Characterization of The Porosity Distrib

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Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236

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Characterization of the porosity distribution in the upper part

of the karst Biscayne aquifer using common offset ground
penetrating radar, Everglades National Park, Florida
Gregory J. Mount a,⇑, Xavier Comas a, Kevin J. Cunningham b
Department of Geosciences, Florida Atlantic University, Davie, FL 33314, United States
U.S. Geological Survey, Davie, FL 33314, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: The karst Biscayne aquifer is characterized by a heterogeneous spatial arrangement of porosity and
Received 19 February 2014 hydraulic conductivity, making conceptualization difficult. The Biscayne aquifer is the primary source of
Received in revised form 14 April 2014 drinking water for millions of people in south Florida; thus, information concerning the distribution of
Accepted 19 April 2014
karst features that concentrate the groundwater flow and affect contaminant transport is critical. The prin-
Available online 28 April 2014
This manuscript was handled by Corrado
cipal purpose of the study was to investigate the ability of two-dimensional ground penetrating radar
Corradini, Editor-in-Chief, with the (GPR) to rapidly characterize porosity variability in the karst Biscayne aquifer in south Florida. An 800-
assistance of Juan V. Giraldez, Associate m-long GPR transect of a previously investigated area at the Long Pine Key Nature Trail in Everglades
Editor National Park, collected in fast acquisition common offset mode, shows hundreds of diffraction hyperbolae.
The distribution of diffraction hyperbolae was used to estimate electromagnetic (EM) wave velocity at each
Keywords: diffraction location and to assess both horizontal and vertical changes in velocity within the transect. A
Ground penetrating radar petrophysical model (complex refractive index model or CRIM) was used to estimate total bulk porosity.
Karst aquifers A set of common midpoint surveys at selected locations distributed along the common-offset transect also
Florida were collected for comparison with the common offsets and were used to constrain one-dimensional (1-D)
Porosity distributions of porosity with depth. Porosity values for the saturated Miami Limestone ranged between
CRIM petrophysical model
25% and 41% for common offset GPR surveys, and between 23% and 39% for common midpoint GPR surveys.
Laboratory measurements of porosity in five whole-core samples from the saturated part of the aquifer in
the study area ranged between 7.1% and 41.8%. GPR estimates of porosity were found to be valid only under
saturated conditions; other limitations are related to the vertical resolution of the GPR signal and the vol-
ume of the material considered by the measurement methodology. Overall, good correspondence between
GPR estimates and the direct porosity values from the whole-core samples confirms the ability of GPR com-
mon offset surveys to provide rapid characterization of porosity variability in the Biscayne aquifer.
The common offset survey method has several advantages: (1) improved time efficiency in comparison
to other GPR acquisition modes such as common midpoints; and (2) enhanced lateral continuity of porosity
estimates, particularly when compared to porosity measurements on 1-D samples such as rock cores. The
results also support the presence of areas of low EM wave velocity or high porosity under saturated con-
ditions, causing velocity pull-down areas and apparent sag features in the reflection record. This study
shows that GPR can be a useful tool for improving understanding of the petrophysical properties of highly
heterogeneous systems such as karst aquifers, and thus may assist with the development of more accurate
groundwater flow models, such as those used for restoration efforts in the Everglades.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Florida since 1970 average between 280,000 and 320,000 persons
per year; the population is projected to increase by 2.5 million dur-
The Biscayne aquifer provides water for approximately 6 ing the next 25 years (Murley et al., 2006). Population growth will
million people in Miami-Dade, Broward, and southern Palm Beach continue to deplete the supply of groundwater in south Florida,
Counties (McPherson et al., 2000). Increases in the population of where the Biscayne aquifer is a sole source aquifer dependent on
surficial recharge from the Everglades and the Lake Okeechobee
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 954 236 1569. drainage basin (Fish and Stewart, 1990). In addition, restoration
E-mail address: (G.J. Mount).
0022-1694/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
224 G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236

Fig. 1. (a) Map of Florida showing the regional area in relation to the state, (b) map of the south Florida regional area showing the areal extent of the Biscayne aquifer
(crosshatched area and label) (U.S. Geological Survey, 2003), Miami Limestone (solid black outline and label) modified from Dicken et al. (2005) and the boundary of
Everglades National Park (solid brown outline) modified from Malget (2002) in relation to the south Florida regional area, (c) aerial photograph of the Long Pine Key Nature
Trail study area ( showing the location of the field site, including USGS test corehole G-3740 and test borehole G-3762 (symbolized by red crosses),
Line 1 and Line 2 common offset survey transects, and common midpoints CMP1 through 9 (symbolized by black filled circles). (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

of the Everglades may markedly affect the hydrology of this critical Thompson Formation (Perkins, 1977; Halley and Evans, 1983;
natural resource. Vacher and Mylroie, 2002). The Miami Limestone consists of two
The Biscayne aquifer has a wedge-shaped volume underlying an high-frequency cycles (HFC 5e and HFC 4) that are assigned to Mar-
area of approximately 7770 km2, and reaching maximum depths of ine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e and MIS 7, respectively (Cunningham
61 m near the eastern coast of south Florida (Klein and Sherwood, et al., 2006a,b, 2009). The base of the underlying Fort Thompson
1961; Light and Dineen, 1994) (Fig. 1a and b). The Biscayne aquifer Formation is at or near the bottom of the Biscayne aquifer through-
is mainly composed of two lithostratigraphic formations dominated out much of its extent. In Miami-Dade County (Fig. 1b), the Fort
by eogenetic karst limestone: the Miami Limestone and the Fort Thompson Formation consists of multiple high-frequency cycles
G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236 225

