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NGILECE YABANCI - SINAWI i Haftalik YDS ingilizce Hazirlik Dergisi 16 Say 1 04 Eyliil 2009 Fiyate: 13.71 YTL (Kov dani 1S Yayinciik Ud. $i. caine sohibi Osman Snides + Yaayin Kurata Begkein ve Sorumiu Yer gli Mihir Nosibe Ondos * Genel Koordinalsr Ai Ondor Ondog idan isermudure — ‘mer Reyhon Ondes Yonetim Yer Coferaga Mh, Moda Cd. No:aoya KADIKOY - ISTANBUL Tel 0.216 349 18 24 - 345.02 47 Foks: 0216 349 18 25 waww.elsyayin.com tr e-posta: els@elsyayin.com.tr Basilaigi Yer ‘Yoopin Tanti Yayinciik Lt. Sti, - we Tel :0.212 216 51.49 - 60 TEST YOURSELF TEST YOUR VOCABULARY YDS-VOCABULARY . Centralia's Burning . You Are What You Eat With . Dinosaurs of All Sizes ... . Sport for the Disabled . The Price of Bread . Check What You Know . Learn These Phrasal Verbs ................ OnNearwne 4 ; ed ConTENTS REVISION OF THE ENGLISH VERB TENSES (1) Simple Present, Present Continuous, Simple Past, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous It's a Strange Worid, After All TEST YOUR PREPOSITIONS . PRACTICE EXAM 1 Baslarken | Sevgili Ogrenciler, 35 sayidan olusan setimizin bu ilk saytsrylo 2009-2010 yaym dénemine baslyor, sizlere “MERHABA" diyoruz. 16 yildir yayin hayatin: sardaren ELS bugan, agrencisiyle, ogretmeniyle ve velisiyle. cok genis bir ailedir. Bu aileye yeni katrlan sidler, oramizer HOS GELDINIZ. Dergi’mizin ilk sayrsiyla birlikte sizlere, "ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT" adh gramer kitabinizi gonderiyoruz. "ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT" ile dergi, birlikte caligmek dzere duzenlenmistir. Kitapta yer alan konu anlatimlar: ile © konudaki eksik bilgintzi tamamlayacak, egzersizler ve testler ile bilginizi pekistireceksiniz. Ayr konuda, dergide yapecaginiz calismalar ise 0 konuyu tamamen igsellestirmenizi saglarken, “vocabulary”, “comprehension” ve “prepositions and phrasal verbs" alanlarinda dagarciginizi genisleterek Ingilizce diline olan hakimiyetinizi artwacaktir, Kitabin 1. anitesi (The English Verb Tenses) kapsamh bir konu oldugju igin, derginin I. ve 2. sayilart bu dniteye ayrilmstir. Kitabin 46, sayfasina kador incelenmis olan “tense’ler 1. sayinin kapsarmne girmektedir, Kitapla dergi arasindaki paralelligi sagjlamak igin, tamtim sayimizda yer alan “Calisma Takvimi’nden yararlanebilirsiniz. Dergide karsilaseceginiz "Check What You Know” béllimtinde, YDS-ingilizce Sinavi'ndaki soru tiplerinden biri olan paragratta birakilan bosluklari doldurma (Cloze test) galismas: yapacagiz, Bu bolimde, henuz dergide konu olarak islenmemis ya da tzerinde dzel olarak durulmamis gramer yapilarryla ya do sdzctklerle karsilasacaksiniz, Bu nedenle. yanlis yaparsanrz, ya da yanlisiniz cok clursa, morelinizi bozmeyinrz. Ginka, "ENGLISH CRAMMAR INSIDE. ond OUT "un ilerleyen tnitelerinde bu yaplarim hepsini ayrintil olarek géreceksiniz. Bu sora tipini ilk sayidan itibaren vermedeki cmacumiz, ileride kargilasacaginiz yopilara géz asinalig: saglamak, béylece bunlarin yer aldigy soyrlart calisirken &grenmeyi hizlandirmakFir Zorlu ve yogun gececek bir 8grenim yilinn basindayiz. Sizlerin cabass. degerli égretmenlerinizin katkilari ve ELS olarak bizlerin biyak bir sorumluluk anlayisi iginde hezirladigi kaynaklarle “zoru" basaracak. her yil oldugu gibi, Temmuz ayinda bizi, basari haberlerinizi vermek icin arayacaksinuz. Yeziraizs, biyuik bilim adam Einstein'ih s8z@ ile noktahyoruz. “Gagliklerin iginde firsatlar yatar.” Bu firsatlart birlikte yakalayacagiz, Saghk, esenlik ve mutluluk dilegimizle. ELS Yayin Kurulu “The English Verb Tenses (1) SA 1. Centralia's Burning Complete the following passages by choosing the correct answer from the choices given. Ai the moment, | (1) from every other town that | (2) vss government (3) . Centralia (5) ... town (6) ssseee while, and then (10) ...... the fire out, 1. A) stood B) have stood C) am standing D) stand ) was standing 2. A) will see B) saw C) am seeing D) was seeing ) have seen 3. A) has owned B)'owns: C) was owning D) is owning E) owned 4, A) buys B) bought C) has been buying —_D) was buying E) has bought 5. A) presented B) presents C) was presenting _D) has presented _ E) is presenting in the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, in the eastern United States. It's different. so far in my life, Why? Well, for one thing, i's not really a town: it's just a big field with a few houses and buildings here and there and a total population of 9, For another thing, the Pennyionia state most of that big field; it (4) .. place in 1992. Why? Because, since the early 1980s. : i a great danger to anyone living there: the coal mines in the ground under the for more than 40 years now, It all (7) .. sass 2 pile of garbage in one of the abandoned mine pi garbage and use the pit for more garbage in the future. They (9) .... the on 27 May 1962: town firefighters (8) outside of town, in order to clear the the garbage burn for a A) burned B) were burning C) are burning D) burn E) have been burning A) slarted 8B) would start C) was starting D) has started E) has been starting A) light B) have lit C) have been lighting) lit E) are lighting Aj let B) were letting C) have been letting _D) have let E) are letting A) ate