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L y TR TE 9S = — ATI C + t each question four answers are given, out of which one is correct. Choose the correct answer. oA 1, Whatis ‘Ocdipus Rex’? a fp A. Drama Ae OL . / e C. Poetry ao D. Essay | | 4, What type of drama is ‘Oedipus Rex’? a. A. Tragedy B. Comedy a ) C. Melodrama: D. Revenge play ~ | 3, Whois the writer of ‘Oedipus Rex'? nal A. Shakespeare B... Marlow a C. Sophocles DOE: Shaw | 4. Whois the hero of ‘Ocdipus Rex’? ce A. Orestes B. Ajax a &. Oedipus D. Creon § Oedipus, Orestes, Agamennon and Ajan are the some of the well known heroes of: a hn A. Moder plays B. Romantic comedies = C. Shakespearean tragedies D. Greek tragedies | 6A tragedy is the immitation of an action that is serious, and also as having magnitude, complete in itself in language with pleasurable accessories, each kind brought in separately in the parts of © C-_ the work; in a dramatic, not in a narrative form; with incidents arousing pity and fear; ~~ | wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions. srl Mention the name of the critic who described tragedy in the above words: A. Plato B. Eliot C. Aristotle D. Shakespeare d 7. Clytaemnestra, Ecetra, Iphigenia, Jocasta and Antigon are few famous heroines of: A. Comedy of manners B. Shakespearean tragedies a f C. Modern plays D. Greek plays A | & — Whoare three eminent Greek Playwrights? cA ‘A. Shakespeare, Marlowe and Dryden B. G.B. Shaw, Beckett and Henrick | Ibsin | C. ONeill, A. Miller and Sean O'Cascy D. Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripedes 3. ‘Chorus was considered essential feature of tragedy in: Db | A. Shakespearean plays B. Greek plays | C. Modern plays D. Comedies | 1 Which meter was almost the exclusive vehicle of the choral epode?_ a | A. lambic tetrameter B, _lambic pentameter tL C. Tambic hexameter D. None of these ( | "How many consistent elements has a Greek tragedy? | fon A. Five B. Six cam yl C. Four D. Three . | In Greek tragedy, the part of the play that is enacted before the chorus makes its first entry is b \ called: = | A. Episodes B, Prologos (Prologue) B, C. Botha and b D. None of these aa . Tn Greek tragedy the song which is sung at the time when the chorus enters the stage is called: A. Prologue B, Embolima | Mstusees , Parados D._Exoclos o lusical interludes between the episodes in a Greek tragedy are called: OV Boy A. Embolima B. Exodos 8 Greek tragedy, final scene is called: b A. Prologue B. Exodos Ee I Ay | D. None of these 4 } B. Arousing of pity and fear = C. Parados 16. According to Aristotle, what is the function of a tragedy? ‘A To amuse the people CC. Tohorrify others D. None of these 17. In Greek period, a group of plays which were entered at one contest and were meant io 4, staged in succession, as they had a consecutive story, is called: ‘A. Theban plays B. Trilogy 2 C. Both of these D. None of these 18. Ocdipus Rex, Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus are a group of plays whieh is called: 0 ‘A. Theban plays B. Trilogy a CC. Theban Legend D. None of these 19. What is the name of legendary blind prophet in Oedipus Rex who was accused by Oedipus of being a plotter against the throne? x A. Creon B. Polybus c. Te D. Lycus 20. What is the hamartia of Oedipus Rex? c A. Ambition B. Irresolution —— C. Pride and excessive self-confidence D. None of these 21. Write about the plot-construction of Oedipus Rex: a ‘A. Compact plot B. Loose plot C. Ideal plot D. Faulty plot 22. ‘What is the function of the Chorus in Greek tragedy? d ‘A. It determines the structure of the B. It comments on actions and evens play C. Its role is that of the moderator and D. Allof these sometimes it represents the view- point of the dramatist, 23. Pick the name of the play which was presented after the death of Sophocles: ‘A. Oedipus Rex B. Oedipus at Colonus b C. Antigone D. Electra 24. Write the number of types of plot in a tragedy: a A. Two B. Three _ Cc. Four D. Five 25, One type of plot is simple what is the other type: Cc A. Complicated B. Ambiguous — C. Complex D. None of these 26. The plot of a tragedy must have its: d ‘A. Beginning B. Middle ya c. End D, Allofthese 27. "But did you not hear him say I was the one b Who seduced the old prophet into lying? Against all reasons, then I say you are wrong. Did he look like a man in his right mind?" ‘Thesé lines have been taken from Oedipus Rex. Who delivered these words? ‘A. Creon B. Oedipus C. locaste D. Messenger 28. Write the name of Oedipus's father and the former king of Thebes who was maraeredy son: ‘A. Polybus eevee C._ Agenor ed in Ocdi D. Merope d type of irony is introduced in Oedipus Rex: Were B, Irony of dialogue = ‘A. Irony of situation C._ Irony of fate D. All of these | ee SI Tin nT EE many dramatic wnities are introduced ina tragedy? 