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Lesson Plan

Teacher in Senior High School




Palaguna Siahaan (NIM: 4193131017)

Roselva Manalu (NIM: 4191131019)

Sakinah Mawaddah Hsb. (NIM: 4193131001)

Programme : Chemistry Education Study Program 2019

aculty of Mathematic and Natural Sience

Medan State University


School : Senior High School 10 Medan

Program : Science
Subject Matter : Chemistry
Topic : Thermochemistry
Class / Semester : XI / 1
Time Allocation : 4 hours of study @45 minutes (4 meetings)

A. Core Competence (CC)

CC 1/KI 1 : Live and practice the religious teachings that are adopted.
CC2/KI 2 : Live and practice honest, disciplined, polite, caring behavior (mutual
cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), responsible, responsive, and pro-active in interacting
effectively in accordance with the development of children in the environment, family, school,
community and natural environment around, nations, countries, regional regions and international
regions. "
CC 3/KI 3 : Understanding, applying, and analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive knowledge based on his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and
humanities with human, national, state, and civilization insights related to the causes of
phenomena and events, and applying knowledge procedures in a specific field of study in
accordance with their talents and interests to solve problems.
CC 4/KI 4 : Cultivate, reason, and serve in the realm of concrete and abstract domains related
to the development of what they learn in school independently, act effectively and creatively, and
be able to use methods according to scientific principles.

B. Basic Competence (BC)

3.4 Understanding the concept of changing the enthalpy of a reaction at constant pressure in a
thermochemical equation.
4.4 Analyze the results of the thermochemistry experimental data analysis at a constant pressure.
3.5 Evaluate the type of reaction enthalpy, Hess's law and the concept of bond energy.
4.5 Knowing the enthalpy changes of several reactions based on experimental results data.

C. Indicators
3.4.1 Identify reactions that require heat and reactions that release heat, for example the reaction
of Mg metal with HCl solution and the dissolution of NH4Cl in water.
3.4.2 Interpreting the explanation of the meaning of energy, heat, system, and environment.
3.4.3 Explaining the explanations of enthalpy changes, kinds of standard enthalpy changes, and
thermochemical equations.
4.4.1 Conduct an experiment to determine the enthalpy change with a calorimeter and report the
4.4.2 Conclude the results of the thermochemistry experimental data analysis at a constant
3.5.1 Explain how to determine the change in enthalpy of reaction based on the enthalpy of
standard formation, or bond energy according to Hess's law.
3.5.2 Determine the change in reaction enthalpy based on the enthalpy of standard formation, or
bond energy according to Hess's law.
3.5.3 Organize the data to diagram the energy level of a reaction
4.5.1 Comparing the enthalpy of combustion (∆Hc) of several fuels.
4.5.2 Comparing the enthalpy changes of several reactions based on experimental results data

D. Learning Objective:
After the learning conducted, student:
1. Identify reactions that require heat and reactions that release heat, for example the reaction of
Mg metal with HCl solution and the dissolution of NH4Cl in water.
2. Interpreting the explanation of the understanding of energy, heat, system, and environment.
3. Explaining the explanation of enthalpy changes, kinds of standard enthalpy changes, and
thermochemical equations.
4. Conduct an experiment to determine the enthalpy change with a calorimeter and report the
5. Conclude the results of the thermochemistry experimental data analysis at a constant pressure
6. Explain how to determine the change in reaction enthalpy based on the enthalpy of standard
formation, or bond energy based on Hess's law.
7. Determine the change in reaction enthalpy based on the enthalpy of standard formation, or
bond energy based on Hess's law.
8. Organize data to diagram the energy level of a reaction
9. Comparing the combustion enthalpy (∆Hc) of several fuels.
10. Comparing the enthalpy changes of several reactions based on experimental results data.

