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Humaira Anjani (11160980000005)
Major of mining engineering, faculty of scienc of technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
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Abstract- The objective of this paper is to analyze the pyrolysis method which is the method of
converting waste plastic which is available in our day life into fuel oil which can be used for the
different purpose. The methodology used for writing this paper is a literature study. Plastic is those
substances which can take many years to decompose if dispose of simply to the environment. Different
Temperature are have a role for thermally crack the plastics. Usage of waste plastic as a substitute
give many benefits such as does not need to buy any new vehicle or equipment to use this substance.
Also, this method fulfilled Indonesia’s concept of energy independence 4A+1S concept. However
further processing and experiments are needed to get cleaner exhaust.
Keywords : Plastic waste, fuel, pyrolysis

INTRODUCTION un-conventional also support the SDG’S

Since half of the world’s oil used in act. This is the method that extracting oil
many vehicle (cars, trucks, trains, planes, fuel from a plastic waste called plastic
etc) sector for fueling the energy, there pyrolysis. For many years plastic has
is enormous interest in reforming that become a serious problem in our
sector of the economy. There is now a environment, they remain in the
race to see who will dominate the environment for a long period of time
automotive future, as nations make the which affects environmental quality.
historic transition from fossil fuels to the
non-conventional energy resources.
Without a doubt the most popular
automotive fuel currently gasoline.
There should be an effort to find ways to
replace fossil fuels with more
environmentally friendly alternatives,
particularly renewable energy resources,
as potential solutions to the current
environmental problems associated with
the harmful pollutant emission from Fig1 : plastic waste
Due to population increase, the demand
fossil fuels, or perhaps the solution even
for plastic products has steadily
closer than we thought and this
increased, previous waste management
methods such as landfill disposal, molecule called polymer. When this
incineration, and recycling have failed to long chain of monomers breaks at
provide opportunities for the complete certain points or when lower molecular
reuse of plastic waste. The polymer weight fractions are formed this is
energy system uses a process called termed as degradation of the polymer.
catalytic pyrolysis to efficiently convert Plastics are branched or linear polymers
plastics to crude oil. The system consisting of various types, two of
provides an integrated plastic waste which are LDPE and Polypropylene.
processing system which offers an (PP) Polypropylene is one type of plastic
alternative while also being viable, that is thermoplastic in nature, which
economical and environmentally can return to its original form through
responsible waste management solution. heating, easily processed and formed
into a film, fiber, or packaging. As for
Plastics examples from
Plastics are long chain polymers from Polypropylene is sacks, ropes, drink
atoms that bind to one another. This bottles, fibers, tubs, insulators, plastic
chain forms many repetitive molecular chairs, and rugs. This type is the best
units, or "monomers". choice for plastic materials, especially
Requirements for synthetic or for those related to food and beverage
semi-synthetic polymerization products, storage. Characteristics of transparent
but there are several natural polymers and cloudy bottles, not clear but
including plastics. Plastics are formed translucent, stronger and lighter with
from organic condensation or polymers low vapor permeability, stable with high
which can also consist of other temperatures, and shiny. Hard but
substances to improve performance or flexible and softened at 140 ° C.
economics (Wikipedia, 2009; Azizah, LDPE is one type of plastic that is often
2009). All plastics are polymers found in the surrounding environment,
manufactured from the petroleum lighter namely in the form of a plastic bag so
ends like propylene, mostly containing that it is very potential to be utilized in
carbon and hydrogen and few other the pyrolysis process to minimize the
elements like chlorine, nitrogen, etc. existence of millions of plastic bags
Polymers are made up of small every day. The mechanical properties of
molecules called monomers which the type of LDPE plastic are strong,
combine and form a single large
rather translucent, flexible and slightly principal application
fatty surface. Law of thermodynamics.
Partial Combustion and Thermodynamic
pyrolysis Aspects
Pyrolysis is a process of controlled The pyrolysis process requires high
heating of a material in the absence of temperatures, namely in the temperature
oxygen. range of 400-500 ° C. This temperature
In the process of plastic pyrolysis can be achieved by utilizing the sensible
macromolecular structure of polymer are heat from partial combustion of PP and
broken into smaller molecules and LDPE plastics. Partial combustion used
sometimes monomer units. Further is indirect combustion which utilizes
degradation is of these subsequent heat from an ignition source.
molecules depends on a number of the The amount of heat obtained is analyzed
different condition including(and not using the concept of heat balance or
limited to) temperature, residence time, energy equilibrium based on the
presence of a catalyst and other process application of thermodynamic law I.
conditions. The pyrolysis reaction can Changes in potential energy and kinetic
be done with or without a catalyst. energy can be ignored so that the energy
Products from pyrolysis consist of gas, balance of the combustion reaction can
liquid, and solid residual fractions be expressed by the following
(Buekens and Huang, 1998). At a
temperature of 300-500 ° C based on equation:
research by Andarini and Purwo (2013) The pyrolysis process requires a high
that the plastic will melt and then turn temperature so that the optimum heat is
into gas. During the process, long chains needed by assuming the system is
of hydrocarbons will be cut into short adiabatic then:
chains. Furthermore, the cooling process Hout = Hin
is carried out on the gas so that it will Value h for each mass unit are:
experience condensation and form a
liquid. This liquid will later become fuel,
The value of h is a function of
both in the form of gasoline and diesel
temperature or h = f (T) so that using the
analysis of the calculation of the energy
equilibrium equation can be obtained the
amount of temperature in the final result
of the partial combustion process According to Saiful Muslimin’s
(Priambodo, 2008). The amount of experiment (2014) ,
partial combustion final temperature that Machine result
can meet the continuity of the pyrolysis Capacity
reaction is at intervals of 400 ° C-500 °
C so that the regulation of the number of
LDPE and Polyprophylene molecules Solar Petrol, Minyak
can be optimized by adjusting the size of premium tanah
the pyrolysis reactor integrated in the rate
motor vehicle engine. 10 Kg 6 liters 2.5 liters 1.5 liters

