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Instructional Objective:

Student(s) will divide polysyllabic words into syllables, apply rules to the letters in each
syllable and blend syllables together for word pronunciation.
Sentence Strips
Text: I am Rosa Parks by Rosa Parks
Index Cards
Tell student(s) that good readers use a variety of strategies to identify unfamiliar words in
text. Further add that one of these strategies is called the Syllabary/Analogy Method. This
strategy involves dividing words into syllables, applying a prescribed set of rules to the
letters in each syllable and then blending the syllables together to pronounce the word.
Show student(s) the cover of the book that you will be reading together (I am Rosa
Parks) and a sentence strip with a polysyllabic word written on it (segregation). Tell them
that the word on the sentence strip is from the book and ask if anyone recognizes the
Instructional Procedure:

Provide the student(s) with the information needed to decode polysyllabic words using
the Syllabary/Analogy Method.
Model how to divide a polysyllabic word into syllables. Review the following syllable
rules with the student(s) (printed on index cards for easy reference):

o A closed syllable has 1 vowel. It begins and ends with a consonant. It has a short
vowel sound.
o An open syllable ends with 1 vowel. The vowel sound is usually long.
o A double consonant indicates a long vowel sound.
o A single consonant indicates a short sound at the end of a syllable.

Show student(s) how to apply the rules that have been discussed and reviewed. Then
model blending the syllables together.
Guided Practice:
Present student(s) with another polysyllabic word from the book I am Rosa Parks and
assist them with dividing the word into syllables. Analyze the syllables together and
strategically select and apply the rules for each syllable. When the process is completed
for each one of the syllables, blend the syllables together to discover the correct
pronunciation of the word.
Independent Practice:
Have student(s) divide polysyllabic word(s) into syllables, analyze the syllables and
apply the prescribed rules to each syllable. Allow the student(s) to blend the syllables
together to discover the correct pronunciation of the word(s). As you proceed with
reading, I am Rosa Parks, have the student(s) apply the Syllabary/Analogy method to any
unknown polysyllabic words that they may encounter in the text.
Review the polysyllabic words decoded using the Syllabary/Analogy Method. Ask the
student(s) to explain the purpose of using the Syllabary/Analogy Method and its
usefulness as a strategy for discovering the pronunciation of unknown words.
Directly observe student(s) applying the Syllabary/Analogy Method to decode unknown
polysyllabic words as they encounter them in the text and have the student(s) explain the
procedure during these applications.

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