that are assigned to MIS 9, MIS 11, and possibly MIS 13 and Fort Thompson Formation have focused on stratigraphic stud-
(Cunningham et al., 2006a). The vertical succession of these HFCs ies, in conjunction with laboratory methods, to investigate porosity
has created a complex, heterogeneous and anisotropic distribution and hydraulic conductivity, but no work, to our knowledge, has
of porosity with many karst features (Cunningham and Florea, specifically investigated porosity variability using diffraction
2009), including vuggy pore space, resulting in one of the most per- hyperbolae in GPR common offset surveys.
meable carbonate aquifers in the world (Cunningham, 2004). The purpose of this investigation is to assess the ability of GPR
The Biscayne aquifer is conceptualized as a dual-porosity sys- to conceptualize the spatial distribution of the porosity in the
tem consisting of mainly touching-vug megaporosity, as defined Miami Limestone and Fort Thompson Formation using rapid acqui-
by Lucia (2007), and matrix porosity. Touching-vug flow pathways sition common offset measurements. This approach is important
have been observed as burrow-related megaporosity, bedding since traditional methods such as borehole techniques, well log-
planes, cavernous vugs, vertical solution pipes, and solution- ging and other GPR techniques such as common midpoint surveys,
enhanced fractures (Cunningham et al., 2004a,b, 2009). Stratiform tend to be time consuming. By increasing surveying efficiency, lar-
layers characterized by touching-vug megaporosity related to bur- ger areas can be investigated to better delineate the heterogeneous
rowing form groundwater flow pathways that commonly range in distribution of high porosity areas in the Biscayne aquifer and
thickness from the centimeter to meter scale and can have mea- identify potential zones of concentrated groundwater flow. The
sured megaporosity values as high as 78% (Cunningham and approach is possible due to the unique distribution of megaporous
Sukop, 2011). Much of the stratiform touching-vug megaporosity karst features in the Biscayne aquifer that act as point reflectors for
found in limestone of the Biscayne aquifer is related to the trace the electromagnetic (EM) wave and result in the presence of
fossil Ophiomorpha, where it was observed by Cunningham et al. hyperbolic diffractions in the GPR record that can be used for
(2006a,b, 2009). In addition to stratiform zones characterized by developing two-dimensional (2-D) models of EM wave velocity.
centimeter-scale touching-vug megaporosity, the Biscayne aquifer By applying a petrophysical model (i.e. the CRIM model, explained
also presents other karst features larger than centimeter scale below) changes in EM wave velocity below the water table can be
including small caves up to 120 m long with vertical extents of expressed as changes in porosity. Estimates of porosity are then
4.5 m (Cressler, 1993; Cunningham and Florea, 2009), small sink- compared to: (1) common midpoint measurements, and (2)
holes, and rock pinnacles (Parker et al., 1955). The combination laboratory measurements of porosity using rock core samples pre-
of these karstic elements creates a heterogeneous mixture of high viously acquired in the study area (Cunningham, 2004). Further-
megaporosity and high hydraulic conductivity areas in the subsur- more, Cunningham (2004) identified an anomalous structural
face that are difficult to characterize at a large scale. ‘‘sag’’ tens of meters wide in a GPR profile that was attributed to
A substantial amount of hydrogeologic research has been con- a velocity pulldown. The study also is designed to investigate
ducted during the last 60 years on the Biscayne aquifer and the car- whether common offset GPR can be used to: (1) elucidate the ori-
bonate rocks that compose it. Studies include water quality and gin of the anomalous sag structure; and (2) determine whether
aquifer characterizations (Parker et al., 1955; Klein and Hull, similar sag features can be identified elsewhere. Results of this
1978; Schmoker and Hester, 1986; Fish and Stewart, 1990; study demonstrate the potential of GPR to quickly characterize
McPherson et al., 2000), aquifer performance tests (Parker et al., subsurface heterogeneities of the Biscayne aquifer related to con-
1955), digital borehole imaging (Cunningham, 2004; Cunningham centrated groundwater flow and potential contaminant transport,
et al., 2004a; Manda and Gross, 2006), and geophysical well log- and the approach also can be applied to characterize areas of high
ging and tracer studies (Cunningham et al., 2004b, 2009; Renken permeability in other similar shallow karstic systems.
et al., 2005; Harvey et al., 2008; Renken et al., 2008; Shapiro
et al., 2008). Other studies also have used high resolution X-ray
2. Field site
computed tomography methods in small (less than 1 m diameter)
samples of Miami Limestone and Fort Thompson Formation to
The Everglades National Park protects nearly one-fifth of the
characterize pore distribution in the laboratory (Cunningham
remaining Everglades land area, and includes a variety of natural fea-
et al., 2009). Near-surface geophysical methods, specifically GPR,
tures and ecosystems that are unique to the south Florida area
have proven to be effective tools for investigating karst features
(Fig. 1b). The study area is located in the southeastern part of the Park
such as cavities and collapse structures (Ballard, 1984) or deposi-
along the Long Pine Key Nature Trail (Fig. 1c), and contains approx-
tional features (Barr, 1993; Kruse et al., 2006). GPR has been used
imately 20,000 hectares of pine rockland that is well-drained terrain
to estimate the porosity of materials in the subsurface when cou-
approximately 2 m above sea level. Mean watertable elevations fluc-
pled with a petrophysical model (Lai et al., 2006; Turesson, 2006;
tuate from about 1.0–1.7 m above sea level during the wet season
Bradford et al., 2009; Harbi and McMechan, 2011; Dafflon and
(June through September), and approximately 0.0–1.4 m above sea
Barrash, 2012). In addition, GPR has been used for characterization
level during the dry season (October through May) (Bolster et al.,
of shallow stratigraphy, and fractures in limestone (Dominic et al.,
2001). This study site was chosen following a previous investigation
1995; Kruse et al., 2000; Grasmueck et al., 2004).
along the Long Pine Key Nature Trail by Cunningham (2004), which
Several studies have used GPR to investigate the carbonates of
acquired a GPR profile, drilled two test coreholes and one rotary
the Biscayne aquifer. Cunningham (2004) applied GPR to delineate
roller bit test borehole, and collected geophysical logs in the test
a high-frequency carbonate cyclostratigraphy and the distribution
boreholes to a maximum depth of approximately 13 m. In this study,
of megaporosity in the Miami Limestone and Fort Thompson For-
data obtained from the test corehole (G-3740) and test borehole (G-
mation, and demonstrated a relationship between spatial distribu-
3762) (Fig. 1c), are used to constrain the indirect GPR measures for
tions of porosity and reflection amplitude values. Grasmueck et al.
the upper 7 m of the Biscayne aquifer investigated here.
(2004) utilized three-dimensional (3-D) survey techniques to
examine depositional structures within the Miami Limestone.
Truss et al. (2007) conducted time-lapse GPR measurements to 3. Methods
investigate the geometry of sand-filled dissolution structures and
surface water infiltration, whereas Neal et al. (2008) conducted a 3.1. Ground penetrating radar (GPR)
3-D GPR survey of Miami Limestone to investigate sedimentary
architecture, and lithostratigraphic facies at the decimeter scale. GPR is a geophysical technique that typically uses high fre-
In summary, previous GPR investigations of the Miami Limestone quency (10 MHz to 2 GHz) EM waves emitted from a transmitting
226 G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236

antenna that penetrate the subsurface and return to the receiver as diffractions in the common offsets in this study was used to inves-
a succession of reflections produced at certain interfaces. These tigate the changes in velocity within the subsurface. Diffraction
interfaces represent contrasts in physical properties in the rock hyperbolae originate from isolated point reflectors (i.e. areas repre-
or sediment and typically correspond with stratigraphic or struc- senting a marked contrast in the dielectric properties as compared
tural boundaries. The velocity of propagation of the EM waves is to the surrounding host material). Examples of physical features
dependent on the relative dielectric permittivity (er), a geophysical that could cause diffraction hyperbolas are anomalous cobbles
property related to the ability of a material to store and release and boulders in an otherwise well sorted matrix (Busby and
electromagnetic energy in the form of an electric charge. This Merritt, 1999), or buried man-made objects such as wires or
capacity is strongly influenced by the presence of water; for exam- pipes (Neal, 2004). In karst environments, diffraction hyperbolas
ple, dielectric permittivity ranges from 1 in air to 88 in freshwater can be caused by air-filled or water-filled voids in a solid matrix
(at 0 °C) (Buchner et al., 1999). (Bristow, 2009). Presumably, the presence of hyperbolic diffrac-
GPR data were acquired with a MALA ProEx™ system coupled tions in the GPR data is due to the numerous karstic features in
with 100 MHz unshielded antennas using two different surveying the Miami Limestone that manifest as a series of air- and water-
methods: common midpoint and common offset (Fig. 2). The com- filled voids, and these diffractions can be used to quickly character-
mon midpoint method is widely used for vertical velocity estima- ize the spatial variability of porosity below the water table in the
tion (Greaves et al., 1996; Jacob and Hermance, 2004; Annan, Miami Limestone.
2009). In this study, the common midpoint approach used a GPR
transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) that were increasingly separated 3.2. Velocity analysis
by a stepped distance of 0.1 m (Fig. 2a). The incremental increase
in separation of the Tx and Rx results in an increase in the two- Processing of both GPR common offset and common midpoint
way travel time of the EM wave transmitting downward to a par- data was simplified to three components: (1) a dewow filter to
ticular reflector (Annan and Davis, 1976) (Fig. 2b). Common offset remove the low frequency noise and DC signal component; (2) a
surveys use a transmitting and receiving antenna held at a fixed time zero correction to remove the lag between the triggering of
distance from each other that move incrementally along a survey the signal and the recording of the first arrival; and (3) an exponen-
line (Fig. 2c) (Dominic et al., 1995; Kruse et al., 2000; Grasmueck tial gain filter to amplify the signal with depth (e.g., gain value of 2
et al., 2004; Neal, 2004). Common offset profiles are the most com- and exponent of 0.2).
mon display of GPR data because they resemble a geologic cross A common midpoint velocity analysis was conducted using
section where the depth scale is expressed as a two-way travel Reflex W™ software, and consisted of manually picking the arrival
time (Fig. 2d). The unique presence of numerous hyperbolic time for the first negative break of the EM wave for each trace