putting B) have put C) put 1D) were putting E) have been putting Engisn Language Srcies GER But the fire (411) garbage at the bottom of the pile (12) ...... slowly into and all through Centralia's coal mines. And while the fire (13) ...... like this, aq MO one even (14) it: the fire, after all, was underground Finally, 20 years later, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, both the people and the © government (15) of the fire and its | danger. In 1984, the government (16) $42 million to help Centralia’s people move to nearby, safer towns, and almost everyone (17) ...... to go. Today, only 9 people (18) «..... in the town, so it’s virtually a ghost town. Sometimes people, like me, (19) Centralia to have a look. There's not actually a lot to see inthe town itself, because, since workers (20) ..!... down most of the ings. In fact, new forests (24) ......in some parts of Centralia for more than ten years now, But outside the town, in the hills, and roadg above the burning coal mines, smoke constantly (22) ...... Up out of the the fire, they say, will burn for Znother +. out, and soon the buming two centuries. 1. A) doesn't go B) didn’t go C) hasn't been going) isn't going -E) wasn't going 12. A) has spread B) is spreading C) has been spreading D) spreads E)’spread 8 cogisn tanguage stu 13. A) burns B) has burned ) has been burning —D) is burning E) was burning 14, A) has been realizing B) would realize €) realized D) has realized E) realizes 15. A) have learned B) learn C) were learning ) learned E) are learning 16. A) is offering B) has offered C) offered D) offers _E) has been offering 7 Aj agreed B) was agreeing C) has been agreeing D) agrees E) is agreeing 18. A) have lived B) were living C) have been living D) tived E) are living 19. Ajare visiting - — B)visit ~ “C) visited D) were visiting E) have been visiting 20. A)are tearing — ——_B) tear C) tore D) have torn E) were tearing 21. A) grow B) were growing C) grew D) have been. growing E) are growing 22. A)has been coming B) has come C) comes D) came E) was coming 2. You Are What You Eat With Complete the following passages by choosing the correct answer from the choices Qr utensils to eat it wth. There are some simple reasons for this: often, \ : people just (3) ..... to get messy by eating with their hands; also, eating utensils just (4) ..... it easier to eat certain kinds of food. In the knife,.the spoon, and the fork as world, since the 10th century AD, people (5) . their main eating utensils. The fork is the newest of the three: it (6) ...... southern Europe until the 11th century, and people (7) ...... it commonly in northern Europe until the 18th century. Before that, people (8) ...... just knives (for solid food) aiid spoons (for ‘sSups)—or, of course, their hands. Nowadays, there are other eating utensils, . elements of the knife, spoon, and fork in combination. . of the sharp tine’ of a fork at the end of a spoon- People, of course, (1) ...... food for thousands of years, and, since the dawn of civilization, they (2) ...... a lot of different shaped bow, The word “spork” (11) ...... from a combination of “spoon” and "fork", and it first (12) ...... sometime in the early 1900s. ~ 1 1 A) eat B) are eating A) aren't using B) haven't used C) were eating D) ate €) haven't been using D) don't use E) have been eating €) didn't use 2 8. A) have invented . _B} were inventing A) were using B) use C) are inventing D) invent- C) have used D) are using -E)invented = E) have been using 3. i A) weren't wanting A) had B) haven't wanted — B) have been having C) haven't been wanting~ C) are having D) aren't wanting D) have E) don't want E) were having 4. 10. A) has been making B) makes A) has consisted B) was consisting ¢) make D) are making C) consists D) consisted E) were making E) is consisting 5. 1. A) are using B) were using A) has been coming .B) comes ) have used D) use C) come D) is coming E) used E) was coming 6. 12. A)hasnttentered — . B) didn't enter A) is originating B) originated _/ C) doesn't enter D) isn’t entering C)originates D) has originated E) hasn't been entering E) was originating ingisn unguagesuaies SSB 1 (13) ...... affaid of chopsticks until a short while ago, but I (14) them anymore because, recently, | (15) ...... how to use them, They're actually quite easy to use, and they're perfect for eating some kinds of © food. For instance, chopsticks (16) ..... in the Far East thousands of | years ago, and there, people usually (17) ...... food into small bits, so it's easy to grab those bits with chopsticks. But what about rice? Rice (18) ...... a8 the most important food in the Far East for a long time now—and it's difficult to eat rice with chopsticks, isn't it? Not necessarily. In the West, generally, people (19) ... itin a different way, so that the rice is loose. But in the Far Eastern way of cooking, rice (21) ...... together jn clumps, 80 it's easier to eat with chopsticks. Probably, people in the Far East (22) ...... rice like this for a very long time now, because the earliest chopsticks (23) ...... in China's Shang dynasty, 3,500 years ago, and in the Shang dynasty, rice (24) ...... 8 an important food crop. a different kind of rice than in the Far East, and they (20) Japanese chopsticks 13. 