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1.At simple Interest of 5%, 6% and 8% for three consecutive years, the Interest earned is Tk. 760.

the principle?

Let the principle be ₹ P .


(P x 1 x 5)/100 + (P x 1 x 6)/100 + (P x 1 x 8)/100 = 760

⇒ 5P/100 + 6P/100 + 8P/100 = 760

⇒ 19P = 760 x 100

∴ P = (760 x 100)/19 = ₹ 4000

Hence, the principle is ₹ 4000.

2. If the compound interest of a certain sum of money for two successive years be Tk. 225 and Tk.
238.50. What Is the rate of Interest per annum?

From question it is clear that the simple interest of rupees 225 for one year is 238.50 - 225.

So Rate = (simple interest x 100 )/( time x principle)

= {(238.50 - 225) x 100}/(225 x 1) % = 6%

3. A bag contalns 4 white, 5 red and 6 blue balls. Three balls are drawn at random from the bag. The
probability that all of them are red, Is

Let S be the sample space.

Then, n(S) = number of ways of drawing 3 balls out of 15 = 15C3 =15*14*133*2*1= 455.

Let E = event of getting all the 3 red balls.

n(E) = 5C3 = 5*42*1 = 10.

=> P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 10/455 = 2/91

4. A person travels a certain distance at 3 km/hr and reaches 15 min late. If he travels at 4 km/hr, he
reaches 15 min earlier. The distance he has to travel is
Let the distance be x km.

Then, x/3 - x/4 = 30/60

⇒ (4x - 3x ) / 12 = 1/2

∴ x = 6 km.

5.A boy travelled from the home to the college at the SemecaRcs rate of 25 km/hr and walked back at
the rate of 4 km/hr. If the whole Journey took 5 hours 48 minutes. Find the distance of the college from
the home.

Description for Correct answer:


=20029 km/hr

Now, 2D=20029×(5+45)

=20029×295=40 km

D=20 km


Secondary School Math 13 points

A man traveled from the village to the post-office at the rate of 25 kmph and walked back at the rate of
4 kmph. if the whole journey took 5 hours 48 minutes, find the distance of the post-office from the
village ?

Ask for details Follow Report by Shivamjain54351 19.09.2018



shraddha33204 Ace

If x is the speed one way and y the other way

then the average speed is

v = 2xy/(x+y)

here x=25, y=4


or d/t=100/29

now t= 5 hrs 48 min = 5 4/5 hrs = 29/5 hrs

hence d = 100/29*29/5 = 20 km.

6.If the rate of slimple Interest is 12% per annum the amount that would fetch Interest of Tk 6000 per
annum Is?

∴ 6000=(P x 1 x 12)/100

∴ P =(6000 x 100)/12

= Rs 50000

Hence the required amount is Rs 50000

7.The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Flve years ago, father's age was four
times the age of the son. So now the son's age wll be ?

Let the present ages of son and father be x and (60 -x) years respectively.

Then, (60 - x) - 5= 4(x - 5)

55 - x = 4x - 20

5x = 75 => x = 15

8.The salarles of A, B, and C are In the ratlo of 1: 2: 3, The salary of B and C together Is Tk. 6000. By what
percent Is the salary of C more than that of A?

Let the salaries of A, B, C be x, 2x and 3x respectively.

Then,2x + 3x = 6000 => x = 1200.

A's salary = Rs. 1200, B's salary = Rs. 2400, and Cs salary Rs. 3600.

Excess of C's salary over A's=[ (2400 /1200) x 100] = 200%.

9.Painter A can paint a house in 16 days, and painter B can do the same work In 20 days. With the help
of palnter C, they palnt the house In 8 days only. Then, Palnter C alone can do this task In

A's 1 day's work = 1


B's 1 day's work = 1


(A + B + C)'s 1 day's work = 1


=> C's 1 day's work = 1

10 - 1
16 + 1

20 = 1


So, C can paint the house in 80 days.

10. A mlkman bought 15 kg of mlk and mixed 3 kg of water In It. If the price per kg of the mixture
becomes Tk. 22, what Is cost price of the mlk per kg?

Therefore, 22:(x−22)=15:3



= 22 = 5x - 110

= 5s = 132

Therefore x = Rs.26.40

11.If the rate of Interest Is 10% per annum and Is compounded half yearly, the principal of Tk. 400 In 3/2
years wll amount to

Here, the interest is compounded half-yearly. So,

Principal (P) = $ 4,000

Number of years (n) = 112 × 2 = 32 × 2 = 3

Rate of interest compounded half-yearly (r) = 102% = 5%

Now, A = P (1 + r100)n

⟹ A = $ 4,000(1 + 5100)3

⟹ A = $ 4,000(1 + 120)3

⟹ A = $ 4,000 × (2120)3

⟹ A = $ 4,000 × 92618000

⟹ A = $ 4,630.50 and

Compound interest = Amount - Principal

= $ 4,630.50 - $ 4,000

= $ 630.50

Therefore, the amount is $ 4,630.50 and the compound interest is $ 630.50

12.A dealer offers a discount of 10% on the marked price of an article and stll makes a profit of 20%. If
Its marked price Is Tk. 800, then the cost price of the article Is