Fig. 2. (a) Diagram of common midpoint (CMP) method of data acquisition by moving transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) antennas at regular intervals or stations; (b)
example of CMP survey showing a series of hyperbolic-shaped reflectors resulting from the increased two-way travel time of EM wave from Tx to reflectors and then back to
Rx as antennas are separated; (c) diagram depicting the common offset (CO) method and showing the synchronous movement of Tx and Rx antennas at three different
acquisition locations or stations; and (d) example of CO data profile. Note prominent hummocky configurations (between 110 and 150 ns) and contorted reflections (between
130 and 135 ns).
G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236 227

along a particular reflected wavelet event in the profile. Reflection erðbÞ ¼ ðc=v Þ2 ð2Þ
events were chosen to match known sedimentary interfaces in the
Miami Limestone and Fort Thompson Formation. Reflection events where c is the constant for the velocity of an EM wave in a vacuum
were used to calculate the root-mean-square velocity of the EM (0.3 m ns1), and v is the bulk EM velocity (m ns1) estimated from
waves from the ground surface to each reflector using a linear the GPR data. The complex refractive index model (CRIM) (Birchak
regression routine. Error estimation in the common midpoint data et al., 1974) is used herein to convert the bulk relative dielectric
was calculated using the procedure outlined in Parsekian et al. permittivity (dimensionless), into porosity. The CRIM is a three-
(2010) and based on methods in Jacob and Hermance (2004), phase dielectric mixing model that expresses the bulk relative
which calculate the standard deviation of the model parameters dielectric permittivity (er(b)) as:
for velocity and depth of each reflector. The 95% confidence limits earðbÞ ¼ /Sw earðwÞ þ ð1  /ÞearðsÞ þ /ð1  Sw ÞearðaÞ ð3Þ
of those values were then determined using a Student’s t-test and
converted from confidence limits to interval confidence limits by where er(s) is the relative dielectric permittivity of limestone or the
propagation of errors through the Dix equation (Dix, 1955). Error solid phase, er(a) and er(w) are the relative dielectric permittivity of
values are provided on all 1-D model plots. air (1) and water (79), respectively, based on an average water tem-
A velocity analysis for all common offset data also was com- perature in the Biscayne aquifer of 23 °C (Buchner et al., 1999;
pleted using Reflex W™ to estimate diffraction velocities by fitting Renken et al., 2008), / is the porosity, and Sw is the water satura-
a user-defined hyperbolic function to the diffraction geometry in tion (values between 0 and 1, with 1 representing fully saturated
the radar profile. To further aid comparison, the diffraction analyses conditions). The exponent a represents the geometrical factor,
were conducted at geographic locations where common midpoints thereby accounting for the orientation of the electrical field with
also were collected. Measurement error for the hyperbolic diffrac- respect to the geometry of the limestone, with values between
tions was calculated with a routine developed by ReflexW™ soft- 1 and 1.
ware, (Karl Sandmeier, Sandmeier Scientific Software, personal There are two main sources of uncertainty in the application of
communication), and consisted of picking the lowest and highest the CRIM to EM wave velocity data, the dielectric permittivity of
velocity possible to fit each particular hyperbola. An average veloc- limestone and the exponent a. The dielectric permittivity of lime-
ity is assumed for each hyperbola, but the minimum and maximum stone (i.e. solid phase), was not measured directly in the study and
velocities are considered for estimating the error in the resulting therefore a range of values reported in the literature was assumed
values. Estimated errors reached were less than 5.0% in all cases. (4–11) (Cassidy, 2009; Reynolds, 2011). Porosity is dependent on
Velocities estimated from both GPR common offsets and com- EM wave velocity and porosity variability is typically minimized
mon midpoints represent bulk values that account for the traveling at lower velocities throughout a range of solid dielectric permittiv-
distance of the EM wave from the surface to each particular reflec- ity of limestone ranging from 4 to 11 (Cassidy, 2009; Reynolds,
tor and then to the receiver. The Dix equation (Dix, 1955) was 2011). A median value of 7.5 for the dielectric permittivity of lime-
applied to estimate vertical changes in velocity within the column stone is assumed for purposes of this investigation. The two
and allows for the estimation of EM wave interval velocity extreme values for the exponent a is another source of uncer-
between two reflectors in a vertical sequence: tainty, whereas, 1 and 1, are opposite ends of the spectrum;
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 is related to the harmonic average or arrangement of dielectric
v 2n tn  v 2n1 tn1 components in series, and 1 is the arithmetic average or arrange-
v i;n ¼ ð1Þ
t n  t n1 ment of dielectric components in parallel (Chan and Knight, 2001).
A value of 0.5 has been found applicable to most geologic materi-
where v is the EM wave velocity, t is the two-way travel time, and als in the 100–1000 MHz range encountered by most GPR and
subscript n refers to the reflector number in the sequence of time domain reflectometry (TDR) studies (Birchak et al., 1974;
reflectors. Roth et al., 1990; Knoll, 1996; West et al., 2003) and it is used
3.3. Rock core data One additional source of uncertainty is related to the position of
the water table below the ground surface and the fact that the EM
GPR measurements were constrained by applying known wave travels through a section of unsaturated material within the
depths to geologic contacts. Profiles were collected adjacent to a limestone column. This uncertainty was minimized by accounting
test corehole (G-3740, Figs. 1c and 3a) and a test borehole (G- for the depth of the water table measured directly at wells G-3740
3762, Figs. 1c and 3a), both drilled as part of a previous study and G-3762 during data collection, and by assuming an average
(Cunningham et al., 2004a). Depths to the upper cyclostatigraphic velocity value for the unsaturated part of the column. The average
boundaries of HFC 4 and HFC 3b were used to constrain depth to unsaturated EM wave velocity for the limestone column was calcu-
contacts and to estimate EM wave velocity to the depth of the lated from the ground wave in the nine common midpoint surveys.
reflector in the GPR data (Fig. 3b and d). The ground wave is not a reflection, but a direct wave with a linear
Cunningham (2004) used whole-core helium-porosity methods relationship between distance between antennas and travel time.
to measure porosity values for five whole-core samples acquired The slope of this relationship represents an estimate of the EM
from test corehole G-3740. Measured porosities ranged between wave velocity for the topmost portion of the column and is
7.1% and 41.8% (Fig. 3b). Nomenclature for pore size classes is assumed here as representative of the velocity for the unsaturated
based on Choquett and Pray (1970, p.247), e.g. ‘‘megapore’’ is used portion of the column, however a water saturation term (not avail-
for ‘‘equant to equant-elongate pores whose average diameter is able here), would be needed in order to properly quantify porosity
larger than 4 mm, and for tubular or platy pores whose average using the CRIM model along the unsaturated portion. Travel time
cross-sectional diameter or thickness is larger than 4 mm.’’ corresponding to the unsaturated part of the column using the
average ground wave velocity, was then isolated and subtracted
4. Petrophysical modeling from the total travel time using the Dix equation (Eq. (1)), since
porosity estimates account only for fully saturated conditions.
Limestone is assumed to be a low-loss material, such that electri- After accounting for all corrections and using the interval velocity
cal conductivity and magnetic properties are negligible, and the bulk returned from the Dix equation, porosity using the CRIM under
dielectric permittivity can be defined by the following equation: fully saturated conditions is measured as:
228 G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236

