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This guidebook explains how to use the Work Your Oracle Cards to deepen your relationship with your and the Source of all things. It contains in-depth meani for each of the 44 cards, and reveals how to attune cards, activate a soul space before starting work, different card spreads, and give readings for other ‘When you work with the cards, you will find that intuition increases, your soul's voice gets louder, and are able to deeply embrace who you are and the work: came here to do. Rebecca Campbell is 2 celebrated spiral teaches g and the best-selling author of Light Is the New Black 2 and Rae Sater Rie. She eaches inernaional, n ‘encouraging people to answer the callings of their soul 3 worwcrebeccacampbellime 2 3) i ap Danielle Noel is a designer, writer, and visual artis She weaves ‘opether a combination of mystical narratives aes he ilustrations, paintings, photography and desi vrordanielencear ~~ n38di WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS GUIDEBOOK REBECCA CAMPBELL HAY HOUSE Publened in he United Kingdon by Fy Howie UE Asty Hose, 3 ating Fl Gate, Landon Wl 3 “el #44 (00 3675 2450 Fae +44 (0 3875 24 wontaose.couk Published in the Unite Sates of Ameria by: Fay Howse nc, PO Box Sod Creag CA 320165100 Tanta 1098 or 20 6 3 a (0) 103 S48 (80 01S Published in Austra by eHow Australi, 1/6 Raph Strands NSW 2015 Tel (t) 29669299 Fe (61) 29408 84 oehaouse coma Published i nab: Fil Hoe Peery nd Muskaan Compe. Plot No3.82 Yasar, New Dah 10070 Tee) INA7e 152 Fae (1) 1 417% 1630 werhyhousecan Text © Rebecca Capbel, 2018 Matron © Dale Now 2018 “Te mar nights ofthe autor and uttarhae bon sere ‘nih eared No pr of is book maybe eprouced by Sry methane photographer eleetorc proces orn the rm Staphonerapic rearing nor may ibe Stored na reel system rnemited or etereebe opes pub oe pute ‘other an or Yar aie as bie quatatensembesd artes nd resus thoi gio writen parmesan ofthe pubiner ‘The ermtion gen in ths book soul not be raed a ubutefor profesorl meatal advice lays ovata medea practioner Ary fnformation inthis book te readers acre ani Neer the ator rorthe pbleher ante helsresporabe foray sc trae artang out ofthe wa, cr ase fhe spp ade te fare totam ae or Sr any mater ons arty wetntes Acatalgu record fo th bak it ail a the Bite Lary, '5ON978-1-70180995.2 Fred snd boundin Chiat BookPs eration A CONTENTS ‘Welcome to the Work Your Light Oracle You Are the Oracle Working with the Work Your Light Oracle Reading for Other People Work Your Light Oracle Attunement Opening Sacred Soul Space ‘Work Your Light Oracle Card Spreads SUIT 1: CONFIRMATION CARDS The Ever-unfolding Rose No Yes You're Already Doing it SUIT 2: INQUIRY CARDS Align Your Life Answer the Call lo 2 4 7 24 26 28 30 34 36 Boundaries The Crumbling Don't Dim to Fit in Mirror Priestess Star Mother Starseed Trust the Niggle Trust Your Path Warrior Woman SUIT 3: ACTION CARDS Break the Chain Dance with Life Deep Replenishment Get Grounded The Initiation Inner Temple Leap Play Share Your Voice Sisterhood of the Rose Soul Family Take a Break lv WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS 38 40 2 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 60 62 64 66 68 70 74 7% 7B 80 8 SUIT 4: ACTIVATION CARDS. ‘The Age of Light ‘Anna, Grandmother of Jesus Awakening Birthing a New Age Council of Light ‘The Great Gathering Imrama Keepers of the Earth Pillar of Light Protection Transformation Unbound SUIT 5: TRANSMISSION CARDS. Akasha Lemuria Mintakan Pleiades 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 los Wa 4 116 lig Become a Work Your Light Oracle Card Reader 120 About the Artist ‘About the Author 12 122 Contents v A WELCOME TO THE WORK YOUR LIGHT” ORACLE There is a field of consciousness where all wisdom resides. A field where all of the answers to all of the questions that you could possible fathom live. A field where past, present, and future exist simultaneously, Where the wisdom of the heavens and Earth calls you by name. Where what you are seeking is also seeking you. A field where all soul contracts, history, and guidance whisper eternal. A field where the book ‘of your soul is open for you to flick through. ‘The Work Your Light Oracle was created to help you connect with this wisdom. To hear the whispers of your soul, to tap into this collective field, to access and increase your psychic senses, to bring your life into alignment. To surrender back to the rhythm of the Universe, If you want a six-pack, you need to work out your abs; the same goes for your soul. If you want to hear the whispers clearly, you've got to show up and listen! IF you want to deepen your relationship with the subtle realms, you need to commit to spending more time with your soul. Ifyou want to light up the room with your presence, youve got to turn an your light daily If you want your life to be in alignment with the mysterious force that governs all of life, youve got to work your light on a regular basis. This may sound obvious and simple, but many people miss it They see spirituality as something fluffy, something intangible. The trick to strengthening your intuitive muscles is to be disciplined and to work them. ‘When you regularly work your light, you will ind that you hear your intuition more and more clearly. With ‘each passing week, its whispers get louder and louder, The visions become stronger and stronger. And you begin getting more and more confident. When you are devoted to spending more time with your soul, and letting it guide your days, you will find that you are living a life that is in alignment with who you are at soul level, and that you light up the world with your unique presence, You fall into flow with all of life, You serve the world just by being you. | cal it ‘working your light, and this deck was created to help you do just that. 2 WORKYOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS. A YOU ARE THE ORACLE You are the Oracle. And you can go direct to Source. The Work Your Light Oracle is designed to help you (and the people that you read for) increase your connection to your intuition, clearly hear the whispers of your soul, align your life to who you are at soul level, and tap into the field of consciousness where all wisdom resides, By working with this oracle (working your light). your connection to both your own soul and the soul and wisdom of the Universe will get stronger and stronger. These 44 oracle cards are a tool to deepen your relationship with your soul and the Source ofall things. ‘When using this deck, try not to see it as a process of seeking answers or guidance from outside of yourself, Rather, | invite you to see each card as a doorway into the portal of your own inner guidance. As a vehicle to journey to the consciousness that is waiting to be revealed to you today. Your intuition is just like any muscle of the body: in order to strengthen it, you need to work it. That's what working your light is al about, These cards have been especially created to help you have a direct relationship with both your ‘own soul and the Divine (Source, God, Mother, Father, soul of the Universe), ‘The mystic, shaman, and priestess know that their only job is to ensure that their heart is beating in harmony with the rhythm of the Universe (the stars, the moon, and the Earth). Use the Work Your Light Oracle as a vehicle to connect you back to that. By working with ‘the cards, you surrender to that mysterious force that governs all of life, ‘You are stepping into soul space through the portal of your heart, where all wisdom, love, guidance, and support reside. This is not a passive deck, Each of the cards was created and channeled to spark action, remembering, activation, and a direct dialog with your soul, the Earth and the stars, Working with this deck, you will find that your intuition increases, your soul’s voice gets louder, you are able to deeply embrace who you are at soul level, and the work you came here to do. 4 WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS Your life will begin to move into effortless alignment with the ever-eternal rhythmic pulse of the Universe. The dots only join at the end. Often when we receive our intuition, it doesn't come with a full instruction manual. And sometimes it doesn't make sense at all. ‘When you receive your intuitive hits, try your best ot to analyze them too much. Try not to chew them over in your head. Instead, thank your soul for the information and request some more. Following your intuition is ike following a golden thread, or waking the yellow brick road, without seeing the path ahead of you. It takes trust, And faith. My heart's greatest prayer is that you will discover that you truly are the bridge between the higher realms of the cosmos, guides, angels, and spirit, and the grounded, ancient, wisdom keepers of planet Earth, You are the rainbow bridge between the stars (heaven) and the Earth. They dance together because of you. May these cards give you @ solid structure to receive all of the guidance and intuitive hits from your own soul, angels, spirit guides, Source, and the Universe that is waiting for you and the people you read for, right now. You Are the Oracle 5 May these cards activate, transmit, and prompt a deep soul remembering. With every new shuffle and spread, may they guide you back home to the deepest caverns of your heart, where all of the answers that you long for are forever calling you and know you by name. Hove you, Rebecca 6 WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS A WORKING WITH THE WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE This deck is made up of 44 cards, which are divided into five different card suits, and working with them will help you tune in to the wisdom of your soul, receive energetic transmissions, and truly work your light. Each of the card suits requires a different level of interaction and can be used for personal readings and reading for others. Before using these cards, itis important to connect to this intention. To intend to have a direct relationship with your soul and the soul of the Universe. Below are the five different card suits: SUIT 1: CONFIRMATION CARDS Cards that give a clear, black-and-white answer to your question. The most direct of all of the cards, these give quick hits of instant guidance, and are designed to give clarity, fast, no matter what your circumstance. SUIT 2: INQUIRY CARDS Cards with Inquiry Prompts will help you to clearly hear the whispers of your soul, voice them and then let them move you. So often we seek guidance but forget to ask. Or we only ask once and forget that we can keep asking our soul or the Universe for more information, The Inquiry cards are designed to really strengthen the voice of your soul, to increase the volume of the whispers from your intuition, and to discover what you are being called to