Can Routine Trauma Bay Chest X-Ray Be Bypassed With An Extended Focused Assessment With Sonography For Trauma Examination?

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Can Routine Trauma Bay Chest X-ray Be Bypassed

with an Extended Focused Assessment with

Sonography for Trauma Examination?

From the Department of Surgery, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia

The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using ultrasound (US) in place of
portable chest x-ray (CXR) for the rapid detection of a traumatic pneumothorax (PTX) requiring
urgent decompression in the trauma bay. All patients who presented as a trauma alert to a single
institution from August 2011 to May 2012 underwent an extended focused assessment with so-
nography for trauma (FAST). The thoracic cavity was examined using four-view US imaging and
were interpreted by a chief resident (Postgraduate Year 4) or attending staff. US results were
compared with CXR and chest computed tomography (CT) scans, when obtained. The average age
was 37.8 years and 68 per cent of the patients were male. Blunt injury occurred in 87 per cent and
penetrating injury in 12 per cent of activations. US was able to predict the absence of PTX on CXR
with a sensitivity of 93.8 per cent, specificity of 98 per cent, and a negative predictive value of 99.9
per cent compared with CXR. The only missed PTX seen on CXR was a small, low anterior,
loculated PTX that was stable for transport to CT. The use of thoracic US during the FAST can
rapidly and safely detect the absence of a clinically significant PTX. US can replace routine CXR
obtained in the trauma bay and allow more rapid initiation of definitive imaging studies.

(PTXs) remains a serious in- FAST (eFAST) is effective for the diagnosis of trau-
trathoracic injury after blunt trauma and it has
been shown that PTXs are found in one-fifth of major
matic PTX.4, 6, 9, 15–17 The objective of this study was
to investigate the feasibility of using US in place of
blunt trauma victims.1 Prompt diagnosis and treatment portable CXR for the rapid detection of a traumatic PTX
are needed to prevent significant complications and requiring urgent decompression in the trauma bay.
potentially death.
Chest x-ray (CXR) and computed tomography (CT)
remain the imaging studies commonly used for the Methods
evaluation of PTX. However, it has been shown supine
CXRs fail to demonstrate a significant number of This was a retrospectively reviewed, prospective pro-
PTXs.2–5 CT remains the gold standard for the di- cess improvement project performed at the Level I
agnosis of PTX, yet it requires the transport of criti- trauma center at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in
cally injured patients and can delay the diagnosis.6 conjunction with the Eastern Virginia Medical School
First described 30 years ago by Rantanen, ultrasound (EVMS) Department of Surgery. All patients who were
(US) can be used for the evaluation of PTX.7, 8 The older than 16 years old and presented as trauma activa-
sensitivity of thoracic US continues to improve and it tions, between August 2011 and May 2012, underwent
has been found to be more sensitive than CXR for the an eFAST as part of their initial workup. Portable CXRs
detection of PTXs.9–14 Ultrasound is routinely used in were performed in the trauma bay after eFAST exami-
the evaluation of trauma patients in the focused as- nation. The thoracic cavity was evaluated with four-view
sessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) exami- US imaging using the linear L25x 13- to 6-MHz probe
nation and there have been reports that the extended (M-Turbo; SonoSite, Bothell, WA) in both B and M
modes. All US findings were documented and interpreted
by a chief resident (Postgraduate Year 4) or attending
Presented as a podium presentation at the Southeastern Surgical staff. Chest CTs were ordered at the discretion of the
Congress, Jacksonville, Florida, February 9-12, 2013.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Leonard primary team based on clinical findings and were per-
J. Weireter, M.D., 825 Fairfax Avenue, Hof heimer Hall, Suite 610, formed on a GE 16-detector scanner (General Electric,
Norfolk, VA 23507. E-mail: Piscataway, NJ).


Charts were reviewed for patient age, sex, mecha- When compared with CT, the sensitivity of US
nism of injury, Injury Severity Score (ISS), and im- (39.7%) was better than the sensitivity of CXR
aging results. Data was analyzed using MedCalc (23.5%) for detecting a PTX (Tables 2 and 3). Portable
(Belgium). Mean and standard deviation were used for CXR had a 100 per cent PPV for the detection of PTX
continuous variables. Categorical variables were de- when compared with CT. However, both US and CXR
scribed as a fraction and percentage. Comparison of failed to detect PTXs that were subsequently seen on
each imaging modality was made using sensitivity, CT (Table 4). All patients requiring thoracostomy tube
specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), and pos- (TT) based on clinical and CXR findings were detected
itive predictive value (PPV). The Institutional Review by US. No patient with the absence of PTX on US
Board at EVMS approved the study. had an adverse outcome during their continued trauma
A TT was placed in 45 patients during the study.
During the initial trauma evaluation, 24 patients had
Trauma activation was initiated on 1302 patients a TT placed for a PTX. US was able to detect a PTX in
during the study period. One hundred two patients 22 of the patients requiring TT for PTX. One patient
were excluded because no CXR was performed in the required a TT after an iatrogenic injury after central
trauma bay. An additional 273 patients were excluded line placement. The only missed PTX was in a pa-
as a result of lack of chief resident or attending-level tient who was found to have a loculated, low anterior
interpretation of the US images. Ultrasound images PTX on both CXR and CT. The patient was stable
were evaluated to determine if a pleural slide was throughout examination and during transport for ad-
present as well as classic US artifacts of a normal ditional imaging. Eight patients required a TT for
pleural slide. These included ‘‘comet-tails,’’ which are a PTX found on both US and CT that was not present
reverberation artifacts, and the ‘‘seashore sign,’’ which on CXR. However, all of these patients were stable
is caused by the moving thoracic cavity against the during their initial examination and during transport,
static lung. A PTX was suspected on US when there facilitating delayed insertion of the TT until after
was loss of pleural slide and presence of the ‘‘strato- completion of all imaging. A TT was placed for
sphere sign’’ caused by the loss of the static lung below evacuation of hemothorax (HTX) in 13 patients. All of
the pleural surface (Fig. 1). these patients had no evidence of PTX on CXR or US.
The remaining 927 patients underwent both thoracic Five of these patients subsequently were found to have
US and CXR evaluation. Of these 927 patients, 345 a small PTX on CT imaging. Thirty-five patients had
patients also underwent a CT of the chest. Patients evidence of PTX on CT that was not seen on CXR.
were an average of 37.8 years old, predominately male These patients did not undergo immediate TT place-
(68%), and had an average ISS of 6.27. Trauma acti- ment and were observed for changes in clinical status.
vations were initiated mainly for patients who sus- US detected a PTX in four of the patients who were
tained blunt trauma (87%) compared with penetrating observed.
trauma (12%), whereas the remaining activations were
for patients who sustained a burn injury (1%). More
PTXs were detected by CT than US or CXR (Table 1).
Ultrasound had a 99.9 per cent NPV for detecting the Rapid evaluation and diagnosis of life-threatening
presence of a PTX based on CXR results (Table 2). conditions has always been the mainstay of the trauma