Fig. 3. (a) Common offset profile along Line 1 at the Long Pine Key Nature Trail study area (Fig. 1), showing the location of the USGS test corehole G-3740 and test borehole
G-3762 (vertical gray bars), and reflectors R1, R2 and R3 corresponding to reflection surfaces of the HFC 4 top, and inter-HFC reflectors of HFC 4, and HFC 3b, respectively. Note
the velocity sag area between 110.0 and 160.0 m distance along the transect characterized by a hummocky clinoform with a centrally located contorted reflector outlined by
black rectangles; (b) digital optical image log of borehole wall in the USGS test corehole G-3740 with arrows marking the R1, R2 and R3 reflections and locations (*) of five
whole-core laboratory helium-porosity values reported by Cunningham (2004); (c) subset of the Common Offset profile (shown in Fig. 3a) showing two-way travel time (ns)
and the numerous hyperbolic diffractions highlighted (with associated bulk electromagnetic velocities in m ns1) found within the profile; (d) digital optical image log of
borehole wall in the USGS test borehole G-3762 with arrows marking the R1, R2 and R3 reflection interfaces of the top of HFC 4, and inter-HFC 4 and 3b reflectors
respectively; and e) subset of Common Offset profile (3a). Profile subset is centered along test borehole G-3762 and shows reflectors R1, R2 and R3, and a close-up of the
velocity sag area. In addition, a sample of diffraction hyperbolas along with their corresponding bulk electromagnetic wave velocities are also highlighted.

ððc=v Þ2 Þ  earðsÞ 5. Experimental design
/¼ ð4Þ
rðwÞ  earðsÞ
Two GPR common offset transects (Line 1 and Line 2) were col-
(see Eqs. (2) and (3) for definition of terms). lected at the Long Pine Key Nature Trail study area (see Fig. 1c).
G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236 229

Line 1 coincides with a GPR profile collected by Cunningham illustrate the correspondence between GPR reflectors, velocity esti-
(2004), and was approximately 2 m from test corehole G-3740 mates, and high frequency cycles at two contrasting locations
and about 5 m from borehole G-3762. The Line 1 transect was col- where lithology is well constrained with direct sampling. CMP 1
lected in 0.1 m increments in order to maximize lateral resolution, located at test corehole G-3740 (Fig. 4a) and CMP 2 located at test
over a total length of 200 m. Line 2 extended Line 1 westward borehole G-3762 (Fig. 4d) show an airwave, a linear ground wave,
approximately 600 m and was collected in 0.2 m increments in and a series of reflectors where R1 corresponds to the top of HFC 4;
order to maximize time efficiency. All data traces were stacked 32 R2 and R3 correspond to inter-HFC reflectors for HFC 4 and HFC 3b,
times to increase the signal to noise ratio, and the sampling time respectively. Estimated bulk velocities for each reflector also are
window was set to 400 ns, resulting in a penetration depth of shown for each reflector (Fig. 4a and d).
approximately 6.5 m. A total of nine common midpoints (CMPs) The 1-D velocity models (Fig. 4b and e) show interval velocities
were collected at approximately equally distributed locations along (after Dix equation) and porosity estimates (after application of the
Line 1 and Line 2 (see Fig. 1c) to target potential areas of dissolution CRIM model). The 1-D models also show error bars corresponding
versus non-dissolution as inferred from the common offset surveys. to the estimated error in both depth and velocity as noted in the
CMP 1 and 2 were collected at 53 m and 132 m, respectively, along velocity analysis methods. Due to uncertainty in the saturation of
the common offset and coincided with the locations of test corehole the limestone above the water table, the portion of the vertical col-
G-3740 and test borehole G-3762. The remaining seven common umn corresponding to unsaturated material in the 1-D models is
midpoints were collected at a distance along the survey transect shaded in Fig. 4b and e, reflecting the inability of the CRIM model
as follows: CMP 3 at 210 m, CMP 4 at 330 m, CMP 5 at 380 m, to estimate porosity when saturation is unknown. Despite this lim-
CMP 6 at 420 m, CMP 7 at 510 m, CMP 8 at 570 m, and CMP 9 at itation, an average ground wave velocity of 0.082 m ns1 (repre-
680 m. This spacing was designed to investigate vertical changes sentative of the EM wave traveling directly through the ground)
in velocity and lateral changes in geology based on variations was retrieved from CMP analysis and was used to estimate poros-
within the reflection record seen in the common offset data set. ity under fully saturated conditions. The 1-D model for CMP 1
(Fig. 4b) shows an interval between 1.8 and 2.6 m with a velocity
6. Results of 0.069 m ns1, followed by a slight decrease in velocity in the
interval between 2.8 and 4.1 m (0.067 m ns1) and a slight increase
6.1. Ground penetrating radar common offset data between 4.1 and 5.2 m (0.073 m ns1). In comparison, CMP 2
shows a variation in both the travel time to the three reflectors,
At the Long Pine Key Nature Trail Site a common offset transect increased by 6.0, 21.0 and 22.0 ns respectively, and interval veloc-
was collected to assess the lateral continuity of GPR reflectors and ities of 0.066, 0.068, and 0.059 m ns1 for the intervals of 1.8 to
their correlation to known HFCs in the Miami Limestone (Fig. 3). 3.25 m, 3.25 to 4.5 m and 4.5 to 6.0 m respectively. The area of
Fig. 3a corresponds to common offset Line 1, and shows three low velocity described in CMP 2 below 4.5 m depth (indicated with
prominent reflectors indicated with arrows R1 thru R3. Based on an arrow in Fig. 4d) coincides with the sag area previously
the results from test corehole G-3740 (Fig. 3b) and test borehole described (Fig. 3a).
G-3762 (Fig. 3d), R1 corresponds to the top of the HFC 4, whereas
R2 and R3 correspond to inter-HFC reflectors for HFC 4 and HFC 3b 6.3. Comparison of porosity estimates
respectively. Two gray vertical bars, at 32 m and 132 m distance
along the transect mark the location of the test corehole G-3740 Interval velocities were calculated using travel times as mea-
and test borehole G-3762, respectively (Fig. 3c and e). Note that sured from the land surface datum to the reflectors R1 and R3 near
Fig. 2d provides a clean copy of Fig. 3e radargram. Notably, the test corehole G-3740 and test borehole G-3762 using the Dix equa-
reflection surfaces are neither horizontal nor at the same elevation tion, after which porosity was estimated for both the GPR common
across the entire survey. A slight undulation is indicated by differ- midpoint and common offset data using the CRIM equation (Tables
ences in two-way travel time to the reflection surfaces, ranging 1 and 2). Estimates for velocity and porosity from both common
from 1 to 7 ns. In addition, there is a reflection sag between midpoint and common offset acquisition techniques are consistent
115 m and 155 m distance along the transect, resulting in a down- for each of the two profiles. However, when the two sample loca-
ward dip for reflectors 2 and 3 (R2 and R3) along the edges of the tions are compared, marked differences between the test corehole
sag and a convex area with a contorted reflection in the center of and test borehole locations are shown due to the placement of the
the sag (Fig. 3a). To aid in clarity, two contrasting subsets of Line wells in areas of different porosity values. For example, estimated
1 are presented. Fig. 3c is an enlarged view of Line 1 between 28 porosity from the common midpoint along test corehole G-3740
and 64 m distance along the line showing an area away from the increases slightly from 27% to 29% from the top to the middle of
sag area, whereas Fig. 3e is an enlarged view between 110 and HFC 4, and then decreases to 23% at HCF 3b (Table 1). Patterns of
160 m distance along the line within the sag area. Both insets show estimated porosity for the common offset survey (Table 1) are sim-
EM wave velocity estimates from numerous diffraction hyperbolas ilar, with an overall decrease from 30% at HFC 4 to 25% at HFC 3b.
and result in a contrasting set of values that range between 0.065 An initial decrease in porosity along HFC 4 was followed by a sharp
to 0.099 m ns1 (Fig. 3c) and 0.046 to 0.102 m ns1 (Fig. 3e). For increase at HFC 3b (from 28% to 39% from the common midpoint;
clarity, only a small sample of the diffractions present in the data and 32% to 41% from the common offset) along test borehole G-
set is shown. The range of EM wave velocities estimated from 3762 (Table 2). Direct porosity measurements (only available for
the hyperbolic diffractions is lower at test borehole G-3762 test corehole G-3740) are similar to GPR estimates and also indi-
(Fig. 3b and c) than at test corehole G-3740 (Fig. 3d and e). This cate a slight increase in porosity from 25.5% to 32.5% as depth
change in EM wave velocity has implications for both the porosity increases along HFC 4, and a much sharper decrease to 7.1% at
modeling and the depth of the R2 and R3 reflectors across the HFC 3b (Fig. 3b).
reflection sag, as explained below.
6.4. Porosity estimation at larger scales
6.2. Ground penetrating radar common midpoint data
The estimates between the common offset and common mid-
A representative example of common midpoint GPR data from point techniques corresponded well; therefore, the common offset
the Long Pine Key Nature Trail site is presented in Fig. 4 to survey was extended and additional CMPs were collected. These
230 G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236