5 == ANE b yp Howmnh Two B. Three a C. Four a D. One itethe name of dramatic unity except ‘Unity of Action’ and ‘Unity of Time”: -Q ge WHEN" a. Unity of Place B. Unity of Character | CC. Both ofthese D. None of these j write the number of essentials which are enumerated by Aristotle for successful “C. a tion in tragedy: —_ Two B. Three C. Four D. Five | Goodness, appropriateness and truth to life are three essentials. Write the fourth essential: — QL [3 . Self-consistency B. Ideal Character | C. Both of these D. None of these wpe angry, then. Curse Creon. Curse my words. Mell you, no man that walks upon the earth, | Shall be rooted out more horribly than you, these words: ‘A. Creon CC. Teiresias 36 Who was Zeus? ‘A. Chief of Greek gods C. Oedipus, elder daughter 3 Whats Delphi? A. The Chief city of Boeotia C. A small town on the southern slope D. ‘These lines have been taken from Oedipus Rex.” Mention the name of the character who spoke~ C_ Oedipus Messenger Father of Oedipus None of them ‘The river None of them A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 38 Select the first stage in the development of the dram: ‘A. Miracle or Mystery play B. Morality play pg © Interludes D. Masque Point out the second stage in the development of drama: A. Miracle or Mystery play B. Morality play Mention lterludes D. Masque Mention the third stage in the development of drama: A. Miracle or Mystery play B. Morality play 8. iecthe gO lteriudes D. Mosque ‘fourth stage in the development of drama: A. Miracle play B. Morality plays How Interludes D. Masque many earlier regular English comedies are popular? A. Two B. Three 4, C ~ The frst popu . D. One eutar English comedy is Gammer Gurton's Needle, Point out the second: « ? cae Roister B. Oedipus Rex * Gorbod 1s the author of the > ; D. None of these 4. ‘ese plays? Alphonsus, King of Aragon, Orlando Furioso: % c_ Robert Greene B. George Peele Whats the ep 2 D. None of them "2 of Spanish Tragedy? S inecenth century B. Sixteenth century ‘eeth century D. Thirteenth century. - a -~ Qa 31, How many stages were there in the development of drama up to the Earliest Regular Drama? — ( TE Guide™ ivity: yr a 6 Q 46. Which is the period of Marlowe's dramatic acti 1560 t0 1570 ‘A, 158710 1593 1D. None of them ~ C1585 t0 1595 G Jaine the Great, The Second Part of 47. Who is the writer of these works? "Tamburlain’ 7 of Carthage": Tany seen Malta, Edward Hl Doctor Faustus and Didhy SAP | " o A. Shakespeare None of D tl 2 C. Thomas Nash D._ None of them | 48. For what has Doctor Faustus been praised? d H w Se ae tus been p) B. Mastery of blank verse Q C._ None of these D. Both of these 4 \* 49. Who is called "Spoilt Child of Renaissance": ‘A. Shakespeare B. G.B. Shaw ae C. Dryden D._Narkiwe 50. Mention the name of political thinker who influenced Maslow; 4 | ‘A. Chanakya B. Machiavelli = | C. Both of them D. None of them 51... Onwhat unities did Aristotle stress? : bd A. Unity of time and place B. Unity of action and place = C. All the three unities D. Unity of action and time 52. Who was the central sun of the University Wi d 6 A. Lyly B. Peele a 2 C. Lodge D. Marlowe d 53. Point out the factors responsible for Renaissance in England: = ‘A. Decay of Churches and feudalism B. Discoveries through navigation ¢} India C. Influence of the scholars coming D. Allof these back from Greek and Italy a 54. Why was Drama favourite during the Renaissance? 7 An Vietory of the queen that was B. Other forms of writing were bane! mostly celebrated by dramatic performance \" CC. Both of these D. None of these ‘55. When Christopher Marlowe was born? d i. A. 1550 B. 1570 Se 7 . c. 1555 D. 1564 56. Why Marlowe is considered father of English literature? d 4 ‘A. He created romantic tragedy B. He used ‘Blank Verse’ andinvesté ‘run-on' lines and paved way . Shakespeare C. He emancipated drama from 0 classical notion of strict decorum De Altof the above 57, Which are the features of romantic drama? A ON is strictly > ‘A. No unity is strictly observed B, Tragedy and comedy aré blent! CC. this drama of action together 58, Who invented blank verse? D. Alla, bande ‘A. Marlowe Cc © Sumey B. Shakespeare = 59, Weite the important features of Clase! Drama: De Mitton 4 and come A Tape comedy were treated B. There were litle or no “és three entities of time, ph action on stage c. The thr \e, place and D. All of the above 2 Per Wg a AE = == An poe ac of drama point out some drawbacks of Marlowe as a dramatist: al ‘A. He gives no scope to introduce B. Central character of the play so — woman much dominates the play which over-shadows everything CC. Lack of humour D. Alllthe above Who is the hero of ‘Doctor Faustus'? b at ‘A, Mephistophilis B. Doctor Faustus = c. Valdes D. Ralph my God, my God, look not so fierce on me! ders and serpents, let me breath a while! a Uply hell, gape not! come not, Lucifer! a Til burn my books! Ah Mephistophil ‘These lines have been taken from a masterpiece written by Marlow. Write the name of that masterpi ‘A. Doctor Faustus B. Jew of Malta C. Tamburlaine D. None of these . Whats the significance of Helen in Doctor Faustus: a ‘A. Charms of classical art, learning and B. Pride = beauty C. Christian faith D. Nine of these 6, Whatis the significance of Old Man in Doctor Faustus: bo ‘A. Charms of classical art, learning and B. Christian faith with its obedience to beauty God c. Envy D. Allof these 65. Whatis the significance of the show of Seven Deadly Sins? d ‘A. Pride and covetousness B. Wrath, envy and gluttony = C. Sloth and lechery D, Allofthese $6. Who has been called the ‘Morning Star’ of the great Elizabethan drama? \y A. Shakespeare B. Marlowe | 32] Rare cn A A Cc D c {7 [pts [p]s [Bs A A Beli [c [14 [A B Bi B [1s [ Av | 19. [Cc a A D.