30 kg 18 liters 7.5 liters 4.5 liters

Source of Heat : 3Kg LPG

Time needed : 3-4 hours for 2
production cycles
Profits : IDR 226.000 for 1 production
Quality : laboratorium checked for
bensin (premium rate) contains 0,02Mg/l
Lead, for solar or diesel : 0mg/l
Fig 2: pyrolysis flow chart , sumber : American Odor : plastic smell
chemistry council(2016)
Test on vehicle : Cars and motorcycle
Advantages and disadvantages
test (solar usage) : has no problem
Advantages :
1.Affordable price
2.Substance availability
Disadvantages :
1. Further processing is needed to get a
more high-quality product (cleaner
2. Further processing makes the price
Hanifah and Rendita’s Experiment Profits (income-outcome) = IDR6000 -
(2016) IDR4000 = IDR2000.
Plastic Sampl solar Petrol( Minya
Type e in premi k A rate of return (ROR) analysis was
KG um tanah carried out which showed that the
process can be profitable for a large
PET 1 0.3l 0.5l 0.2l
scale plant with an annual feed rate of
LPDE 1 500 (non
120,000 tonnes. Additionally, it was
Liter effecti
found that the payback period for the
only vely
large scale plant was 1.42 years which
in efficie
total nt)
corresponds to a ROR of 35.97%. This

According from Hanifah and Rendita’s work included a sensitivity analysis

research : study on the annual profits, although this

Price for PET/Kg from “pengepul” or was done only for the product sale price

collectors are IDR 2000/Kg ignoring other important technical and

Price for LPDE/Kg from “pengepul” or economic parameters (e.g. capital

collectors are IDR500/Kg investment, raw material costs)

Selling price
Petrol/premium like : IDR6000/l Congeniality with Indonesia’s concept

Diesel/solar like : IDR5000/l of energy independence

Availability: plastics are easy to find

DISCUSSION Accessibility: everyone can use this

If viewed from the economic aspect, energy in every aspect (farming, etc.)

According to from both experiments Affordability: Price is affordable for all

plastic can be a solution for a substitute segments of society, doesn’t need any

for fossil energy. According to Hanifah new vehicle or types of equipment for

and Rendita research, if the usage

petrol/premium like the price is Acceptability: according to research, the

IDR6000/l, then it needed 2Kg of raw numbers of people who used this energy

materials since 1Kg of PET material resource are increasing

only produce 0.5l petrol/premium like Sustainability: as long as human still use

fuel. 2Kg of PET price is IDR4000. plastics, it becomes sustainable

Because all the aspect above is fulfilled,
it is suitable to be applied in Indonesia.
This mine is an open pit mine This simulation shows that if in the
producing 5,000 tonnes ore and 5,000 future solar from waste plastic will be
tonnes waste per day. Rock mass produced, Cost will be saved
characteristics for both ore and waste are IDR21.844,800 /day
typical of those of granite or porphyritic
material. Operating conditions, wage
scales, and unit prices are typical for
western U.S. mining operations.
All costs listed are in 2012 US$.
requirements and costs are listed below:

Table 1 and 2 : mining equipment cost (costmine


Diesel fuel needs in a day : 4,75Liter

If using an ordinary diesel fuel price
Cost :
Bio solar price = IDR9.800/L
4751 X IDR98000 = IDR45.559,800
Waste plastic solar like = IDR5000/L
4751 X IDR5000 = IDR23.755.000
Conclusion on
it could be concluded, we need to 7th may 2019)
collectively work for development for
alternative fuels because it will be Armalid, Hanifah Nisa and co. 2016.
important in the future for sustainable Dari sampah plastik menjadi BBM
development. Also, the cost of ramah lingkungan. Makalah.
conventional fuels like gasoline or diesel
is increasing at an alarming rate and the Pd. Rajak and co. 2012. Analysis of
cost of the manufactured from plastic or diesel fuel from plastic wastes by
other wastes is considerably low which cataclytic pyrolysis. India. Mechanical
would further help in controlling Engineering BIT SINDRI.
that thermal pyrolysis of plastic waste Mohammed M.garib Alla and co. 2014.
leads to the production of fuel oil, Conversion of plastic waste to liquid
valuable resource recovery, and fuel. International journal of technical
reduction of the waste problem. Thermal research and applications PP.29-31 Vol2,
pyrolysis of waste plastic waste has also issue 3 (may-june 2014)
several advantages over other alternative
recycling methods. It has been shown Brydson, J.A and scienceDirect. Plastic
that the conversion at a lower Burheim,ODne Stokke. 2017.
temperature in the presence of catalyst Engineering energy storage. USA.
into liquid is a feasible process. Elvsneir inc
Consequently. However, further studies
are necessary to utilize pyrolytic oil as G. N Tiwari and R.K Mishra. 2012.
liquid fuel or feedback. Advanced Renewable Energy Sources.
New delhi. RSC Publishing
Fivga, Antzela.2018. Pyrolysis of plastic Michael Pauken,PHD. 2011.
waste for production of heavy fuel Thermodynamics for dummies.
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