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Tugasan 3.6 (Kategori A) / Task 3.

6 (Category A)

Anda dikehendaki untuk mengkaji dan menentukan kepekatan larutan luar yang isotonic dengan
sap sel tumbuhan. Anda perlu menulis laporan amali tersebut. Laporan anda haruslah mengandungi
aspek-aspek berikut:

You are required to study and determine the concentration of an external solution which is isotonic
to the cell sap of plant cell. You need to write a lab report. Your report should contain all these

 Tajuk / Title
 Tujuan / Purpose
 Pernyataan Masalah / Problem of statement
 Hipotesis / Hypothesis
 Pemboleh ubah / Variables
 Bahan dan radas / Apparatus and materials
 Prosedur / Procedure
 Persembahan data / Data presentation
 Perbincangan / Discussion

Salin semula dan jawab soalan berikut dalam laporan amali anda. Rewrite the aspects and
answer the questions in your report.

1. From the graph,

i. State the concentration of sucrose solution which is isotonic to the cell
sap of potato/ cucumber/spinach cells.

ii. Explain your answer in 1 (i)

 Kesimpulan / Conclusion
i. restates the hypothesis with the value of external sucrose solution which is isotonic to the
cell sap.
ii. accepting the hypothesis
Results :


Concentration Initial length (cm) Final length(cm) Change

of sucrose in length
solution (M) (cm)
1 2 3 Mean 1 2 3 Mean

Follow student’s result


Jawapan Soalan Perbincangan

1. 0.45M. There is no change in the length of the potato cores because the rate of movement of
water molecules in and out of the cell is the same in an isotonic solution

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