Project Development & Implementation For Strategic Managers

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Project Development & Implementation

for Strategic Managers

DAY 1 Jul-06 Introduction + LO1 LO1
DAY 2 Jul-13 LO1 LO1
DAY 3 Jul-20 LO2 LO2
DAY 4 Jul-27 LO2 LO2
DAY 5 Aug-10 LO3 LO4
DAY 6 Aug-17 LO4 LO5
DAY 7 Aug-24 LO5 Assignment Discussion

LO1: Be Able To Develop A Project

After studying this Section you should be able to:
1. Analyze the factors that contribute to the process of
project selection
2. Develop outline project specifications for the
implementation of a new product, service or process
3. Produce a specification for an agreed project to
implement a new product, service or process.

What Is A Project
“A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a
unique product or service,”
Projects are different from other ongoing operations in an
organization, because unlike operations, projects have a
definite beginning and an end - they have a limited

PMBOK , Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) 6

What Is PMBOK ,
Project Management Body of Knowledge?

Now in its fifth edition, the Project Management Body of

Knowledge (PMBOK) is a collection of processes and
knowledge areas accepted as best practice for the project
management profession.

By Duncan Haughey,

What Is The Project Management
Project management is an application of knowledge and a
process, which are used in order to ensure the success of a
project and achieving its goals and objectives using the
available resources within a certain period of time.

What Basic Attributes Should Be
Available In Any Project
Any Project has two main basic characteristics which are:

1. Temporary: Certain start and close. Not a nonstop process.

2. Unique: unlike in some significant yields from alike projects.

Open Discussion individually or in group work:
1. Please mention a famous project from your background
2. Please mention its main attributes.

What Are The Differences between
Project & Process

What Are The Differences between
Project & Process
Point of
Project Process
• Time limits • Temporary • Ongoing &
• Outputs • Unique Repetitive
• Resources • Temporary • Similar
& usage • Permanent &
upon need usage upon
basis procedures

First Comes First
• After lots of definitions and knowing the projects
attributes and the differences between it and the
process. Project management as a process has to start
• Project management is implementing knowledge in
some kind of process as we mentioned before. So we
have to get aware with this process.
The Process

Initiating Planning Executing Closing
& Controlling

• As we are in the first phase of the process, we have to

know that understanding the definitions and knowing
how to select a project are its two sub stages we need to
go through.
How To Select Or Accept A Project?
1. In order to have the suitable base of initiating a good
project management process, we have first to analyze
our main factors that usually determines any project’s
prospects whether it would be worthy and manageable
or not.
• We usually name those factors the main constraints.
How To Select Or Accept A Project?
• After analyzing those constraints, and they appear as
within applicable limits to initiate the project.
2. We will have to check the projects prospects again but
not for the first phase only “Initiating” but for the
whole process’ phases from Planning passing through
Executing, Monitoring & Controlling then through the
closing phase. 16
How To Select Or Accept A Project?
3. Finally, we will have to produce a profile of a project’s
specifications to implement new product or service.
• Those specifications as well have to be in complete
matching and relevant to all resources imputes.
• Eventually after all these three steps are completed then
the second sub stage (how to select) of the first phase
(Initiating) could be considered done. 17
Main Factors
Those factors (constraints) are quite enough and quite
basic to evaluate the feasibility chances of any project and
its potentials even in a preliminary form. Those factors are
Time, Cost, quality and in the middle of this triangle is the
Scope that is assigned for the expected results of this
Main Constraints




• According the previous tasks list recognitions, we shall
draw a time line schedule according the given time
• The only accepted limit of achievement of this
constraint is to finish all tasks on time.
• If time schedule diagram appeared as a non realistic
item, then amendment should be asked. 20
• Preliminary cost analyses could be very essential in this
elementary phase to know your direction.
• Comparing it with what will be available as funds in a
blink will be the second reasonable step.
• If comparison is not relevant, then accepting such a
project would be non sense.
• Inspecting the quality limits and restrictions in the pre
developing stage is a good idea.
• As Quality will surely affect other constraints Time and
• Do not imaginary think that quality issue is a side talk,
if the required level is way too high for your tools and
resources limits please don’t initiate. 22
• Its not mandatory that your team will be able to execute
all deliverables by themselves.
• But its sure important that all deliverables will be
delivered in the certain time, in the required quality and
within the applicable cost.
• All scope to be covered or no project could be
acknowledged done. 23
Open Discussion individually or in group work:
1. Please mention a famous project from your background
2. Please mention its main attributes.
3. Please mention its constraints analysis in detailed
Development Outlines
• This outlines are based on some basic actions illustrated
in the picture below analysis, design, implementation,
testing and evaluation. These outlines are standing as a
full revision for the project as whole.