E. Learning Material:
1. Definition of Neutrality Heat
Standard enthalpy is the change in enthalpy measured under standard conditions at 25 ° C
and at a pressure of 1 atm. There are several types of enthalpy changes, one of which is
the neutralization heat or standard neutralization enthalpy change.
Change in standard neutralization enthalpy is change in standard enthalpy in neutralizing
1 mole of acid by base or 1 mole of base by acid. The general form is:
H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) → H2O (l) ∆Hn = -57, 5 kJ
Changes in the standard enthalpy of neutralization are expressed by notation ∆Hn
2NaOH (aq) + H2SO4⇄ Na2SO4 (aq) + 2 H2O (aq) + 200 kJ
a. Heat of reaction = +200 kJ.
b. ∆H reaction =-200 kJ.
c. ∆Hn° NaOH = 200kJ / 2 mol = -100 kJ / mol.
d.∆Hn°H2SO4 = -200 kJ / mol.
2. Determination of Change in Enthalpy Neutralization with a Calorimeter
The change in enthalpy can be determined if it knows the heat capacity, heat type and
a. Hot water type and heat capacity
Specific heat (c) indicates the heat needed by 1 gram of substance to raise the temperature
by 1 ° C. Specific heat is expressed in units of 0 ° C or J / g ° C. Calories are a measure of
the change in temperature that is experienced when absorbing / freeing up some heat. In
general, the size of the change is called "heat capacity". Heat capacity is defined as the
amount of heat required to raise the temperature by 1 ° C and is very dependent on the
size of the substance or object.
For example: to raise the temperature of 1 ° C by 10 g of water, it takes 10 times more
energy than if it is used to raise the temperature of 1 ° C from 1 g of water.

The relationship between heat capacity and heat type can be formulated as follows:
C = heat capacity (J ° C-1)
m = mass of substance (gram)
c = specific heat (J g-1 ° C-1)

If the reaction changes in temperature (∆t), heat changes or enthalpy changes that occur
can be formulated as follows:
Q = m x c x ∆t or Q = C x ∆t
Q = heat absorbed or released
∆t = temperature change (Tfinal - Tinitial)

The neutralizing enthalpy can be determined by using the heat energy released in the
change reaction to heat the water to a certain volume. The heat energy raises the
temperature of the water. The heat energy transferred to water can be determined by the
following equation:
Qsolution = m x c x ∆t or Qcalorymeter = C x ∆t

b. Simple calorimeter (thermorimeter calorimeter)

A calorimeter is a device used to measure the amount of heat seen in a chemical reaction
in a solution system. Basically, the heat that is released / absorbed causes a change in
temperature on the calorimeter. This calorimeter is a fixed pressure calorimeter. Reactions
that can be measured heat with this calorimeter is a reaction that takes place at constant
pressure. These reactions include neutralization, dissolving reactions, and precipitation.

At constant pressure there is a heat transfer between the system and the environment, so
Qreaction = - (Qsystem + Qcalorimeter)
After knowing the heat of the reaction, the heat of the system (solution) and the heat of
the calorimeter, the heat of neutralization can be calculated by:
∆H = Qsolution / molsolution

F. Learning method
Learning Model : Discovery Learning
Method : Question and answer, interview, discussion and role playing

G. Media and Learning Resource:

1. Media:
• Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)
• The assessment sheet
• LCD Proyektor
• Ruler, marker, blackboard
• Laptop & infocus

2. Learning source:
• Chemistry Book for Class XI Students, Ministry of Education and Culture, 2016
• Relevant reference books,
• Local environment
• Internet

H. Learning Activity
1st Meeting
Nu Activity
Syntax Time
1. Initial Activity 15 Minutes
- Conduct an opening with an opening greeting, give thanks
to God and pray to start learning
- Check the presence of students as a disciplinary attitude
- Linking material / themes / learning activities that will be
carried out with the experience of students with previous
material / themes / activities
- Explain the learning objectives of Energy and heat and
Calorimetry and changes in reaction enthalpy
- Provide motivation and initial discussion about the
benefits of learning Energy and heat and Calorimetry and
changes in reaction enthalpy.
- Division of study groups
2. Stimulation Core Activity 150 Minutes
- Display relevant pictures / photos / videos about Energy
and heat and Calorimetry and changes in reaction
- Giving examples of Energy and heat material and
Calorimetry and reaction enthalpy changes to be
developed by students from interactive media, etc.
- Read material from textbooks or other supporting books,
from the internet / material related to Energy and heat and
Calorimetry and changes in reaction enthalpy.
- Write a resume of observations and readings related to
Energy and heat and Calorimetry and reaction enthalpy
- Provides Energy and heat material as well as Calorimetry
and reaction enthalpy changes.
- Explain the introduction of activities in outline / global
about subject matter about the material Energy and heat
and Calorimetry and changes in reaction enthalpy.
Gives students the opportunity to identify as many
questions related to the picture presented and will be
answered through learning activities, for example:
submitting material about Energy, heat, Calorimetry and
changes in reaction enthalpy that are not understood from
what is observed or questions to get additional information
about what is observed (starting from factual questions to
hypothetical questions) to develop creativity, curiosity, and
the ability to form questions to form the critical mind that is
necessary for intelligent life and lifelong learning.
Reasoning / Associating
In student reasoning activities:
 Analyze about Energy, heat, Calorimetry and
changes in reaction enthalpy then compare and
determine data relationships.
 Making guesses about Energy, heat, Calorimetry
and changes in reaction enthalpy.
 Summing up from the results of the analysis about
Energy, heat, Calorimetry and changes in reaction
Learning activities with an experimental approach or
"trying" carried out through 3 stages, namely:
a. Preparation about Energy, heat, Calorimetry and
changes in reaction enthalpy
 Determine the purpose of the experiment.
 Preparing tools and materials.
 Prepare an experimental site that is adjusted to the
number of students and the tools or materials
available. Here the teacher needs to consider
whether students will carry out experiments or try
simultaneously or divide into groups in parallel or
take turns.
 Considering safety and health problems in order to
minimize or avoid risks that arise.
 Provide an explanation of what must be considered
from the stages that must be done by students,
including things that are prohibited or dangerous.

