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Name: Jasmine Aussie Azzahra

Student Number: 06011381823059

No Terms Definitions

1 First/second/third/fourth/.... First language is the language that someone learns to

language speak first.
Second language is a language learned by a person
after his or her native language, especially as a
resident of an area where it is in general use.
Third language is a non-native language learned by
someone who have previously acquired or are
acquiring two other languages.

2 Mother tongue The language which a person has grown up speaking

from early childhood.

3 Lingua Franca Language that is widely used as a common means of

communication among speakers of other languages.

4 National Language A language spoken by a large proportion of the

inhabitants of a nation; an official language in a
particular nation, typically recognized and adopted by
government or in legislature.

5 Foreign Language A foreign language is a language not widely spoken

and used by the people of a community / society /

6 International Language A language intended to be used by people of different

linguistic backgrounds to facilitate communication
among them and to reduce the misunderstandings and
antagonisms caused by language differences.

7 Local Language Local Language means the language declared by the

concerned State Government as their official

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