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Recommends the usage of an assessment instrument, Relatives Expressed Emotion

(REE) to investigate the consequence of deinstitutionalization on a patient to patient

2. Recommends __, an educational program with a general aim being to build on the
family's strengths and to facilitate their mutual cooperation in coping with the illness,
which, in a stepwise order:
a) conveys to the family information about the causes of the mental disorder, the
symptoms, the likely outcome, and the treatment and management,

b) instructs in problem solving, improving communication, reducing the intensity of

negative emotions, utilizing the family's natural support networks, and developing
realistic expectations for the patient;

3. Recommends the initiation of a ​Global Mental Health movement​ for advocacy and
awareness raising at all levels , with psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners
playing an important role in instigating and supporting this initiative, with particular
contributions from the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and in-country professional
associations,in order to:
a) strengthen the lobby for increased resources for mental health care,
a) empower patients and families to take a more active role in treatment decisions
and to speak out against abuses,
b) raise awareness of pertinent ethical issues relevant to the particular country
setting by the ones involved in the training of mental health practitioners in
particular, and health workers in general,
c) opening up debate about the complex dilemmas that practitioners in LAMIC
settings face on a day- to-day basis in order to stimulate research into this
neglected area,
4. Recommends Community Involvement Plan ​(CIP)​ as a means to incorporate a sense of
awareness and sensitization towards depression and anxiety in the society in order to
mitigate the negative psychological aspects that develop before, during and after wartime
situations which includes :
a. Tools for different stages of involvement, classified into 4 stages as :
i. INPUT TOOLS - to receive the opinions of all strata of society in order to
understand their inclinations, common trends and political affinities to
detect any inter-group cleavages, heightened group allegiances and
radicalization via written and web based platforms - Emails, Frequently
asked Questions Programme, surveys and polls;

ii. OUTPUT TOOLS - to inform the community about the existing wartime
situations and how to deal with it in a proper manner through;
1. Print media such as brochures, leaflets, posters, fact sheets and
2. Online information through websites, mailing lists, newsletters and
E- Forums;

iii. OUTREACH TOOLS - community events and awareness campaigns to

aid in the removal of any taboo associated with wartime psychology;

iv. INVOLVEMENT TOOLS - Public meetings, assistance teams and

community groups;

b. Publishing a “KYC - Know Your Community” Booklet for civilians, compiled to

help civilians to:
i. Realize the factors that may lead to radicalization :
1. Push factors such as inequality, discrimination, marginalization,
the denial of civil rights and liberties or other socio-economic
2. Pull factors that make violent extremism look appealing by
a. Economic incentives given by extremist groups;
b. A sense of belonging to a group;
c. A sense of purpose;

ii. Look out for the following initial signs which indicate that an individual
might be engaged in extremism:
1. Showing sudden rebellious attitude, making assertive comments
and non-inflammatory language during conversations;
2. Preferring isolation rather than social interactions and participation
in community events;
3. Feeling offended while certain ideologies are being discussed and
vehemently defending one’s ideas;
4. Sudden dropping out from educational institutes or workplace;
5. Viewing websites and following channels on various social media
platforms which have controversial content;

iii. Judge when and how to discuss the issue of radicalization and extremism
within their circle while taking into consideration:
1. Minority group grievances and viewpoints to have a balanced
2. Ethnic and cultural diversity of the people involved;
3. Varied experiences of the individuals which has led them to
develop a different mental outlook;

iv. support-measures that people can take to reduce the influence of extremist
ideologies such as:
1. Helping individuals realize the real risks and consequences of
2. Giving people a sense of direction in their lives by ensuring those
people either study or work hence keeping one’s mind occupied;
c. Highlighting the importance of education in the community to deal with
radicalization as it helps them:
i. Develop interpersonal skills to learn how to have a peaceful approach to
disagreements and changes;

ii. Develop critical and analytical ability to check the validity of claims and
rumours and question the efficacy of extremist means in achieving the
desired goals;
iii. Develop an attitude of respecting the diversity and differences that may
exist between different communities;


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