Fig. 4. Examples of common midpoint and common offset velocity data outside the velocity sag area: (a) the radargram for CMP1 at corehole G-3740, with the air wave,
ground wave, and reflectors R1–R3 shown with bulk velocity estimates (before applying the Dix equation); (b) 1-D model of interval velocity (and inferred porosity after use
of the complex refractive index model) of CMP1, showing the unsaturated zone and high frequency cycle (HFC) tops; (c) 1-D model of interval velocity based on hyperbolic
diffractions from common offset (CO) data. Within the velocity sag area: (d) radargram for CMP2 at borehole G-3762, with the air wave, ground wave, and reflectors R1–R3
shown with bulk velocity estimates; (e) 1-D model of interval velocity of CMP2, showing the unsaturated zone, high frequency cycle tops and a shift to lower bulk velocity
and thus increased porosity below 4.5 m; and (f) 1-D model of interval velocity based on hyperbolic diffractions from CO data, also showing the unsaturated zone, HFC tops
and the shift to lower bulk velocity below 4.5 m.

Table 1
Velocity measurements and porosity estimates at test corehole G-3740.

Reflector Depth to reflector (m) (b) Common midpoint reflections (c) Common offset diffractions
Interval velocity (m ns1) Porosity (%) Interval velocity (m ns1) Porosity (%)
R1 2.5 0.069 27 0.067 30
(HFC 4 top) (±0.002) (±2) (±0.003) (±3)
R2 4.1 0.067 29 0.066 30
(Inter-HFC 4) (±0.005) (±4) (±0.003) (±3)
R3 5.0 0.073 23 0.071 25
(Inter-HFC 3b) (±0.009) (±8) (±0.004) (±3)

Table 2
Velocity measurements and porosity estimates at test borehole G-3762.

Reflector Depth to reflector (m) (b) Common midpoint reflections (c) Common offset diffractions
Interval Velocity (m ns ) Porosity (%) Interval Velocity (m ns1) Porosity (%)
R1 3.0 0.066 30 0.059 38
(HFC 4 top) (±0.007) (±8) (±0.003) (±3)
R2 4.5 0.068 28 0.064 32
(Inter-HFC 4) (±0.002) (±1) (±0.003) (±3)
R3 6.0 0.059 39 0.057 41
(Inter-HFC 3b) (±0.005) (±4) (±0.003) (±3)

measurements were used to develop estimates of porosity at a composite profile from Lines 1 and 2 are recognized as the air wave
larger scale of measurement (greater than 100 m) and are pre- and direct waves, followed by ground coupling effects that obscure
sented in Fig. 5 with an 800 m long transect. In Fig. 5a, the upper- true reflections. Below these uppermost reflectors, the profile is
most set of 3–4 horizontal reflectors within the first meter in the mostly characterized by a sequence of laterally continuous parallel
G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236 231

to subparallel reflectors located between 0 and 110 m distance Fitting of diffraction hyperbolae (exemplified in Fig. 3c and e)
along the profile (Figs. 5a and 3a) that contrast with a sharp change along the profile (Fig. 5a) allowed for estimation of velocity vari-
in the reflection record characterized by a series of hummocky ability and the construction of a 2-D model of velocity based on
reflection configurations between 110 and 150 m distance along interpolation of velocity values (Fig. 5b). Variations in bulk
the profile and a depth of approximately 4–6 m. Similar variations velocity in the 2-D model range from 0.055 to 0.085 m ns1, corre-
in the reflector signature also are found at approximately: (a) sponding to porosities between 45% and 15%, respectively. Velocity
250–350 m distance along the profile and 110–180 ns (approxi- decreases with depth (Fig. 5b); isolated areas of lower porosity
mately 3.5–6.0 m deep); (b) 490–510 m distance along the profile occur near the bottom of the profile and are indicated in blue. An
and 150–180 ns (approximately 4.5–6.0 m deep); and (c) 590– uppermost reflection unit that approximately corresponds to the
650 m distance along the profile and 150–180 ns (approximately lowest part of HFC 5e lies beneath the unsaturated zone, and is
4.5–6.0 m deep) (Fig. 5a). characterized by velocities that range between 0.070 and