b. Implementation about Energy, heat, Calorimetry and

changes in reaction enthalpy
 During the experimental or trying process, the
teacher helps guide and observe the experimental
process. Here the teacher must provide
encouragement and assistance to the difficulties
faced by students so that the activity is successful.
 During the experimental or trying process, the
teacher should pay attention to the situation as a
whole, including helping to overcome and solve
problems that will hinder learning activities.

c. Follow-up about Energy, heat, Calorimetry and

changes in reaction enthalpy
 Learners collect reports on the results of
experiments to the teacher.
 Checks the results of the students' experiments.
 Gives feedback on the results of the experiment.
 discuss problems or new things discovered during
the experiment.
 check and store back all the materials and tools
In the final activity that is communicating, the result of the
work which is about Energy, heat, Calorimetry and changes
in reaction enthalpy. Communicating activities can be
directed as confirmation activities. In this stage there are
also activities to conclude and present, concluding can be
done together in a single group or can also be done alone
after listening to the results of information processing
activities while presenting can be presented in the form of a
written report. Written reports can be used as one of the
materials for a portfolio of groups and/or individuals and
although the tasks are done in groups, the results of the
recording should be done by each individual so that they
can be included in the student's portfolio file.

Data Collecting - Pay close attention to the Energy and heat material and
Calorimetry and the change in enthalpy of the reaction
being studied in the form of pictures / videos / slides of
the presentation presented and try to interpret it.
- Searching and reading various references from various
sources in order to increase knowledge and understanding
of the material of Energy and heat and Calorimetry and
the change in reaction enthalpy being studied.
- Compile a list of questions on things that can not be
understood from observing and reading activities that will
be submitted to the teacher relating to the material Energy
and heat and Calorimetry and changes in reaction
enthalpy being studied.
- Ask questions related to the Energy and heat material and
Calorimetry and changes in reaction enthalpy that have
been compiled in the questionnaire to the teacher.
Data processing - In their groups, their discuss processing the observational
data by discussing data from Energy and heat material
and Calorimetry and reaction enthalpy changes
- Process information from the Energy and heat material
and Calorimetry and changes in reaction enthalpy that
has been collected from the results of previous
activities / meetings as well as the results of observing
activities and gathering information that is ongoing with
the help of the questions on the worksheet.
- Work on a number of questions about the material Energy
and heat and Calorimetry and the reaction enthalpy
Verification Discuss the results of their observations and verify the
results of their observations with data or theory in the
source book through activities:
- Adding breadth and depth to processing information that
is looking for solutions from a variety of sources that
have different opinions to the contrary to develop an
attitude of honesty, conscience, discipline, obeying the
rules, hard work, the ability to apply procedures and the
ability of inductive and deductive thinking in prove
about Energy and heat matter and Calorimetry and
change in reaction enthalpy
- Discuss together the answers to the questions that have
been done by students.
Generalization Learners discuss to conclude:
(draw a - Delivering the results of discussions about the Energy and
conclusion) heat material and Calorimetry and changes in reaction
enthalpy in the form of conclusions based on the results
of the analysis verbally, in writing, or other media to
develop an attitude of honesty, conscience, tolerance,
ability to think systematically, express opinions politely.
- Conclude about the important points that appear in the
learning activities that have just been done in the form of
a written observation report about the material of Energy
and heat and Calorimetry and change in reaction
- Answering questions about the Energy and heat material
as well as Calorimetry and changes in reaction enthalpy
contained in the student handbook or worksheet that has
been provided.
- Ask questions about things that are not yet understood, or
the teacher throws a few questions to students regarding
Energy and heat material and Calorimetry and changes
in reaction enthalpy that will be finished learning
- Complete the competency test for the Energy and heat
material and Calorimetry and change in reaction
enthalpy contained in the student handbook or on a
worksheet that has been provided individually to check
student mastery of the subject matter.
3. Closing 15 Minutes
- Checking the work of students who finished directly
checked for subject matter Energy and heat and
Calorimetry and change in reaction enthalpy
- who have finished the project / product / portfolio /
performance assignments correctly are initialed and
ranked according to rank, for assignment assessments
- Give awards for Energy and heat subject matter and
Calorimetry and change in reaction enthalpy to groups
that have good performance and cooperation.
I. Learning Assesment / Penilaian
Assessment Techniques: Observation, written test
Assessment Procedure:

