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It's too late, Nate.


Hi, is this _________________?

My name is _________________ with the Take Back Our Schools Campaign, a coalition of parents, educators & students in
Northeast Denver and Montbello. Have you heard about our effort to recall school board president Nate Easley?

1. Easley has a conflict of interest

a. He is President of the DPS Board and Deputy Director of the Denver Scholarship Foundation at the same time.
b. DPS Superintendent Boasberg and DPS board member, Theresa Pena, also sit on the board of the Foundation.
c. As President of the DPS board, he is the employer of Superintendent Boasberg.
d. As Deputy Director of the Denver Scholarship Foundation, he is the employee of Boasberg.
e. He has influence over Boasberg’s employment and salary, and Boasberg has influence over his.
f. He has used Denver Scholarship Foundation resources to conduct DPS business.
g. Easley, Boasberg, and Pena vote/influence actions of both organizations.

2. Easley holds secret meetings in violation of the state’s open meetings law.
a. He didn’t publish public notice of meetings where school board policy was discussed or developed.
b. He misused the law in an attempt to publicly reprimand 3 progressive DPS board members.
c. He repeatedly violated the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) when he denied parents’ requests for school
finance records.

3. Easley doesn’t listen to the concerns of parents.

a. He voted for DPS to shut down, phase out, and replace public neighborhood schools with private charter schools.
b. He didn’t return calls or emails from many concerned parents

4. Easley misses many community meetings.

a. Between Oct 2010-Jan 2011 to discuss the future of Northeast schools
b. At Manual High School during the principal search process
c. In Montbello to hear parents’ concerns about school shut-downs

5. Easley votes 100% of the time with the Superintendent and corporate-backed board members.
a. He didn’t listen to the hundreds of Montbello High School students that opposed the phase-out of their school.
b. He promised to support public neighborhood schools, but voted to replace them with corporate charter schools.
c. He promised to support teachers; instead he supported their mass firings without a fair process.

Will you support our recall effort by:

____ Signing the recall petition
____Talking to others about the recall
____Getting others to sign the recall petition
____Passing out flyers
____Making phone calls

For more information email or visit get involved in DeFENSE, please call our Team Leaders:
• Montbello/Far North East – Jackie Skalecke 303-371-3811 | Northeast – Mandy Hennessy – 720-224-4125
• Spanish speaking parent organizer – Mario Ramirez – 303-526-8712
• Media Inquiries – John McBride 720-270-3527
Produced and printed by volunteers

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