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-To talk about actions or events in progress at a time in the past: "The When you talk about things in the past, "when" is most often
telephone was ringing." followed by the verb tense simple past, whereas "while" is usually
-To talk about activities started and finished in the past, but we want followed by past continuous.
emphasized duration: "He was working all night" "I was studying when she called."
- To talk about an ongoing action in the past interrupted by a sudden "While I was studying, she called"
event:"She was reading the newspaper in the living room when you arrived"
- To talk about two ongoing actions were happening at the same time: "I was
studying while he was making dinner."


subject + was/were +verb+ing
I was crying
Past Wh..was/were + sujeto + verb+ing
What were you doing here?
Why was she crying?
You were reading this book
He was knocking the door continuous
They were waiting for you SHORT ANSWERS
It was raining. Yes, I was / No, I was not
Yes, She was / No, She wasn?t
NEGATIVE FORM STRUCTURE Yes, they were / No, they weren't
subject + was/were + not + verb+ing
I was not crying
You weren't reading this book QUESTION FORM STRUCTURE
He wasn't knocking the door was/were + subject + verb+ing
They were not waiting for you Was he watching TV?
It wasn't raining. Were they waiting for John?

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