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9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

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3 Ways Smart People

Apologize When They Forget
an Email

Adobe Stock / Drobot Dean

Haley Baird Riemer 57

in Career

8 2 Comments

If you forget to respond to an

email, you should only feel the
need to apologize if you delayed
an important interaction or
threatened your company's
reputation in some way.
Express your apology by politely
acknowledging the delay and
justifying when necessary.
A simple "Sorry I wasn't able to
get back to you sooner" or "I'm so
sorry for dropping the ball on
this. I hadn't seen your email until
now" in your next email will do
the trick. you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 1/18

9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

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pro le.

In our hyper-connected technological

world, we can be reached almost
anywhere, at any time of the day,
through our various devices. That makes
it easier for us to be connected, which is
helpful in a lot of ways, personally and
professionally; but, it comes with a
certain pressure to be available all the

We're expected to be reachable,

through one channel or another, which
means there's a narrowed window for
what makes for a timely response to
something. In certain fast-paced
industries, neglecting to respond to an
email for more than an hour is
considered a late response.


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We've all fallen behind on keeping up

with our inboxes. If anything, our
increased availability has given way to a
volume of correspondence that is much
more challenging to stay on top of, and
doing so can be taxing. So hey, it
happens. Sometimes life gets in the way
of your responsiveness — you had a
hectic day at work, or a chaotic
afternoon at home, or maybe you simply
forgot. you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 2/18

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* Late responses can also be affected by

Home Jobsyour mental health; if you're suffering Resources
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from a depressive episode or a
particularly tough time, keeping up with
the more trivial things can be extremely
draining, and it's easy to let them get
away from you.

So, for whatever reason, you've lapsed

on an important email chain or
forgotten to respond to an invite out for
coffee. Any response you send now is
de nitely late. 

Now what? Here are a couple of

different responses you can try.

Should you apologize?

Maybe. If it's a situation where you
know you dropped the ball on
something big or your lack of
communication negatively affected your
company's reputation or relationship
with a client, an apology is probably in
order. It's important, though, to
consider the factors that you're dealing
with when you feel the need to
apologize for a late response. 

Considering women are conditioned to

be accommodating and penitent, we
often ask for forgiveness and apologize
too much. We might feel obligated to be
available at all times, even when we are
incapable of doing so for normal, human

So, before you send a reply with an

apology for the delay, ask yourself if it's
necessary to say sorry. Maybe you don't
need to address the delay at all. If you
feel like you do, consider substituting a
"Thank you for your patience," where
you would normally apologize for your you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 3/18

9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

* own delay. This small change can

Home Jobstransform your relationship
Reviews with your Resources Sign In
inbox, your timeliness, and your sense of
humanity in an output-driven work
culture that can feel consuming.

How do you say sorry for the late

If you've determined the situation does
warrant an apology, there are several
things you should keep in mind. You
don't want to over-apologize and make
the situation (even more)
uncomfortable. Keep your apology
short and to the point, and get on with
business as usual. 

1. Acknowledge the delay.

If you're apologizing for the late
response, make sure you lead by
acknowledging your response is late. A
simple, "Apologies for the delayed
response–" or, "Sorry for not getting
back to you sooner–" does the trick.
Keep the apology to one sentence in
most cases. It doesn't need to be your
whole email.

2. Be polite.
If you've left an email for long enough,
you might have gotten a follow-up email
to check in on your response, which
brings the issue back to your attention
and reminds you that you forgot to
respond. This can be frustrating, as you
might feel guilty or even annoyed.
Maybe your delay has caused actual
repercussions, and your coworker who
needed your input or the friend that
texted you an essay that you left on read
is upset about your unresponsiveness. you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 4/18

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* It sounds like a no-brainer, but make

Home Jobssure your response is polite. You don't Resources
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have to be overly accommodating in a
way that feels disingenuous, but address
the delay civilly and own up to your

3. Don't feel the need to justify too

Don't go overboard with the apology.
Remember, we can't be expected to be
on all the time when it comes to keeping
up with texts and emails, especially if
they are not particularly urgent or
happen during business hours about
things that are lower-priority. Whatever
the situation, resist the urge to
elaborate on why you are responding

Sure, it's ne to include the fact that you

had a particularly crazy week to give
context to your response, but you don't
need it. It can be uncomfortable when
you're too apologetic, or overly
descriptive of the factors that made this
response late. We've all been there. It's
not the end of the world. Don't make
your apology and its justi cation the
focus of the entire message. 