|23.[ B [24 [ A c D B_| 28. [Bb |29. | D B A Cf 33. [af 34 Cc A A C_[ 38. [A | 39.) B Cc 2D As] 43.[-A-[ 44. [Aa B A Bi 48. [| Ds] 49.[ D B De D_| 53. D-{ s4._[-A D D D | 58. [Co |-59. [-D D A:] 63. | A‘{ 64. |B D B Ac] 68.7[ Bol 69. A D LC A[73.[ B [74 [ C A a { B D 78. A 79. c A Me ‘A, | #3..[ C | 84. [A A B Cc fas. | A [89 [A c C#. B [93.7 B | 94. [A B Cc Any 98.| D[ 99. [-Au A Als B_| 103. ]_D. D A Av ‘Ay | 108. [-C B D Cc Cc fas. [A A D Bit Aupag.[ D. B Cc B A. [123.[_C D D A Bi} 128. |, D D A Al B.| 133.[ A. Cc D B [138 [Di B €c |B B_| 143..[° D Cc D (oz B_| 148. [7 D A A oe B_| 153. [A A A 36. | C=] D__|-158.|_D. B D [Df 162.) C.| 163. [A B a | Ost “| Di 168. D. A c ral D. (173. B AL D The two important dramatists who took a predominant part decade of the nineteenth century were: A George Bernard Shaw and Oscar B. Granville and Galswony 0 i 4 C. G.B. Shaw and Glasworthy D. Galsworthy and Oscar iy 2 Shaw and Osear Wild belonged to: a, America B. England d -C-France D. Ireland = 3. Shaw was-lle gretfest practitioner of the: a Lat Gontéd Lo B. Comedy of Manners D. None of these se b st Comedy of Manners * | A Botttbf these | None of these 5. Who is the father-Biftite comedy’ b [Ad Oscdtwild’s G.B. Shaw = [Ci2 Ihseft! _|_/_ 6. b 1 9 8. bela jian dramatist; 1! a wer] B 0 hai Hg . / Scandinavian Bh Fen: - €._AThe Rissian influen (D&E of Z 10. fist. Wlio | .dtivicondtlast-oF | i i = a il. ip a5 ihe Phifaey ¥ farriage and its limitations C. Human Relations + 12. Write name of the modern dramatist who gave theory of ‘Life Force’: A. Oscar Wild B. G.B. Shaw C. Ibsen D, 0’ Casey guts” 13. “That the greatest of our evils; and the worst of our crimes is poverty, and that our firs "which every other consideration should be sacrificed, is not to be poor." Ess ‘These lines describe Shaw's concept of: a A. Life Force B. Humour C. Shavian Economics D. None of these Cc Shaw's play ‘Arms and the Man! is consisted of __acts. = “ awe Five B. Two Cc. Three D. Four 15. ‘Arms and The Man’ written by G.B. Shaw is a —rey. ‘ane A. Romantic [Ue 16. 7. 18, 19. 20. 21. 2. 24, 25, 26. 2. 28, 29, 30. == <0 C. Historical D. Anti-Romantic Major themes of ‘Arms and The Man’ are: L£ A. Love B. War C._Bothe of these D. None of these ‘Who is the Chocolate hero of "Arms and The Man"? Qa A. Bluntschli B, Séfgius Saranoff a C. Major Petkoff D. None of these Who is the heroine of Arms and The Man"? b A. Louka B. Raina = C. Catherine D. None of these p “A handsome, proud girl in a pretty Bulgarian peasant's dress with double aprov."” Mention name of the character of Arms and The Man whose description is described in thr 4 e A. Catherine B. Raina C. Louka D. None of them Please be serious, Captain Bluntshli, Can you not realize what it is to me to deceive him? I want to be quite perfect with Sergius: no meanness, no smallness, no deceit. My relation to him is the ~ one really beautiful and noble part of my life. I hope you can understand that." Who spoke these words in “Arms and the Man”? A. Louka B. Catherine C. Raina D. Major Retkoff Title of the play ‘Arms and the Man’ is a translation of the opening words of an epic poem med Aeneid’ written by: ad A. Homer B. John Milton C. TS. Eliot D. Virgil Who is the 'mouth-piece' of Shaw in 'Arms and the Man"? x A. Bluntschli B. Sergius C. Major Petkoff D. Catherine Shaw has used the technique or device of anti-climax in ‘Arms and the Man’ to create: Qa ‘A. Ridiculous B. Horror a C. Fear D. Emotional Effect In’Arms and the Man’ Shaw has satirized: a ‘A. Romantic love B. Romantic notion of war ae C. Social Snobbery D. Allofthese Who is a "mere school-girl of seventeen” in Shaw's play___"Arms and the Man"? b A. Catherine B. Raina ~—_ D. None of them B. Humour a C._ Seriousness D. All of these — Point out name of the author of these plays: Warren's Profession," "Arms and the Man", ‘Caesar and Cleopatra", "Man and Superman," "Pygmalion", "The Apple Cart." b A. Ibsen B. G.B. Shaw — C. Beckett . D. 0’ Casey Oscar Wild, John Galsworthy, Harley Granville-Barker, J.M. Barrie are contemporary a Playwrights of: A. G.B. Shaw B. Sherrdan C. Shakespeare D. Marlowe Irish dramatic revival was one of the important dramatic movements of __age. OQ A. Modern B. Romantic C._ Victorian D. Elizabethan The protagonists of this new movement were: A. Lady Gregory B. W.B Yeats aL ; | AUT — a C._JM. Synge D,, All of them 31. In the younger generation of dramatists in the modern Irish theatre the most pond) dramatist is: me . A. Sean O'Casey B. Lady Gregory, CC. 1.M, Synge D. None of them . Sean O' Casey was born in Dub! 2 ee Sea: B. 1883 < Cc. 1880 : D. 1882 2 33. O°Casey was suffering from a disease of: A. Eyes B.. Liver O C. Headache D. Lungs =| 34. In Ireland O' Casey