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Arzadon IV, Quirino V.

A simple circuit comprises of a resistor linked to a network (sources) by wires. It can also
attribute the inclusion of switches which regulates the flow of voltage in the circuit. It is
considered that if there are multiple (two or more) resistors in a circuit, they are said to be
connected in a parallel or a series circuit. And electrical resistance, according to Nave
(2001) is the quantity that signifies how much opposition a matter applies to the flow of
current. Ohm’s Law states that the current yields a direct proportionality to the potential
difference between two distinct points. In a special case, with the resistance as the
constant, the relationship can be expressed as V=IR. As part of the experiment’s
objectives, the group was able to analyze series and parallel connections of resistors and
be able to determine and measure the current flowing through the resistor as well as the
voltage across individual resistor in the setup in line with the procedures given to make
sure that the data gathered is in line with the mathematics. The group was given with two
resistors having different amounts of resistances (10Ω for R1, 15Ω for R2).
Because the situations are different, certain conditions are to be considered. The total
resistance for series is different from the total resistance of parallel circuit. This is because
if the resistors are connected in series, their equivalent resistance is equal to their sum of
the individual resistances (provided that the same current flows through the resistors in
series) (Young and Freedman, 2016). While on the parallel connection, the equivalent
resistance is defined as the sum of their reciprocals of the individual resistances (provided
that the potential difference (voltage) between their terminals is the same).
During the experiment, there were two observations noticed in different setups: In a
series, the total potential difference (voltage) between the resistors varies from point to
point but the current is the same all throughout. While on the parallel, current flowing from
the given resistors varies while the potential difference is constant. An interpretation of
the phenomena (in series) suggests that as the current flows, there is a drop in potential
difference in each instance wherein current flows through each resistor thereby
registering different values in each resistors but sums up to how much V is applied with
respect to the battery. Another interpretation (regarding parallel connection) is that its
current varies with respect to the resistors. Unlike series, wherein the current travels in a
single path, parallel connections travels through multiple paths. Though voltage is same
because setup has it said that it is linked along the wires such that they are assumed to
have negligible resistance. Numerous trials were conducted to make sure that the group
was in line with the true value based on the equations handed out in the laboratory
Sources of error are relatively low, but the group considered the voltmeter as the source.
Since it is only the means of measuring voltage, its quality might not be as good thereby
establishing unlikely results, which is also why considering to re-do experiment trials is a
After the gathering of the data and the experiment itself, numerous conclusions to the
activity were deduced and are elaborated as follows:
The current flow in distinct resistors that is in a series circuit runs the same all throughout.
Meanwhile the potential difference drop (voltage drop) between each resistor varies.
Since the current travels in a single path, it is considered as flowing freely and is not
“used”. So the current (denoted by I) is considered a common factor to the following
circuit and from applying Ohm’s Law, we could deduce that the equivalent resistance is
the sum of the different resistances in the circuit which is proven true according to theory.
Another conclusion to be made is that in a parallel circuit, the voltage registers the same
value all throughout the resistors but only have differences in the values of their current.
This is due to the fact that the path in which the current flows are more than one. And if
there are more than one paths in which the current has to travel, the factor playing in the
distribution of I will be the amount of resistance in that particular path.

The implications of the experiment can be seen in the applications of electronics more
specifically in the aspect of the distribution of electricity in the appliances. During power
outages, we are often cited that we should remove the plugs in the sockets in so when
the power goes back, the flow of voltages in the house do not go in one instance thereby
causing an overload resulting in fires.

In accordance to the guide question, electrical appliances run independent on each other.
The purpose of the switch is to create a barrier that regulates the flow of potential drop or
even separating the distribution when that particular appliance is not in use. If appliances
are linked in a parallel connection, each of them can be switched on or off independently.
This is a characteristic that is significant in a house’s setup in wiring.

Also, if the appliances were set-up in series, the voltage across each appliance would
vary depending on the resistance of the device. This would make it hard to provide the
ample power to flow to the electronic devices.

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