FIG. 1. Ultrasound evaluation for pneumothorax: (A) normal slide along the pleural surface (arrow) and ‘‘comet-tail’’ artifacts (ar-
rowheads). (B) Normal pleural slide demonstrated by ‘‘seashore sign.’’ (C) No evidence of slide as demonstrated by the ‘‘stratosphere
338 THE AMERICAN SURGEON April 2015 Vol. 81

evaluation. After completion of the primary survey, The supine anteroposterior CXR has been the initial
imaging is highly relied on as adjunct to the physical thoracic evaluation during a trauma examination. Its
examination. Throughout the past decade, imaging use is primarily to screen for PTX, HTX, fractures, and
technology has continued to improve and those im- aortic injury. Unfortunately, studies continue to dem-
provements have allowed the evolution of trauma al- onstrate it has a low sensitivity in diagnosing many
gorithms. Early versions of advanced trauma life critical injuries, missing PTX in 30 to 40 per cent of
support guidelines called for the use of plain films for patients and 5 to 15 per cent of blunt thoracic aorta
the evaluation of the cervical spine, chest, and pelvis. injuries.5, 18–21 CT remains the gold standard for the
With faster scan times and better resolution of images, diagnosis of these injuries but exposes the patient to
CT has largely supplanted the use of plain films in the a higher level of radiation, requires patients be stable
evaluation of the cervical spine and pelvis. However, for transport, and adds additional time to diagnosis. As
the role of the CXR in the trauma bay has not been radiation exposure continues to increase in trauma
evaluated. patients, attempts are being made to provide more di-
rected imaging to the chest.22, 23 Thus, as US imaging
has improved, its role continues to advance in the
TABLE 1. Patient Characteristics
initial evaluation of a trauma patient.
Age (years) The shift from traditional imaging to the use of US
Mean ± standard deviation 37.8 ± 16.7
Range 16–93 has occurred for rapid diagnosis in the trauma patient
Sex as seen in the shift from diagnostic peritoneal lavage to
Male 629 (68%) the FAST examination. Many studies have shown that
Female 298 (32%) US has been shown to be able to detect a traumatic
Mean ± standard deviation 6.27 ± 8.57 PTX.2, 4, 6 This study confirms these previous find-
Range 0–75 ings, detecting all but one PTX seen on CXR. More
MOI importantly, this study demonstrated that the ability to
MVC 433 (46%) rule out a clinically significant PTX in the trauma bay
Fall 130 (14%)
MCC 88 (9%) was 99.9 per cent. By using US as a part of the eFAST,
Automobile vs pedestrian 76 (8%) patients could be moved out of the trauma bay to re-
GSW 61 (7%) ceive more definitive imaging much quicker than
Stabbing 53 (6%)
Assault 42 (5%) currently occurs while awaiting CXR results. Given
Other 44 (5%) the low sensitivity of the CXR, this would also allow
PTX by imaging a more appropriate study to be obtained in a more
CXR 16 (2%) expedient fashion.
US 33 (4%)
CT 68 (7%) The use of US provides a more sensitive method for
determining the presence of a PTX than CXR. This
ISS, Injury Severity Score; MOI, method of injury; MVC, was originally shown by Kirkpatrick et al. in 2004 and
motor vehicle collision; MCC, motorcycle collision; GSW,
gunshot wound; PTX, pneumothorax; CXR, chest x-ray; US, has been consistently been supported over the past
ultrasound; CT, computed tomography. decade.4, 6, 9, 15–17 This study confirms these findings

TABLE 2. Radiographic Findings from US Compared with CXR for the Evaluation of Pneumothorax
Positive Negative
US Positive 15 18 PPV 4 45.5%
Negative 1 893 NPV 4 99.9%
Sensitivity 4 93.8% Specificity 4 98.0%
US, ultrasound; CXR, chest x-ray; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.

TABLE 3. Radiographic Findings from US Compared with CT for the Evaluation of Pneumothorax
Positive Negative
US Positive 27 2 PPV 4 93%
Negative 41 275 NPV 4 87%
Sensitivity 4 39.7% Specificity 4 99.3%
US, ultrasound; CT, computed tomography; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.

TABLE 4. Radiographic Findings from CXR Compared with CT for the Evaluation of Pneumothorax
Positive Negative
CXR Positive 16 0 PPV 4 100%
Negative 52 277 NPV 4 84%
Sensitivity 4 23.5% Specificity 4 100%
CXR, chest x-ray; CT, computed tomography; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.

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