was in favour of: a b ‘A. Nationalism B. Socialism a || C. Capitalism D. Allof these | 35, ‘Juno and the Paycock' is divided into: G A. One act B. Twoacts = CC. Three acts D. Four acts 36. ‘Juno and Paycock’ written by O'Casey is < A. Tragedy B. Comedy a C. Tragi-Comedy D. Picaresque 37. In tragi-comedy, the comic and the tragic are integrated so that each affects the other, the comedy throwing the tragedy into: ce A. Ironic depth B. Tragic effect aa C. Relief D. Allof these | 38. In tragi-comedy the comic and the tragic are integrated so that each affects the other, the comedy throwing the tragedy into relief, the tragic basis giving the comedy: Ga A. Ironic depth B. Tragic effect Za C. Relief. D. Allof these 39. Whatis the theme of ‘Juno and Paycock'? A ‘A. Jingoism B. Poverty = C. Labour Movement D. Allof these 40. Main plot of ‘Juno and Paycock' comprises. plots, ‘A. Twolinked B. Three linked cS C._ Four linked D.. Five linked 41. ich Conflicts are dealt in O’Casey ‘Juno and Paycock'? 2 ‘A. Education versus environment B. Labour principles versus practic C. Nationalism versus humanitarianism D. Romanticism versus reality All of the above 42, Captain Boyle, Joner and Johnny are characters from O'Caseys ‘Juno and Paycock'. What or of characters they were? 2 ‘A. Flator Static B, Developing or Round C. Both of these D. None of these 43. Mary, Jerry and Juno are also characters from ‘Juno and Paycock’. What type of characte they were? Db A. Flat B. Round a C. Both of these D. None of these 44. What are the functions of the Irish context in "Juno and Paycock""? a : A. To give reality of setting B. To give authenticity to the speech C. To reinforce the characteriza D. Allef these 45. wi some technical devices which are most frequently used in ‘Juno and Paycock'? h . ‘A. Irony and contrast B. Realism and symbolism 7 C. References and stage direction D. All of these Dinicss, tn ene and Raycock' Mary’ bay represents a » fo“Recruitment Test Guide: = i == AD Mee ‘A. Future generation B. Young generation CC. Ray of hope D. Human being 3 47, In‘Juno and Paycock’ the gramophone represents: ~ ‘A, Entertainment B. Pleasure \ CC. Bright future D. Cheep luxury | 4, Who is writer of these plays? "The Shadow of Gunman, The Plough and the Stars, The Silver wa " ‘Tassie, Purple Dust, Red Rores for me," A. O'Casey B. GB. Shaw C. Ibsen D. None of them a 49, Many plays of O'Casey were produced at Abbey theatre. Who were founders of the theatre?) A. W.B. Yeats B. Lady Gregory C. Edward Martyn D. All of them 50, Who used the term 'The Theatre of the Absurd’ first of all? b A. TS. Eliot B. Martin Esslin C. GB. Shaw D. None of them 51. These plays violate every canon of successful drama and still achieve phenomenal success: ma About what type of plays does Esslin points out in these lines? A. Absurd plays B. Irish plays C, Romantic plays D. Victorian plays b 52. Who is generally regarded as the spokesman of the Absurdist movement? A. Beckett B. Tonesco CC. Horald Pinter D. Simpson d 53. Samuel Barclay Beckett was the second son of: A. John Beckett B. Henry Beckett ~ C. Christopher Beckett D. William Frank Beckett 54. Samuel Beckett was born at Foxrock in: A A. 1906 B. 1907 — Cc. 1905 D. 1910 $5, He graduated with the highest distinction in___literature. Ce A. French B. Italian _ C. French and Italian D. English 56. Who is the writer of these plays: 'Wating For Godot’, Endgame, Krapp's Last Tape, Happy ie Days and 'Play': A. Ibsen B. Horald Pinter C. Beckett D. G.B. Shaw 51. "Waiting For Godot' by Beckett is divide b A. One act B. Two acts C. Three acts D. Fouracts SS Triviality and boredom of human life, Prevalence’ of suffering, ignorance, economic and Dect{ctual exploitation, meaninglessness of space, time and identity are major themes of Sf Beckett's play: A. Endgame B. Krapp's Last Tape S C. Waiting for Godot D. None of these ~The major structural devices used in "Waiting For Godot’ by Beckett are: Cc A. Parallelism B. Contrast a 6. Estraro ©, Parallelism and contrast D. None of these A ‘tragon and Vladimir are protagonist of Beckett's play: Qa) A.» Waiting For Godot B. Play 8. Whois og, HaPpy Days D. Endgame 7 0 is of and is also timid and fearful by nature in "Waiting For Godot’? B. Estragon b C. Both of the above D. None of the above a _ Hy Ree a 62. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 1. n. 2. 74. 15. 16. 771. 