Fig. 5. (a) composite radargram for Line 1 and Line 2 at the Long Pine Key Nature Trail study area showing parallel to subparallel reflectors with a velocity sag consisting of a
hummocky clinoform with centrally located contorted reflection between 110 and 150 m along the transect and at 4 to 6 m estimated depth outlined by a black rectangle.
Additional black rectangles outline similar velocity sag features with hummocky configurations or attenuated reflectors. High frequency cycle (HFC) tops are labeled on the
right side of the figure, with HFC 4 and HFC 3b outlined in red and blue, respectively; (b) 2-D velocity model based on hyperbolic diffractions from the common offset data,
with corresponding porosity color scale key. Fig. also shows the location of the unsaturated zone and the locations of CMP 1 through CMP 9, and the tops of HFC 4 and HFC 3b
outlined in red and blue respectively. The 2-D model shows areas in blue that correspond to areas of velocity sag (characterized by hummocky configurations, black polygons
in Fig. 5a), or areas where large changes in the porosity are encountered. In addition, a relationship between porosity within the HFC 4 and HFC 3b can be seen as porosity
increases in the HFC 3b with increasing depth, and porosity decreases in HFC 4 near the cycle top; (c) Radargrams for CMPs 1 through 9; and (d) corresponding 1-D models of
interval velocity for each of the CMPs with estimated porosity and HFC 4 and HFC 3b tops marked. Velocity sags in the HFC 3b are generally related to lower velocities and
thus higher porosity estimates. Note that the HFC tops of CMP1 and CMP2 are from direct measures, CMP3 through 9 HFC tops are based on data from the G-3740 core. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
232 G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236

0.060 m ns1 and porosity estimates ranging between 25% and subparallel reflectors that in some areas become hummocky con-
35%. figurations or contorted reflections, and (3) areas with attenuated
Common midpoint data sets (Fig. 5c) were used to create 1-D reflection amplitudes and sag zones. In all cases, diffractions, hum-
models (Fig. 5d) of velocity and the CRIM-derived porosity to mocky configurations, sags, and zones of attenuated reflections are
investigate the correspondence with changes of velocity along interpreted as areas of low GPR velocity and increased porosity
the common offset transect. These test locations are marked with when compared to areas with parallel to subparallel reflectors. Dif-
black lines (Fig. 5b) and were chosen in order to show areas of con- fractions represent point reflectors caused by karst dissolution fea-
trasting porosity. Because it is only possible to estimate porosity tures. The data indicate that zones of increased porosity modeled
for saturated conditions using the CRIM model, the unsaturated by both the common offset and common midpoint techniques cor-
part (upper 1.8 m) of the graphs are lightly shaded to indicate that respond to areas composed of hummocky or contorted reflection
porosity estimates are uncertain within that area (Fig. 5d). There is configurations. Both of these conditions represent EM wave veloc-
an increase in porosity below 4.5 m depth in the 1-D models, ity pull-down areas due to dense touching-vug megaporosity, as
which corresponded with isolated low velocity areas in the diffrac- previously proposed by Cunningham (2004), and are not due to
tion-based 2-D model (Fig. 5b and d). These areas also correspond structural sags or collapse features.
with sag zones typically above the HFC 3b, and areas of attenuated
amplitudes in the reflection record along the common offset
7.1.1. Hyperbolic diffractions and discontinuous reflections and the
(Fig. 5a). This pattern is most prevalent in CMP 2, 4, 5 and 7.
relation to dissolution features
CMP 3 and 9 show a slight increase in porosity in the 1-D model
GPR velocities are mostly affected by the ratio of air to water in
coincident with a small low velocity area in the 2-D model. CMP
the medium because the two materials are at opposite ends of the
1, 6 and 8 show a slight increase in velocity and thus a decrease
dielectric permittivity spectrum (1 in air and 88 in freshwater). In
in porosity in the 1-D model that coincides with areas where no
saturated conditions, the presence of a water-filled pore space will
sags on the reflections were detected.
cause the EM wave to slow down; for example, at 0.055 m ns1
Velocity estimates from common offsets (Fig. 5b) and common
porosity is estimated at 45%. The same pore space filled with air
midpoints (Fig. 5d) are inherently different: estimates from com-
under unsaturated conditions will cause GPR velocities to increase.
mon midpoints are based on interval velocities after applying the
Hyperbolic diffractions are caused by sharp changes in the physical
Dix equation, whereas estimates from diffractions in common off-
properties of the subsurface such as contrasts in water content due
sets are based on average bulk velocities from the surface to a par-
to changes in porosity, or due to the infill of voids by either water
ticular diffraction. Application of the Dix equation to velocity
or air that contrast with the surrounding matrix, and result in point
estimates from hyperbolic diffractions is not possible because dif-
reflections originating from dissolution cavities (Neal, 2004). Given
fractions occur throughout the subsurface and are not stacked
the large number of diffractions recorded (Fig. 3c and e), the pres-
along a particular point as they are for common midpoints. How-
ence of point reflectors is most likely due to water-filled pore
ever, in some situations there is a distribution of diffractions that
spaces that result in decreases in the EM wave velocity. Large dis-
appear vertically through the data set, much like a series of reflec-
solution features may disrupt the continuity of reflections and
tors from a CMP, so that an approximation to average velocities
therefore could result in a variety of non-parallel reflectors in the
with depth along an average positioning is possible, and the Dix
GPR reflection record or even create areas where the amplitude
equation can be applied. For example, a 1-D model of velocity after
may be attenuated (Mitchum et al., 1977; Neal, 2004). The hum-
application of the Dix equation at test corehole G-3740 and test
mocky and contorted reflection configurations are consistent with
borehole G-3762, respectively, produces average hyperbolas
reflections from non-planar surfaces, such as those found in an
within a range of 6 m at five particular depths coincident with
eroded or highly karstified surface, or from areas where higher lev-
those in the common midpoint data (Fig. 4e and f). The models
els of amplitude attenuation are present (Mitchum et al., 1977;
are compared to those from common midpoints after application
Neal, 2004; Reynolds, 2011).
of the Dix equation (Fig. 4e and f) and indicate a strong correspon-
dence. Unfortunately, use of the approach was not possible for the
other common midpoint locations (Fig. 5c) because there were too 7.1.2. EM wave velocity pull down and the relation to areas of
few diffractions with which to compare the estimates of porosities enhanced porosity
from common offsets. Two simple velocity estimations for reflector 2 (R2 in Fig. 3c and
e) indicate that a velocity pull down is the most plausible explana-
tion for the sag feature in Fig. 3a and e, as previously proposed by
7. Discussion
Cunningham (2004). At R2 along test corehole G-3740 (Fig. 3b), if
the average depth is 4.1 m and the two-way travel time is 115 ns
Common offset ground penetrating radar is a useful technique
(as confirmed from GPR data), then the average interval velocity
in the estimation of porosity in near-surface carbonates when
is 0.071 m ns1 at that well (Fig. 3a and c). This velocity is similar
numerous dissolution features create hyperbolic diffractions. Com-
to interval velocities estimated between the ground surface and R2
parisons of porosity between the common offset and common
from both common offsets (ranging between 0.069 and
midpoint show similar and consistent results. Although common
0.073 m ns1) and common midpoints (0.069 m ns1) (Figs. 3c
midpoints are the standard GPR technique for velocity estimation,
and 4a, respectively). If the two-way travel time is approximately
common offsets provide the ability to assess EM wave velocity var-
160 ns between the ground surface and R2 at the deepest part of
iability and detect sag features more quickly.
the sag (Fig. 3e) and the true depth of R2 is 4.1 m, the calculated
interval velocity between the ground surface and R2 is
7.1. Imaging of dissolution features in the Miami Limestone and Fort 0.051 m ns1. This estimated velocity also is similar to interval
Thompson Formation using GPR velocity estimates from common offsets within the sag area, which
ranged from 0.046 to 0.047 m ns1. These results indicate that: (1)
GPR profiles collected throughout the Miami Limestone and the the sag structure in the reflector record can be explained by con-
upper part of the Fort Thompson Formation in the study area are sidering that reflectors are being pulled down because of a low
characterized by the unique occurrence of: (1) a large number of velocity (high porosity) area but are approximately horizontal in
hyperbolic diffractions, (2) relatively continuous parallel to reality; and (2) that similar low velocities along the sag area are
G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236 233