The way you apologize will vary
depending on who you're talking to and
what the nature of the conversation is.
The way you respond to a professional
email you have neglected will be very
different than how you reach out to a
friend you've forgotten to text back for
a few days. 

To a colleague or professional
contact: you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 5/18
9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

*  If the subject of the email is not urgent

Home Jobsor high-priority, itReviews
may not warrant a full
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apology. Try this: 

Hi there, 
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
I'll have those les sent over to you as soon
as possible. Let me know if you need
anything else from me. 

Your Name


Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you
sooner. I'd love to meet for coffee sometime
next week. I have availability on Monday
and Wednesday around lunchtime. Do
either of those options work for you?


Your Name

The details of the email will change, of

course, depending on your
circumstance, but keep the frame of
offering a short apology, if you feel it's
necessary, and continuing on to address
the subject of the email, stays the same. 

To a boss:
If you lapse on an email from your boss,
or an urgent work email from a client or
coworker, the stakes are higher.
Particularly if the issue was time
sensitive and during business hours, the
repercussions of your mistake might be
more serious, and some justi cation of
your delayed response is a good idea.
Still, keep the apology relatively short,
keep it truthful, and offer only as much you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 6/18
9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

* justi cation as needed. Then, do

Home Jobswhatever you canReviews
to correct your Resources Sign In

I'm so sorry for dropping the ball on this. I
hadn't seen your email until now. I will
have the project completed and sent over
to you in the next half hour. Please let me
know if there's anything else I can do. 

Your Name


My apologies for the delayed response, I
was out of the of ce yesterday. I can
absolutely make the conference call at 3pm
today. Talk to you soon.


Your Name

Again, details will change, and read the

situation to determine the best way to
respond and how much to apologize.
The most important aspect of your
response is addressing the email itself
and the issue it concerns. 

To a friend:
If you're talking to a friend, your apology
will probably be less formal. Your
friends understand you and your life
more than most, so your response will
be more candid. 

Hi! Sorry for just now getting back to you.

Having a (particularly) insane week at
work. Yes to dinner on Thursday! Got a
place in mind? you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 7/18

9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

* You know how you can talk to your

Home Jobsfriends, and depending
Reviews on the friend, Resources Sign In
this may take a different shape. If you
know you might have hurt their feelings
by neglecting their message until now,
you can make space for acknowledging
that, too.

Tips for avoiding late replies.

There are many different factors that
might inhibit a timely response. We all
have ways of making sure we stay on top
of things, and building productive
correspondence habits will help you
avoid late replies altogether.

Turn on email noti cations. 

This is an easy one, but it can make a
world of difference. If you're concerned
about responding to emails on time,
make sure you have downloaded
whatever email app you use on your
phone and turned on push noti cations.
This way, you'll see new messages as
soon as you open your phone, and
unless you clear the noti cation, it will
remain in your noti cations center as a
visual reminder. 

Mark messages as unread if you

can't respond right away.
Similarly, having unread messages can
be a helpful visual way to keep the
messages you haven't responded to on
your radar so you don't forget about
them. If you open an email, and you
know you can't respond right away,
mark the email as unread so it stands
out in your inbox. 

Star and categorize messages

according to importance. you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 8/18
9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

* Make use of the different ways your

Home Jobsemail carrier lets Reviews
you star, ag, and Resources Sign In
categorize messages. They can be a
huge help when it comes to organizing
your inbox and setting yourself up for
success in staying on top of things. You
can create different ags for different
areas of your life — work, home, a
particular friend group, a speci c
project you're working on — and
categorize emails as you get them. This
way, you can make sure you don't miss
something urgent pertaining to a topic
you know is time-sensitive or high-

Set reminders for yourself.