Nu Assessment
Assessed aspects Assessment Time
. Techniques
1. Attitude Observation During the Practicum and
a. Actively involved in during the discussion
learning calorimeter.
b. Collaborate in group
c. Tolerant of differences
of opinion
2. Knowledge
a. Describe various Written observations  During the group
calorimeter problems and tests discussion and presentation
b. Calculate ∆H prices process
with trial data  After the discussion
3. Skills
a. Practical performance Observation Rubric Completion of tasks (both
calculates ∆H reaction Assessment rubric individual and group) and
with a calorimeter. when practicum.
b. Report (portfolio) of
practicum results

J. Learning Outcomes Assessment Instrument (Attached)

Portfolio Tasks : Making reports on calorimeters involving changes in temperature.
Observation : Scientific attitude during discussion and presentation with the
Performance Skills observation sheet
K. Attachment

Knowledge Assesment (Based on indicator)

1. In a calorimeter reacted 100 cm 3 of 1 M NaOH solution with 100 cm 3 of 1 M HCl solution, it
turns out that the temperature rises from 250C to 310C. The specific heat of the solution is
assumed to be the same as the specific heat of water, which is 4.18 J g-1 K-1 and the density of
the solution is considered to be 1 g / cm3. If it is assumed that the calorimeter does not absorb
heat, determine the enthalpy change of the reaction: NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

Answer: qtotal = q system + qcalorimeter

because the calorimeter does not absorb heat, then:
qtotal = q system
mass of solution = m NaOH + m HCl
= (100 + 100) grams
= 200 grams
∆T = (31 - 25) 0C = 6 0C = 6 K
qsistem = solution x clarutan x ∆T
= 200 g x 4.18 J / g 0C x 6K
= 5. 016 J = 5,016 Kj
NaOH = HCl = 0.1 L x 1 mol / L = 0.1 mol
So, in the reaction between 0.1 mol NaOh with 0.1 mol HCl, the standard heat change of -5.016
kJ occurs. Then for every 1 mole of NaOH reacting with 1 mole of HCl, there will be a change in
heat by: q = 5,016 𝑘𝐽 = 50.16 Kj / mol
because when the reaction temperature of the system rises, the reaction takes place secularly
exothermic and the change in enthal is negative.
NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) ∆H = -50.16 kJ

2. Explain the meaning of:

A. Energy
B. Heat
C. System
D. Environment

A. Energy: Energy is the ability to do work.
B. Heat: Heat is the transfer of energy that results from the difference in temperature between a
system and its surroundings.
C. System: The system is part of the universe that is used as the focus of observation. In this case
the system is the object of observation.
D. Environment: While the environment is the outside of the system which has an influence on
the system.

3. Explain the enthalpy change with an example of the equation reaction!

Answer: The change in enthalpy is the change in total enthalpy in a reaction system which can
occur if a molecule reacts completely with oxygen at a pressure of 1 atm. Enthalpy changes are
divided into four types, namely:

A. Change in enthalpy of standard formation (ΔH ° f)

Changes in enthalpy of standard formation (ΔH ° f), ie changes in enthalpy needed or released in
the formation of 1 mole of compounds from the elements at temperature and standard conditions.
If it is not measured at standard conditions, the change in enthalpy of formation is denoted ΔH °
f. Changes in enthalpy of formation are also called heat of formation. Example reaction:
C (s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) ΔHf = +110,5 kJ

B. Changes in Standard Combustion Enthalpy (ΔH ° C)

Changes in the standard combustion enthalpy are changes in enthalpy needed and are released in
perfect combustion of 1 mole of substance under standard conditions. Example reaction:
C2H5OH (ℓ) + 302 (g) -> 2CO2 (g) + 3H20 (g) ΔH = -1.350 kJ / mol

