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Jasmine Aussie Azzahra


How to Deliver a Good Public Speaking

1. Prepare your speech

Thinking about what kind of the audience is crucial. Take some time to think about
“audience persona” (individual representation of your whole audience). Audience
research is key when preparing for a presentation. Decide speech objectives before
you began crafting your presentation. The speech objectives may fall into 3
1. Persuade = in a persuasive presentation, the aim is to change the audience's
2. Inform = in informational presentation, the aim is to educate.
3. Inspire = in inspirational presentation, the aim is to emotionally move the
Many times you will have these objectives to overlap.
Before you draft your speech, you have to know your main objective, understand
your intent, then align it with your audience's expectations. Always draft an outline
before you write a presentation because the outline will give your talk structure, keep
you focused when you gather research, and keep you on point. There are 4 types of
1. Descriptive
2. Problem/solution
3. Chronological
4. Regional
When looking at your presentation outline, look for opportunities to tell a story.

2. Prepare for your speech

● Do some vocal warm-ups: get up early and get moving, avoid cold drinks, use your
voice before delivering your speech, or if you're presenting later in the day you can
save your voice.
● Stretch your face or face warm-ups
● Warm up your body
● Use a checklist before every presentation
a. Room dynamics, such as size and shape of the room, seats in the room,
shape of stage, floor plan, anything unusual in the room.
b. Audience dynamics, such as seats style (theater style, classroom style,
boardroom style), set of lighting, activities that the audience might be doing.
c. Speaker's equipment, such as microphone, audio check before presentation,
take some time to get familiar with the mic.
● Self awareness techniques like meditation and mindfulness can help manage
performance anxiety. Two tips to help you calm your nerves before presenting:
a. Arrive early ​and meet some people in the audience, get to know them as
individuals, share a few stories. When you start to see your audience as
individuals instead of large crowds, you will feel less intimidated.
b. Watch your body posture, some body position can actually make you feel
more afraid while others can help your nerves.
● 7 frequently overlooked rehearsal tips that can improve the emotional power of your
final presentation:
a. Make sure your rehearsal is as realistic as possible whether you will be
standing or sitting.
b. Rehearse in the actual clothes you plan to wear.
c. Get an audience for your rehearsal.
d. Record yourself on the video during your rehearsal.
e. Listen to yourself so you can find an area that can be improved. It also helps
you find your pace, pitch, and help you recall your words.
f. Rehearse in real time. If you are giving a one-hour presentation, then record
yourself presenting in one hour.
g. Rehearse at the same time you will give your presentation. If you are going to
present at 7 am, then try to rehearse at 7 am too.

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