Avoiding a late reply can be as simple as
setting reminders for yourself on your
phone to respond. What this looks like is
up to you. Maybe you designate two or
three windows of time a day reserved
for checking your inbox and catching up
on emails to ensure you're up-to-date,
or maybe you receive an email and can't
respond right away, so you set a
reminder for during your next break to
get back to it. 

Everyone knows what it's like to realize

you've forgotten to respond to a
message, panic about it momentarily,
and try to gure out how to apologize
for responding late. Just remember, you
don't necessarily owe the world your
constant availability. Try to take a little
pressure off of yourself when it comes
to keeping up with your inbox. Yes, try
to stay on top of things, for your own
sanity and for the good of your
professional and personal relationships; you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 9/18

9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

* but if you do miss something, take it in

Home Jobsstride, own up to your mistake, and
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move forward. 

8 2 Comments

MST '-' MAN 11
10/26/19 at 12:36AM GMT+2


Taylor Davidson 57 Tech sales in

01/17/20 at 2:36PM GMT+2

"thanks for your patience" is a great

substitute and really changes the tone of
the email. Love this!

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S TA R T A P O S T you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 10/18
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09/06/20 at 10:48PM GMT+2 in Career

Freelance work

Hi everyone. Looking for some advice… I’m

exploring the idea of doing freelance work
(and have a couple of potential freelance
opportunities). I know this sounds silly but I’m
just not sure:
- How I will be paid?
- If I need to set myself up as an of cial
- How to make sure I’m doing my taxes
I’m so new to this and wondered if anyone has
been through this before and has any advice
or a...

1 Comment

Alexis Gladstone 107 Leadership &

Change Expert
09/06/20 at 11:23PM GMT+2

Hi. I'll try and answer your questions

as best I understand them.

1. How you get paid. First, you will

need to set your rate for the work you
are More...

Stephanie F 37 HR Manager
09/06/20 at 9:49PM GMT+2 in Career

Do you ever feel like those

who don't work as hard reap
more bene ts in their career? you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 11/18

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* I have found in every company that I have

Home worked that those who
Jobs are over-achievers in
Reviews Resources Sign In
their job tend to be left behind by those who
don't do their own work or work to the best of
their ability. I wanted to nd out if anyone else
has ever had these experiences.

2 11 Comments

Maryana Ivlev 30 Supply Chain

09/06/20 at 10:27PM GMT+2

Hi, Stephanie, I see this a lot in the

workplace, too. I see that hard
workers who keep their head down,
plow through their work and never
complain More...
3 Reply

Una Dabiero 4.44k Editorial Associate at

in Career


8 Cringeworthy Phrases That Are

Ruining Your Resume
"Synergy." Enough said.
60 52 Comments

Eraina Ferguson 564 Founder of

My Good Life
10/02/19 at 3:40PM GMT+2

Great article! I’ve de nitely made at

least one of these mistakes. ?
19 Reply

AnnaMarie Houlis 10 you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 12/18
9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss
in Career
Home Jobs Reviews Resources Sign In


Women Who Wear This to Work are

Deemed More Competent — But
They're Also Judged
This is so, so telling.
24 58 Comments

Nadia Rebah 30
07/30/20 at 3:04PM GMT+2

It is extremely urgent that people are

judged by the time, effort and
commitment put into their work. Being
neat, groomed, clean, dressed up in a
way More...
User edited comment on 07/30/20 at
3:21PM GMT+2

14 Reply

09/06/20 at 3:19PM GMT+2 in Career

Performative allyship turns


It’s a long story, but I’ll make it short. I run a

DEI “workgroup” at my job, and have been
doing so for the past year. I have been here for
a little over a year, so yes, I, a Black woman,
started it. As a group (but primarily me), we
write statements on behalf of the company,
lead trainings for staff, and have been working
on changing company policy. I am in an entry
level project management role. you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 13/18
9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

Home Anyway, we had...
Jobs Reviews Resources Sign In

3 9 Comments

Elena 39
09/06/20 at 3:53PM GMT+2

No advice. Sounds awful!!


