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reece SiC} 1a Work with a partner. Discuss the qué 1 Have you ever bought anything online? YS, 2 What kindof things would you buy online? Clothe jstions below. nove 3. What kind of things would you never buy online? | Aever™ DY e|leckronic clevices b Tellthe cass about your porners answers 2 Undertne the correct preposition to complete the sentences below. a Igave my bicycle for / to my brother. b Our boss bought coffee and doughnuts for / to us. © Can you prepare the report and bring it for / to my office? @ Jack lent his car for /tome. a ¢ Igota present for / to my sister. Please take this cup for / to the kitchen ‘She teaches piano for / to seven-year-olds. 160, Lesson 34 £2499 WY dnt you buy tulips or your mother? Valentine's Day ‘ou can show her yourlove with oss, Christmas <2 ae Your ends pan for Chrismas, ‘iskat the website above and answer the q es | What isthe website about? 1 pizza 2 travel z » What are some special occasions that you could use this! ‘ Have you ever used this kind of website? \) 0, | \tckat the website again and answer the questions below. , Fi cette wed Homer ais oa ae 8 Where do they deliver to? AN YWNEKE \¥ | What do they offer with every order? FES bk ( i. on 34 anguage Focus 5 Match the undetined words withthe words in bold te person doing the action 1 subject We give ou free box of chocolates with every order. 2, direct object ithe thing the subject acts on) 5 indirect object the person receiving zi ~ _ the direct object) nd an indirect object: es comes first. ‘Many verbs can have two objects - a direct o \derlined) and usually ‘The indirect object (in bold) receives the direct object (Un We promise you fresh flowers every time. Mark gave his mother a cake. th some verbs, we can use a preposition (usualy for or) and Put the direct object first We can make custom bouquets for you. | passed the ball to my teammate, les of verbs with two objects. the website in activity 3 again and find three exampl indirect object and underline the direct object. -es below all have one word in the wrong place. f sentence with the correct word order. emir bec i Listen to the words below. show do we say the underlined words when we speak naturally? } Igot these chocolates for my sister. 2. Igave my car to her. 3 Tbought dinner for my friends, 4 Is0ld my bike to my neighbour, > CHEEED Listen again and copy the pronunclation, coe 4 » You've Been chosen to be part ofthe frst group of humans to live on Mars. Unfortunately, you will never be able return home or take any of your belongings with you, Look atthe questions below and make a note of your answers. S\\_gaNe my Parenks al my manky | illyou give away? Who to? Why? | My rasney te usin be canst we oe) ak li2 y CelNohone And eq olan ith your money? Ac o chav ch opie? What will you buy? Who for: pestions in activity Sa. Write down your partner's answers elon» € > © @ leamenaich-rtencouncilorg/engish-grammar-reterence/double-objectverbs woe > English level test > House rules Feedback > Frequently asked questions > sign up for newsietter Total score is 11 out of 12 (92%) JA. scribe aqui para 9G _ @ leamengish tisncouclorg/enateh-orammar-efrence/double-objec verbs > Frequently asked questions rnb > Signup fornewsietter Total scores 34 out of 36 (94%) > fing an Englsn course near you Pictures at an E Introduction 1 a Work with a partner. Underine all the adjectives in the box that can describe how you feel Scere weet ae etre reins Peete cee. ee romantic scared scary sleepy Complete the sentences below with adjectives from the box. 1 Isawa s _film and now I can’t go to sleep! —he calls her ‘darling’ and always buys flowers for her on their anniversary. Instructions are really Confusiv) —tdon' nd them at all isquite_ pox wa —nothing happens in awake for 24 hours, and now she's xeally i, © Do you often fe b Tell the class about your § 164 Lesson 35 Talk about pictures ake someone feel make someone want £0, d, Josh, are looking at pictures in an art gallery. rthe pictures in the order they talk about them. Gp GED Bs tnny 1008 a pieure 17 CRY) pst I wine ty loo a pica 17, Rachel fos Be soo a plone 2? nache1 of fenen they look at picture 3? Rachet /fésk fen they look at pict we/Tooh my ay when they look at picture 4? Bechel/ Josh bey look at picture 4? Rachel/‘fos Lessom3s, aw PEUITEY haat ‘We can use make in different ways to tak about how something affects us emotionally. ‘make + someone + feel + adjective ‘The colours make me feel excited. It makes me feel confused. Roses make her feel romantic. ‘make + someone + want to + base form of the verb a Iemakes her wanttego to sleep. His clothes make mewant to laugh. itmakes me want to run away. 5 Use the prompts b Use each item only, a He hates making mistakes. It_ makes him feel embarrassed, b Hove sunny days. They always make me want to go to the beach. © She loves roller coasters.They T\OKE bec feel —xcet

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