78. Who seems to be suffering from some serious disorder of the kidneys Which makey it for him to get up several times a night? eg » A. Estragon B. Pozzo g C. Vladimir D. Lucky a If'Godot’ has some symbolic significance in Waiting For Godots, then he symby A. God B, Human Exploi 4 C. Labour D. Capital ‘The two tramps may be representative of: | ‘A. Human beings B. God and Christ q C. Employer and Employee D. Allof these = Henrik Ibsen was born in: A. 1828 B, 1825 Q C. 1826 D. 1830 ~ Henrik Ibsen was born in: A. England B. Norway b C. America D. France pa ‘What is powerful and recurrent element in his writings? Qa A. Sea B. River CC. Jungle D. Mountains In the writings of Ibsen, the dangerous unknown of which we are terribly afraid but for whet we yet feel a longing is symbolised by: \23 A. Fire B. Jungle C. River D. Sea In his writings, Ibsen shows obsession with the theme of: ic ‘A. Poverty B. Bankruptcy 7 C. Both aandb D. Charity \ In his life an impression had been created that Ibsen was: fe A. Sensitive child B. Bold child - C. An illegitimate child D. Brave child Ibsen's plays contain several: A. Orphan Children B. Illegitimate Children b CC. Poor Children D. Clever Children ~ Al the age of fifteen Ibsen left school and got employed at an: a ‘A. Apothecary's Shop B. Grocer’s Shop 7 C. Carpenter's Shop D. Musician's Shop Among the subjects which Ibsen studied were: A. Greek B. Latin C. Both of the above D. French During his stay at Grimstad he also produced his____play. a A. First B. Second Cc. Third D. Last b Ibsen's first play was a verse tragedy called: 2 ‘A. Wild Duck B. Catiline i C. The Warrior's Barrow D. Love's Comedy a Ibsen managed to pass the matriculation examination and, quitting Grimsland, joi Qa C.. The Wild Buck Love's Comedy ‘A. Howard University | B. Oxford University Cc. Combridge Universi ony D. Christiania University a his time Ibsen wrote a second play which was also a: AEs ae Verse tragedy B. Prose tragedy - ©. Comedy D. Burlesque tle of Ibsen's second play was: eer ASE CH een tte B. The Warrior's Barrow D. i 1” A. Direct plays B. Keepaccounts .) CC. Write a new play every year D. Allofthese Mavi zitl ae ies of the Bergen Theatre sent Ibsen to study the theatre business abroad for three Cc 7 ‘A. Copenhagen B. Dresden meOulol Te C. Botha and b D. Ravis 2 In 1857, at a new National Theatre in Chri ‘ania, Ibsen took up the post of: d a ‘A. Accountant B. Costumier Wo steiner gO CC. Managing Director Artistic Director -A "Love's Comedy’ written by Ibsen is a Play about the: 2 a a. ‘A. Incompatibility of love and marriage B. Conflict of evil and gadailonnt ee 7) C. Racial conflict D. Poverty ‘Hoque Pick the name of Ibsen's first successful play: Ad 8. A. Catiline B. The Wild Duck = C. Ghosts D. The Pretenders "001 34. The Pillars of Society, A Doll's House, Ghosts and An Enemy of the People written by Ibsen re. lays. = ee istorical B. Regional C. Sociological D. National 3101 \8. The Wild Duck by Ibsen was published in: a A. 1884 B. 1890 C. 1895 D. 1882 tT Or % Wild Duck seemed to contradict on of the principal doctrines which Ibsen had been preaching: Cf A. The importance of ideals B. The sin of compromise = C. Both of these D. None of these mol E01 1. Point out the name of Ibsen's last play: a A. When We Dead Awaken B. Ghosts = C. The Wild Duck D._ Hedda Gabler Whois the writer of these plays: “A Doll's House”, “Litto Eyolf", "The Master Builder”, "The b Leady from the Sea". =— A. GB. Shaw B. Ibsen C. Coleridge D. Beckett ‘sen was the first man to show that high tragedy could be written about: fc A. Noble person B. Wicked person : C. Ordinary man D. Kings Select the name of the first {ragedy by Ibsen about back-parlour people that gets off the ground: 5 A. The Wild Duck B. Ghosts a C. The Lady from the Sea D. Little Eyolf The Central Symbol of the play *The Wild Duck’ i (ae A. Jungle B. Library —— Thea, Cr Duck D. Rabbit Wild Duck isa thoroughly: OQ al Realistic play B. Romantic play as InThe \C., Burlesque D. Heroic play The Wild Duck" the author employs technique. Retospective B. Stream of consciousness a "The wa: Narrative D._ Impressionistic he Witd Ducie by Ibsen is az @ & Tragedy B. Comedy a Haroig Pc Tragi-comedy D. None of these infer was born on: 10th October, 1930 B. 15th May, 1920 aH ha~, oven got employment National Theatre and his duties were to: Se Tei koe EA TITSeZEZ CC. Sth June, 1945 D. 10th May, 1925 > 96. His parents-were: A. Christians C. Irish D. 97. John Osborne;"Arnold: Wesker, John Arden were contemporary. dramatistsofs ons. ‘A. Shakespeare B. Sophocolese =i S C. Harold Pinter D. ,JMiatlowedvs 98. Dramatists of the absurd believed that life was: b ‘A. Rational B, Irrational a C. Purposeful D. None of thes 99. °°. Loneliness; isolation; lack of communication; primitive instinets'and survival Taek of idening important:themes of Pinter’s play:: A. The Birthday Party =’: B. No Man's and svi) C. The Caretaker D. Betrayal | 100. "The Birthday sParty",: "The Caretaker",::"The | Homecoming")""No” Man's: Landy! “Betrayal” aré important plays‘of» b A. Beckett B. Pinter + ma C. -G.B. Shaw D. Marlowe 3 101.'\"' Davies, Aston, Mick’are the characters of Pinter's play: = A. The Caretaker B. The Birthday Partyrii!s!'y C. Betrayal D. -Homecomingyii:2 b 102.: The Caretaker written by Horald:Pinter is consisted of: = A, Twoacts B. C. Four acts: D. 103.: \ \ Horald Pinter belongs to the: A. Romantic dramatists’: B. ‘Victorian dramatists! 