09/06/20 at 3:56PM GMT+2 in Career

I'm "too good" at my job

I have been in my current position for 15

years, doing roughly the same thing every day.
I have been cross trained on other jobs, at my
insistence. However, my co-workers do not
share my enthusiasm in learning other's jobs.
There is one person who is trained as my back
up, but she is currently on maternity leave so I
can't really take a day off. My other co-
workers complain that my job is too dif cult
and intense...

3 7 Comments

Yvia Aivzbelt 23 Strong-willed

09/06/20 at 4:31PM GMT+2

In my opinion, if you think you're too

good for that job and nd it a lil'
"boring" (unchallenging) anymore it
would be better for you to look for

2 Reply

09/05/20 at 2:33PM GMT+2 in Career

Talking behind people's backs you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 14/18

9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

* My new manager always talks about other

Home employees behind their
Jobs backs ( to be clear: not
Reviews Resources Sign In
in a good way).

The other day, I was part of a meeting within

and my colleague when he made comments
about another employee's 'incompetence'. I
know this employee pretty well.

While my colleague laughed and agreed with

him (she does this with her superiors), I was
very uncomfortable.

What would you do in this situation?

3 14 Comments

09/05/20 at 2:42PM GMT+2

At the very least, not join the laughter

and let the employee in question know
that some unnamed people were
saying x things about him/her. If you

9 Reply

09/05/20 at 6:40PM GMT+2 in Career

I revealed something in an
interview that I shouldn’t
have apparently

A few years ago I was working when one of my

coworkers was attacked by a man high on
drugs in a stairwell. The company did not
respond with appropriate protection so I
found another job which sucked because I
loved the work I was doing.

A recruiter asked me why I left after a year

when the job was very desirable and the you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 15/18

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* employer has a stellar reputation. I explained

Home that I was concernedReviews
Jobs about my personal... Resources Sign In

Kim Callinan 297 President & CEO

of Nonpro t
2 10 Comments
09/05/20 at 6:52PM GMT+2

His reaction may have been because

you were speaking poorly of your
former employer. The concern in an
interview is that if you will speak
poorly of More...
2 Reply

Yaca Attwood 212 Database

09/06/20 at 5:38PM GMT+2 in Career

Switch possible?

Greetings, all

I've been in IT since 1982 - COBOL/CICS

programmer, IMS/DL1 DBA, Oracle/Unix
DBA, some SQL Server. My team was recently
outsourced and my position terminated. I'm a
1958 Baby; I thought about taking
cybersecurity or Python or other classes in
currently hot areas in IT, but I nd I just don't
want to.

I signed up for classes in Criminal Justice at a

local community college, and I really like and...

1 4 Comments

Cheryl Magen 47 "Believe in

yourself rst; success follows"
09/06/20 at 6:49PM GMT+2

These options sound fantastic! Try to

talk to someone already in the eld
and yes, volunteering is de nitely
getting a foot in. Plus, you can More...

Linda Quarshie 34 "What you think, you

become" - Buddha
09/06/20 at 3:07PM GMT+2 in Style & Beauty you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 16/18

9/7/2020 How to Apologize for a Late Response | Fairygodboss

Home Jobs Valentino Shoes for work?
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I am usually not a fan of going to work with

branded clothing or visible brand logos but I
have a couple of Valentino shoes with the
signature Rockstuds on them. I want to feel
con dent wearing them to work but I also feel
I will be judged. I am in a mid but more senior
level role and I always dress up to work even
though the company is business casual.

1 4 Comments

B Thompson 42
09/06/20 at 4:49PM GMT+2

Perhaps your gut feeling of hesitation

is your answer. Save the valentinos for
nights/days out when you can wear
whatever you want to.
1 Reply you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 17/18

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Home Jobs Reviews Resources Sign In you're apologizing for,to be your whole email. 18/18

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