do, The answers you receive may not make sense at first, but dor't let this stop the flow. The Inguiry Prompts are for you to answer. You can answer them out loud, meditate on ‘them alone, chew them over with a friend, or hit your journal for @ good 20 minutes. All work SUIT 3: ACTION CARDS Cards that give guidance and inspire specific physical action. Energetically these cards are here to prompt some sort of movement. To get you out of your head and into guided (often physical) action. When we €@ WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS take action, the energy of a situation is likely to shift don't underestimate this power. SUIT 4: ACTIVATION CARDS Cards that activate energies and healing within you or the person you are reading for. These cards are all about activating who we are at soul level. Soul contracts that have been made in past lives, soul gifts that you have developed, past-ife experiences gained over lifetimes, soul agreements, vows taken, things rising to be healed, and qualities that are ready to be remembered and activated from WITHIN now. These cards each have an Activation Invocation to be read out loud for the activation to take place at soul level SUIT 5: TRANSMISSION CARDS Cards that act as initiations and transmissions connecting you to the energies that want to work with them in current time. These cards are very energetic and connect us to other realms of support, wisdom, creativity, consciousness, and healing. Tapping into the heavens and the Earth to receive whispers and energetic downloads at a cellular level, Each of these cards has a Transmission Invocation to be read aloud to help you to receive the transmission in full Working withthe Work Your Light Oracle 9 A READING FOR OTHER PEOPLE These cards were created to help you have a direct dialog with your soul and the soul of the Universe. If you are reading for someone else, | invite you to guide the person you are reading for to do this too. To support them in connecting with their own soul, rather than simply relying on you to ‘predict the future’ To be a messenger of the light holding open the door to the inner world of their soul and their inner light. My intuitive and healer teachers always taught me that ourob is done ifour clients and students do not ‘need us anymore. |am so blessed to have been taught this and I want to pass cn this invaluable teaching to you. Our job as intuitive guides is to empower others to have a direct relationship with their own intuition, soul, inner light, and the Divine. There are more than enough people who are seeking guidance; if you stay true to this code of ethies, more than enough will come knocking on your door: ‘When reading for another, it is important to get out of the way. By this | mean to be a clear channel in service, rather than offer your own opinions and judgments. As with any healing work, the more we have healed ourselves, the clearer our reading will be for another. As | described in the previous section, there are five different suits in this oracle deck. Use the various prompts on the cards to allow the person you are holding space for to inquire deep within their own soul. While you may know the answer, prompt them, and allow them the space to voice the whispers just below the surface. My prayer is that these cards be used 4 a vehicle for all who come into ‘contact with them to have a deeper experience of their unique soul. ‘Reading for Other People 1! A WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE ATTUNEMENT The following attunement is a ritual for you to connect with and attune to your oracle deck at soul level. You can do this attunement once, or if you feel called, you can do it each time you use the cards Take your Work Your Light Oracle box and hold itto the Earth (or at your root chakra at the base of your spine), and then say the following: {call upon the Wisdom Keepers of the Earth, wise beings who have waked before me. and the inteligence ofthe sentient beings of planet Earth. Moy these cords be activated with clear and grounded guidance and simple action. May they beet al who core into contact with them back home to the effortless rhythm of you, our Universal Mother Earth Now bring the oracle deck to your heart. Take a deep breath and imagine a flower opening, revealing an inner light in the middle, and say the following, “activate the portal of my heart and the heart of humanity. May these cords act as doorways to the wisdom deep within the temple of my heart. May they always reveal the hear’s deepest, purest, and most potent prayers, and the soul's highest calings forthe goad of all: Now raise the deck about eight inches (20 centimetres) above the crown of your head, where your soul chakra is, and say activate the realm of the soul to envelop me with sacred space each time these cards ‘are used. May they allow all who come inta contact with them to receive whatever is for the highest good of their soul and the soul of all things. May each person who comes into contact with these cards develop an intimate relationship with their own soul and the Universe, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Work Your Light Oracie Attunement 18 A OPENING SACRED SOUL SPACE Before working with the cards, lrecommend opening and activating soul space. Thisis something | dobefore any intuitive or coaching session or before | teach. “The ritual of doing this wil shift you from chronos time {chronological linear time) into karos time (soul time). Ieis in this space that all ritual, ceremony, art, and creativity happen. Get into the practice of opening soul space wherever you want to encourage your soul to step forward and lead | truly believe that in spending more time with our soul and opening this sacred space, we sync ourselves with the heartbeat of the planet. This card deck has been programmed to activate your soul space each time you work with it. Can you feel it? To open sacred soul space, simply bring your hands into a prayer position in front of your heart. Knowing that your palms are extensions of your heart chakra, take a breath inward here, and imagine your heart opening. like to imagine a beautiful soft pink rose like a peony courageously opening in my heart space and luminous light in the center of it growing bigger with every new breath. Next allow your hands to travel upward in prayer Until they reach a few inches above your head. This is where the soul chakra resides. Your soul chakra is unique to you. It is the part of you that has traveled through lifetimes, and carries with it much wisdom and information. Every person has a soul chakra. The soul chakra stores pastlife memories, soul gifts, soul contracts, agreements, and wisdom beyond just this life, It is through the soul chakra that the unlimited light ofthe Universe (Source) shines through from the heavens above. | see the soul chakra as a multifaceted crystal, crafted and polished and shaped over many lifetimes. The light of the heavens/Source shines through our unique multifaceted crystal (Soul chakra), which is how we are each so unique even from the moment we take our first breath, ‘With your hands in prayer at the position at your soul chakra (@ couple of inches above your head), take a breath to activate it and then extend your arms up ‘Opening Secrea Soul Space 15 and around your body, while imagining the light of your soul forming a sacred cloak of light all around your body, so your body is cradled and enveloped in the sacred light of your soul. Let your hands travel around and back into prayer position at your heart, Take a moment here to notice the subtle shift of energy that activating this sacred soul space has created. Drink it in, Feel at home. ‘Once you are done working your light by using these cards for yourself or someone else, itis time to close the soul space (or bring it in so you are not too open energetically). To close the sacred soul space, all you need to do is the same thing in reverse. Starting at your heart, with your hands in prayer, let them travel down to your root chakra and then gather up the sacred soul cloak of light around your body with your hands meeting in prayer just above your head, Next let your hands drop down into prayer in front of your heart and have a moment of gratitude with your ‘own soul before getting on with your day. 16 WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS A WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARD SPREADS Here are some suggested Work Your Light Oracle spreads that you can use. Choose the one that suits your purpose best, depending on how much time you have and the type of guidance you, or the person you are reading for, are seeking. INSTANT GUIDANCE (ONE-CARD SPREAD) This isa single-card reading for when you want quick guidance ar to work your light fast. |. Shuffle the cards. 2. From the center of your heart, ask your question, like to hold the question/prayer in the center of my heart and imagine it lighting up. 3, Split the cards into three piles and then gather them back into a single pile in any order. 4, Spread the cards out in front of you and select one card 5. Tune into the card and let its guidance be revealed. ‘SOUL CALLINGS (TWO-CARD SPREAD) The Soul Calling spread is a great one for getting into a dialog with your soul. This two-card layout will provide clear guidance on what your soul is calling you toward. |. Shuffle the cards. 2. From the center of your heart, ask your question. | like to hold the question/prayer in the center of, my heart and imagine it lighting up. 3. Split the cards into three piles and then gather them back into one pile in any order. 4. Spread the cards out in front of you and allow yourself to be drawn to two cards. Place these ‘two cards face down in front of you. 5. Put the rest of the cards to the side and turn over the two cards you selected, 6. The first card represents what is falling avy. 18 WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS 7, The second card represents what is rising in you HOLY TRINITY (THREE-CARD SPREAD) The Holy Trinity is a fantastic three-card layout for checking in with your head, body, and heart. |. Shuffle the cards. 2. From the center of your heart, ask your question, [like to hold the questioniprayer in the center of my heart and imagine itighting up. 3. Split the cards into three piles and then gather them back into one pile in any order. 4, Spread out all the cards infront of you and allow yourself to be drawn toward three cards, Make your selection and place them face down so that they make a triangle shape. The first bottom left, second bottom right, and third at the top, 5, Put the rest of the cards to the side and then turn over the three cards you selected. 