sympla links Coordinators share early in
the week.
2. Students register for a 1-hour slot only, according to this table (it’s not possible
for any student to do more than one 1-hour slot per Friday):

10:00 – 11:00 11:00 – 12:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 8:00

3. Once registrations close, time slots with registered students will be assigned to
teachers who are on stand-by for that Friday (according to the following
calendar), considered teachers’ preferences for morning or evening (if there are
no students for a certain time slot, no teacher will be assigned).

4. Teachers designated for a certain Friday will receive notification of any students
assigned to them on Thursday evening, which will include name, contact level
and teacher.
5. The links for the Clubs, which are recurrent Zoom meetings created by the
school, will be sent by the school to both students and teachers with assigned
students after 7:00 on Thursday.
6. The assignment of teachers depends on the number of registered students,
meaning that not all teachers designated for a certain Friday are guaranteed to
host an English/Conversation Club.
7. Upon registration, students choose one of the 3 following possibilities for English
Club: Pre-Teens, Basic/Intermediate or Advanced. Therefore, a teacher hosting
a Club will only receive students from one of those 3 particular groups, but
possibly from different levels in that group. For example, a teacher assigned to
Basic/Intermediate 11:00 AM may have 4 students together, a BAS1, a BAS 4
and 2 INT3 students in the same time slot. The use of the breakout rooms
becomes necessary in this case. Nonetheless, students are grouped with others
in the same level as much as possible.
8. A list of the teachers responsible for each level at each time slot will also be
shared on Thursday evening, so those who sent students to the English Club
know who will be taking care of them and will be able to send directly to that
teacher the necessary material for their student(s) to use. Sending that material
to the students participating in the English Club is absolutely mandatory.
9. A teacher may be assigned to 1 or 2 consecutive time slots in the same period.
morning or evening.
10. In case the registered students don’t join the Club at the exact time it starts, the
designated teacher must keep the meeting going for the whole hour, as they
would in the in-person format.

In case of additional questions, please contact your Coordinator. Thank you.

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