19. A) have been 8) am being A) use B) are using C) was being D) am C)used D) were using E) was ~ E) used to use 14, 20. A) did't fear B) haven't feared A) are cooking 8) have cooked CC) wasn't fearing D) don't fear €) cook \” D) were cooking E) didn't use to fear E) have been cooking 15. 241. A) will learn B) learn A) has stuck B) sticks. C) pave learned D) am learning C) stuck D) was sticking * €) was learning E) is sticking 16. 22. A) are beginning B) begin A) cook B) cooked C) used to begin D) ‘began C) are cooking D) were cooking £) have begun £) have been cooking 7. 23. A) were cutting B) cut A) originate B) are originating C) have been cutting “D) have cut C) have originated —_‘D) originated E) are cutting E) used to originate 18. 24. A) has served B) is serving A) served B) is serving C) served D) was serving C) has served D) serves E) serves E) has been serving GW craton engages ‘One day in April, 7-year-old Luc Cagadoc was eating in his schoo! iunchroom in a suburb of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Luc broke up the food with a fork, pushed it onto a spoon, and then ate it: Luc is an immigrant from the Philippines, and this is the traditional way of eating there. But the lunchroom monitor then said to him, “Don't eat like that,” is and made him sit by himself and finish his tunch, The monitor punished Luc the same way nine more times in April. Luc's mother, Maria Theresa Gallardo, heard about this and called the school's principal, Normand Bergeron. She wanted him to say sorry, and she said that her son was So upset and embarrassed that he didn't want to eat anymore, But Bergeron told her, “Your son eats like a pig, so he has to go to another table. | have never seen somebody eat with a spoon and a fork at the same time. It is unintelligent, Here in Canada, he should eat the way Canadians eat.” The next week, in Manila in the Philippines, dozens of people gathered | outside the Canadian Smbasgjto protest: Luc’s story was now an international a. iniGident) The protestors called Bergeron a (@cisband said that the schoo! should respect Flipino ways and apologize, but Lue ata Montreal protest 4. We learn from the passage that Luc " Cagadoc ...... . A) is going+o return to the Philippines B) is not a very good student C) apologized to Normand Bergeron ) did not eat with a knife at school E)-stopped eating in the end 2. Itis stated In the passage that Luc Cagadoc .. A) does not like Normand Bergeron B) was happy to sit at a separate table C) is not from Canada originally D) joined the protests at the embassy E) has started to eat like Canadians 3. We understand from the passage that some people in the Philippines ....... A) think that people in, Canada should eat like Canadians B) travelled to Montreal in order to protest C) agreed with Normand Bergeron 1D) do not have lunchrooms in their schoo! E) were angry about Luc Cagadoc’s punishment 4, We can conclude from the passage that Normand Bergeron A) moved Luc Cagadoc to a different school B) has not apologized yet C) thinks that he is a racist D) is going to quit his job very soon E) is a member of the Quebec Human Rights Commission Engish Language Stuies GO [e] Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type from the passage without 1. using a dictionary. traditional 4. gathered A) hungry B) foreign A) put on B) fell down ) horrible D) usual C) came together —_D) turned around E) aifficuit E) ran away upset 5. incident A) pleased B) stressed A) meal B) event ) lucky D) silly €) tool D) journey E) clever E) capital unintelligent 6. apologize A) not smart B) not physical A) do homework B) make a mistake C) not real D) not early C) tell a lie D) feel happy E) not wrong E) say sorry [p] Cirele the choice which has the same meaning as the given sentence. 1 The lunchroom monitor said to Luc, “Don’t eat like that,” and made him sit by himself and finish his lunch. - nchroom monitor told Luc to stop eating like that, Luc decided to sit down ifferent table to finish his lunch . B) Luc was sitting by himself and finishing his lunch when the lunchroom monitor told him ‘ not to eat in that way. C) After telling Luc not to eat that way, the lunchroom monitor forced him to finish his lunch while sitting alone, Maria Theresa Gallardo said that Luc was so upset and embarrassed that he didn’t want to eat anymore. A) According to Maria Theresa Gallardo, Luc no longer wanted to eat because of how stressed and ashamed he felt. B) Because Lue said that he no longer had a desire to eat, Maria Theresa Gallardo felt upset and ashamed. C) It was embarrassing for Maria Theresa Gallardo that Lue was so stressed that he no longer wanted to eat. The protestors called Normand Bergeron a racist and said that he should apologize, but Bergeron did not apologize. A) Alter the protestors said that Normand Bergeron must apologize, he admitted that he was a racist, but he refused to apologize. B) Normand Bergeron did not say sorry, even though the protestors who said he was a racist said that he ought to do so. . " ’ C) Normand Bergeron, who is a racist, did not say he was sorry, even though the protestors demanded an apology from him. BW coos rangage scutes, 3. Dinosaurs of All Sizes [A] Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer. Imagine a little sparrow has just flown past your bedroom window.