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Nursing 101 By Carrie M. Dameron

Inf luence Your Practice: Pray!

C hristian nurses may associate
prayer as an intervention
in providing spiritual care,
yet prayer is elemental to our profes-
sional development. While striving
The Lord’s Prayer found in Mat-
thew 6: 9-13 and Luke 11:1-4, as
well as Psalm 23 are other examples
to guide and strengthen our nursing
hurting, angry, or alone and need a
loving presence in their lives: Jesus
and you!
I placed praying for patients last
because I want to encourage you to
to permeate our personal lives with In 1 Timothy 2:1 we are reminded pray for yourself, your work place,
prayer, we can infuse “unceasing to pray for those in authority. This and your colleagues first. We are
prayer” into our nursing practice includes CEOs,VPs, directors, and naturally and spiritually drawn to
(1 Thessalonians 5:17). managers. Pray for them to experi- bring our patients to the Holy Spirit,
At first glance, praying for our ence God’s love and grace, be wise in but sometimes we struggle with time
patients seems the highest priority. making decisions, and have a heart limitations and wording. A simple
This is important. However, praying for patient care and their employees. solution is to pray for your patients
for one’s self and the work we’ve Luke 10:2 reminds us to pray for more and families during your morning
been called to takes precedence. The “workers for the harvest,”—pray for devotion, drive to work, or after report/
Apostle Paul’s call to pray “unceas- receiving your assignment. Then as
ingly” is relevant for nurses today: the day or shift goes along be open to
promptings of the Holy Spirit to silently
So we have not stopped praying At first glance, praying lift up acutely ill patients, challenging
for you since we first heard about diagnoses, or patients and/or colleagues
you. We ask God to give you for our patients seems with insurmountable needs, remem-
complete knowledge of his will and bering that the Holy Spirit intercedes
to give you spiritual wisdom and the highest priority. for us in prayer (Romans 8:26-27).
understanding.Then the way you live Mary Elizabeth O’Brien writes,
will always honor and please the “For each of us the creative way of
Lord, and your lives will produce connections with other Christians finding time to prayerfully practice
every kind of good fruit. All the while, in our facilities and units to further the presence of God in our nursing
you will grow as you learn to know Kingdom work. day will be different. But to do so
God better and better.We also pray Influence your practice setting by not only will bless and enrich our
that you will be strengthened with praying for your colleagues. When they practice but also bring a sense of peace
all his glorious power so you will share personal and/or family trials, let and equanimity to our often stressful
have all the endurance and patience them know you are praying for them, nursing lives. I believe that such
you need. May you be filled with and if possible, take a moment and prayerfulness is an absolute necessity
joy, always thanking the Father. He pray with them. Demonstrate Christ’s if we are to treat our patients with
has enabled you to share in the love and your love through prayer (1 the care and compassion of the gospel
inheritance that belongs to his people, Corinthians 16:14). Make praying for message of Jesus, and if we are to
who live in the light. (Colossians your facility, colleagues, and staff part approach our patients cloaked in a
1:9-12, NLT) of your nursing practice. mantle of compassionate caring”
As we think about praying for (O’Brien, 2003, p.18). Prayer is
work and our colleagues we may be foundational to our personal and
Carrie M. Dameron, MSN,
RN-BC, is an advanced certified
reminded of someone with whom professional life. “Unceasing” prayer
medical-surgical nurse and Assistant we struggle. We may not call them occurs when we purposefully apply
Professor of nursing at Ohlone Col- enemies, but it may be someone with and respond to the Lord’s presence
lege in Fremont, California. She serves
as an on-call nurse for acute care hos- whom our personality clashes, is in all areas of our work. 
pitals in Oakland and authors www. difficult to work with, or someone
nurses4him.org, a resource for Christian nurses.
who is negative. Regardless, Jesus
The author declares no conflict of interest. O’Brien, M. E. (2003). Prayer in nursing: The Spiritual-
tells us to pray for them (Matthew ity of compassionate caregiving. Sudbury, MA: Jones and
DOI:10.1097/CNJ.0b013e318239b3b6 5:44; Luke 6:28). They may be Bartlett.

10 JCN/Volume 29, Number 1 journalofchristiannursing.com

Copyright © 2012 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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