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GRADE K ‘THEME 4: INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT AND IDENTITY. GRADE K TOPIC: ALL ABOUT ME hhim unique and special person. "ATTINMENT TARGET: The learner can recognise and explain characteristics about themselves that make LEARNING OUTCOMES CONTENT ACTIVITIES RESOURCES LO 1: MY NAME = Describe self in terms of name. ‘What is my name? First name. Last name Class Activity a) Playa game in which you describe how a child in the class looks or what he/she is wearing. b) Then ask the children to guess who it is = Distinguish between first name and family name, LO 2: MY PHYSICAL FEATURES: = Describe self in terms of | People have physical characteristics: Class physical appearances | height ‘Assignment: eye and a) Ask students hair color tobringa age photograph of racel him/her. ethnicity sex b). Draw portrait ofhis/herself to share in class: 10s: TAND OTHERS Tdentify and appreciate ways in which each individual is similar to and different from others. People share common characteristics People exhibit differences Peer Assignment: a) Students observe their neighbour. b) Discuss similarities and differences using the following categories: 1) Hair To show the importance and worth of all kind of work. i. Doctors wear a stethoscope around their neck for checking the heartbeat. ‘They also use a thermometer for checking temperature. iii. Gardeners look after the garden- the plants, flowers and the lawn. Other Examples of Careers: ‘Nurse Teacher iii, Police officer iv. Pilot v. Singer vi. Cook/Chef vii, Carpenter Discuss with students what they would like to do when they grow up. Followed by the reasons why: i, like to help others. 1 like to build things like to sing 1 like to travel v.__I want to buy things 2) Skin 3) Eyes | 4) Height LO 4: MY CAREER GOALS + Identify and discuss Discussion points: ‘Class Activity: | Photographs of career goals, Start by talking about the different things | a) Ask each people doing, people do fora living, such as parents and | studentto _| different jobs other adults in the family, The work they complete the | (desk jobs as | do is called a job. following | well as statement: | manual) Talk about jobs and the tools and duties | When I Grow up I they require. For example: want to be... the question shy? Wall Cha: After asking children what they would like to do when they grow “up. Construct a chart showing student’s responses to display on the classroom’s wall MY TRAITS AND TALENTS * Describe self in terms of Create a collage skills, talents, aptitudes that shows your and feelings, ills, and your accomplishments, ‘THEME 5: INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS AND INSTITUTIONS ‘TOPIC: THE COMMUNITIES TO WHICH I BELONG GRADE K ‘ATTINMENT TARGET: The leamer can demonstrate and understanding of the various groups to which b) Two Parent family, ©) Extended family | ) No adult family 1. First, draw and colour the family members who he/she lives with. 2. Next, write the names of each family member drawn. 3. Then, write the type of family he or she individuals belongs. LEARNING OUTCOMES | CONTENT ACTIVITIES RESOURCES LO 1: MY HOME AND FAMILY Discussion points: (Oral Presentation: = Identify members in a) Ask children to put his/her family Family a group of people. together a small poster or a collage Explain that the family unit is of family pictures made up of mother, father and with the help of . children ete. parents. b) Each child would | Talk about the different then get to stand up relationships between family before the class and members: talk about his/her 1) Husband/Wife poster. 2) Mother/Father | 3) Son/Daughters Class Assignment: 4) Brothers/Sisters ‘)_ Labeling pictures to identify different types of families. = Name the different types | Discussion poim Class Assignment: Pictures of of families Give the children a sheet | different family ‘The different types of famil of paper each and ask | types a) One parent, them to: iii, Take care of the family. iv. Put food on the table. |v. Provide discipline. - belongs to 4, Finally, share information with the class. = Describe the various | Roles of family members: Oral Present roles of family members. | a) Parents are expected to: (Oral account of his/her i, Earn income household ji, Provide love and advice. _| tasks. 6) Children are expected to i, Listen to the advice of parents. li, Love and care for parents, siblings and other family ‘members * Distinguish between the needs and wants of the family. LO 2: MY SCHOOL = State the name of his/her | Discussion points: school. * Tell the children the name of their school, Practise saying it together. = State the location of Parish Class Assignmer his/her school. Community /constituency ‘Ask the children to draw a picture of their school to share in class. = State purpose/function of | * Talk about the different things the school- a place to children do in school: learn and make friends. | * They learn to read, to count, to write "They also get to play with their ids. | "Describe the roles ofthe | * Tell the children that lots of | Class Activity: persons in the school. people work in their school. | a) Play a game of ‘I