-You see it, and think, "How sweet!” But did you know that sparrow is actually a dinosaur? In fact, all birds are dinosaurs. A few scientists first began to think this in 1862, when they discovered a fossil of Archaeopteryx. a flying dinosaur with s| But for a long time, scientists did not take the theory . ‘eriously: they thought birds and dinosaurs were {oo different to be relatives. But then,.in the 1970s, scientist John Ostrom was studying an Archaeopteryx fossil when he realized that bird and dinosaur skeletons had a lot of things in common, not just feathers. Later ther ) Van scientific techniques developed, and scientists found a strong connection between birds and the Archaeopteryx. But this was, not enough: to prove the connection, different kinds of dinosaur fossils were necessary. Then, ( in the 1990s, scientists discovered a lot of different, kinds of feathered dinosaur fossils in northeastern China. After some study of these, they ™ finally proved that birds are, in fact, a kind of dinosaur. 1. In the first sentence of the passage, the author A) says that birds are not dinosaurs B) addresses the reader directly. C) asks the Teader a question” D) saysthat birds are dinosaurs E) talks-abouta kind OF Fossil 2. According to the passage, in 1862, scientists — A) began to study-birds B) found an Archaeopteryx fossil C) proved the connection between birds and dinosaurs D) discovered the first dinosaur E) found a lot of dinosaur fossils in China 3. We learn from the passage that John Ostrom was important because ... A) he discovered the first Archaeopteryx fossil 8) he worked inniifiéastern China €) he-found many connections between birds and dinosaurs D) he created many advanced scientific techniques. E) he realized that birds and dinosaurs were not relatives 4, We understand from the passage that, folfowing the work in the 1990s, A) showed that John Ostrom’s ideas were wrong _ “ B) discovered lots of Archaeopteryx fossils C) began to think the Archaeopteryx was actually_a.bird D) proved that birds and dinosaurs are relatives E) realized that birds and dinosaurs were very different English Language St 1. When you enter the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Sue greets you. ......, That's because Sue isn’t a person, but a massive Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, with her mouth wide open, as if she’s ready to eat. A) Inthe nearby city of Rockford, you can see Jane B) Sue Hendrickson was born in Chicago but now lives in Honduras . C) The Field Museum is the most popular cultural attraction in Chicago D) Sue comes from South Dakota, 1,200 kilometres to the west * E) She's harmiess, but she doesn't look especially friendly . 3. The Argentinosaurus was probably the largest dinosaur of all, We still don’t know this for sure, though. ....... But these bones are huge™a single Argen- tinosaurus backbone, for instance, is 1.5 metres high and 1.5 metres wide! A) This is because scientists have only discovered a few bones so far B) It used to live in South America, and its name comes from Argentina C) The Argentinosaurus was probably about 25 metres long D) It lived in the middle of the Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago E) This dinosaur was one of the slars of the TV special Chased by Dinosaurs ED cngisn Language Seutes 2. Argentinosaurus backbones 4. In the following passages, find the missing sentence of the passage. . But now, scientists think differently: most scientists believe that dinosaurs were warm-blooded, and they know that many dinosaurs moved very fast. A) The first dinosaur that scientists described was Megalosaurus B) Scientists have been studying dinosaurs for about 200 years now C) Everyone used to think all dinosaurs were cold-blooded and slow-moving D) Traditionally, the Chinese thought dinosaur bones were dragon bones ) There were hundreds of different dinosaur species In the cartoon, the eaverait, “professor” is Pointing to the Saikp tall of a Stegosaurus dinosaur and saying that they call the tail the “Thagomizer” because it killed a man named Thag Simmons. Ten years later, scientist Ken Carpenter started calling such a tail a “thagomizer”, too, and since then many scientists have used the name. A) It is not right to call early human beings “cavemen” B) People and dinosaurs never actually lived at the same time €) Dinosaurs have been featuring in cartoons for a fong time now D) In 1982, cartoonist Gary Larson drew a cartoon with cavemen at a lecture £) The dinosaur Stegosaurus was a herbivore.and ate only plants . Dinosaurs have always been popular COTE sider fae. Loreti ee 6 among children. ...... . For example, |. remember playing with the Dinobots as a child. They were definitely my favourites in the Transformers toy fine, probably because I liked dinosaurs so much, and | used to play with them for hours at a time. A) But a lot of children eventually grow out of their love for dinosaurs B) But adults are interested in dinosaurs, too C) The Dinobots’ names were Grimlock, Siag, Sludge, Snarl, and