Mission Statement Formatted

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Introduction to Night and Day Worship/Prayer:

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we
have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by
Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or
rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all
things hold together. He is also head of he body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so
that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness
to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His
cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. And although you were formerly alienated
and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order
to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach-- if indeed you continue in the faith firmly
established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was
proclaimed in all creation under heaven... Colossians 1:13-23

The scriptures above are an apt description of our story. God has shown us His Beauty, showered us with His
Mercies and stirred our love for Him from a freed heart. He is so very worthy of our unending worship and our
joyful affirmation of His desires. This alone is the reason for Night and Day Worship/Prayer in the region.
However, there is a subordinate reason: Love + Justice = Mission. God is the brilliant Creator and
Demonstrator of this equation. The unyielding commitment of His love combined with the mercy of His just
heart sets in motion the mission of His transformational grace; all to His Glory and the glory of His creation.
Although there are so many more scriptural examples, in Isaiah 56-61 and Luke 18 God clearly links our
worship-filled prayer in faith to releasing this outcome. He is clear that His love is not only enormous it is also
deeply interactive. Woven into the fabric of His creation is this truth: nothing happens without agreement
expressed through the pleasures of prayer, worship and deeds of mercy/justice. It is within this dynamic that we
discover, in Him, unending treasures of joy.
When we pray in agreement with His heart, God is demonstrably loved, honored and enjoyed. Serendipitously,
so are we. As a result, His Kingdom manifests in power and true, biblical justice is released on earth as it is in
Heaven. This results in the transformation of hearts and lives through Love. Understanding these principles, as
we corporately agree with God through concerted intercession, we are preparing the way for the Church itself
(the Body of Christ) to have a strategic impact of Love and Power in the region. The ultimate goal is the
summing of all things in Christ, Who is both the beginning and the end.
IHOP-LI: The Ark House of Prayer is a growing regional, mission-base; expressing these principles by
serving Long Island and New York City's metroplex through worship-filled prayer. Our prevailing desire is to
see Long Island/NYC fully equipped and engaged in Worship-filled Prayer 24-7-365; carrying a mantle of love,
power and the good news that Jesus is The King and the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
We believe this will transpire:
1. By cultivating and nurturing a regional mission-base that is open 24-7-365 as a furnace of worship and
prayer here on Long Island

IHOP-LI Missions Base

Mission Statement 2

2. By developing/nurturing many relational communities of lovesick, worshiping-intercessors throughout

the region.
IHOP-LI is part of a global worship-prayer-missionary movement that draws its inspiration from David's
Tabernacle and later, the Moravians who demonstrated the powerful impact of the marriage between worship,
prayer and evangelism. (See http://www.zinzendorf.com/countz.htm)
IHOP-LI is sustained by those who willingly pour out their lives as a responsive offering to Jesus and
humanity through worship, intercession and deeds of justice/mercy in the power of His Love. We are
missionaries to the region; paving the way for the Church in worship-filled prayer and by living simple
lifestyles in order to quickly respond to opportunities for love, evangelism and biblical justice.
As "Intercessory Missionaries", we spend a great deal of our time worshiping God while in a prayerful,
agreeing partnership with the heart of Our Father, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit by means of the scriptures He
inspired. (In other words, we pray the Bible.)
We very specifically pray for the region, our families, the local & corporate Church and our communities so
they are saturated in love and empowered to walk in the Grace of His Purposes. Additionally, we partner with
the Church (both locally and regionally) to worship together and walk out our prayers in practical expressions
of love.
The result we seek is both a regional and global awakening to the Beauty and Worth of the Lord Jesus, the
Christ, the release of true, biblical justice on the earth and a fresh empowerment for the Churches of Long
Island and NYC. (See Ephesians 1-3)
This has three clear benefits for Long Island/NYC and the Church:
1. Blessing the Bridegroom-King (Jesus): exalting His Love and Beauty
2. Blessing the Bride (the Church): releasing her into the fullness of her identity
3. Blessing the Land (the Region): creating an atmosphere of love expressed in power that is conducive to
healing and evangelism while unveiling a sober understanding of the urgency of the hour we live in.
Imagine an entire region saturated by and alive with night and day worship, intercession and the pleasure of His
Presence! It will be both breathtaking and remarkably powerful.
Our Prayer: At the beginning of our journey to establish this House of Prayer, the Spirit of the Lord laid these
words on our hearts:
“I long for Long Island . . . See what I will do with an Island that longs for me.”
We are responding to His desire by asking that He establish a House of Worship/Prayer on Long Island that will
move Him like a kiss blown straight to His heart. The Father is coming . . . and we long for Him.
"Lord, our prayer is:
That You would be loved;
That the nations would flock to You;

IHOP-LI Missions Base

Mission Statement 3

That Your Kingdom would come!"

IHOP-LI Missions Base

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