1% C. ‘Absurd dramatists: D. Modern dratnatists’ Io dona tia iio lajalals|>|a}>jal>|o}o}o}a]>/olalals}a a wla]>|>|>[>|>]>lalmla]o|>/alala|>|>/al>|o >lalajalo|u}a|o)ala]>|>|mla]>|>|o]a|>|a]>, “ \ SAUTE GLASSIGAL My, correct. Choose the correcyy ‘7 Against each question four answers are given, out of which one > OSCAR WILDE His Life ‘Machevill in the play ‘Jew of Malt y Against each q 1 Who is Maem noble character B. A wicked character et C._ The hero ofthe play D. The soviour of the nun’s conve! fall name of the pla oe 2. What is the i erage History ofthe Jew of Malta BL The Tragedy of the Rich Jew of nh é athe [aN 07 = — ATT C, The Jew of Malta and His Evil Plans ‘None of the above Barabas, the leading character of the drama is: “2 A pious character who believes in ' humanity B.A ruthless blackguard mastermind C. Amerry-making character D. None of the above What does Barabas tell to Abigail, his daughter, about his wealth? A large part of it lies hidden under the Ae Soka nee B. He has thrown it away in the sea c__ Someone has robbed him ofall his He does not tell anything about his * wealth De vealth What is Machevill purpose behind coming to England? A. To learn at Oxford University B, To see the Queen To understand th c, o.understand the inticacy of En D. To cause mischief with friends ‘What excuse does the governor use to confiscate all of Barabas’ estate? He says that Barabas is consuming his He says it is too much fora person to ‘wealth against the state Bown He says Barabas has refused to hand C. over halfhis wealth, that’s why his entire D. He does not confiscate his wealth state is forfeited ‘What treasure does Abigail recover from her father’s house? ‘A. Moneybags filled with gold B.A chest of pearls and sapphires C. Moneybags filled with silver D. She does not recover anything, Why does Abigail decide to convert to Christianity? ‘ She undergoes a spiritual journey and Barabas defe . . A can javabes, defects to join B. finally finds Christianity more attractive than Judaism Because she hears about her father’s role) None of the above * in the deaths of Lodowick and Mathias ‘What does Barabas use to poison the convent? ‘A. A poisonous herb B. Snake's venom C. A potofrice D. None of the above How does Ithamore threatens Barabas? ‘A. By confessing all of Barabas’ crimes B. By getting all his wealth confiscated C. By sending him death threats D. By setting Barabas house on fire How does Barabas conceal his identity in order to poison Bellamira. Pilia-Borza and Ithamore? ‘A. By becoming a put-up army officer B. He pretends to be a French-flute-player C._ Inthe disguise of a witch-doctor D. None of the above How does Barabas feign his death? ‘a, Helies down motionless even holds his 1p, Hehit himself very hard on his head so "breath that he looks dead C._ He takes a sleeping potion D. None of the above How does the Turkish Army defeat Malta? A. The Turks have more advanced weapons BL cutting its food supplies off \9 \e in & Sf a b eC ‘The Turkish army secludes the town by C__ . Barabas tells Calymath about a passage p,_ Barabas ils the whole town by * ut through the rock tha Teas 0 the . ening al of te wells ‘Whats the sun that Calymath demands from Malta? ‘A. One hundred thousand crowns B. Ten hundred thousand crowns QD C. One hundred thousand pesos D. Ten hundred thousand pesos At the end of “The Jew of Malta”, Barabas accidently dies in a boiling cauldron. What does the ‘uldron represents symbolically? A. Hell B. Heaven O wee 1 2 3. 4. Ueno Salvation D. Rebirth T]8]2)8)]3[B[4]A}s]D 6 |cl[7z [Atal c c_[ to. [A n[Bli2fc fac fm [is] A DR. FAUSTUS BY CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE Life of Marlowe Against each question four answers are given, out of which one is correct. Choose the correct answer, Christopher Marlowe was born on: 3 ‘A. June 1564 B. May 1564 oO C. Aug 1564 D._ Feb 1564 | In 1583, he obtained his Master's degree from: Q ‘A. Cambridge B. Oxford ee C. University of Lancashire D. University of Nottingham His first play ‘Tamburlaine’ was produce cq A. 1583 B 1585 = c. 1587 D. 1590 “He found the drama crude and chaotic: he left ita great force in English literature.” Who sate words about Christopher Marlowe? % A. Legouis B. Rickett = CC. Saintsbury D. Walter Allan 1 9. 10. 1. 12. 13. Christopher Marlowe was murdered in a scuffle by Ingram Fraizer at a small tavern. This kappesd in the year: b A. 1590 B. 1593 es Cc. 1596 D. 1599 ‘What is the full name of the play ‘Doctor Faustus’ by Marlowe? C. ‘A. The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus B. The Fate and Fall of Doctor Fatstis C. The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus iD. None of these Dr. Faustus makes a deal of surrendering his soul in return for 24 years of life with: b ‘A. Eunuchus B. Mephistopheles a C. Bobadill D._ Brainworm Identify the characters who incite Faustus to learn black arts. c ‘A. Lucifer and Mephistopheles B. His parent's souls = C.Comelius and Valdes D. Wagner and Robin In Marlowe's Faustus, the ruler of hell is given the name: a A. Lucifer B,_ The Evil One — | C. Satan D. Belzeebub | How does Faustus sign off his contract with the Devil? Dea ‘A. In the blood of infant baby B. Inhis own blood a“ C. He doesn't sign off any contract D._ In ink provided by the Lucifer Which city does Faustus visit time and again in the 7” Scene? Sc ‘A. London B. France C. Berlin D. Dublin ‘Where, according to Mephistopheles, hell is? a ‘A. Deep below the entire cosmos B. Opposite to heaven ae C._ Everywhere there's no heaven D. hows not exist bt in the mind 1t happens to Faustus at the end of the play? Cc What happen repens and hence endowed es — ness pe ree for a NT A) He becomes the emperor of a Germany, as C. Heis lifted to hell by demons forcefully, _marries the Helen of Troy and lives happily ever after 4, Whois poked fun at by Faustus when he gains black powers? wi i ‘A. The Holy Roman Emperor B, The Prince of Egypt = C. The King of England D. The Pope 1s, How long does Faustus offer to be punished, if his soul could be saved afterwards? gq A. Ten Years B. One thousand years C. One thousand hundred years D. Ten thousand hundred years Gh D{2TAl3[cT4 [pls ]B «{[cl7[ets|cfs]a lio} B ¢ [2c Ta. fra Pb as. Te SERRA TATA TEMPEST BY SHAKESPEARE | Against each question four answers are given, out of which one is correct. Choose the correct answer. d L Technically speaking, in which literary genre does ‘The Tempest’ fall? { A. Comedy B. . Tragedy. a itt C. Anti-heroie D. Tragi-comedy 5 | 2. Miranda’s father’s name is: Cc 7 A. Gonzalo B. Antonio —_ C. Prospero D. Alonso mt 2. How many rulers are mentioned in this play? b b A. One B. Two | C. Three D. Four 4 ‘Who is the duke of Milan in the play? Q A. Gonzalo B. Antonio => 6 C. Prospero D. Alonso: In the play, Alonso is the ruler of: a A. Milan B. Crete > C. Naples D. Troy & How does Prospero attend to the affairs of kingdom? a A. Carefully B, Least carefully _ 1, C. Interestingly D. None of the above How Prospero was given reward by Antonio for entrusting the state-responsibility? Cc. B, Antonio respected him D, Antonio killed him of Naples to mount 2 coup d” etat on the rulership of Prospero, ‘A. Antonio gratified him © hatome Cs, Antonio outcast him ‘ntonio joined hands with the (hat was the name of the King? A. Gonzalo B. Ferdinand 8 ©. Caliban D.. Alonso \ Inthe Tempest, all the voyagers were: fg A. Drowned B. Fled theme Oo, Rescued D. None of the above '* Masquerade is ordered to arrange by: A. Ariel B. Prospero a © Alonso D. Sebastian an ‘he spirits are atthe beck and call of: = A bese DAs b ‘Alonso D. Sebastian 0 Whom i ‘whom is the masque arranged: L A Prospero and Antonio B. Mirandd and Sebastian 13. 14. 15. Tw ee = Te D. None of the above Ee & C. Trincula and Stefano eal B. Alonso qd CC. Antonio , D. Prospero ‘The woman characters in the pay sare Two b C. Three D. There iso woman chara I'seen chronologically, The Tempest by William Shakespeare is his: ‘A. First tragi-comedy B. Last tragi-comedy b D. None of the above = CC. The only tragi-comedy E[D]2 1c B c[s [ec] 6 [A[7]C D|9 | C {10.] A | Orbs fT [3 Pb [47 8 fs, B OTHELLO BY SHAKESPEARE “Against each question four answers are given, out of which one is correct. Choose the correct answer, 1. Desdemona, a beautiful Venetian lady, marries Othello: O ‘A. Secretly B. Forcibly a Because she wanted to'getridot C. On the plea of her father D. Rodrigo 2, The wicked plot of Iago is revealed by: d ‘A. lago himself B. The police Oo C. Roderigo D._ His wife Emilia 3. Iago avenges himself on Othello because: a A ae B. Iago is jealous of his beautiful bed C. Iago isa racist, he hates mores D. None of the above 4. “O, beware my lord, of Jealousy She did deceive her father and may thee.” Whose words are these? c A. Cassio B. Roderego 2 C. Iago D. Emilia d 5. Which city serves the settings of most crucial action of the play? a ‘A. Venice B. Mauritanis C. Sagittary D. Cyprus d 6. What pattern is embroidered on the handkerchief? a ‘A. Checkered B. Strips C. Abstract D. Strawberries 7. Whois the maker of the handkerchief that Othello inherited from his mother? é A. His mother B. His grandmother ae C. A Sibyl A female prophet D. None of the above ‘A. Prevarication B. Lust C._ Hunger D. Jealousy 9. With whom does Cassio dine the night he is stabbed? QB ‘A. Bianca B. Othello C. Iago D. None of the above 3 10. What is “the beast with two backs"? & A. Conjoined twins B. “Two soldiers fighting back 0b ©. Anextraterrestrial. D. Two mates having sex 1 ‘Who is regarded as ‘true general’ by Iago? J Agri Misa bbavritA at B. Brabanzio LY ae FA aT = — ATT C. Lodavico D. Desdemona a 1. How does Othello kill Desdemona? ~ " A. He smothers her B. He poisons her C. He cuts her throat off her body D. None of the above 13. According to Lodovico’s letter, who is to replace Othello as the governor of Cyprus? cg A. Tago” B. Lodovico himself Cc. Cassio D. None of the above 14, What does Desdemona ask Emilia to do on the night of her death? a A, Spread Desdemoma’s wedding sheet on B. Tell Othello that she’s busy with Cassio C. Cook Desdemona’s favourite food D. None of the above d 15, Who says these words: “My noble father, I do pereeive here a divided duty"? A. Othello B. Lodovico — Cc. Emilia D. Desdemona i TAT27oI3]Al4a]C[s 1D pe |b t7 [ets Tots fa fief ui [D [Ta Tc aya fis. |b GREEK DRAMA SOPHOCLES OEDIPUS REX (Tragedy) Against each question four answers are given, out of which one is correct. Choose the correct answer. 