C. Changes to Standard Decomposition Enthalpy (ΔH ° d)

Changes in the standard decomposition enthalpy are changes in the enthalpy required or released
at the decomposition of 1 mole of the compound into its elements under standard conditions.
Laplace's Law states that the amount of heat released in the formation of compounds from its
elements is the same as the amount of heat needed in the decomposition of these compounds into
its elements. Example reaction:
If ΔH ° f H2O (g) = -285.85 kJ / mol then ΔH ° d H2O (g) = +285.85 kJ / mol

D. Change in Standard Neutralization Enthalpy (ΔH ° n)

Changes in standard neutralization enthalpy are changes in enthalpy that are needed or released to
neutralize 1 mole of acid by a base or 1 mole of a base by acid measured under standard
conditions. Example reaction:

4. Do the experiment below about determining the enthalpy change using a calorimeter!

Answer: . Student worksheet

a.       Tools and Materials
Simple calorimeter
NaOH 0.2 M
HCl 0.2 M

b.       Work procedures
Measure ΔH using a simple calorimeter
  1. Provide a simple calorimeter made from 2 250 ml styrofoam beverage containers.
Cover the container with a cork that has been perforated to place the thermometer.
2. Take 50 ml of 0.2 M NaOH solution and 50 ml of 0.2 M HCl solution. Measure the
temperature of each solution. Take the average value and record it.
3. Enter the NaOH solution into the calorimeter then add HCl. Cover the calorimeter and
mix thoroughly with a thermometer.
4. Measure and record the temperature.

c.       Observation data

Observation Results Data
NaOH solution temperature =
HCl solution temperature =
Average temperature (initial temperature) =
Final temperature =
Temperature rise =

Does the reaction take place including exothermic or endothermic?

Calculate the heat of the reaction per mole of NaOH. Assume the type of heat of the
solution = 4.18 h / g ° C and the density of the solution = 1,000 g / L.
How much does the reaction enthalpy change? Write the thermochemical equation!
5. In one experiment, 3 L of water was heated so that the temperature of the water rose from 25 °
C to 72 ° C. If it is known that the density of water = 1g mL‾¹, and the specific heat of water = 4.2
J / g K, Results from ∆H the heating reaction is.…
a. 592.2 kJ
b. 5922 kJ
c. 59.22 kJ
d. 5,922 kJ
e. 59220 kJ

(Answer: A)

Discussion: m = v x ρ
= 3000 mL x 1 gr / mL
= 3000 gr

Q =mxcx∆T
= 3000 grams x 4.2 J / g K x ((72 + 273) - (25 + 273))
= 3000 grams x 4.2 J / g K x 47 K
= 592200 J
= 592.2 Kj

6. How to determine the change in enthalpy of reaction based on the enthalpy of standard
formation, or bond energy according to Hess's law?

Answer: Hess's Law states that when a reactant is converted to a product, the value of the change
in enthalpy of the reaction remains the same, either with one step or with a series of steps. In
other words, the enthalpy change of the whole process is equal to the total number of enthalpy
changes per step. Consider the following example.

In applying Hess's law, sometimes the available thermochemical equations need to be

manipulated first. Here are the rules for manipulating thermochemical equations:
1. When the reaction equation is reversed (reactants become products, products become
reactants), the ΔH value sign must also be reversed (from positive to negative, and vice
2. The substance removed from both sides of the equation must be in the same phase.
3. If all the coefficients of a reaction equation are multiplied or divided by the same factor,
then the value of ΔH of the reaction must also be multiplied or divided by the factor.

7. Bonding energy data:

C = C = 611 kJ/mol C – Cl = 339 kJ/mol
C – H = 414 kJ/mol C – C = 347 kJ/mol
H – Cl = 431 kJ/mol
Based on the binding energy data, the enthalpy change in the C2H4 + HCl → C2H5Cl reaction is
... kJ.
a. +46 d. -138
b. -46 e. -148
c. -58
(Answer: C)
Bonding structure:
Total energy of breaking bonds (reagents):
4 x EC-H = 4 x 414 kJ/mol = 1.656 kJ/mol
1 x EC=C = 1 x 611 kJ/mol =   611 kJ/mol
1 x EH-Cl = 1 x 431 kJ/mol =    431 kJ/mol

E. total = 2,698 kJ / mol

Total energy of bond formation:
5 x EC-H = 5 x 414 kJ/mol = 2.070 kJ/mol
1 x EC-C = 1 x 347 kJ/mol =    347 kJ/mol
1 x EC-Cl = 1 x 339 kJ/mol =   339 kJ/mol

