Presentation: Name:: Giada Daniela

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Giada Daniela

Last name:

Rodriguez Valerio




Loyola Polytechnic Institute



Miguel German


Thrusday 18th, September 2020.


In the next document we will be looking at the Coronavirus or better known as Covid-19
as the main topic. Here we can find information, opinions and ideas, all different but with
the sole purpose of informing the world about the pandemic that we are experiencing

We will start with knowing what it is, where and when it originated. We will continue
with its symptoms, how it is transmitted, how long it survives on the surface, if there is
any vaccine or medicine to treat it, mental damage and how to take care of it.

Covid-19 is the most recently discovered infectious disease caused by the Coronavirus.
Both this new virus and the disease that causes it were unknown before the outbreak broke
out in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Currently, Covid-19 is a pandemic that affects
many countries around the world.

Symptoms of Covid-19.

The most common symptoms of this illness are: fever, dry cough and fatigue. Other less
frequent symptoms that affect some patients are aches and pains, nasal congestion,
headache, conjutivutis, headache, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, and skin rashes or color
changes in the eyes. Mild fingers that start gradually Some infected people have only mild

In more severe cases, the virus can cause pneumonia, kidney failure, and even death.

How is the coronavirus transmitted?

It is transmitted by person-to-person contact with someone infected (even if they do not

have symptoms). Therefore, the best way to avoid contracting this virus is by following
hygiene practices that include:

• Stay away from sick people.

• Maintain a minimum distance of one meter with the rest of the people.
• Wash hands frequently and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with an alcohol-
based hand rub.
• Do not touch your face, mouth, nose, or eyes.
• Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or folded tissue when you cough or
• Stay home and practice social isolation or quarantine.
Vaccine, medicine or treatment against Covid. 19

So far no medication has been shown to prevent or cure this disease.

Relationship between Covid-19 and animaled.

Covid-19 is a new virus in humans. The possible animal source of Covid-19 has not yet
been confirmed, but is being investigated.

How long does the virus survive on surfaces?

Various studies have shown that the Covid-19 virus can survive up to 72 hours on plastic
and stainless steel surfaces, less than 4 hours on copper surfaces, and less than 24 hours
on cardboard surfaces.

Mental damage caused by Covid-19

Fears about the virus's health impacts, concerns for family members, widespread social
isolation, economic woes and uncertainty have caused distress for people around the

This has had consequences on the mental health of some people and the cases of certain
disorders have increased and others worsened.

A recent survey by Mental Health Research Canada indicates that mental health has been
severely affected during the pandemic, and there has been a significant increase in rates
of anxiety and depression.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned in mid-May 2020 that the
coronavirus crisis and its consequences would affect the mental health of many people.
The organization explained that there could be an increase in suicides and disorders, and
called on governments not to neglect psychological care.

People who have been infected by the coronavirus and relatives who have not been able
to say goodbye to their deceased loved ones due to the Covid-19 disease have also been
emotionally affected.

People who have had or will have serious financial difficulties in the coming months have
also been harmed in this regard. The quarantine has caused many people to lose their jobs.
This situation has aggravated social inequalities and poverty.
People with prior mental health disorders are at significant risk for relapse. Children and
adolescents, who are used to going outside, can also have high rates of depression and

There are several reasons why severe coronavirus infections can have mental health
consequences, including the possible direct effects of the viral infection (including on the
central nervous system), the degree of physiological compromise (eg, Low level) oxygen
in the blood), the immune response and medical interventions. Other reasons relate to the
broader social impact, including social isolation, the psychological impact of a serious
and life-threatening new illness, concerns about infecting others, and stigma. These
common mental problems after the current pandemic. Psychology professor Carolina says
that young people are being seen with symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

A study has found that 22.6% of students in Hubei, the Chinese province where the
coronavirus outbreak originated, have suffered depressive symptoms. This is higher than
the average for primary schools in the rest of China.

Here are several types of creative personalities as affected:


Emotional people make decisions according to their feelings, they take into account the
opinions of others, being corporate sensitive. For emotional people, it has been very
difficult not to be able to show love to all their loved ones, through hugs, kisses or just a


This is one of the personality types of quiet people, with a special interest in
understanding how systems work. They are excellent at analyzing situations, finding the
problem, and providing practical solutions. Although they are reserved people, they are
also spontaneous and very observant. They have a penchant for high-risk activities that
fill them with adrenaline. Introverts were affected because many were unable or unable
to practice their activities, for example: skydiving, base jumping, mountaineering, rock
climbing, or rock climbing.

