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Learning Plan (Kindergarten)1

Title of lesson Let’s unpack our school bags and get to know each Date September 10, 2020
other! September 1, 2020
Class Kindergarten Topic Classroom routine
and get to know
each other
Time Duratio
Morning lesson n 2 days (1 hour each
8:30- 9:30 am (right before recess)

Required - Smart board
Teacher: - Visual cues
- Self-portrait examples

- Coloured markers
- Folders
Child: - Blank papers
- Bingo sheets of paper


C1 To perform sensorimotor actions effectively in different contexts

 Motor skills, Students will have the chance to use their fine motor skills while

drawing and coloring their self-portrait.

- Students will situate oneself in an environment where they will use various

materials, such as coloring markers, and tokens to be able to complete an activity.

L,m,.C2 To affirm their personality

Cognitive Emotional development:  children will have the opportunity to talk

about their dislikes and likes, they will learn how to negotiate and express their

thoughts and will get to better know their peers.

Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD)
C3 Interact harmoniously:

 There will be group works, class discussions, participation and cooperating with

each other is vital. Students will need to follow a set of expectations when doing

any activity in the classroom. For instance, they will need to make sure to respect

their peers, to listen to each other, share their thoughts, contribute, and listen to

classroom rules and regulations.

C4 to communicate the resource of language:

 Students are using this competency when doing these activities as they are

showing interests things that they already know about themselves and the new

information that will come when meeting their peers.

The goal of this activity would be for students to familiarize themselves with what to do in

the morning and for them to recognize and name their classmates. Students will be able to

independently know what the steps are and quietly go to their desks when they are done.

Students will also get the chance to learn one thing or two’s interests of their peers and get

along together to enjoy activities and play.

- Familiarize with morning routine

- Independently recognize all the steps

- Play a few fun icebreakers that will allow students feel more comfortable with each

- Remind of students’ expectation to participate in classroom.

- Focus students’ attention on the topic

- Inform the students about the lesson objectives.

Question(s) - What is your favourite colour?

- What is your favourite food/ deserts?

- What is your favourite hobby?

Lesson Introduction (hook): Student will know:

- Students will know what

One week after first day of school: (students already are
to do before entering the
familiarized with morning routine)

- Students will know what

 Organize and prepare the classroom before students
are the step by step
arrive. It is essential to form a plan of the day and
unpacking morning
have good time management techniques because
students get excited when transitioning.
- Students will know how
 Do a small activity where students would need to
to become more efficient
remember what to do when unpacking their school
when taking out their
bags before entering the classroom
folder, lunch bags, and
 Students would need to name all steps of their routine
by order
- Students will know that
 I will mention different scenarios and ask if they can
this is something that this
do this or not
routine will be something
 Will show different visuals cues and ask students they will be doing each

what they are supposed to do morning when coming in.

- Students will understand

Once seated in the classroom
that this is an expectation

Have students be aware of classroom rules and that will be respected for

expectations the whole year and the

 Give a small PowerPoint to have visual idea of what following years

will be their activity and how their lesson will go.

 Start the lesson with a fun icebreaker “meet your

classmates' bingo”

In this activity, students will wander around the classroom

with a coloured marker and sheet of paper that indicates

different things that students love or have done. For instance,

“find somebody who... loves swimming” or “find somebody

who… has been on an airplane before”. There will be around

sixteen different questions

in which students will need to write down their classmates’

names. Students would need to fill out the whole form to be

able to complete the bingo. This activity shouldn’t take more

than 15 minutes to be completed.

 Once they completed the activity, students will go

back to their seats where they will share one thing

they have learned about their peers to the whole

classroom and if they relate to it or not.

 Since most students still are having difficulties to

write their own name, I thought of color coding their

names. This way, if they want to fill out a case with

the question, instead of writing their names, they can

indicate that they signed with their signature colour,

this way students won’t waste too much time

struggling to write their names. Practicing writing

their names will be done in another lesson. For now,

it’ s important for students to have fun and enjoy

doing this icebreaker.