E. total = 2.756 kJ/mol

ΔH reaction = bond breaking energy - bond formation energy
= (2.698 – 2.756) kJ/mol
= -58 kJ/mol
8. An endothermic reaction A → B has an activation energy of 30 kcal / mol and a reaction
enthalpy of 10 kcal / mol. The activation energy of the back reaction is ... kcal
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
E. Can not be determined
(Answer: C)
Discussion: Endothermic reaction:
→ Ea A – Ea B = ∆H
→ Ea B = Ea A – ∆H
→ Ea B = 30 – 10 = 20

9. On combustion of 570 grams of iso -tana (C8H18), one of the components that is in gasoline,
in the standard state / STP is free of heat by 27,500 kJ. How much ΔHc ° is produced by
combustion of isooctane?
a. 500 kJ d. -5,300 kJ
b. -5,500 kJ e. -5,000 kJ
c. 5000 kJ
(Answer: B)
massa 570 gram
 Mole isooctane = = = 5 mol
Mr 114
 For 1 mole of C8H18, ΔHc° = Q/n = 5/(-27.500) = -5.500 kJ/mole
 Thermochemistry equation:
C8H18(l) + 25/2 O2(g) → 8 CO2(g) + 9 H2O (g) ΔHc° = -5.500 kJ/mole
10. In the reaction:

The bond energies of C = O, H = O, and O = O are 243 kJ / mol, 432 kJ / mol, and 335 kJ / mol
respectively. The average bond energy of C - H is ....
a. 194,75 kJ/mol d. 595,00 kJ/mol
b. 358,75 kJ/mol e. 599,50 kJ/mol
c. 804,5 kJ/mol
(Answer: B)
Total energy of breaking bonds (reagents):
4 x EC-H =4xC–H
2 x Eo=o = 2 x 335 kJ/mol

E. total = 4 x C – H + 670 kJ / mol

Total energy of bond formation:
5 x Eo=C = 2 x 243 kJ/mol = 486 kJ/mol
4 x EH-o = 4 x 432 kJ/mol = 1.728 kJ/mol

E. total = 2.214 kJ/mol

ΔH reaction = bond breaking energy - bond formation energy
-109 = (4 x C – H + 670 kJ / mol) – 2.214 kJ/mol
2.105 = (4 x C – H + 670 kJ / mol)
2.105 - 670 = 4 x C – H
1.435/4 = C – H
358,75 kJ/mol = C – H

Assessment Guidelines
Score number 1 = 10, 2 = 10, 3 = 10, 4 = 10, 5 = 10, 6 = 10, 7 = 10, 8 = 10, 9 = 10, 10 = 10
Maximum score = 100
Chemistry Worksheet XI / Thermochemistry 3

Student worksheet
a.       Tools and Materials
Simple calorimeter
NaOH 0.2 M
HCl 0.2 M

b.       Work procedures
Measure ΔH using a simple calorimeter
  1. Provide a simple calorimeter made from 2 250 ml styrofoam beverage containers.
Cover the container with a cork that has been perforated to place the thermometer.
2. Take 50 ml of 0.2 M NaOH solution and 50 ml of 0.2 M HCl solution. Measure the
temperature of each solution. Take the average value and record it.
3. Enter the NaOH solution into the calorimeter then add HCl. Cover the calorimeter and
mix thoroughly with a thermometer.
4. Measure and record the temperature.

c.       Observation data

Observation Results Data
NaOH solution temperature =
HCl solution temperature =
Average temperature (initial temperature) =
Final temperature =
Temperature rise =

Does the reaction take place including exothermic or endothermic?

Calculate the heat of the reaction per mole of NaOH. Assume the type of heat of the
solution = 4.18 h / g ° C and the density of the solution = 1,000 g / L.

How much does the reaction enthalpy change? Write the thermochemical equation!
Written Cognitive Problem: Meeting 2b. Hess's Law

1. In a plastic glass calorimeter reacted as much as 10 mL of 1M NaOH solution with 10 mL of

1M HCl solution at initial temperature = 27oC, it turns out that the temperature of the mixture
rises to 33oC. If the heating type of the solution is considered the same as water 4,18 Jgr-1K-1
Determine the change in reaction enthalpy:
                        NaOH(aq)  +  HCl(aq)  →  NaCl(aq)  +  H2O(l)

2. In the calorimeter 100 mL of 2M HCl solution mixed with 100 mL of 1M NaOH solution
causes the solution temperature to rise from 25 0C to 31,50C. If the heating type of the solution is
considered to be the same as the heat type of water, i.e. 4,2 J g-10C-1, heat capacity kalorimeter = 0
and water density = 1 g cm-3, determine ∆H reaction.