6, The first card represents the head. 7. The second card represents the body. 8, The third card represents the heart. Werk Your Light Oracle Cara Spreads 19 Holy Trinity (three-card spread) DECISION-MAKER This Decision- maker layout is great for helping you to make a decision or to feel into the possible outcomes of each potential path, Start by thinking of your question and then write down each of the different options or possible decisions on different sticky notes or pieces of paper. Fold up the pieces of paper and move them around so you don't know which one is where, Next, shuffle the cards, infusing your question into the cards as you do. Once you feel ready, select a card for each piece of paper. Put the rest of the cards aside, unfold each piece Of paper, and turn over the selected card for each 20 WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CAROS option. Whichever card has been selected for each option is the likely outcome for each decision. COSMIC CROSS (11-CARD SPREAD) This Cosmic Cross layout is great when you are looking for more detailed guidance. |. From the center of your heart ask your question | lke to hold the question/prayer in the center of my heart and imagine it lighting up. 2. Shufile the cards, split them into three piles, and then gather them back into one pil, in any order. 3. Spread out the cards in front of you and allow yourself to be drawn toward I cards. Select them cone by one, keeping them in order and placing them in the Cosmic Cross shape, as shown below: + Position Is Where you are in present time + Position 2: What your soul is calling you to do + Position 3: What is rising in you + Position 4: What is faling away * Position 5: Soul Gifts * Position 6: What is being manifested Werk Your Light cle Card Spreads 21 + Position 7: The next step + Position 8: Past-life influence + Position 9: What you need to know + Position 10: Hopes and fears + Position II: Potential outcome 22 WORK YOUR LICHT ORACLE CARDS THE EVER-UNFOLDING ROSE ‘Cracked open. It's happening for you, not to you, The challenge oflifeis to keep your heart open when you most want to close it. To let life crack you open. To open through hurt and loss. To allow what s falling away to fall away. Being human is a courageous act. A life well lived is full of losses and tragedies, as much as triumphs and adventures. Wherever you find yourself at the moment, life is coaxing you to keep your heart open 24 CONFIRMATION CAROS no matter how much it hurts. To continually unfold, To let life crack you open. Perhaps you are going through a difficult time right now. Instead of cursing the difficuity, see it as a blessing. To open yourself up to the truth that. perhaps, as hard as it may be, life is happening for you, Not to you. And one day, in the not-too-distant future, you may just bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open because the world needs you open. Now is the time to go gently. To treat yourself like a tender, sweet baby. To wrap yourself in a blanket and trust that the Mother has you cradled in her arms. The seas may not all be smooth sailing, but you are safe and you are held. One day, not too far from today, you will look back at the transformation and be blown away by the poetry of life. Everything is going to be OK. WORK YOUR LIGHT Everything is going to be OK. Let it crack you open, ‘The Ever-unfolding Rose 25, a NO Wait. Postpone, Pause. Say no. You are being called to either pause or say NO. Saying YES to something that isn't in alignment with you will drain your energy and your time. Hold out for a congruent aligned 100 percent YES. (Often, when we are looking for guidance to make a decision, it can be frustrating not to move into clear and considered action, However, timing is everything, and not receiving clear guidance is actually guidance initselt. 26 CONFIRMATION CARDS ‘Well go through times known as ‘waiting periods, These times are crucial for our body to regenerate, ‘the new path to formulate, and the Universe to begin creating things on our behalf. You don't need 10 be plowing forward all the time to move forward. A potent congruent YES when the time is right will put you ahead leaps and bounds. Dor't force things now, just because it seems like the only option. Take a breather and wait. The waiting is actually very productive, for when the time for movement comes you will be ready to dlive right in, Use this time to regenerate and ponder what you truly want. Consider the options. If the options are not clear; don't fear, because this time is a gift. Use it to tend to your garden and take a rest, To take a moment from your busy lfe to clear the decks and prepare for the time in the future. For come spring, clarity will bloom and you will have the reserves, space, and drive to say YES and act and move quickly WORK YOUR LIGHT Say no, postpone, or wait, No 27 YES. Yes, Yes Yes, YES, Yes YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES, YES. YES, Yes. YES, YES, YES. Yes, YES, YES. Yes, YES. YES, YES, YES. YES. YES. YES, YES. yes. Yes, YES. YES. YES. YES. Yes Just say yes. YES. YES. YES. Yes YES, YES. Yes. YES. YES. 28 CONFIRMATION CARDS YES. YES. YES. YES. YES, YES, YES, YES. YES. YES. YES. YES, YES. YES, Yes, YES. YES, YES. YES. YES. YES. YES, Yes, Yes, YES. YES. YES. YES. Yes. YES, YES, YES, YES, YES. Yes. YES. YES. YES. YES, YES. Yes, Yes. YES, Yes, YES. Yes, YES. Yes, Yes. YES, Yes, YES. YES. Yes, YES, YES, YES. Yes, YES. YES, YES, Yes, Yes. YES, YES. YES, YES, YES. YES, YES, Yes. YES, YES. Yes, YES. YES, Yes. Yes, YES, Yes. YES. YES, YES, YES. Yes, YES, YES, Yes, YES, YES, YES, YES, Yes, YES. YES. Yes. YES, YES, YES, YES. YES, YES. YES, YES. Yes, YES, YES. YES, Yes, WORK YOUR LIGHT YES. Yes, YES, YES. Yes, YES. Yes, YES, YES. YES, YES, YES. YES, YES, YES. Yes, YES, YES. Yes, YES, YES. Yes, YES. YES, YES, YES. Yes, YES, YES, YES. YES. YES, Yes, YES. YES. YES, YES, Yes, YES, YES, YES. YES, YES, YES, YES. YES, YES. YES, YES. Yes, Yes, YES. YES, YES. YES. Yes, YES. YES, Yes, YES. YES, YES, YES, Yes, Don't overthink it. Just say YES, Yes, YES. Yes, Yes. YES, Yes, YES. YES, YES, YES. YES, YES. Yes, YES. YES, YES, Yes, Yes. YES, YES. YES. YES, YES. YES, YES, YES. Yes, YES. YES, YES, YES. YES, Yee 29 A YOU'RE ALREADY DOING IT Stop overthinking. Keep facing your true north. Do not question things so much. You are on the right ‘rack. You are facing the right way. Stop overthinking. it. It's happening, And you are closer than you think. You are exactly where you need to be and things are moving at the perfect speed, Do not rush it. Now is not the time to be impatient, now is the time to walk steady. There is no rush, What you are building is being built, What you have planted soon will blossom. With every new day, a new brick is being 50 CONFIRMATION CARDS laid. You have come a long way. The foundations are steady: now all that is needed is for you to trust and keep walking forward, lf a thought that things should be moving faster enters your head, that is just your ego comparing your rising to someone else. Comparison is not your friend, Stay in your lane, water your own garden, knowing that your time to bloom will come soon, WORK YOUR LIGHT You are already doing it. Keep going, Youre Aeedy Doing it 31 suit at We INQUIRY ALIGN YOUR LIFE ‘What is not aligned or needs to change? ‘What in your life is no longer in alignment with who you truly are? We are cyclic beings, in a constant state Of change, of evolution, of growth, Change is one of the only certainties of life. When you resist your cyclic nature, you resist fe and feel stuck Many of us have learned to be who the world wants us to be, But there comes a time when itis harder to hold onto this fagade than itis to embrace 14 INQUIRY CARDS who we truly are. To surrender to how we have changed and align life to that way of being, IF you pulled this card, you are being called to let 0 of who you once were or the things that you once defined yourself by — the job, the relationship, and the mask you wore, and to embrace who you truly are now. To courageously step into the person that you came here to be in full authenticity. To embrace your weirdness and your uniqueness. Perhaps you have outgrown some relationships or circumstances, and itis time to reassess and bring all the parts of your life into alignment so that they are congruent with who you truly are today. WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY ‘What in your life is not aligned or needs to change? Align Your Life 35 ANSWER THE CALL ‘What is your soul calling you to do? Your guidance is divinely guided. You are being called to answer the call of your soul. It might be scary, it might not make sense, but if you trust your soul's ‘yearnings, you will ive a life beyond what your mind could possibly imagine. Answering your sou!’ calling is not a one-time thing, rather a lifelong dance. Deep down, you already know what you long for. What your soul yearns for: 56 INQUIRY CARDS Whatever you are called to do, that is your calling Dor't overthink it. Don't wait for permission, Just say YES. Most peaple are waiting for a step-by-step plan before they take the first step. But intuition doesn't work like that, It takes faith and courage to answer the calls of your soul. And that’s why most people don't do it. But you are not most people. You are in exactly the right place to answer your calling now. You don't need to know the whole plan, You don't even need to know where its leading. You just need to take the next step. No one has ever had the complete, perfect plan. There is no end destination, There is no right or wrong way to do it and you do NOT need permission from anyone else. Sometimes the more resistance we have around answering a soul calling, the more important itis to our soul’ growth WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY What is your soul calling you to do? ‘Answer the Call 57 BOUNDARIES Where do you need to establish better boundaries? You are being called to create clearer boundaries in your life. This could be with your friends, family, or ‘work. Saying YES when you really mean NO leads to resentment, which is the biggest energy drain ever: ‘At first it might only be a little bit and not feel like a big deal, but before you know it, your energy field becomes porous and you are left feeling depleted, resentful, or taken advantage of. 38 inQuiny CARDS Saying NO and having clear boundaries is actually a spiritual act. The most giving, loving, compassionate people are those with the clearest boundaries For when they say YES, they are able to give unconditionally When your boundaries are clear, others know where they stand and you are able to give freely If you are not clear where your boundaries lie, this causes confusion, resentment, and energetic cords to be planted IF you are saying YES when you really mean NO, you are likely needing something yourself. Ask yourself, what part of me NEEDS something from them? It could be a need for approval, a fear of being