Writing Unit 1

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Vakulchyk 1

Yurii Vakulchyk

Instructor Simak

English 401, Section 422

September 1, 2020
Unit 1


Methods Universities Use to Help their Students Find Suitable Job

It is commonly a tough call for young people to find the job they are longing for. The

reason of this might be in an inability of education system to provide enough skills

and experiences to the students.

From my standpoint, education institution should provide the learners with

courses which would grant them the necessary qualifications for their future job. For

instance, English teachers-to-be should be given a chance to try themselves in an

interpreting courses. Thus young specialists might as well endeavour to work as an

interpreter, rather than just a teacher. This being said, additional courses might

become a solution to the lack of requisite skills or qualification for a specific position.

Plenty of employers nowadays are in search of an experienced worker,

therefore, besides additional courses, students should gain some work experience.

However, this is a rare claim these days. Young people cannot become professionals

by making flying visits to some random working places, which they found on a

summer holidays. To my mind it should be considered by authorities of the schools

and universities to give their learners the chance to grasp at their dream job.
Vakulchyk 2

Nevertheless, there is a major drawback, work experience programmes might

interfere with the school or university life of a student.

All in all, despite the fact that both methods are quite appealing to me, I

believe that the idea of launching additional courses would make a success among the

students and the teachers. As it gives a jump to young people and do not alloy their


Word count: 257

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