The Written Answer Key

1. Answer key Score

The reaction between NaOH and HCl results in an increase in temperature 2

of 270C to 330C. thus the reaction is classified as an exothermic reaction.
The mass of the solution (m) = 10 gr + 10 gr = 20 gr
because the specific heat of the solution is the same as the specific heat of
water so the density of the solution is also the same as the density of the
water which is 1 grL.
The heat of the type of solution = 4,18 Jgr-1K-1 ,
Temperature increase (∆t) = 330C – 270C = 60C = 6K
  Qreaksi     = mlar x Clar x  ∆t 2
= 20 gr x 4,18 Jgr-1K-1 x 6K
   = 501,6 J

The heat above is the heat arising from the reaction of 10 mL NaOH 1M
with 10 mL HCl 1M.
10 mL 1M NaOH contains 10 mmol NaOH = 0.01 mol NaOH
0.1 L of 1M HCl contains 10 mmol of HCl = 0.01 mol of HCl
ReaksiH reactions must be calculated according to the stoichiometry of
the reaction.
So ∆H reaction is calculated based on the reaction of 1 mole NaOH with 1
mole HCl (according to the reaction coefficient)
so Q (1mol NaOH + 1 mol HCl) = 50160 J = 50.16 KJ
The reaction takes place with an exothermic, so ∆H = -Q
∆H = -50.16 KJ

Jumlah Total 10

2. Answer Key Skor

Jumlah mol HCl = 100 mL x 2 M = 200 mmol = 0,2 mol 2

Jumlah mol NaOH = 100 mL x 1 M = 100 mmol = 0,1 mol

According to the equation the reaction of the mole of HCl with mole of 2
NaOH is the same (the coefficient is the same) but the number of moles
reacted is different, therefore the mol of NaCl formed is calculated based
on the mole that has finished reacting namely NaOH (the smallest number
of moles), so mole NaCl = mole NaOH = 0.1 mol

Volume larutan = 100 mL + 100 mL = 200 mL 2

         Massa larutan  = massa air = 200 mL x 1 g mL-1 = 200 g
         Maka Kalor yang diterima larutan :
         Qreaksi + Qlarutan= 0                                                           2
         Qreaksi = -Qlarutan = -5460 J
         Q larutan = m x c x ∆t                                                       
                     = 200 g x 4,2 J g-1 K-1 x (31,5 – 25)K = 5460 J
         ∆H reaksi untuk 0,1 mol = -5460 J
     ∆H reaksi untuk 1 mol = -54600 J/mol 2
                           Kalor yang dilepaskan reaksi adalah: 54600 J/mol
Jumlah Total 10


Name of Student : Class/ Group : XI MIA/1

Subjects : Kimia

No Skills Aspect Score

1 Read the trial guide
2 Check the suitability of the tools and materials prepared at the
table with those in the guidebook
3 Prepare tools and materials carefully
4 Prepare paper to record experiments
1 Measuring the temperature of HCl and NaOH with a
2 Carefully weigh HCl and NaOH
3 Mixing a solution of HCl and NaOH
4 Carefully measure the temperature of the mixture in the
5 Skillful in using practicum equipment according to its function
1 Re-checking the measurement results
2 Clean the appliance and return it to its place
3 Analyzing experimental data that has been obtained
4 Make a simple report on the results of an experiment
Rating Descriptors

Descriptor Score
A. Preparation
1. When 4 things are done well 5
2. If 4 things are done, but something is not perfect 4
3 If 3 things done 3
4. If 2 things are done 2
5. If 1 thing is done 1
B. Core Activities
1. When 5 things are done well 5
2. When 4 things are done 4
3. If 3 things done 3
4. If 2 things are done 2
5. If 1 thing is done 1
C. Final Activity
1. When 4 things are done well 5
2. If 4 things are done, but something is not perfect 4
3 If 3 things done 3
4. If 2 things are done 2
5. If 1 thing is done 1
Rubric Assessment Reports on Student Practicum Results on Thermochemical Subjects
Table 1. Practical Report Assessment Score

No Aspect Maximum Score

1. Accuracy of collection schedule 20
2. Completeness and systematic 35
contents of the report
3. Accuracy of Work Procedures 25
4. Neatness 20
Total 100

Table 2. Practical Report Assessment Rubric

No. Aspect Indicator Score
1 Accuracy of  • Timely collection 20
collection  • Collection is 1 day late 10 20
schedule  • Late Collection> 1 day 5
2 Completeness  • If student work is structured and uses 35
and and good language.
systematic  • If student work is less structured and
contents of the uses language that is not good. 20
report  • If student work is not structured and
uses bad language. 10
3 Accuracy of  • If the results of student work in 25
Work Procedures accordance with those assigned by the
teacher 15
 • If the results of student work are not in 25
accordance with what was assigned by 5
the teacher
 • If the results of student work do not
match those assigned by the teacher
4 Neatness  • If the results of student work are neat. 20
 • If student work is not neat. 10
Maximum Score 100
Educational Unit: High School ...
Subjects: CHEMICAL Class / Semester: XI / 1