Swoop D) There are a number of reasons for this popularity E) And so, there have been Dinobots! many different dinosaur toys over the years ‘These days, of course, very few things live in the cold and difficult environment of Antarctica. ...... . For example, lots of plants, trees, insects, and repitiles lived there millions of years ago. There were even dinosaurs, though scientists have found only two species so far: Cryolophosaunis and Antarctopelta. A) But this hasn't always been the case B) And offé of these is the famous penguin ~ C) It used to have a very different climate D) The name “Antarctica” means “Opposite of the Arctic” E) It was once part of the supercontinent Gondwana In the following passages, one sentence in each passage doesn't fit well with the other sentences, and this prevents a smooth |. (I) Some creatures that people typically call “dinosaurs” weren't actually dinosaurs at all. (Il) The word “dinosaur” comes from Greek and means ‘terrible lizare E(illpFor reading. Can you find the odd sentence? ()) There have always been some very fundamental differences jax between animals and plants. (Il) About 250 million years ago, long before the first dinosaurs, almost Dimetrodon liv 1 suddent example, the land animal Dimetrodon every living animal suddenly died was a pelycosaur, similar to a out. {ll Over 90% of sea creatures died out. {IV) As for land ani mammal. (IV) The fiying pterosaurs led out {IV) As for Jand animals, . at least 70% of those died oul, were not actually dinosaurs, either. | - including the mighty Dimetrodon. (V) Neither were underwater reptiles Pterosaur {) Scientists stil do not know the like the ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs. A)i By cyl DIV eV We ye some point in the “game king made an illega! move. AY, lil, V, IV, I B)Y, IV, thf, CIV, Il, IV D) Hi, LY, HV Eyiy, tt, VI 3. (I) Desperate, the farmers called on the Australian army to help them stop the hungry emus. (ll) For a week, they tried to shoot down as many emus as possible, but they only managed to kill a few, (ill) In November 1932, thousands of emus were attacking farmers and eating their crops in Western Australia (IV) The emus, large birds similar to ostriches, were responding to a harsh summer, when food, as well as water, was Hott (V) In resBoriSey a small party under the command of Major Meredith came to the farmers’ aid, armed with machine guns. ADIL IV VIE BYIV IL LV cyt, fi LV D) Yt E) 11, IV, IV {l) Because he wanted to honour important people by making them admirals in that ‘ayant sas Nebraska governors have thus honoured about 100,000 people. (Il) The reason is that Nebraska has no coast: it is 1,200 kilometres from the nearest sea. {Itl) This may not seem like a strange thing to do, but in fact itis. (IV) So, why did the governor create a Nebraskan navy? {V) In 1931, the governor of Nebraska in the United States founded the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska. AYU, AV, 1, VA B) ILIV, VHT C)iY, itt, tv D)IV, Ht IN, E) Vt ML ee English Language Studies oe 5. -e (i) Lajitas is a small town in southwestern Texas with a population of only 48 (Il) There is at least one very interesting thing, though: the mayor, (ill) In fact, Lajitas has had goats for mayor ever since 1986, ci when Lajitas residents elected Clay Henry | (IV) I's in the middie of beautiful country, buf there isn't very milich intéresting about the town itself. {V) It's not a human, but a goat ao (I) Nine years ago, she suffered a stroke, and ever since she recovered from it, she has been speaking differently. (ll) This is very strange, because she has never been to Britain: she was born and grew up in Indiana in the midwestern United States. (ill) So, how did her accent "change so much? (WV) 61-year-old Tiffany Roberts speaks with a strong British accent. (V) In fact, she used to speak with whose name is Clay Henry Ill Giay Henry ill a standard Indiana accent. AYH V1, LIV BY, 1H, IL V1 A) IAI IV, HL B) IVI, Vt CIVIL D) ill, | V, 1h, IV ey ni VIL D) ILL, VV, tl Ey LIV IL VM E)V, Wh 1 HIV — Did you know that, sometimes, people are buried in space? Gregory: ~ Really? So, how many bodies are there out in space? Andy: Gregory: . ~ Wow! That's quite a lot! A) Well, so far, they have buried about 150 people up there. B) Unfortunately, | don't know the answer to that, C) | think there's only 1 or 2, but I'm not certain, D) As far as | know, they've never actually counted them. E) | read about it on the Internet somewhere Engin Language Scts DP cnoin ocgnge ste Andy: 2 In the following dialogues, choose the answer that best completes the dialogue. Dorothy: ~ Have you ever heard of Sergeant Stubby? James: Dorothy: — Yes, but he wasn’t a person: Sergeant Stubby was a dog, and he fought in World War 1. A) Why do you always ask me such strange questions? B) No, unfortunately I never have. C) Was he a person or an animal? D) No, | haven't. Was he a war hero? E) Of course I have. They're my favourite rock band. Peter: Steve: —No, I didn’t. It’s a police artist's sketch. Peter: ~ Alright—but what is it? Steve: ~ it’s the notorious Monkey-man of New Delhi, India, A) What is that picture you're holding? B) Is that New Delhi's famous Monkey- man? C) Did you draw that picture? D) Did you get that job.as- police.artist?” E) Why don’t you show me that drawing? Tony: ~ This is a strange statue. What is it? Naoko: ~ A bakezori. Tony: Naoko: ~ It means “spirit sandal”, and it's a sandal that comes alive after it has. turned 100 years old. A) Could you say that again, please? B) What does that mean? C) | wonder who built it. D) Are there any similar statues? E) How old is this statue? 