Extroverts are being greatly affected by the pandemic since they like to work as a team
and one of the preventive measures is social distancing. So they have had to unwittingly
distance themselves from their friends, some family members, and co-workers.


It is the personality type of the executive or inspector. It's about those people who like to
be in control; They are excellent managers of both things and people, they are practical,
they like to organize and manage activities. The pandemic affected these people because,
being something unexpected, many lost control of their jobs, companies or projects that
they already had programmed.


They are cooperative, expressive, sociable, popular and considerate people. They are
always there ready to help and take care of their close circle. Since they like their circle
to be good, they may avoid strong conflicts and are very diplomatic in their arguments.
Many of these people were affected as many were unable to help those in need.


In the same way, planners have also been very affected, these people usually organize,
plan and stick to a plan until they finish it. With the unexpected arrival of the covid-19
many of their plans were delayed as well as their plans were unfortunately changed.


We could call them the defenders and protectors of the group. They are caring, observant
and cooperative people who care about the welfare of others and it makes them really
happy to help those in need. Its realization is the safety of others.

The coronavirus is causing a silent earthquake in the art world. The magnitude will
depend on how long it lasts the crisis. But it is certain that the earthquake will leave
serious damage to the material - they are already beginning to be noticed - while it will
condition and spur contemporary creation. For now, the closure of all the country's
museums and part of those in the rest of the world disrupts the entire program of
exhibitions for the season, quarantines and blocks the transfer of hundreds or thousands
of works, anticipates an increase in the cost of future exhibitions and puts a huge number
of jobs at risk.

And although the artists have had a kind of blockage, Unesco has created a Creative
Enclosure, it is an event in a 100% virtual format, by remote connection, which takes
place from March 20 to 27, 2020 and calls the sector creative development of the city to
define in a participatory way strategic sustainable development actions that contribute to
offering answers to the moment of isolation and physical distancing that the world is
currently experiencing.

The event includes live presentations, reflection panels, creative challenges, artistic
competitions, digital concerts, among others.

Mental care during the pandemic

The confinement can cause us anxiety, and this can lead us to eat much more than we
need. Faced with a stressful situation, overeating is a fairly common reaction that our
mind can have; When subjected to a panorama of uncertainty, the body can put itself in
the mode "let's store everything we can, because we don't know what might come next."
Anxiety can lead to eating disorders in general, both loss of appetite and insatiable hunger,
as we mentioned earlier.

• Stay informed and take practical steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Get the data from reliable sources like the World Health Organization, your local
health department.
• Do healthy activities: Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night; eat a healthy, well-
balanced diet; do not smoke; drink no more than one alcoholic beverage per day
or none at all, as directed by your doctor; and finally, exercise your body and
mind. Meditation, walks, gardening, and exercise routines at home are good for
your mental health.
• Make sure you have at least a month's supply of the prescription and over-the-
counter drugs you need to manage your mental health and other conditions. Take
all of your medications as directed by your healthcare providers.
• Stick to your regular routines as much as possible. You may need to create a new
routine to take into account working at home, exercising indoors, caring for
grandchildren, cleaning, and other daily activities. Integrate old and new
enjoyable hobbies into your daily routine.
• Stay connected with your family, friends, and other support networks (faith,
hobbies, etc.). Having someone to talk to about your needs and feelings is vital to
mental health. Commit to contacting at least one person per day to maintain an
ongoing social connection via phone, or email, video conferencing, and social
media, if you have Internet access. Consider asking someone to be your support
partner for daily check-ups.
• Try as much as possible to be positive and enjoy the simple things in life. Many
people across the country are helping their neighbors and communities during this
crisis. After this pandemic is over, hopefully we will be stronger, kinder, and more
connected to each other.
• Help others, when it is safe to do, by supporting peers and neighbors, as well as
caring for the children of medical personnel who must be in hospitals fighting
COVID-19. Helping others gives us a sense of purpose and control in these
uncertain times.

Every idea, every opinion and every information seen in this work helps us every day to
cope with this disease. It gives us indications of how we can take care of ourselves and
the consequences that we would have if not. The essay shows us that even if we are
emotionally ill there will always be a way out and positive thinking is essential.

I also believe that we should continue to carry out the necessary measures to prevent covid
19, since by doing this we could take care of everyone around us, maintaining social
distancing, isolating ourselves, and maintaining the necessary hygiene for prevention.

There are very unconscious people who do not use a mask and do not follow any
preventive measure and that is why there are so many people infected by ignorance that
many people have. And so later they are regretting not having followed them, they should
read a little and stay informed so that if a family member is infected they know how to
take the measures to be taken, maintain proper hygiene and so on. We would like to
decrease the number of infected people and the death rate.

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