seen a certain way or a fear of loss. ‘The best way to gauge your boundaries is to check in with your belly. Your belly is the second brain. It has an intelligence known as your ‘gut feelings’ Tune in to this space when deciding what is OK for you. How does it feel? What is it trying to communicate with you? WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY ‘Where in your life do you need to establish better boundaries? Boundaries $9 THE CRUMBLING ‘What are you clinging on to? ‘There is a shift happening right now, where anything inauthentic can no longer survive. Relationships, jobs, social structures, anything built on shaky ground is destined to tumble down. I's happening to bring you back home to who you truly are (bath individually and to society as a whole), so you can live a life that is in alignment with who you truly are. When youre in the thick of it, it can feel like a personal attack from the Universe. Have faith because the difficult times 40 Inquiry caRos will be your defining moments. You will be reborn in the fre. You are being called to surrender. To stop trying to hold ital together. To loosen your grip. To let the crumbling occur. It may be difficult at first but, in the fend, the sooner you let go, the sooner the rebirthing will occur. What are you trying to hold together? ‘What are you doing your best to avoid? How are you trying to pretend everything is OK? You have what it takes to allow what is falling away to tumble and fall, Once the tower has crumbled, you willbe able to rebuild your home on solid ground with mighty foundations and a view that is so magnificent that it will take your breath away each new morn. Kali the goddess of destruction and the Black Madonna are with you now. Lay it all on their altar. They can hold ital WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY What are you clinging to for fear of nothing coming to take its place? ‘The Crumbling 4 A DON'T DIM TO FIT IN How are you dimming your light in order to fit in? Don't dim your light to accommodate someone else's smallness. We are all born to shine big and bright. ‘The Universe is expanding and you are part of the Universe, so expanding is part of your nature. If someone makes you want to retract, notice, and slowly back away; they are not for you and you are not for them. Better yet, find it within yourself to expand and shine your light anyway. Flowers don't 42 INQUIRY CARDS. open and close according to who is walking by. They open and show their beauty regardless Ivothers don't want to be around you, or you make them uncomfortable, it's because you are shining light on the fact that they are dimming to fit in. By choosing to shine bright you may just inspire them to turn on their light too, Or not. Keep your light on anyway. All relationships are essentially an energetic agreement. The moment one person decides to start rising up and allowing their light to shine, it changes the energetic agreement and can create some waves, ‘That's completely normal. The relationships that are meant to last will adapt to the change in energy. Others wor't because they were likely born under the proviso of‘ love you, as long as you don't shine brighter than me’ That's OK, not all people are meant to be in your life forever: But the lessons they teach us can stil ive on. WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY How are you dimming your light in order to fit in? Dont Dim to Fit In 4 MIRROR ‘Who or what is triggering you? The filter of cur own experience is how we ‘experience life 90 percent of the time. Through our ‘own projections. When someone reminds us of an unhealed experience, we get triggered, Often, i's an unconscious thing People and situations can trigger our mirrors to reflect back to us what we believe to be true about life, the Universe, and ourselves, Mirrors pointing to our shadow and our light. Mirrors revealing the 44 INQUIRY CARDS parts of us that are yet to be accepted. witnessed, or loved. This card is guiding you to look closely at what experiences or people are currently triggering in you and what they could be mirroring back to you When have you felt like this before? Could they bbe opportunities to heal something in you? Or are ‘they shining a light on something that longs to be witnessed in you? This goes for the good and the bad. The good! Those who we admire and put on apedestal.Ifwe do not realize that we are attracted to them because we are lke them, we will need to cut them down in order to rise to their level, The bad: Those we despise, are envious of, and put down. If we do not realize that they trigger something in us then it is stil yet to be healed, and we will remain hurt and wounded ourselves. WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY ‘Who or what is triggering you? ‘What is it in you that they are triggering? ‘What part of you longs to be witnessed? Miron 45 PRIESTESS How are you being called to step up and lead? The Priestess is a teacher dedicated to service, freedom, and leadership. You don’t need to have it all together to lead. In fact, it helps if you don't. No one wants a perfect angel who hasn't made any mistakes. Leet your life be your message, Don'tunderestimate the power of sharing your story. I's by hearing someone else's journey that we feel less alone. We realize that we're actually all in this thing called ‘life’ together. 46 INQUIRY CARDS The difference between a follower and a leader is that a leader has the courage to go first. In stepping out, they shine a light on the path for others to venture forward too. Don't fret too much about ‘trying to work out who is your tribe. Don't get stuck in age, income, hobbies, or occupation. The best way to discover your tribe is to look in the mirror. If you feel called to lead, chances are itis because at some point in your life you longed for someone to lead you. Your tribe are longing for exactly the same thing as you were (and are) and might only be one step behind you. Hell, they may even be right alongside you. You don't need anyone's permission, just the courage to stand up. Embrace your struggles, the peaks, the troughs. You dor't need to know the way, Just believe that there might be a different one, ‘Your tribe is waiting for you. Step forward so they can find you. WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY How are you being called to step up and lead? How can you be the leader you wish you had? Priestess 47 a STAR MOTHER How can you Mother yourself? You are more held than you could possibly imagine. Loved and cherished so dearly that, if you knew, you would not spend one second of your fein separation, worry or fear Let the Mother carry your burdens; let Her rock away your fears. Lay all of your worries, regrets, shame and guilt on Her altar. Prease, please sweet child, do not fear. You are love in motion. Ifyou allow 48 INQUIRY CARDS, it, you are already healed, Let Her remind you of your goodness, Let Her love away your fears Your capacity to lave and hold others is limited to your capacity to love and hold yourself, Be compassionate with your sweet body, mind, and soul Treat yourself lke the beautiful spit that you truly are, Remind yourself that you are doing your best and try not to carry it all on your own, You have got this and the Mother has got you. Let Her broad arms take away your burdens; let Her lift the weight of the world off your shoulders. Forgive yourself my dear sweet chid of the Earth WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY How can you Mother yourself? Star Mother 69 STARSEED What lights you up? Starseeds are souls with a double mission: To raise their own consciousness and the consciousness of the planet. They are old souls who have incarnated elsewhere beyond this planet, Many Starseeds arrive with a feeling that time is running out and that there is something that they came here to do or create or contribute. Ifyou pulled this card it is to confirm that you are a Starseed and 50 INQUIRY CARDS you are being encouraged to answer the call, To follow what lights you up, Once awake, most Starseed souls find it hard to have meaningless conversations, jobs, and relationships. They innately know that there is much more to life and feel that there is ‘something more and get to work. They remain restless until they step into their caling, which is to light up the world with their unique presence. Starseeds are scattered all over the planet. In hospitals and schools, in slums and mansions, on stages and in edit suites, in parks and nightclubs, in ‘taxis and theme parks. Many Starseeds spend parts of ‘their lives trying to fit in or in some form of spiritual closet, If you are dimming your light to fit in, itis time ‘that you stop and start embracing the unique light ‘that you came here to share, and treat your time on Earth lke a glorious vacation WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY ‘What lights you up? Startoed st TRUST THE NIGGLE ‘What is the niggling feeling trying to tell you? That niggling feeling That annoying, niggling feeling ‘That inconvenient, annoying, niggling feeling. Try as you might, it's there, And it ain't going anywhere Most people spend years ignoring their niggling feelings. Throwing their best dollops of stubbornness, €eg0, and post-rationalization to numb them out. It’s exhausting And until you face the niggle, life just throws you more bait to awaken it. To draw your attention to the light within you that is bursting 52 INQUIRY CARDS to come out. The niggle is an arrow pointing to what is standing in your way — the relationship. the conversation, the decision, the shift that needs to be made, the stone in your shoe Often, we feel the niggling feeling in our body first. Many people think that intuition is something from the higher realms, but in fact itis the body that is the intuitive one, working through our senses to deliver vibrational information. It takes just a moment every day to scan your body to receive the intuitive intelligence and act on it quickly You are being called to face the nigele now. If you don't face it, the Universe will throw something much bigger and more obvious in your path, And then you will likely regret that you didn't answer the niggle in the first place. I know it's scary, but you are safe. Answer the niggle now. WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY ‘What is your niggling feeling trying to tell you? ‘Trust the Niggle 55 TRUST YOUR PATH you knew you would be supported, what would you do? ‘The Universe is conspiring. Keep facing your true north, Your job is not to pave the path, but to simply keep facing your true north and take one step after another. If you do this, you can't go wrong. The Universe is conspiring Don't waver or doubt. Use your heart as a compass and put one foot in front of the other. If you follow the invisible ‘5 INQUIRY CARDS. trail