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Different Genres of High School Debaters

Anjum Rajonno

When it comes to high school debates which are far more (Ok, maybe less) hilarious than our
parliamentary debates, there is a huge variety of debaters, each descending from a different
genre, ranging from the Pterodactyls to the majestic T-Rex. Let's have a look at few of these
many bunch of dinosaurs, I mean, debaters!

First comes the Triceratops, usually they are the runners-up of the previous year, who bring
out some really earth-shaking facts and IOS hard disks. But just as last year, they forget their
chargers and it's quite tough to get them working once you have drained their life out with a few
sharp arguments. So better luck next year!

The Pterodactyls are one of the most infamous bunch who are adept at making faces while
the opposition is at the dais for presentation and will swear to anything to prove their opponent
false, even if that includes declaring RICK AND MORTY the worst show on the planet!

With red eyes, bloated bellies and temper of pressure cookers, the Ankylosaurus come to
make a lot of noise and are a huge source of entertainment to the hoi polloi. AnKilos often dare
to slam tables, which is not penalized in wretched schools like mine, and this does budge some
young debaters for real.

Among the smartest group of debaters, the Velociraptors strike out in flying colours. They
speak their facts to the point and their arguments are up to the mark. But this category includes
a bunch of really diehard buddies who call up their best friend in the opposition the night before
the finals and supply "Hints", so as to make sure that their buddies don't end up losing too

Not to mention the best bunch of debaters are the Tyrannosaurus Rex, who end up filling their
closets with Best Speaker trophies even though their team lost the finals because they had a
Raptor in the house .They are never offended by the baseless lies of the Pterodactyls and
present a friendly smile after having trapped one such in their own mendacities . It is an
amazing sight to witness an AnKilo being squashed into a Frisbee disk by sharp arguments of
the T-Rex. They don't give a damn to the triceratops and draining the battery out of the T-Tops
is child's play for this majestic.

Now it's time that you figure out which genre you belong to and go blow out your opponent with
punch lines! And don't forget to befriend any V-Raptor you spot in the opposition, trust me, they
are the best buddies you can ever have!

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