1. The word ‘Tragedy’ is derived from a Greek word “tragoidia” which means: ¢ A. The sudden death of a noble character B. The sufferings of the hero —_— C. The goat song D. None of the above 2. What is meant by ‘peripety’? ‘A sudden or unexpected reversal of , When the hero fails to accomplish hig fortune "task: .__A situation in which everyone isin D. None of the above gn distress ling-to-Aristotte, the change in hero’s fortune must: as suirenk 1ostAe Be notétom misery to happiness B. Be from happiness to misery C. Take place D. Nottake place In Aristotle’s view, the tragic hero must be: A man of high social rank and omane Dorigggi gaye att) a tert se pity and So pat ae 0S 2% odemaDeuone ofthe above . a p, Aman of low social strata and a marrof humble birth ‘ 'nSirPhitp Shida excelent tragedy” isone thal? e Wel ah anual PRL OS vanunat es A Sootes te emotion ofthe readers sn oh a ERISA ety realities ot Opeiislitie great wellnds and displays woloB sasiz 4A the ueelebvaled viilissues D. "Makes people laugh instead a Life of Sophoetegtirn in 2 burn tive tutwal en 2 snisibal? bine s9n0 oft & Sophocles was a native of Cotdnus!lHfe was born in: punewtid A A, A86B\QiI"I0 900. B. 400 B,cwie-haila > 7 © ape. sm bawatto vorbigyl> gyi iigsnnitnevaos Yo oaetq at Sophocles is butieved te niveWrittn for: biveds to onnodT A A. sixtyryeats ousoll B._ siworveyaueo! dD 4 C.Soefefepytarsmucinenea Wo maze io woygisigali gene eid bie i oy ‘Contented ‘among the living; contented among the dead.” Who said these words about Sophocles? les? Ae By [Se TT A. Herodotus B.-Acschylus « . Aristophanes Das: Eatipides 9. os How many of the dramas by Sophocles have been preserved? QO AT B, 10 ey c 20 D. 27 10. 9»: Sophocles has said to have written more than: d ‘A. 20plays B..°50 plays q C.- 100 plays D.. 120 plays | Oedipus Rex 11. 96); Oedipus killed his father and married his mother: - b A. ' Out of sadistic pleasure B. . In ignorance - Co. Deliberately D. None of the above An the Act I, the'arrival of an oracle about the plague in Thebes'commands the:banishmeat | ‘cunknown murderer of: sl ‘Ave The messenger B. “\Archpriest of the Templeof Dehig_| C.. The late king Louis D._ None of the above | 13. \ +... Oedipus quarrels with the blind. prophet Teiresias in the Act: @ | ALT B. Il = c IV DV | 14.» In the Act IV, when Jocasta, Oedipus’ mother cum wife realizes the,truth, she: a ‘Av Goes to hang herself B._. Kills Oedipus to revenge herself ont C.. She cries day and night and gets blind D. She does not do anything 15. -- «!4Oedipus? fate moves us only because it might have been our own".,Who said.these words? | A. J.A.Cuddon B.. » Sigmund Freud - | C.. Sophocles himself D. None of these ‘© Against each question four answers are given, out of which one is correct. Choose the.correct ans"! ANTON CHEKHOV :His life Against each question four answers are given, out of which one is corrects: Choose the correct answe?- 1 ‘Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a Russian short-story writer and playwright was.born on: A. April 20, 1840 Be.) March 16, 1850 C. January 29, 1860 } DeviFebruaryit6):1848 2... author, Chekhov was also az A. » Stage actor B.School teacher Ca. Bus driver 3;;, ste Heconce’said ‘Medicine is my lawful wife and DéucMedical doctor sismmyimistress.? \ Ave Literature 1 Bu Drama (Ci Short-story ) Diw!Nohe of the:above ;,olm placevof conventional.action, Chekhov offered a: Pon ee ee Theat of absurd B.»- Theatrevof comedy (.GhusTheatre of mood D.» Theatre of symbols | Samuel Beckett was born on 13 April, 1906 in: eS ‘A. Poland B. England , CC. Ireland D. Switzerland a He was an apprentice, assistant and friend of; C: 1” Act Virginia Woolf B. Oscar Wilde " C. James Joyce He is recognized as a crownless prince of the: ‘A. Comic literature D. Allofthe above. , B, Theatre of absurd’ * TIA De em cet a PTH = is = =— ADH C. Short-story writing D. Long narrative essay writing Waiting for Godot 4, What does the relationship between Lucky naa Pozzo suggest? cf A. Friendship B. Bright-side of human communal system C. Theme of pression and cruelty D. Allofthe above 5, What does the useless actions of the characters signify? d A. Itillustrates existentialism B. Theme of nothingness — C. Man is but an absurd hero D. All of the above A 2Tc [3 [8T4 [cts TAA RA ATA RA RAR EDWARD BOND His life Against each question four answers are given, out of which one is correct. Choose the correct answer. 1. Edward Bond was born on 18 July, 1934 and he died A. 2008 B, 2010 a Cc. 2013 D. Heis still alive — 2. He learnt art and craft of writing at: A. Globe Theatre B. Home Cc C. Royal Court Theatre D._ None of the above on The Sea d 3X ‘What is true about Willy Carson? A. He isa true friend ¢, Hesaves himseifwice from theseaand pio the above * from Hatch’s knife 4. How does Willy treat Rose? ‘A. He treats Rose in highly seasoned way ¢ and pins no romarfic B. He does not let her fall in misery ~~ He makes Rose to feel him as his good D. Allofthe above companion in every situation b 5. Who says the dialogue “filthy beast Tknow who youare.” 2 noes D. Hollarcut CQ peered

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