of what lights you up, you will light up the world without even trying, Most people don't follow the highest call of their soul because they are waiting to see the end destination before they take the first step. If you take one baby step each day, within a year you will have taken 365 steps in your dedicated direction. If you want to write a book, write a page every day. If you want to change careers, do one thing every day in dedication to that. Before you know it, in just a year from now, you will tin back and look in awe at how far you have journeyed. Keep moving and open yourself up to a whole new level of support and receiving. Things are not going to work out the way you are planning, but ifyou have a litle fith and keep showing Up, they will work out even better than you could possibly imagine. Don't micromanage the Universe, trust your path, and let your soul lead the way. WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY If you knew you would be supported no matter what, what would you do? ‘Trust Your Path 55 WARRIOR WOMAN Have you answered your deepest calling? You are here for a reason. You are being called to bravely pave a path. Have you answered your highest and deepest caling? Living a heart-and-soul-ed life is not all lufy and smooth saling, Living a heart-and- soubled life requires courage to triumph over fear So often our fears are the gatekeepers to our greatest gifts. And the more resistance we have ‘toward answering a cal, the more important itis to 56 INQUIRY CAROS. cur soul's growth. Sometimes fear is an indication that we are facing the right way. Joan of Arc was known for her courage and her famous fine: ‘tm not afraid, | was born to do this But the thing about courage is that itis not possible without fear So, if you are feeling afraid, what is needed is courage. And courage comes from living from the heart. Think of your fears as opportunities to expand, rather than things that are holding you hostage. Ifyou look at your fears in ths light then, as uncomfortable as it might feel, it’s actualy a sign that you are on the right track. WORK YOUR LIGHT INQUIRY Have you answered your deepest calling? BREAK THE CHAIN Ancestral patterns. Healing, Rewriting the future. You are being called to heal your family ine or free yourself from living the life of your ancestors. This could mean letting go of an old pattern of your maternal or paternal line. Healing trauma from the past that is not even yours or observing old ways of being that no longer serve you ‘We carry emotional trauma in our luminous field for up to seven generations back. This is why family patterns can be the hardest to break. Often, they are 60 ACTION CARDS Not even ours to begin with. But we do not know another way of being and so we continve playing out the drama. The thing to notice when ancestral healing comes, up is that you cannot heal another person, but your ‘own healing can cause another person to choose to heal. Energy is freed up. You are being guided now to look at your lfe and decide how you want it to be. ‘What ways of being or patterns are you ready to free yourself from? What part of your future do you want to rewrite? Now is the time to shake them off and dream anew future into being WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION ‘What old ways of being from your family line are you ready to let go? Seek assistance from your support team (tribe, friends, healer, coach, etc) to begin freeing yourself from it now. Break the Chain 61 DANCE WITH LIFE Do something to change your energy. Life is always moving. If you resist this ever-changing flow, your energy will become stagnant and you will {all out of flow with the Universe. The Universe has a mysterious inteligent force, a natural rhythmic beat, which governs all of life, One of the best ways to shift your energy, frequency, and vibration is to put on ‘some music and dance along with it. (62, ACTION CARDS When we dance unrestrained our spirit takes over, and with each new bop, sway, and kick we are rocked back into harmony with the rest of life. Get unstuck by doing something that shifts your vibration, Put on some music, dance unrestrained and fall ito the frequency of life, In doing so, your body will begin to learn how to be moved by your intuition, which is connected with ths systemic beat. IF dancing isnt your thing then simply do something that you would not usually do to shift the energy. You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it and you cannot attract a different experience without changing your energy first. It's time to shift things up and to find a way to dance along with the beat of life. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Do something to change your energy. Dance with ite 63 DEEP REPLENISHMENT Retreat. Rest. Be held. The most selfless thing you can do is to fll up your own inner well. When we are running around half filed, we subconsciously look to things and people around us to give us the nourishment and nurturing that we so deeply crave. Nothing can growin barren lands. You are no good to anyone if you're running on empty. The feminine is bountiful, fertile, and rich. Tend to your own well and watch as the amount you have to give multiplies. 64 ACTION CARDS IF your inner well isn't full, you will find yourself craving things from the outside world to fill it. This is our body’ instinctive way of reaching for the grounding and nurturing that we are not allowing ourselves, What nourishes you? What refuels your body? What is nectar for your soul? What brings you back to life? What is your secret medicine? What makes you feel abundant and fertile? Overspilling with life? It may be gardening, arranging flowers, getting a massage, using luxurious essential oils, snuggling up cn the couch, hiking, sipping a good coffee at your favorite cafe, attending a women's circle, reading about sacred sites, spontaneous bike rides, walking along the beach, or yin yoga. What nourishes you is your medicine. When you give yourself the medicine that you need to be nourished, you nourish all those around you for there is more than enough to go around, WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Do something that deeply replenishes you today. DEEP REPLENISHMENT 65 GET GROUNDED Empaths. Highly sensitives. Connect with Nature. You are being called to get grounded. To ensure that your luminous field is clear and your inner wel is ful If youre not grounded, itis all too easy to get swept up in other people's energy and mistake it for your own. Your boundaries will become blurred, as you are absorbing the energies around you and struggling to define what is their stuff and what is yours. If you pulled this card, you are very likely an empath or a highly sensitive person, and need time 6 ACTION CARDS alone to fill up your well, balance your energy, and get grounded. There are two types of people: those who draw their energy from others and those who draw their energy from within. Reflect on which one you are and carve out time each day to ensure your well is being replenished. Being sensitive is a superpower, but lke all powers, it needs to be nurtured in order 10 be fulflled It is easy to get swept up in the high-frequency ‘energies that are swirling around the planet. The quickest and most effective way of clearing all of this from your field is to ground yourself by connecting with Mother Earth, There are many ways to get grounded: one of ‘the most powerful ones is to practice Earthing by connecting to the power of Mother Earth. Spend time in nature, put your hands on a tree (your paims are extensions of yourheart chakra) or walk barefoot on the earth WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Do something to get grounded and connect with the Earth cet Grounded 67 m the outside, but are onthe inside. This represents pilerim is required to take to r mmewhere sacred. But only the initiated can enter: Perhaps that's where you are right now. You jated because you are headed 168 ACTION CARDS Initiations require that we cross the threshold from one world or state of being to the next. We are called to face what scares us and have to be willing to lose it all, in order to gain a new way of being, of safety, of security, of depth, of meaning. Initiations, ke rites of passage, mark the shift from fone age to the next, and can take place because of emotional turmoil, great loss, grief, or devastation. But itis through the seeming hardship that our heart cracks open and our spirits invested to step forward Wee take the sacred voyage into more of who we are and who we came here to be. It can be painful and scary, but once we begin the journey, we can be more ‘ourselves than ever before. Ifyou are in the middle of an initiation right now, you will get through it and one day soon, you will bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open because the world needs you open. You are going somewhere sacred. It will be worth it. And you're closer than you think. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Rite of passage. Cross the threshold. ‘The Initiation 69 INNER TEMPLE Devotion. Tune in to the portal of your heart. You are being called to be a devoted student and tune in to your heart. To incorporate true devotion into your life, You could be being called to develop a regular meditation, journaling, or chanting practice. (Or to show up to your soul with rhythm. To develop a daily practice where you fill up your well and spend time with your soul, All of the answers to all of the questions that you seek are waiting for you in the portal of your heart. 70 ACTION CARDS But you cannot hear them unless you carve out time each day to listen. Your soul is yearning for a deeper relationship with you, and so the more time you spend with it and show up to it, the more clearly it will guide you. ‘We are here to grow as souls, Earth is one big playground for the soul to learn. And you are being called to go deeper in your soul growth or to increase your devotion by being a student of a lineage or a spiritual teacher, IF you have already been a committed student, then you are being commended for your devotion. Your guides want you to know how proud of you they are, and that the time you spend in devotion is priceless Ifyou are questioning your career or lfe path, your guides want you to turn your focus toward devotion and this prayer: ‘Please use me in a way that delights my mind, body, and soul. May my life be one big moving prayer’ WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Commit to a daily devotional practice, Inner Temple 71 A Leap You go first. The Universe will catch you Life bends for the courageous. The Universe wants to support you, but first you need to leap. To throw your life up in the air. Perhaps you know what you are being called to leap toward (or away from) but are scared to make the move. Or maybe perhaps you are waiting for a big fat sign, or instruction manual, or permission to do so first IF ths is you, then this card is your sign and permission slip to take a deep breath, and leap into the unknown, 72 ACTION CARDS Its scary to let go of all that we know in hope for something new. And it's normal to feel anxious at the thought of letting go of what we know for sure. But this is the unavoidable process of rising. And right now, this is how you are being called to live. Nature is constantly showing us how to live with courage. Fall comes every year and encourages the trees to loosen their grip. To allow what once was 50 full of life, to fall away. leaf by leaf. For a moment, it feels ike nothing will grow again. The branches are left bare without the comfort of what once was. But in the morn of spring, new shoots begin to appear and something new is born that is even more glorious ‘than before. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION You go first. Take a good run-up and leap. Leap 78 PLAY Have fun, Celebrate. Don't be so serious. Stop taking life so seriously; your spirit needs to have some fun, The more you play, the more inspiration will follow. Take some time out to do something without being attached to the outcome. You are being called to rest and play, and learn to have more fun. Do something that makes you laugh = the best medicine around. Call up a friend that you ‘an be sily with. Take your inner child on a date. The more you switch off your mind, the more room your 76 ACTION CARDS, spirit has to whisper and guide. When we do things without being attached to the outcome, ideas, laity, guidance, and solutions have the space to drop in. The left and right hemispheres of the brain can begin talking to each other. Make play a compulsory part of your day. Schedule it Spend more time doing things just because you love to do them, Just because they bring you joy and light you up. If you follow what lights you up, you will light up the world without even trying, For when you are lit up, you are in your spirit and when you are in your spirit you fall into flow with life. How do you play? What do you do to have fun? ‘Whaat lights you up? If you have been working hard lately it's time to celebrate how far you have come ~ all that you've achieved. Don't rush on to the next thing, take a moment to throw a party, go on vacation, or have some fun. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Have more fun, Play more. Celebrate your achievements. SHARE YOUR VOICE Come out of the cave. Persecution. Expression. You are being called to share your voice, perhaps by speaking up in a relationship or through writing, speaking, singing. or some other form of creative expression, ‘We each hold a truth deep within us that longs to be expressed. Sculpted for lifetimes, the voice of your soul slike no other: It carries with it wisdom that can only be gained through soul history and growth. By remembering, tapping into, and expressing this, 76 ACTION CARDS Unique tone we not only heal ourselves, we also heal ‘the planet at large, ‘When you share your voice, you unlock something in the Universe and call a missing piece of you home. Your individual voice is the most powerful sound current on the planet. If you have kept your soul's voice silenced or held back, chanting or singing could be truly life-changing for you. ‘As we shed the layers of our personality and start letting our unique soul speak through us, we discover that we actually have a very clear message that longs to be shared. The more we speak it, the clearer it gets There has never been a better time in history than right now to rise up, speak your truth, and share your soul's voice. Ifyou feel fearful, know that you are not alone and that the world needs your unique tone in order to harmonize. As we each rise up and share cour song, we make it easier for the next person to do the same. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Express yourself. Share your voice. Speak to those who can hear you. Share Your Voice 77, SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSE Beauty and devotion. Priestess. Mystic. Teacher. The Sisterhood of the Rose isa lineage of priestesses and mystics who devoted their lives to. serving humanity and seeding light consciousness all over the Earth. A cross-section of ancient lineages, itis the path of devotion and beauty. ‘Walking this path means being devoted to seeing and creating beauty wherever you go. The rose symbolizes the heart and the sacred geometry of all life. You are being called to notice the beauty around 78 ACTION CARDS you, particularly in nature, and hear the whispers of Mother Earth, ‘You are being called to spend more time in nature, as all the ancient secrets live there. Mother Earth is constantly whispering. Spend time admiring Her creations and you will be rewarded with insight and grace ‘You are being called to take a little more time to both notice the beauty that exists all around you and contribute to the beauty of the world in your own way too. This could be through your own creations or in the little things like how you dress to picking flowers for your home. Every time you devote your time to creating beauty, you harmonize the planet a litle more and the shift in vibration can be fel. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Surround yourself with beauty and create beauty wherever you go. Sisterhood ofthe Rese 79 SOUL FAMILY Call in your tribe. You don't have to do it alone. Itis time to call in your soul family and support team. People who get you at soul level. People who are the same kind of weird as you. People who are your chosen family. They are coming and they are looking for you. Ifyou haven't found them yet this isa sign that they are close by. But in order for them to find you and recognize you when they do, itis important that you stop dimming your light and truly let yourself be seen, Ifyou have already found them, then you are being called to let them support you and perhaps also assemble a wider support team. Your support team ‘can consist of all types of people, such as a therapist, coach, mentor, or healer. Tune in to what kind of support you need now, WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Call in your support team now. Soul Family 81 TAKE A BREAK A life's work, not a season. Get off the treadmil Its OK to take a break and enjoy your creations. To take a moment from your busy schedule. To get off the treadmill of life. To appreciate and acknowledge all that you have created, achieved, released, or experienced before rushing on to the next thing, To be in the moment and enjoy where you are. To take a breath and regather your mind, body, and spirit. To recalibrate, appreciate, and celebrate. To decide on 82 ACTION CARDS ‘what you really want to experience next. If you take a moment you are not going to miss out Perhaps you have just completed a big project. manifested something significant in your life, released an old way of being, or just been burning the candle at both ends. Now is the time to take some time ‘out before rushing on to the next thing, You did it! Enjoy yourself and recalibrate. Go on vacation, book a massage, take long walks in nature, go away for a rejuvenating weekend to recharge and replenish. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTION Take a break and a breath Takeo Brook 3 ACTIVATION , CARDS A THE AGE OF LIGHT You've been training far this for lifetimes. Mystics and sages throughout the ages have predicted ‘this period in history, and you decided to incarnate in the middle of it. There is no mistake that you are supposed to be here at this time of great change Ifyou ever feel unprepared or daunted by the path ‘that is calling you, know this: You've been training for this for lifetimes. You're way more than the days that have breathed through you in this life. You're also all of the lifetimes that came before. All of these {86 ACTIVATION CARDS experiences have polished your soul into the most magnificent expression that is your authentic sel Your soul has many facets. Imagine a fingerprint; your soul is a million times more intricate than that If you put together all of the fingerprints of all of the people you have been, you would not even get close to fathoming how much of a unique masterpiece youare. You came in with a clear soul plan. You came in with wisdom beyond your years. This is the part of you that longs to be seen, This s the part of you that 's ready to step forward. That is ready to emerge. This is not the lifetime to stay hidden, but to step forth, be seen and rise. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION, Hold the card on your heart and say: 1 call forth the sou! gifts and sout traning that I hove received throughout all of my lifetimes. | am ready to embody them all ‘now without hesitation and without fear. hove been training for this for hifetimes.” ‘The Age of Light 87 ANNA, GRANDMOTHER OF JESUS Seeding the light. Laying foundations. Divine plan. ‘Anna, Grandmother of Jesus, was an ancient mystic who dedicated her life to laying the foundations for Christ consciousness to be woven through all of lie She is not widely known, but without her Christ consciousness would not be rising as itis today. ‘Anna represents the quiet dedication that is sometimes required to live a life of service. She represents the generations that came before that devoted their lives to dreaming a new world into 18 ACTIVATION CARDS being while knowing that they would not see the glorious end result. She represents the dutiful soldier, the unconditional mother, and the mystic who can see the thread that is woven through all of life. ‘Anna teaches us that we all have a part to play in the Divine plan. It doesn't have to be on the world stage to be significant. One person's part is not worthier than another. One person's part may be to mother their children, Another's may be to gather women in circle each month. No part is better or worse, more important or less significant. We each have within us a seed of light that we incarnated to share. Anna is gathering us all to remember and surrender to our part of the plan, WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘Beloved Anna, Thank you for laying the foundations for the Divine plan. May the seeds of light within me be revealed and may I surrender to my part of the Divine plan.’ ‘anna, Grandmother of Jesus 89 AWAKENING Energetic upgrades. A new way of being Integration, You are going through a period of awakening. Things are changing within you and at many levels, You are starting to remember ancient truths, and discovering more and more about who you are and why you incarnated. You may find that you are experiencing pastlfe flashbacks, seeing the invisible thread that is woven through al of life, or even feeling kundalini Shakti rise through your body from the base of your spine. 