5. Bjérk: = Believe it or not, this banana I'm eating is from Iceland. Bjorn: ~{ don't believe it Bjork: ~ Only for a few years, and only in small numbers. Bjorn: — Well, if you say so, then | guess it’s true. A) Where in.iceland do they grow these bananas? B) You're joking, aren't you? ) How long has Iceland been producing bananas? D) Don't bananas only grow in the tropics? — E) When did you go to Iceland? Dav Richard: ~-It'sacD by the Thai Elephant Orchestra. Dave’ ~ That’s a strange name. Richard: And do you know what's even stranger? The musicians really are elephants! A) Who were-you talking to? B) Where did you buy that CD? C) How long have you had that? D) Do you like this kind of music? E) What are you listening to? cngten angunge ston GER 5. Sport for the Disabled Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer. There are three categories of organized sport for disabled people: sport for the deaf; sport for people with physical disabilities; and sport for people with intellectual disabilities. The earliest of these is sport for the deat: it began in 1924, with the “Silent Games" in Paris; and these games have taken place every four years since then (though there were no games between 1940 and 1948, because of World War.) They used to be galled World Games for the Deaf” and “International Games for the Deaf", but now they are called the Deaflympics. So that all deaf atten the Deatlympics play at'an even ievel, they cannot, iS in the competition. Sport for people with physical use hearing’ disabilities began after World War Il: many soldiers stifferedtinjuries d during th the war, and sport became an important part of their rehabilitation. At Britain's Stoke Mandeville Hospital in 1948, Dr. Ludwig Guttmann organized the Stoke Mandeville Games, This has evoived into the modern Paralympic Games. As for organized sport for people with intellectual disabilities, such as autism and Down syndrome, it is the newest variety of these sports. In 1962, Eunice Kennedy Shriver started a series of summer camps for intellectually disabled people like her sister 1"Rosematy; this became the Special Olympics in 1968, The Special Olympics are different from the others because its athletes are of all different levels of ability, from the skilled to the unskilled 1. According to the passage, the “Silent Games” . A) started after the Second World War B) did not have very many athletes C) now have the name "Deatlympics" D) do not take place anymore E) have been interrupted many times 2. We learn from the passage that the Paralympic Games A) began as rehabilitation for injured soldiers - B) are only for soldiers who have suffered injuries C) are the néwést variety of organized sport for disabled people D) continue to take place at Stoke Mandeville Hospital E) feature athletes who have both physical and intellectual disabilities BP sngien uangonge We understand from the passage that the Paralympic Games A) have athletes who are mostly. from Britain B) have not changed since they began ) started thanks to Eunice Kennedy Shriver's efforts U~ D) takes place every four years E) do not have athletes of all different levels of ability, As we learn from the passage, Special Olympics . A) do not have any high-quality athletes B) mostly hay syndrome C) feature more sports than the Para- fympie Games does D) are not as ofd as tie Deaflympics and ic Games E) started in the summer of 1968 Read the sentences and write “T” (True) or “F” (False), according to the passage. 1. Sport for the deaf was the first of the three categories of organized sport for people with disabilities. 2. The “Silent Games” used to have the name “Deaflympics”. 3, There were four Deaflympics during the Second World War. 4, Deaf athletes do not use hearing aids while they are competing in the Deaflympics. 5. World War II played a role in the beginning of sport for the physically disabled. 6. The Stoke Mandeville Games replaced the Paralympic Games, 1962. T. Autism is a kind of intellectual disabitity. 8. Eunice Kennedy Shriver's summer camps changed into the Special Olympics in 9. Eunice Kennedy Shriver was intellectually disabled, 10. Not evary athlete in the Special Olympics is an excellent athlete. Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type from the passage without using a dictionary. 