confirmed from both common offset and common midpoint saturation is 29–31%. When partially saturated conditions are con-
surveys. sidered, porosity estimates are reasonable for two reasons: (1) esti-
mated values of porosity are well within the ranges of reported
7.2. Porosity estimation in the Miami Limestone using GPR and porosity (50.6% and 41.8%) from whole core laboratory porosity
limitations of the method measurements from G-3740 at the top and bottom of the HFC 5e,
respectively (Cunningham, 2004); and (2) previous studies investi-
GPR common offset techniques were shown to be an effective gating the water content in the capillary fringe in soil-filled
and less time-consuming method of estimating lateral changes in trenches in the Miami Limestone have shown that moisture content
EM wave velocity and thus porosity, for the Miami Limestone and ranged between 24% and 43% (Barquin-Valle et al., 2011), and are
Fort Thompson Formation in the upper saturated part of the Bis- well within the range of conditions in this study. Finally, it is impor-
cayne aquifer, which is characterized by a large number of hyper- tant to consider the uncertainties involved in some of the constants
bolic diffractions. The common midpoint technique is widely used used in the model, and particularly the solid dielectric permittivity
to investigate subsurface changes in EM wave velocity, but by com- (Fig. 6). Uncertainty is minimized for lower velocities (and thus
parison it is substantially more time consuming. As an example, high porosities), but it increases substantially at higher velocity
nine common midpoint surveys across Lines 1 and 2 were collected (or low porosity). This may in part be the reason that low porosity
in 0.10 m increments over a distance of 10–18 m, and took about 6 values seem to be poorly modeled with this GPR approach.
hours to complete by a group of three people for a total of about 18
person-hours. The common offset technique, which typically is not
7.3. Effect of scale and support volume on porosity estimation
used for the characterization of subsurface EM wave velocity, was
conducted by one person and took approximately 2 hours to com-
Previous studies have discussed the potential efficacy of point
plete along Line 1 (collected by placing the antenna with direct con-
measurement methods at different scales of investigation, and
tact on the ground every 0.1 m for 200 m), and about 1 hour along
have shown that as scales increase, point data sets may not be suf-
Line 2 (collected by keeping antennas above the ground at 0.2 m
ficient for characterization; as a result, multiple scales of measure-
trace spacing for approximately 600 m) for a total of about 3 per-
ments may be required (Ford and Williams, 1989; Smart, 1999;
son-hours. Common offsets in areas with numerous point reflec-
Worthington, 1999; Bakalowicz, 2005). Robinson et al. (2008) sta-
tors, such as the Miami Limestone, show great potential for
ted that geophysical methods may prove most useful in groundwa-
quickly estimating lateral changes in porosity distribution.
ter research compared to other methods because multiple spatial
The GPR common offset approach presented herein, however,
scale measures can be collected to fill gaps in measurements at
does have several limitations. Estimates of porosity for the satu-
intermediate scales. In karstic environments, characterizations
rated part of the subsurface (HFC 4 and HFC 3b) are consistent
are even more difficult due to the prevalence of extreme variability
between the two independent GPR methods used (Tables 1 and
in the hydrologic properties of the subsurface beyond the pore
2), and similar to helium-porosity measurements of two whole-
scale. In order to find a statistically significant means of measuring
cores acquired from the limestone of the HFC 4 in test corehole
porosity and permeability in heterogeneous media, authors have
G-3740. For example, the porosity values of the two cores are
sought to determine the representative elementary volume (REV)
25.5% and 32.5% (Fig. 3b), whereas GPR porosity estimates range
for vuggy carbonates (Nordahl and Ringrose, 2008; Vik et al.,
from 29% to 30% (Table 1). The highest GPR-derived porosity values
2013). Research has shown that as sample sizes increase, variabil-
were expected in HFC 5e because two whole-core measurements
ity in the measurement decreases and average values between
reported by Cunningham (2004) (Fig. 3b) from test corehole G-
small samples are similar to values derived from larger values
3740 have values of 41.8% and 50.6%. The average value of porosity
(Vik et al., 2013). These results suggest that large scale GPR mea-
measured on four whole core samples from test coreholes in north-
surements may represent porosity values more accurately as they
central Miami-Dade County is higher than any helium-porosity
are more likely within the range of the REV of the Miami Limestone
values measured for 65 whole-core samples acquired from rocks
than point measures collected at specific locations along a column.
of the Biscayne aquifer below HFC 5e (Cunningham et al., 2004b).
The research presented herein demonstrates the ability of GPR to
However, estimates of porosity derived from GPR measurements
in the unsaturated part of the 5e HFC are lower when compared
to previously reported whole-core measures. The use of GPR in
the unsaturated zone, corresponding here to a major part of HFC
5e, is hindered by two factors: (1) the inability to measure water
saturation and the likely gradation of saturation due to capillary
action, which makes application of the CRIM model difficult; and
(2) the presence of EM wave ground coupling in GPR profiles,
which affects the reflection record for the topmost 0.5 m. For those
reasons, the CRIM model is limited to the saturated part of HFC 5e
and is unable to estimate porosity for the unsaturated part unless a
saturation component is assumed.
Despite this limitation, the ground wave velocity values can be
used with reflections and diffractions from common midpoints and
common offsets in the upper 1.8 m to estimate EM wave velocity
above the water-table elevation. By rearranging terms in Eq. (3)
and assuming a range of values of water content in the CRIM
model, estimates of porosity in the unsaturated part of HFC 5e
can be derived. Using this approach porosity values can be Fig. 6. Plot of the Complex Refractive Index Model (CRIM) estimated using
obtained from the CMP ground wave ranging between 43.8 and saturated porosity values from this study (ranging from 0.04 to 0.09 m ns1) for
solid dielectric permittivity ranging between 4 and 11 (Cassidy, 2009; Reynolds,
52.8%, when water saturation is at 50% and 45% respectively, and 2011). Curved lines were fitted to show upper and lower bounds of porosity
from common offset diffractions closer to the surface at estimates for velocities typically found in the saturated part of the Miami
43.8% and 54.5% porosity when velocity is 0.10 m ns1 and water Limestone.
234 G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236

Fig. 7. Diagram of the changes in support volume related to measuring technique: (a) <1 m3 volume measures in geologic cores, with sample location (X) of porosity
measures (/); (b) support volume of 2–4 m3 in GPR common offset surveys; support volume is illustrated with the light gray spheroid labeled Fresnel volume 1, and the 2-D
foot print of that volume labeled Fresnel zone 1. Note that multiple sample locations (X) of porosity measures (/) are averaged within the Fresnel volume; and c) support
volume of 2–40 m3 in GPR common midpoint surveys (shaded volume illustrations are omitted for clarity). Note increased occurrence of sample locations (X) of porosity
measures (/) within support volume.