90 ACTIVATION CARDS The most important thing for this time is not to overthink it and to stay grounded. Share your experiences with like-soul people while you consciously integrate them. Journal and pay attention to your dreams. You are remembering and your soul gifts are emerging During this time of transition and awakening, you may be called to devote yourself to being of service, There are ideas, truths, concepts, books, and creations waiting to be birthed into this world. Stay ‘open to receiving them. Pulling this card may be a sign that you are here to birth one of these creations into the world. Or perhaps you are being called to make a shift in your life in order to be of service. Don't think too much about it, instead repeat the following Work Your Light Activation, WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘surrender to my owokening.| alow the Shakti energy to rise from the base of my spine. open myself up to the Universe using me ina woy that delights my mind, body, and spirit’ ‘Awakening 91 BIRTHING A NEW AGE Birthing new creations, Dreaming a new world into being, (Often our path is exactly the one that we don't feel prepared to walk, Walk it anyway. Often what is rising feels far bigger than we could possibly hold. Be a container for it anyway, Often our creations seem to have a wild, uncontrollable consciousness of their ‘own. Birth them anyway. Often what is ours to do is the very thing that most intimidates us. Be courageous and do it anyway, We are birthing a new age. 92 ACTIVATION CAROS Right now, we're in a transition period between ages. In the process of allowing the old cycle to fall away and the new to rise. Like driving in the fog and trusting the road will appear ahead, we need to release old identities and ways that no longer serve Us, using our intuition as a compass. You are part of a group of souls who have been incarnating at significant periods of history preparing for this exact time. Dreaming a new world into being: Magdalene sisters, daughters of Iss, Essenes, Priestesses, witches, mystics, healers, seers, artists, midwives, visionaries, guardians of the Earth, and storytellers from times past. Its time to give permission and space for what is beckoning within to be born. We are dreaming a new world into being WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘lam open to surrendering to the creations ‘that are wanting to be birthed through me. May I be of service in a way that delights ‘my mind, body, and soul, Please use me, please lead me, please show me the way. Birthing @ New Age 93 COUNCIL OF LIGHT Divine orchestration. Helpers in the subtle realms, The Council of Light is a team of benevolent beings who are here to assist the raising of consciousness of the planet. They are here to help you achieve your soul mission, and are guiding you every step of the way. However, because we live in a world where freewill reigns, they cannot help you without your permission, If you would like their assistance, itis time to ask them, ‘94 ACTIVATION CARDS. They can help with all kinds of requests ~ nothing is too big or too small. Think of them as your personal team of helpers in the spirit realm. They are wiling and ready to step in and get to work; what would you like help with? What tasks would you like to delegate to them? ‘The Council of Lightis a team of ascended masters, light beings, angels, and guides devoted to the rising of Earth and all humanity. If you are a Lightworker, it is from them that you receive your personal mission, Like a spirit world United Nations, they want to thank You so much for doing this work and devoting your life to uplifting the planet, Pray to them for clarity and guidance regarding your personal mission. Put in your requests and let them get to work WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say Counc of Light | am ready to receive your help for fling my personal Dharmic mission. Thank you for guiding me with clorty every step of the way and for sending me helpers and experiences that delight my mind, body and soul” Counclof Light 95 THE GREAT GATHERING It's all coming together: Intuitive hits. Soul tribe. You are being called to let your intuition move you physically. You are connected to a group of souls who are weaving a web around the planet, and as you travel and share your creations something is rethreaded, This card is an acknowledgment that you are either being called to connect with others who are like you at a soul level or that you already are. You are being called to gather groups of people, either by 96 ACTIVATION CAROS. leading them or becoming part of a group that can Support you and your soul's personal mission You are part of a group of souls who agreed to be here at this time in history to heal yourself, your ancestral line, and the planet. To raise consciousness 0 that we can continue to call this magnificent place home for eras to come. One of many consciously choosing to devote your life to something greater than yourself. It's time to call in your tribe by sharing your soul's voice and letting yourself be seen. When you share what is real and true to you, and you share the medicine that you most need, those who are like you will gather around you. You are your tribe; they are just like you. And just as you are longing and searching for them, they are longing and searching for you too. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘Ichoose now to fet myself be seen, | am ready to call in my soul tribe and create a web of light all over the planet, ‘The Great Gathering 97 IMRAMA Where are you being called to journey to? The Celtic word Imrama means a journey of the soul ‘A voyage on which we don't know where we are going, but our soul knows the way. If you pulled this, card you are either being called on a soul journey or are already on one. It could be to a physical ancient place or metaphoric. When we journey to places that our soul remembers, a shift takes place ~ both within us and to the planet as well, You are being called to journey 98 ACTIVATION CARDS to a place that is sacred to your soul. Perhaps it is to journey to the world’s sacred sites. Or called to «ross the country, climb a mountain, lie on the desert floor, or drink from an ancient well. There are places to see and old friends to meet. | see spontaneous pilgrimages in your future. Ifa physical voyage isn't possible, journey through the portal of your heart. Follow the invisible soul tail and be willing o explore, Maybe read a book or watch a movie about a sacred time or place. Or perhaps you are being called to study an ancient lineage or body of work. Whatever your circumstances, your soul is ready to journey deep. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘Moy seeds of ight long ago planted begin to rise. | am ready to remember ancient secrets from lands that my soul knows from times ost. May | be held by the ancient lineages that my soul has served and remember that | don't have to do it al lone’ KEEPERS OF THE EARTH ‘You are not alone, Ancient ancestors stand beside you. ‘You are s0 supported, You do not stand alone. You have a magnificent team of helpers, both in this world and of the Earth, who are here to help you every step of the way. Call upon them for assistance; they are here to help. The Keepers of the Earth acknowledge the work that you have done already and are ready to work ‘through you. They bow at your feet and thank you 100 ACTIVATION CARDS. for wanting to stand for them. To devote your life to protecting the Earth in your unique way. It is time to increase your capacity to receive support in the physical realm. This can come in the form of financial abundance, acts of service from strangers, or people flocking to help you and your work. The only thing that is stopping you right now is your capacity to receive support. You deserve to be rewarded for the work that you are doing, You do not need to go at it alone. Call upon the Keepers of ‘the Earth to help you and your mission, Open your heart and your mind to receiving more than you ever thought possible. What kind of support do you need? Call it in right away. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘lam open to receiving a whole new level of support for my life and my work and I call it in now (include any other specific requests here). Thank you, thank you, thank you. Keepers of the Earth 101 PILLAR OF LIGHT Your vibration is rising. You are the oracle. You are heaven and Earth in perfect expression. A ‘conduit for the light of the heavens to the Earth. You are the rainbow bridge. ‘Take time to meditate. Imagine yourself as a pillar of light connecting the light of the heavens above with the Earth. As the light shines through each of your chakras, you activate the rainbow bridge that many ancient scriptures speak about. Raising your vibration and the vibration of the planet. Linking 102 ACTIVATION CARDS the higher realms of the cosmos, guides, angels, and spirit with the ancient wisdom keepers and beings of planet Earth. They dance together through you. They sing together through you. Without your body, voice, and creations neither can be expressed, For too long, we've been taught that God is outside of us, giving away our power to angels and spirit guides. But without you they do not have a voice. You are the oracle. Do not look for guidance ‘outside, for you hold all of the wisdom of the entire Universe in the portal of your heart. In every cell of your body. Do not see the angels and guides as above you, for without you they have no way of communicating You are the oracle. You are the rainbow bridge. You are the pillar of ight. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘allow the light ofthe heavens and the light ofthe Earth to flow through me now. activate the codes of remembering within my cells and chakras. | activate my system as a rainbow bridge between heaven and Earth’ liar of tight 103, A PROTECTION Call back your power: Cut the cords, Soul retrieval You are being called to protect your energy and call back your power, May all the lost pieces return home now. Take a look at who and what drains your energy. Do not keep your tabs open. Shut down energetically ight. Energetic cords are formed between people, places, objects, and events, so its important to keep checking in. Your energy and energetic space are sacred, so treat them as such. ea 104 ACTIVATION CARDS Keeping your energy clear takes work, As we go through life, we can give away our power, so it is important that we call it back by cutting energetic cords or doing a form of healing known as ‘soul retrieval Can you think of a traumatic event, relationship, or soul memory that you are being called to call back your power from? Check into your body now and see which chakra feels like it needs a bit of an energetic clean-up. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on the chakra (or chakras) that needs cleaning and repeat the following ‘I cal back any lost soul fragments, power, or ight now. Any vows, soul contracts, hexes, or programs from the post or present, fram this life or others that are notin the highest good of all. {relinquish ‘now. Any power or ight that I have willingly or unwilingy given away or had taken from me, | call back now. Any cords or attachments from this life or others, | release now for the highest .g00d of oll And so itis, and so itis, and so iis Protection 105 TRANSFORMATION Things are changing at a cellular level. Deep healing. Things are changing at a cellular level, You are not who you were a year ago or who you will soon be. You are in between, emerging, haf risen haif falling. Keep doing the work, you are transforming ‘You will look back at this time with awe. So much is happening in your inner world and within your cel It's time to release old ways of being that have kept you in fight-fight-freeze mode. To choose a new way Of being, where trauma is not the driving force. 108 ACTIVATION CARDS. (Old childhood patterns are rising up to be healed. ‘As you allow yourself to observe them and feel the without attachment, they loosen their grip and fall away. You are being called to find new ways to self soothe Saturn and the Black Madonna and the African goddess Oshun influence this card, Saturn represents destruction and transformation; the Black Madonna represents the underground and all that has been cast aside; and Oshun represents the tender love of the Original Mother. A rethreading is happening, Healing at the deepest of levels. While you are in this phase, dor't put yourself under pressure to perform. You may need to review your relationship with your body, perhaps even shifting your diet or exercise regime, or getting energetic healing support. You may also need to consider some kind of emotional support, as issues from your childhood may come up to be healed. You are deeply loved. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘Vallow myself to receive the deepest healing and transformation for change to happen at a cellular level ransformation 107 UNBOUND Releasing soul patterns, contracts, and past lives. It is time to release old soul stories that have been playing out in your life. They are coming up to be healed. There has never been a safer time to clear these patterns than right now. Take a look at patterns in your life that you are ready to release. Ancient vows and contracts that your soul made that have an expiry date, It could be a vow of silence or chastity or poverty. It is time to 108 ACTIVATION CARDS unwind from them. This is the life in which you free yourself from trauma of lives past. What old ways of being have an expiry date? When you name them, you claim them and they stop holding power over you. When acknowledging these old patterns, its also important to acknowledge how ‘they have served you up until now. For example, a soul pattern of playing small caused by a soul fear of being seen or sharing your voice would have served you by keeping you safe. In order to grow. you now need to soften by receiving and calling in support. Itis time to unbind from the old ways of being that are no longer sustainable WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘J release all old soul stories, vows, contracts, and patterns that are no longer aligned with who I came here to be in the present time. carry the lessons, growth, and gifts, but Io longer choose to live the same story. Moy bbe unbound, unbound, forever unbound: Unbound 109 A a ats # yt wi, Ma (77 SUIT SF + Y TRANSMISSION | CARDS 5 Ae AKASHA ‘Your guidance is divinely guided. ‘Akasha exists in the fifth dimension and the library of souls. All soul contracts, history, gifts, lessons, and more exist here. We each have access to this information of the past, present, and future, and can ‘ap into itat any time. While we have freewill, there are also points ‘on the timeline of our lives that are predestined or preplanned — soul contracts or agreements that were made before incarnating. It could be a company you 12 TRANSMISSION CARDS chose to work for relationship you planned to have, ora person you agreed to mentor or help. Whatever itis, know that itis divinely guided and will not bypass you. I you are waiting for a sign to proceed, this card is it, You are likely living out an important part of your soul's journey and you are exactly where you need to be. This is very exciting indeed. Itis time to call in the support of your helpers — both in the physical realm and the spirit world. To ‘rust the signs coming, To take note of your dreams. To notice any feelings or visions that you receive, for you are tapping into the wisdom of the Akasha and you are being given the go-ahead to proceed, WORK YOUR LIGHT TRANSMISSION Hold the card on your heart and say ‘Lopen myself up to receive the wisdom of the Akasha. |am ready to download ary Information from my soul records that is in ry highest good and the highest good of all right now! Thank you, thank you, thank you. ‘Akasha 15 LEMURIA (Creating heaven on Earth. It's happening, Lemuria or Mu is one of the Earth's lost lands, where heaven really was a place on Earth. A time before we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. In Lemuria, life worked in harmony, all beings were seen as equal and we were deeply reverent to Mather Earth. We knew that a mosquito was no worse than us and the sun no better, Perhaps you too believe that heaven really can bea place on Earth, Perhaps you are part of the transition 114 TRANSMISSION CARDS. team who at soul level are devoted to creating this kind of harmony on the planet now. Thank you for wanting to do this work. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the state of affairs on the planet right now, but you are being encouraged to keep holding the clear vision of the future; it s closer than you think. You may be guided to hold the frequency of Lemuria in your own community, family, workplace, or within yourself. Know that itis possible, and while at times it may feel like you are alone, you truly are not. There are hundreds of thousands who hold the codes of this ancient lost land and even Lemuria crystals that hold the codes of remembering that are beginning to rise all over the planet Keep doing what you are doing and remember: The only way to heal the world around us is to first heal ourselves. WORK YOUR LIGHT TRANSMISSION Hold the card on your heart and say: ‘Ihold the codes of Lemuria and believe that heaven really can be a place on Earth” Lemuria 1s MINTAKAN Longing for home. Belonging. The original Lightworkers, Mintakans are a soul group who originated on a planet in the constellation Orion. They were the first star beings to travel to Earth, and believed to be the original Lightworkers. The Mintakans’ home planet is thought to have been a water world with water so pure that you could see through it for miles. For this, reason, Mintakans feel most at peace and at home when in or around crystal-clear water. They are here 16 TRANSMISSION cAROS to teach us to see the potential in everything and the light in all beings. Many Mintakans have an odd longing for ‘home; and struggle with feeling ike they don't belong. It is thought that this is due to their home planet no longer being in existence. If you pulled this card, it could mean that you are a Mintakan or are longing for a sense of belonging and root chakra healing is necessary for you to feel secure and safe Perhaps you feel this longing to find home without, knowing where that is. Perhaps youlve been moving around a lot and yearn for a place on Earth to call your own. If so, you are being called to connect with Mother Earth and create it for yourself now. To choose where you feel most at home and create it, rather than waiting for the feeling of belonging to come. WORK YOUR LIGHT TRANSMISSION Hold the card on your heart and say: 1 allow myself to be truly here and ‘at home on this planet. | release any {grief around not belonging or feeling held and callin the perfect home.” Mintakan 117 PLEIADES Double mission: Channeling and uplifting humanity The Pleiadeans are a group of star beings dedicated to raising the vibration of the planet and sharing new consciousness through creations and technology. They have been incarnating on Earth since near the beginning of humanity. You are a soul who has a double mission: To grow at soul level and to raise the vibration of the planet. If you have been called to write, speak, or channel this is your sign to keep doing it! Your work is divinely 18 TRANSMISSION CARDS guided. Of all of the souls, Pleiadeans are the chattiest, and so perhaps you have already started channeling, some of this work into the third dimension. Thank you for doing your part in the great plan. Your presence and unique light is needed. WORK YOUR LIGHT TRANSMISSION Hold the card on your heart and say: 1 call upon Pleiadean consciousness of the highest realms and highest good of humanity to work through me. Let me be a channel for only the purest fight of the essence of Source. Let me channel in a way that also serves me. Plolades 119 A BECOME A WORK YOUR LIGHT” ORACLE CARD READER IF you would lke to take your experience of reading these cards and intuitive development to the next level and become an accredited Work Your Light Oracle, invite you to do the Work Your Light Oracle Accreditation, To find out more about becoming a ‘Work Your Light Oracle, go to: www.rebeccacampbell.meloracle 120 A ABOUT THE ARTIST Danielle Noel sa multicisciplinary artist who creates intuitive wellness tools for spiritual practitioners and seekers, She is the creator of the internationally renowned Starchild Tarot and forthcoming Moonchild Tarot, and is dedicated to helping others find their ‘own ilumination through the offerings she creates Her unique brand blends ancient lore, rich symbology, and sacred wisdom, She lives with her partner, two dogs, and a cat on Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada, f starchildtarot © @starchildtarot ® daniellenoelart a A ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rebecca Campbell isa celebrated spiritual teacher and the best-selling author of Light Is the New Black and Rise Sister Rise. Through her soulful creations, Rebecca guides people to connect with the unique callings of their soul and light up the world with their presence, ff rebeccathoughts @© rebeccathoughts @ Rise Sister Rise Membership and Community: ‘ Work Your Light Course and Community for Lightworkers: we. Anywhere, anytime card readings ‘on your mobile device! Download the mobile app and get a FREE 7-Day Trial Available in the App

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