1. deaf A)unable to move —_B) unable to see C) unable to learn —_D) unable to hear E) unable to walk 2. earliest A) punctual B) annual C) first D) best E) famous 3, taken place A) stopped B) wondered C) happened D) meant E) decided 4. called A) finished B) named ) jumped D) turned E) heard 5. even A) same B) tired C) impossible D) accidental E) silly . suffered A) tasted B) cut ¢) hurt D) enjoyed E) received . evolved A) feared B) opened C) dropped D) changed E) rewarded variety A) cure B) kind C) disease D} feeling E) shelf English Lay Biz BD | Circle the choice which has the same meaning as the given sentence. . The earliest of the three categories of organized sport for disabled people was spt for the deaf, : - . A) The other two categories of disabled people's sport started before organized sport for the deaf did. 8) Organized sport for the deaf started before the other two categories of disabled peops's sport. C) Sport for the deafstarted at approximately the same time as the other two categoriesof organized sport for the disabled. te 2. Many people suffered injuries during World War Il, and sport became an important part of their rehabilitation, A) Sport played an important role in the rehabilitation of the many people who received injuries in the Second World War. B) During the Second World War, a lot of people received injuries while they were takinga break for sport, and they then needed rehabilitation 2 €) After rehabilitation from the injuries they had received in the Second World War, people took up sport as their favourite pastime. 3. In 1948, Dr. Ludwig Guttmann organized the Stoke Mandeville Games, which has ‘evolved into the modern Paralympic Games.” A) Thanks to Dr. Ludwig Guttmann, both the Stoke Mandgvijle Games and the modem Paralympic Games started at the same time, in 1948, B) Since 4948, Dr. Ludwig Gutimann has been organizing both the Stoke Mandeville Games and the modern Paralympic Games C) The modern Paralympic Games have developed from the Stoke Mandeville Games, which Dr. Ludwig Guttmann started if 1948-7 ~ E | Can you write the other forms of the given words from the passage? f) organized (adjective) (verb) (noun) 2 (person) @ competition (noun) (verb) (adj.) (person) (Q) sutter (verb) (noun) _____ (person) 4 injury (noun) (verb) (edi) 8 modern (adjective) he (verb) (noun) ; .__ (person) variety (noun) ‘ (edj.) 1 (adverb) (7) aitrerent (adjective) . (adv) (noun) @ athlete (person) (noun) (adj) oa! “(eav) Wo ce Inde « ici POON. Aire [F] Choose the correct answer to complete the passage given below. Twelya years (1)... at the 1996 Paralympic Games, athletes with intSiSclval disablities (2) ..... for the first time. Four years (3) ..... at the 2000 Summer Paralympic Games in Sydney, Australia, Spain,(4) ...... the gold medal in the basketball for the intellectually disabled event. One of the victorious team's members, Carlos Ribagorda, (5) ...... as an er journalist (6) ...... the Games (7) ...... on. A short time after 5 closed, he revealed an astonishing secret: most of the basketball team's players did not take the test to prove their intellectual disability, and were not, in fact, actually disabled. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in/égiigaléd his claim and found that it was {rue. As a result, the IPC stripped the team of their medals. More importantly, though, the IPC also ended intellectually disabled partiéipstion in the Paralympic Games. (8) ..... 2000, the intellectually disabled (9) ...... part in the Games. These days, the IPC (10) ...... to allow such athletes to participate in the other competitions that it (11) ......, but $0 far it (12) ..... its mind on their participation in the Paralympic Games themselves. Carlos Ribagorda 7 A) since B) then A) were going B) have gone A) are competing * B) competed — 1. C) later “D) ago ‘C) went D) are going E) when E) go 2 8. A) Later B) Since 4 C) have competed’ —_D) compete ©) Then Ey When D) White : E) have been competing 9. i 3. A) were nottaking —_B) did not take A) when B) while . C) have not taken D) are not taking C) later D) ago ~ E) do not take E) since 10. 4 : 4) has been beginning B) began A) is winning . B) has won C) is beginning. D) begun C) has been winning D) wins E) was beginning E) won y 11. A) sponsors B) was sponsoring 7 €) sponsored D) has sponsored A) has been working B) works - ¢ C) was working D) has worked E) has been sponsoring ~~ Ey is working 12. A) did not change 6. B) was not changing A) when B) since C) does not change C) later D) while D) has not changed E) ago E) has not been changing Engh Language seuies EDS 6. The Price of Bread [a] Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer, For a week, people have been rioting in Haiti, But Haiti is not alone: riots have hit dozens of countries aéross the world, particularly in Africa. Several people have died in these riots, and many more have suffered injuries. What has brought all this abouf? It ail began in late 2007, when food prices started to rise all around the globe. Small price rises are, of course, normal-—but in many countries, prices of the most basic food items have doubled since 2007, which is not normal at all. Such oon a large inerease:in prices has hit poor countries very hard, and that is ésctly where most of the riots have taken place: people simply cannot afford to buy the food that they require. Analysts are still arguing over the precise causes of the pri rises, but some of the most popular ideas are: poor no in various parts of the world; lower food reserves; and population rises, especially in India and China. Some analysts disagree with the last of these ideas, though: they point