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Anjum Rajonno
Across the realm of glorious sands,
With majestic pride the Great Sphinx stands;
Flourishing by, the enchanting Nile flows,
World's longest river in the sunshine glows.
Past its western bank lies the Valley of Kings,
An ethereal world of mystique it brings.
Had once been Pharaoh Tutankhamun's rest,
Epitomized in reverence with fidelity best.
Of Opet festival, if a glimpse to steal,
At Luxor Temple on the eastern bank of Nile;
The Step Pyramid of Djoser on this very land,
Is the first ever Pyramid of legacy grand.

Across the sand stretches Sahara's glamor,

Beneath the jovial sky with its elegant tenor.
Of Hatshepsut's valiant reign, a masterpiece by Senemut,
To Amun's glory, is the Temple of Hatshepsut;
This articulate souvenir lies below Dein el Bahari's cliffs,
Explore the exotic seascapes in the Red Sea Reefs.
The exquisite Hieroglyphics still mystify today,
In Karnak Temple lies the Precinct of Amon-Re.
Of the Bent Pyramid, answers yet to decrypt,
Tales of Thutmose, the Napoleon of Egypt.
Days of Ramses' glory and grandeur,
Of Cleopatra's beauty, dare and splendor.

The Poetry of Pentaur inscribed on papyrus,

In this very land studied Plato and Pythagoras.
A world of knowledge, philosophy and fancy,
Stated Pythagoras in the "Stolen Legacy'.
And on the north of Cairo west of Nile,
The Astounding sight of magnificence to feel;
Sole surviving Wonder of Ancient World relic,
Prominent of the Seven Wonders of the World idyllic,
The trio of Pyramids - Khufu, Khafra, Menkaura,
Majestically stands the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Unlike many foreign souvenirs of subjugation,
Giza's pride embeds in its sculptors' fidelity and dedication.
Such gravity of mystique where even space-time bends,
The mystery of Giza will by no means end.

Welcome to Egypt with the glory there behold,

The Legacies of Elegance are yet to unfold!

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