Development Outlines

• In this step, we must make sure that the suggested

project could be implemented probably.

• We set up fundamental outlines for this

implementation, these outlines are basically forming the

harmonized results of the previous factors analysis.

Approximate Figures
• As long as the (COST, TIME, QUALITY & SCOPE)
constraints analysis results is promising, then we must
identify in approximate figures all supply necessities, as
a first rip in our outline skeleton.
• As supply chain is always involved in the corporate level
of management, so it should be discussed in this phase
to be represented probably In the project’s vision of
implementation. 27
• Secondly we should have a good scientifically based
estimation regarding the lifecycle of the project’s
implementation, which is considered as one of the most
important outlines we should have.
• Roughly evaluation of this lifecycle duration could be
useful but, it will be calculated in detailed figures in the
planning phase. 28
• As shown in the below figure, lifecycle estimation is
getting more accurate by the project’s development
outlines, designs and analyses are being more in actions.

• Assumed you have a mission to be accomplished by
constructing new type of silos in Egypt for the new
wheat harvest next may. Harvest will start by the
beginning of may 2017.
• So, as a supply outline you will need all necessities to be
available at site dead line by the end of August, as you
knew that this kind of silos take at least 6 months to be
finished in countries with high infra structure abilities,
so in Egypt we have to have extra 2 months as margin
for unplanned incidents.
Strategic Outlines
• Analyzing the direct and the indirect factors that are
affecting the projects implementation.
• SWOT for the internal factors, by identifying the
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
• PESTEL for the external factors, by identifying the
Political, Economical, Social, Technological,
Environmental and Legal issues. 31
Delicate Outline
• This kind of outline is to handle the most precious
resource in any project, which is the human resource.
• As per a brain storming during the initiating phase HR
needs and requirements could possibly illustrated.
• Noting, that the temporary attribute as well as the
unique of the implementation process of the project
will enforce special outlines for the HR. 32
• Assumed you have a mission to be accomplished
by constructing new type of silos in Egypt for the
new wheat harvest next may. Harvest will start by
the beginning of may 2017.
• That means our HR requirements is to pick up our
gangs in short period that will shrink our negotiation
space of time, so to be compensate in money.
• Also some of white collars, who will work in certain
rare specialties will have to pay them in a luring style to
bring them in time and to make them an attractive offer
to motive them to make themselves available upon our
schedules. 33
Open Discussion individually or in group work:
1. Please generate a development outlines for a project
from you choice or from your past or recent experiences.
2. For every outline you have to tell an evidence of
understanding its importance.

Specifications For An Agreed
• Taking things more into details and supposing we have
an elementary approve for a certain project. However,
we need to illustrate one specification in order to assess
this agreed project, whether to go or to non-go
• Then according the clear outlines were set up, then
specifications will be generated smoothly. 35
Specifications For An Agreed
• Therefore, we would have a great investment
opportunity in case we have development outlines
telling us that all requirements we are talking about,
nevertheless to forget to prove that those requirements
will be available in time within the needed limits of
quality and efficiency.
• Accordingly, our management project can produce a
clear well announced specifications list one of them
could be the expected revenue rates within the project’s
life cycle in a non reviewed or verified figures form.
One Last Very Important
• When Outlines is handling a very clear and well known
vision or a project’s concept, then the specification list
could be written down via the traditional project
management approach.
• Such as when we are talking about the concept of
building new Verna 2017 by GB factory in Giza - Abu
Rawash. Noting is new and no surprises should be in
action, even the USD rate raise in the Egyptian market
as long as the final customer will pay.
One Last Very Important
• Meanwhile, when NASA is intending to send a new
type of machines to a new Galaxy was newly
• Here We have the high-level outline of a vision, yet
there is disagreement among various stakeholders on
which features are most important. Accordingly, the
agile project management approach was invented to
give such a project a needed flexibility in handling its
outlines and specifications.
One Last Very Important

Open Discussion individually or in group work:
1. Please produce a specifications list for an agreed project
after mentioning its related development outline.
2. Mention the suitable project management approach for
the mentioned project and please mention the cause.


• After passing through the first phase of the project

management process (INITIATING) and
implementing all previous mentioned step and actions
using the suitable approach.
• We will be able to select the right project with high
stakes to get achieved in time within the required quality
and cost.
• Then we will be able to go to the second phase
(PLANING). To be continued…


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