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Thank you for joining us today.

My name is Diana Sanabria and I’m going to talk about an

improvement plan arranged for business practices carried out for Banco de Bogotá.
Banco de Bogotá Born on November 15, 1870 as the first financial institution in the country, the
history of the Bank is linked to the history of the country, since it has been growing together with
Colombians with the intention of achieving joint growth in the construction of a better country.
Banco de Bogotá occupies second place in the Colombian banking system, a position that places it
as an actor of great importance and relevance in the country and in the national financial sector.
It is part of the Aval group, which is the most important financial group in the country.
Slide 2
The functions that have been fulfilled since the beginning of the practices are the following
1. Support the management of monitoring activities carried out by external providers for quality
monitoring of defined channels.
2. Follow up on the quality reports issued by suppliers and report the control opportunities found.
3. Follow-up of the Mystery Shopper to the offices and management of the Customer Care cells
through diagnosis and figures to ensure the customer experience in these channels.
The quality area is in charge of receiving campaigns already assigned in the call centers, in order to
implement an evaluative follow-up process with the daily monitoring carried out and established
by the IZO Ally using the evaluation matrix, which is generated with Critical error, non-critical error
and first call resolution indicators based on COPC standards. This is to ensure compliance and
adherence to the processes and quality standards established by the Bank.
Considering the activities carried out by the quality department, it was evident that the monitoring
is not carried out in the same way, which means that the measurements at the Call Centers
produce different results, preventing an exact measurement of the indicators. previously.
Likewise, the lack of documentation of the tasks carried out by the management, this since in
different meetings with the head of quality and the heads of the call centers it was evident that
there was no instructional material that explained the process or the activities carried out by the
management and how the matrix used by IZO staff and by external clients is evaluated and
diligence, that is, the call centers.
For this reason, it is important that all the areas that work in conjunction with the bank's quality
area have prior knowledge of the basic concepts used and the fundamental monitoring tools of
the area, with the intention of having a guideline when carrying out any activity. either with the
Ally IZO or in the implementation of a new campaign to monitor.
To sum up
*The objectives of this improvement plan were as follows*
General objective
Implement a learning model that reduces the error rate in the monitoring processes carried out by
the IZO staff and external clients to guarantee correct job performance.
Specific objectives
1.  Design an Emit Quality Manual and a Learning Guide for quality staff of Banco de Bogotá,
which includes information about the area and the correct use in evaluating the criteria.
2. Explain clearly and with the help of the Manual and the Learning Guide the proper process
of using the matrix and the processes carried out in the Head of Quality.
The methodology used to carry out the project was based on a qualitative measurement
generated by means of a semi-structured interview with the purpose of showing with the quality
manager and IZO satff the shortcomings mentioned above, since they are in charge of carrying out
the process monitoring external clients.

To carry out the interview, nine questions were generated that gave an orientation to the
interview and a precise approach to the process that I carry out in order to cover from the point of
view of each manager the problem.

After the interview was carried out, it became clear and concrete that the processes currently
being carried out are irregularly evaluated due to the lack of sufficient material to train IZO staff
and external clients, at the time of starting new campaigns to start a follow-up or monitoring
process since there is not enough knowledge of the tools such as the case of the Matrix, for this
reason this was taken to look for alternatives that would reinforce the knowledge in the way in
which the evaluation criteria should be handled and the activities that are carried out daily in the
quality area.
The improvement Plan
Therefore, the implementation of an Emit Quality Manual and a Learning Guide is made, where
basic concepts of the management, monitoring processes and data collection are evident in the
Call Centers to make a monitoring plan in conjunction with IZO , in addition to evidencing the
correct use of the matrix, its correct completion and basic concepts of the evaluative matrix used
in the area to monitor the Bank's non-face-to-face channels.
In conclusion, this project emphasized the concepts on Emitted Quality and the correct form of the
evaluation process of the matrix, using as a tool an Emitted Quality Manual and a Learning Guide
where the objectives, monitoring, the audit process and the correct way to evaluate the indicators
of the matrix and the activities carried out from the Headquarters
For the quality area, it is recommended to periodically monitor the proposed project so that the
execution and improvement opportunities that can be identified during the implementation of the
improvement plan are evaluated.
Does have anyone have any questions? 

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