Students will understand:

- Students will understand
After Introduction
that it is important to
Between each activity, students will have a small 3-5 minutes listen to the teacher’s
break for them to relax and get back their energy from their instructions when doing
previous activity. - Students will understand

During transitioning time: that these are the rules

and regulations of a
- Make sure that students don’t move around the
kindergarten classroom
classroom not to create any distraction to others that
- Students will understand
are still trying to complete their tasks.
what a routine means and
- Provide some time for them to silently wait at their
will get familiar with the
desks and stretch if they need to.
nature of their classroom
- Allow them to talk to those who are sitting next to
- Students will understand
them silently and respectfully.
how to ask and answer
- Remind students of classroom rules and make sure
questions to their peers
that they are ready to listen “listening position” - Students will understand

Second activity: how to

Students will do:
- Students will do what the
- The next activity would be for students be aware of
teacher is expected from
how many students there are in their classroom.
- Students will be settled into teams of two or three to
- Students will do their
work together on counting how many people are in
their classrooms. There are 14 students in this
- Students will do their
kindergarten classroom, once they all know how to
morning routine
count to 14, they will start dividing them depending
independently after
on how many boys or girls or what shirt colour they
are wearing. More examples will be provided in this
- Students will do

- Students will be seated on the floor in a cercle and I -

Cross Curricular
will be standing in the middle Competencies:
- I will begin by asking how many girls are in the Competency 4: To use
classroom and will tell all girls to stand up.
- Students will be
- Ask a student to volunteer in helping you and the rest
expressing their ideas
of the class count in English and French.
when drawing their self-
- I will then tell all the girls to be seated and ask the
boys to stand up this time.
- Once again, with a new, volunteer, we will count all CONTRUCT HIS/HER
together how many boys are in the classroom.

- Students will learn and

discover some of their

interests when creating

their self portraits

- Students will discover and

observe some similarities

and different interests and

tastes from their peers

when doing the bingo’

classmate activity

- Students will recognize

the cultural and ethnic

diversity when doing the

second activity.


- Students could work

together to help each

other out if ever they

missed a step in their

morning unpacking



- Students will try to use

full sentences when

expressing oneself

- Students will

communicate to one

another to be able to share


Broad Areas of Learning:



These activities will bring

students together. They will learn

to accept their similarities and

differences. They will get

familiar with their peers names

and recognize the importance to

interact with one another and

share a harmonious classroom


Universal Design for

To conclude this lesson - Not to overwhelm

students with all the steps.

- Students will be working individually to draw and
Take it day by day for
colour a self-portrait.
them and help doing the

rest of their routine.

- Students will need to add one or two things that they - Ask students with what

like to share to the whole classroom in their portrait. they are struggling to do

They can add their favourite hobby, object, pets or the most in their morning

location. routine

- If there is time, students can show to the rest of the - Build trust to solve

classroom their portrait and explain what they did problems; be in support

- This activity is mostly for them to use their creativity with them to work

and share it with the rest of the classroom. together on problem

solving skills

All in all, students will learn how to have interesting FORMATIVE - Assessment
FOR learning:
conversations, how to respect the thoughts of others, how to
- Closure activity when
follow instructions, how to respect the materials and how to
guided by teacher and
overall have an awareness of their peers
visual cues

FORMATIVE - Assessment AS
- Opportunities to

collaborate knowledge in

group work activities.

- Students being

responsible for their own


SUMMATIVE - Assessment
OF learning:
- Will document and write

down comments on

students’ closure activity

(self- portrait). This will

be kept in their portfolios

to show to parents in

teacher-parents meeting.
Further considerations (follow up activities):

Any follow up activities I can do could be if they remember the names if their classmates in the

following classes while showing them a slide of pictures of themselves. Every time A child’s picture

shows up, everyone in the classroom needs to respectfully tell them good morning and can’t wait to

have a fun day with you.

- I’ll Speak carefully and slowly, explain the instructions clearly and make sure students repeat after me

(make sure they understand).

- I will make sure to provide extra help to students who are having difficulties

- I will make sure that this is a fun, interactive, engaging lesson for students.

- Observe if students are accordingly working together in group work. They can quiz each other to help

each other.

- I will repeat all instructions if students need help

- I will anticipate what could be the worst situation. To clarify, before each lesson or activity, I will

eliminate all behaviors that students are not supposed to do and explain it to them.

Professional Competencies:

- Teaching a topic that is relevant to students' thoughts and concerns.

- Provide a classroom where students are free to express oneself

- Provide extra help to students who have learning disabilities


- Use clear vocabulary when discussing any types of activity, tasks, or projects

- To be able to clearly express myself and to be available and prepared for any type of questions or

remarks from my students.


- Taking into consideration students’ Ethnic and cultural background.

- Taking into consideration students’ emotional and social support

- Listening to different viewpoints of each child.

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