estimate porosity reasonably well for certain units while failing in of 2 and 4 m respectively, 1 m antenna offset, and 1 m width
others, particularly when changes in scale of measurement are (Fig. 7b). The common midpoint technique has sample volumes
considered. For example, GPR porosity estimates for HFC 4 along (omitted for clarity in Fig. 7c) ranging from 2 to 40 m3 given the
test corehole G-3740 were 29% from common midpoints and 30% same depth to reflector and dimensions. In contrast to the common
from common offsets (Table 1), and thus were almost the same offset measures, common midpoint techniques require the antenna
as the overall average porosity of 29% (n = 2) from whole-core spacing to increase at a given interval during the measure. As the
laboratory porosity measurements in unit HFC 4 (Fig. 3b). Alterna- antenna separation increases, the resulting velocity takes into con-
tively, the low (7.1%) whole-core laboratory porosity measurement sideration larger support volumes. A core-scale volume measure-
for HFC 3b from direct measurements (Fig. 3b) is overestimated by ment may provide the ability to characterize a small volume, but
bulk GPR estimates (23–25%) (Table 1), but corresponds well with the inherently small size of the core may result in under- or overes-
the arithmetic average based on two whole-core laboratory poros- timation of the core’s environmental properties. This inaccuracy is
ity measurements (Fig. 3b) for the entire unit (i.e. 23%). The differ- particularly true in highly heterogeneous environments such as
ences between estimates can be attributed to the fact that each the Miami Limestone. On the other hand, when support volume is
particular method implies a different scale of measurement and increased in the measurements, other problems arise. For instance,
therefore different methods sample a different support volume in the case of porosity estimation of the Miami Limestone, if the
(as defined below). Accounting for support volumes plays a critical support volume is equal to the size of a dissolution feature, a poros-
role when comparing porosity estimates from different methods in ity of 100% may be estimated. If the size of the dissolution feature is
the Miami Limestone, due to the highly heterogeneous nature of half of the support area, then average porosity may decrease to 50%.
this system. Ideally, and particularly for highly heterogeneous systems, the sam-
GPR waves consider a 3-D volume as the waves propagate pling method should account for the range of possible sizes and dis-
through the subsurface materials (Spetzler and Snieder, 2004). This tribution patterns of features within the subsurface.
support volume is known as the Fresnel volume, which is spheroid
in shape, and is reliant on the dielectric permittivity of the materi- 8. Implications and future work
als, the wavelength of the antennas used, and the depth to the
reflection surface. Alternatively, the Fresnel zone is a 2-D area This study has potential implications for: (1) the assessment
where the reflection occurs, and is elliptical (Fig. 7b). Thus the Fres- and modeling of flow dynamics; (2) potential routes of contami-
nel volume represents the 3-D equivalent of the 2-D Fresnel zone. nant transport; and (3) constraint of hydrogeologic flow models
The individual techniques used in this study will have dissimilar used in the Everglades Restoration Program. Moreover, this
effects on the support volume being measured as the transmitted research has implications for other near-surface karstic aquifers
EM wave travels through a 3-D volume (Fig. 7): (1) direct measures and shallow karstic petroleum well field systems where hyperbolic
(such as whole core laboratory measurements) differ from GPR diffraction-laden carbonates are present. Although this research is
measurements; and (2) estimated support volumes vary among supported both by direct porosity measurements and comparable
GPR surveying techniques, thereby resulting in differences in EM results derived from multiple geophysical measurements, further
wave velocity estimates and porosity. Core-scale measurements research concerning the suitability of the petrophysical model cho-
(Fig. 7a) are similar to those made from subsets of borehole images sen for this estimation and the validity of the assumptions made
or other direct observation techniques and represent smaller vol- for the values used in the model should be considered. For
umes from a larger sample. instance, studies at the laboratory scale that include GPR measure-
GPR techniques incorporate large support volumes and ments of Miami Limestone and Fort Thompson Formation samples
therefore estimates represent averages over large sample sizes. under fully saturated and fully unsaturated conditions can be used
The common offset technique has support volumes typically to estimate values of the solid dielectric permittivity for the rocks
ranging from approximately 2–4 m3 based on depths to reflector of both formations. Results of such studies will allow for improved
G.J. Mount et al. / Journal of Hydrology 515 (2014) 223–236 235

constraint of the CRIM petrophysical model and will further refine Annan, A.P., Davis, J.L., 1976. Impulse radar soundings in permafrost. Radio Sci. 11,
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Common offset GPR is a hydrogeophysical technique that has concept. Vadose Zone J. 10 (2), 675–682.
been used widely to characterize shallow, water-saturated carbon- Barr, G.L., 1993. Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar Methods in Determining
ate aquifers. The technique was used in the Miami Limestone and Hydrogeologic Conditions in a Karst Area, West-Central Florida, U.S. Geological
Fort Thompson Formations of the Biscayne aquifer to: (1) rapidly Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 92-4141, pp. 26.
Birchak, J.R., Gardner, C.G., Hipp, J.E., Victor, J.M., 1974. High Dielectric Constant
characterize 1-D and 2-D distributions of porosity; and (2) investi- Microwave Probes for Sensing Soil Moisture Proceedings of the Institute of
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We would like to thank the Florida Atlantic University Environ- Cunningham, K.J., Carlson, J.I., Wingardm, G.L., Robinson, E., Wacker, M.A., 2004b.
mental Sciences Everglades Fellowship Initiative for financial sup- Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneity using Cyclostratigraphy and
port as well as the National Park Service for work conducted under Geophysical Methods in the Upper Part of the Karstic Biscayne Aquifer,
Southeastern Florida, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation
permit EVER-2010-SCI-0012. This work also has been partially sup- Report 03-4208, pp. 66.
ported by the U.S. Geological Survey under the Greater Everglades Cunningham, K.J., Renken, R.A., Wacker, M.A., Zygnerski, M.R., Robinson, E., Shapiro,
Priority Ecosystems Science. In addition, this material is based A.M., Wingard, G.L., 2006a. Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and
borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst
upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida. In: Harmon, R.S., Wicks, C. (Eds.),
Grant No. DGE: 0638662. Tyler McNabb, of Florida Atlantic Univer- Perspectives on Karst Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Geochemistry – A
sity, provided valuable field support during collection of GPR data. Tribute Volume to Derek C. Ford and William B. White. Geological Society of
America Special Paper 404, pp. 191–208.
Andrew Parsekian provided the script used to process the common Cunningham, K.J., Wacker, M.A., Robinson, E., Dixon, J., Wingard, G.L., 2006b. A
midpoint data, as well as insight to the processing of the ground cyclostratigraphic and Borehole Geophysical Approach to Development of a
penetrating radar data. We thank Tara Root from Florida Atlantic Three-Dimensional Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model of the Karstic Biscayne
Aquifer, Southeastern Florida., Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5235,
University, Juan V Giraldez, Associate Editor and two anonymous
pp. 69.
reviewers from the Journal of Hydrology for suggestions that Cunningham, K.J., Sukop, M.C., Huang, H.B., Alvarez, P.F., Curran, H.A., Renken, R.A.,
greatly enhanced earlier versions of this manuscript. Dixon, J.F., 2009. Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the
The use of trade, firm or product names in this paper is for iden- karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform ‘‘super-K’’ zones. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 121 (1–
2), 164–180.
tification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by Dafflon, B., Barrash, W., 2012. Three-dimensional stochastic estimation of porosity
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