Research Databases 40 %

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Faculty of Mathematics and Engineering Discrete Mathematics

Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz

Research Databases 40 %
Comparission Table
2020 - 2

Important specifications

1. Access to one of the databases of the University and base on the list at the end of this document
choose three articles.

2. Upload a PDF file with a comparission between these articles in which you submit the following

a) Tittle of the article and author’s names with details of the publication (journal, year of publi-
cation... )
b) In a short paragraph write what is the main idea of the article, and why you would choose it
in relation to your degree.

3. The deadline for upload the document is 13/09/2020.

4. The maximum length is two pages and it can be written in English or Spanish.

List of articles

• A Private and Finite-time Algorithm for Solving a Distributed System of Linear Equations.

• Heuristics for Link Prediction in Multiplex Networks.

• The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra.

• Descriptive Chromatic Numbers of Locally Finite and Everywhere Two Ended Graphs.

• Graph isomorphism: Physical resources, optimization models, and algebraic characterizations.

• Combinatorics of a Discrete Trajectory Space for Robot Motion Planning.

• Independent Sets of Random Trees and of Sparse Random Graphs.

• A complete list of all convex polyhedra made by gluing regular pentagons.

• Predicting potential drug targets and repurposable drugs for COVID-19 via a deep generative model
for graphs.

• Learning Color Compatibility in Fashion Outfits.

• Simplified Game of Life: Algorithms and Complexity.

• Neural Subgraph Matching.

• Generalized Permutohedra from Probabilistic Graphical Models.

• Combinatorics with Copula for Code based Post-Quantum Cryptography.

• Examining COVID-19 Forecasting using Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks.

• Curriculum Learning for Multilevel Budgeted Combinatorial Problems.

• Learning and Reasoning with the Graph Structure Representation in Robotic Surgery.

• Four Cubes.

• Alexander Polynimial and Spanning Trees.

• Graph Neural Networks-based Clustering for Social Internet of Things.

• Dynamic Social Learning Under Graph Constraints.

• Superpixel Segmentation using Dynamic and Iterative Spanning Forest.

• Network Flow Interdiction on Planar Graphs.

• Optimizing the Release of Passenger Flow Guidance Information in Urban Rail Transit Network via
Agent-based Simulation.

• Network Flows that Solve least Squares for Linear Equations.

• The complexity of genome rearrangement combinatorics under the infinite sites model.

• A multi-criteria multi-commodity flow model for analysing transportation networks.

• Modeling interdependencies in infrastructure systems using multi-layered network flow.

• Numerical simulation of air pollution due to traffic flow in urban networks.

• Traffic flow stabilized by matching speed on network with a bottleneck.

• Neural-network-based control of discrete-phase concentration in a gas-particle corner flow with op-

timal energy consumption.

• Minimun Cost Flow in a Network with an Overestimated ARC Capacity.

• Performance Analysis of a Cooperative Flow Game Algorithm in Ad-hoc Networks and a Comparison
to Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

• Superpixel Segmentation using Dynamic and Iterative Spanning Forest.

• Dynamic Traffic Congestion Simulation and Dissipation Control Based on Traffic Flow Theory
Model and Neural Network Data Calibration Algorithm.

• Arboles de decisiones en el diagnóstico de enfermedades cardiovasculares.

• Globally Solving a Class of Optimal Power FLow Problems in Radial Networks by Tree Reduction.

• The combinatorics of discrete time-trees: theory and open probelms.

• Quasi-variational equilibrium models for network flow problems.

• Numero cromatico, omomorfismi e colorazioni d’un grafo.

• The Combinatorics and Extreme Value Statistics of Protein Threading.

• Una breve historia de la computación en el siglo XX: las grandes contribuciones de los matemáticos.

• Algunos aspectos de la teorı́a topológica de graficas.

• Números computables y números no computables.

• The combinatorics of modeling and analyzing biological systems.

• Dimensión métrica de grafos infinitos.

• Heavy-traffic limits for stationary network flows.

• Combinatorics of combinatorial chemistry.

“It is not impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet of the soul.”

Sophia Kovalévskaya

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