Basic competencies :
2.1 Demonstrate polite and caring behavior in carrying out interpersonal communication with
teachers and friends
2.2 Develop honest, disciplined, confident, and responsible behavior in carrying out
transactional communication with teachers and friends
2.3 Demonstrate responsibility, care, cooperation, and peace-loving behavior in carrying out
functional communication
1. Have internal motivation during the learning process
2. cooperate in completing group assignments
3. show a consistent attitude in the learning process
4. show discipline in completing individual and group tasks
5. shows confidence in expressing ideas, asking questions, or presenting the results of the
6. Showing tolerance and mutual respect for differences of opinion / ways in solving problems
7. Show positive attitude (individual and social) in group discussions
8. Demonstrate scientific attitude when carrying out literature studies or information seeking
9. Demonstrate behavior and attitude to accept, respect, and carry out honesty, hard work,
discipline and responsibility
Nama :

Kelas :

Kelompok : ………………………………………
Untukpertanyaan 1 sampaidengan6,tulismasing-masinghurufsesuaidenganpendapatmu!
A = Selalu B = Sering C = Jarang D = Tidak pernah
1 Saya memiliki motivasi dalam diri saya sendiri selama proses pembelajaran
2 Saya bekerjasama dalam menyelesaikan tugas kelompok
3 Saya menunjukkan sikap konsisten dalam proses pembelajaran
4 Saya menunjukkan sikap disiplin dalam menyelesaikan tugas individu maupun kelompok
Saya menunjukkan rasa percaya diri dalam mengemukakan gagasan, bertanya, atau
menyajikan hasil diskusi
Saya menunjukkan sikap toleransi dan saling menghargai terhadap perbedaan
pendapat/cara dalam menyelesaikan masalah
7 Sayamenunjukansikappositip (individudan ocial) dalamdiskusikelompok
8 Sayamenunjukkansikapilmiahpadasaatmelaksanakanstudi iteratureataupencarianinformasi
Sayamenunjukkanperilakudansikapmenerima, menghargai, danmelaksanakankejujuran,
kerjakeras, disiplindantanggungjawab
Pedoman Penskoran: Skor 4, jika A = Selalu Skor 3, jika B = Sering
Skor 2, jika C = Jarang Skor 1, jika D = Tidakpernah

Guru KIMIA, SiswaPesertaDidik,

…………………………………… ……………………………………


Education Unit: State High School …………… ..
Subjects: Chemistry
Class: XI (Eleven)
Basic competencies :
2.1 Demonstrate polite and caring behavior in carrying out interpersonal communication
with teachers and friends
2.2 Develop honest, disciplined, confident, and responsible behavior in carrying out
transactional communication with teachers and friends
2.3 Demonstrate responsibility, care, cooperation, and peace-loving behavior in carrying out
functional communication
1. Students do not imitate (cheat) the work of friends when working on individual
2. Students are strong in solving problems
3. Students show critical attitude in group and classical discussions
4. Students show a disciplined attitude in completing individual and group assignments
Berilahtanda (X) padapilihan yang paling menggambarkankondisitemansejawatkamudalamkurunwaktu 1 (satu)
Nama Teman yang Dinilai : ……………………..
Kelas : ……………




4 3 2 1
1. Siswabertanyakepadatemanketikamengerjakantugasindividu
2. Siswa meniru/menyontek pekerjaan teman pada saat ulangan
3. Siswatidakmengeluhketikamenyelesaikantugasindividuataukelompok
4. Siswa menuntaskan tugas yang diberikan guru
5. Siswa bertanya kepada guru atau teman ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung
6. Siswa mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu
Total Skor
 TidakPernah (intensitas sikap yang diamati tidak muncul)
 Jarang (intensitasnyasikap yang diamatisebagiankecilmuncul)
 Sering (intensitasnyasikap yang diamatisebagianbesarmuncul)
 Selalu (intensitasnya sikap yang diamati selalu muncul)
Kategori: 86 – 100 : SangatBaik 71 – 85 : Baik
55 – 70 : Cukup < 55 : Kurang
Mengetahui …………………, 14 Juli 2014
Kepala SMAN ………………… Guru Mata Pelajaran

………………………………….. …………………………………..

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