Example: spy” using persons (teachers, students, Teachers (Classroom) principal etc.) who Librarian (Library) ‘make up the school Principal (Office) community. Secretary (Office) Cleaners b) Ask the children to vi, Watchman/Security identify the people that can be found in * Discuss the work each one their school does. For example: i, The teachers teach. ii, The Librarian takes care of the books in the library. The Principal looks after the whole school and ‘makes sure everything that is needed is available. iv. The secretary helps the principal by answering the phone and typing letters. ‘The cleaners make sure that the school is clean for everyone. The watchman keeps guard to make sure that the school is safe. * Stress that the work these people do is very important, and we should always be polite to them. MY COMMUNITY) VILLAGE State the name of the ‘community/village/town in ‘Communities have unique features and special purpose buildings: which they live. 1) homes, 2). schools, State the location of his/her 3) businesses, community (e.g. near the 4) places of worship, sea/town/country), 5) libraries, 6) parks, 7). police/fire station, 8)_hospitals/Clinics MY COUNTRY = State the name of hisvher (Class Activity country Get children to say Identify and describe the national flag. Identify and describe the national bird, Recite and sing the first verse of the national anthem, Show respect for the anthem and flag by standing appropriately when being played. Recite the pledge State colours of the National flag. How and When do we show respect for the National Anthem and Flag? the first verse of the ") ‘Anthem, calling the words correctly in groups/whole class. Guest Speaker: a) Invite a Cultural Officer from the Department of Culture to discuss with students the different national symbols of SVG (i.e. flag and bird). Class Dise Discuss with the class that we must show respect for: a. The anthem when it . is being sung. b. The flag by standing attentively when it is being hoisted or Towered, Class, 7 Get class to: a. Sing verse of Anthem showing respect by standing uprightly b. Stand attentively during the hoisting ‘oF lowering of flag. Home Activity: ‘AS children to draw and colour the flag in their books. 10.0 CIVIC IDEALS AND PRACTICE. "THEME: MY RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILTIES "ATTINMENT TARGET: The learner can recognise an responsibilities. ‘GRADE K .d explain basic needs and values as well as rights and LEARNING OUTCOMES ‘CONTENT ACTIVITIES | RESOURCES MY RIGHTS = Demonstrate an understanding of | MY RIGHTS: the basic rights of children. a) The right to a name and nationality. b) The right to an education ©) The right to a healthy environment 4) The right to recreation/play MY RESPONSIBILITIES: RESPECT FOR MYSELF AND OTHERS Remind students that they and all other | Class A = Understand simple ways he/she | human beings have rights, but these ‘can show respect and appreciation | rights go with responsibilities. a) Look at the | for the rights, feelings and pictures that property of oneself and others in| An example of showing responsibility- show different school. scenarios, Demonstrate respect for self in terms of | Example: cleanliness, language and behaviour. 1. Two Respecting the rights, feelings and children property of others, have bumped Examples of individuals showing into each, respect that could be discussed: other. a) Thanking others 2. Two ). Sharing with others students ©) Covering your mouth when you are yawn, cough or sneeze meeting 4) Saying excuse me if you want each other. someone’s attention ©) Keeping your moth closed while | b) Then, discuss cating, with the £) Asking permission to use the things | children what of others is the polite 2) Giving compliments to others. thing to say/do Standing in line ineach situation | Children have classroom responsibilities Storv Corner: Choose and read simple stories about children who are rude and disrespectful. __| 4.0 POWER, AUTHORITY AND GOVERNANCE. GRADE K THEME: KEEPING SOCIETY ORDERED. ATTINMENT TARGET: The leamer can recognise and explain how the society Is governed, is political system and how citizens participate actively. LEARNING OUTCOMES CONTENT. [Activities RESOURCES RULES. * Understand the role of rules in_| Schools and classrooms have our society and how rules are shaped and enforced. ® List examples of rules at school and home. = State the reasons why rules are important, = State the consequences for breaking established rules. tules for all to follow. Rules are important: Keep people safe. Keep people healthy. Consequences: enforce rules AUTHORITY Tdentify leaders in the home and school. = Name leaders in the home and school. * State the role of the leaders at home and school. GOVERNANCE Parents Principal Teachers Community leaders police church leaders «Identify leaders in the country. * State the role of the leaders in the country. = Governments have varied roles and responsibilities. Government exist to : 1. create laws, 2. enforce laws, 3. help resolve conflicts Leaders in the country. Prime minister Governor general Opposition leader Social Studies Curriculum Revised Grades K-6

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