Marked Price = Rs.800

S.P. = 800×90100 = Rs.720

Therefore, C.P. = 100120×720

= Rs.600

13.Pipe A alone can fil a tank In 8 hours. Pipe B can fill It in 6 hours. If both the plpes are opened and
after 2 hours plpe A Is closed, then the other pipe wll fll the tank In

Step-by-step explanation:

Pipe A can fill the cistern in 6 hours

1 hour = 1/6 of the cistern

Pipe B can find the cistern in 8 hours

1 hour = 1/8 of the cistern

If both worked together

1 hour = 1/6 + 1/8 = 7/24 of the cistern

2 hours = 7/24 x 2 = 7/12 of the cistern

Find amount of work left after 2 hours

work left = 1 - 7/12 = 5/12 of the cistern

Find the amount of time needed for B to finish the rest of the work:

1 hour = 1/8 of the cistern

Number of hours needed = 5/12 ÷ 1/8 = 3 1/3 hours

3 1/3 hours =  3 hours 20 mins

14. A, B and C subscribe together Tk. 50,000 for a business. A subscribes Tk. 4,000 more than B and B
subscribes Tk. 5,000 more than C. Out of a total profit of Tk. 35,000. A receives

Let C = x.

Then, B = x + 5000 and A = x + 5000 + 4000 = x + 9000.

So, x + x + 5000 + x + 9000 = 50000

3x = 36000

x = 12000

A : B : C = 21000 : 17000 : 12000 = 21 : 17 : 12.

A's share = Rs. 35000 x21 = Rs. 14,700

15.If the average of 10% of a number, 25% of that Bcs-88ank number, 50% of that number and 75% of
that Is 24. then the number will be


16.A trader sells two cycles at Tk. 1,188 each and galns 10% on the first and loses 10% on the second.
What is the profit or loss percent on the whole?

1st case

SP of cycle = RS 1188

let CP of cycle = RS 100

gain = 10% of 100= 10

SP = CP + P

SP = rs100+ 10= RS 110

if SP is RS 110 , then CP RS 100

if SP is RS 1188 , then CP = Rs( 100/110× 1188) = Rs 1080

2nd case

SP of cycle= Rs1188

let CP of cycle= rs100

loss= 10% of 100 = 10

SP= CP- l

SP = rs100 - rs10

SP = RS 90

if SP is RS 90 , then CP = RS 100

if SP is RS 1188, then CP = RS (100/90×1188) = RS 1320

total CP = RS (1080+1320)= RS 2400

total SP = RS (1188+ 1188)= RS 2376

CP > SP = loss

loss = RS (2400-2376) = RS 24

loss% =( loss / CP × 100 ) %

= (24/2400×100) %

= 1%

17.A trader marks his goods at 20% above the cost price. If he allows a discount of 5% for cash down
payment, his profit percent for such a transactlon Is

Let cost price is 100

Marked Price = 120

Discount = 12

Selling Price = 108

Profit = 8

Profit Percentage = 8/100*100

18.If a =√3/2, then √(1+ a) + √(1-a) =?


7 Answers

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y = √(1 + x) + √(1 - x)

Squaring both sides

y^2 = 1 + x + 1 - x + 2√(1 + x)√(1 - x)

=> y^2 = 2 + 2√(1 - x^2)

=> y^2 = 2 + 2√{1 - (√(3)/2)^2}

=> y^2 = 2 + 2√(1 - 3/4)

=> y^2 = 2 + 2√(1/4)

=> y^2 = 2 + 2 * 1/2

=> y^2 = 2 + 1

=> y^2 = 3

=> y = √3

Therefore, y = √(1 + x) + √(1 - x) = √3

19.If 3 men or 6 women can do a plece of work In 16 days, In how many days can 12 men and 8 women
do the same plece of work?

Here is how it is solved:

5(12 M + 16 W) = 4(13 M + 24 W)

60M + 80W = 52M + 96W

Chain rule:

That gives, 8M = 16W, which is , 1M=2W

Now, 12 M + 16W can do work in 5 days.

So, 12 M + 8 M can do work in 5 days.

So, 20M can do work in 5 days.

Now, 7M + 10W = 7M + 5M = 12 M

20.If 5 spiders can catch five flies in five minutes, how many flies can 100 spiders catch in 100 minutes?


5 spiders = 5 flies = 5 minutes

1 spider = 1 fly = 5 minutes


100 spiders = 100 flies = 5 minutes

100 spiders = 100 × 2 flies = 5 × 2 minutes

∴ 100 spiders = 100 × 20 flies = 5 × 20 minutes

= 100 spiders = 2000 flies = 100 min.

21.2 persons working 2 hours a day assemble 2 machines in 2 days. The number of machines assembled
by 6 persons working 6 hours a day in 6 days is?

Let the required number of machine be x

More persons, More machines (Direct proportion)

More working working hours, More machines (Direct proportion)

More days, More machines (Direct proportion)

Persons 2:6Working hours 2:6Days 2:6⎫⎭⎬::2:x

∴ 2×2×2×x=6×6×6×2⇔x=(6×6×6×2)(2×2×2)⇔x=54

22. If 8 men can reap 80 hectares in 24 days, then how many hectares can 36 men reap in 30 days?


23.21 binders can bind 1400 books in 15 days. How many binders will be required to bind 800 books in
20 days?.

24.If 18 pumps can raise 2170 tonnes of water in 10 days, working 7 hours a day; in how many days will
16 pumps raise 1736 tonnes of water, working 9 hours a day?

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