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Red is used in advertising to showcase aggression, love and

● hunger combined with yellow for fast food chains
● Preferred by males
orange -
Is used with red to demonstrate liveliness vigor and happiness
● Most commonly used in children's products/toys
● unisex
Is used to demonstrate optimism and joyfulness
● Combined with red for fast food chains
● unisex
The color green is used to showcase harmony, nature, and a sense of consciousness
● Most commonly used in farming companies
● Preferred by males
blue -
Is used to demonstrate unity and trust this is most often
● used in insurance ads
● Preferred by males
purple -
● Is used in imagination and all matters spiritual could be combined with blue to attract
more customers
● Preferred by females
Pink -
Is used as a less aggressive version of red demonstrates compassion and togetherness
● This color is used most commonly in products targets for females (makeup,etc,etc)
● Preferred by females
brown -
This color is very visually stimulating it is used to showcase security,structure, and protection
● This color is used in construction products to showcase their versatility
● Preferred by males
This color is used to invoke the assumption of luxury and charm
● This color can be spotted in perfumes and high class stores
● unisex
Black is used to demonstrate sophistication,control, and independence
● Commonly used in law firms and security companies
● Preferred by males
The color white is used the showcase innocence.purity, cleanliness and peace
● This is used in funeral services and most things relating to the morgue
● unisex

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