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Unit 1.

Lesson 4: The Functions of Art

Functions of Art

Function is the practical usefulness of arts. Function of art can be classified into functional
and non-functional.

Classifications of Art According to Functions

1. Functional – has direct/physical use/obvious purpose
Ex. Architecture, some sculpture, weaving, etc.

2. Non-Functional—no direct/physical use

Ex. Paintings, some Sculptures, Literature, Music, Theater, Cinema

However, broadly speaking, all arts have function, for man and for the maker.

The Personal Function

 Art helps express one’s self.
 Art helps release tensions.
 Art soothes the heart
 Art makes us sensitive and responsive.
 Art educates our senses and sharpens our perceptions of colors, forms, texture, designs,
sounds, rhythms and harmonies in our environment.
 Art makes us aware of the beautiful things in life.
 Art makes our life exciting.
 Art makes us aware of other people’s feelings and thinking.
 Art helps us gain understanding of ourselves and others.
 Art helps us improve our lives.

The Social Function

A. Influence people’s behaviour

 Art influences the way we feel, think or act – causes us to laugh, raise our voice, to get
angry, etc.
 Art helps change or improve human conditions.
 Art helps express humanitarian concerns, ideological or political ideas.
 Art can be means to show protest against man’s inhumanity.
 Art helps change manners.
 Art helps enlighten our spiritual beliefs.
 Art helps elevate our morality.

B. Seen or Used in public situation/Display and Celebration

 Art helps commemorate important passages in society.

 Art promotes social activities or rituals.
 Art is used to celebrate important phases of life.

C. Social Description
 Art describes aspects of existence at certain periods.
 Art reflects the feelings, struggles and achievements of people.
 Art provides information about situations in the past.

Physical Function
Art has physical function if it is designed to accomplish its function to make our lives
physically comfortable, or if it is formed exactly right for its particular use. This may mean that the
form of this art follows its function, or the function of this art determines its form.

It differs from an ordinary functional object because it pleases the eyes of the user through
the harmonious arrangement of its formal elements.

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