out the fact that the rate of global population has actually been decreasing since 1990. However, this is true only for the world's richer countries: population is continuing to grow in the poorer countries, and this, is exactly the problem. Moreover, food does not go evenly to different countries: richer countries consume more food per person, while poorer countries consume less food per person 1. We learn from the passage that the 3. It is clear from the passage that riots in Haiti analysts ....... A) think that the world’s poorer countries A) are solving the food crisis do not need very much food B) have just come to an end B) have recently thought of a way to stop food prices from rising C) have been worse than the others C) have suffered injuries due to the riots D) did not cause any deaths across the world E) started one week ago D) have not yet agreed on the exact reasons for the food price rises E) mostly come from the world's richer ‘countries 2. According to the passage, the riots 4, According to the author, the analysts across the world have caused .. fs ate who say the world population rate is falling ..... . A) a large drop in world population ) a large drop Pop! A) understand the situation best B) poor harvests in many places B) are not entirely correct C) injury to quite a few people C) have not experienced the riots D) poorer countries to get poorer themselves D) are mostly from poorer countries E) a rise in the price of food E) do not have enough food DE engion ranguage Srucies / “ [Bl ‘Try to guess the méaning of the words in bold type from the passage without using a dictionafy. 4. brought about 5. precise A) stopped B) seen A) sensitive B) violent ¢) hurt D) caused C) exact D) easy E) thought ) random 2. globe 6. various A) store B) world A)even B) full C) farm D) resident C) excited D) accurate E) universe E) different 3. increase 7. decreasing A) tise B) sight A) rising B) ending C) decision D) hunger C) keeping D) knowing E) drop E) falling 4, require 8. consume A) taste B) open A) hire B) use C) hate D) need C) fight D) bite E) cut E) close [e} Circle the choice which has the same meaning as the given sentence. 4. Fora week, people have been rioting in Haiti. A) The riots in Haiti lasted only one week. B) The riots in Haiti began one week ago, and are still going on. ) The riots in Haiti are going to go on for one week. 2. Inmany countries, prices of the most basic food items have doubled since 2007, which is not normal at all. A) Since 2007, the prices of the most essential foods have gone up 100 percent in a lot of nations, and this is certainly not normal, B) Most essential food items already had high prices in 2007, but since then, these average prices have gone up in a lot of countries. C) Normally, the prices of the most essential foods do not go up 100 percent in most countries, but they did in the year 2007, 3. The large increase in prices has hit poor countries very hard, and that is exactly where most of the riots have taken place. A) Afier the many riots that took place in poor nations, prices began to rise there very quickly. B) The majority of the riots have occurred in poor nations, which are also the nations that the big price rises have hit very hard. C) Poor countries are the places where the large number of riots have been causing prices to increase sharply. Engish Language swcies , URN Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Use the prepositions given in the box below. 1 of over . oof per & oh: out with 1.1 don't know why, but Muriel got very angry just because | said that | disagreed . her. 2. There are going to be dozens .................. people coming to the party, but our apartment isn’t big enough to hold them all. . 3. Jacob has always been a big fan of heavy metal music, but Scott doesn't like it cececteeeeeeeeees All 4. The city of Los Angeles, in the United States, has more cars than people: there are 1.8 cars... person there. 5. Monica and Jeremy have been arguing which movie to see since about 5:30. 6. Inthe 1990s, theré was a large increase ....... the number of violent crimes in the United Kingdom, \ 7. Alot of tornadoes have been striking in various places all .................. the country this. season. 8. As far as | know, Ken's losing his job is the cause .................. his depression these days. 9. If something is true .... universally true. {I"ve been trying to understand this sentence... nearly half an hour now, but | stil haven't really had any luck. - your culture, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is 10, 11. It makes Denis really angry when someone points his mistakes in pronunciation. 12, There are a few television stations that are broadcast .................. virtually the entire world, SY. hungry man is Not a Free man. ~Adlai Stevenson US Politician MBB coon ungunge snes Recently, the food crisis in Haiti (1) ...... severe. Now, the poor (2) .. fad) Of course it ent healthy, but Hait’s poor (3) .. 4). Haiti's most important basic food—(5) ... A cup of rice (6) .. + any choice the last several months, the price of rico— . quickly. . 20 cents six months ago, 25 at 30 cents. This may not sound like much, but 80 cents three months ago, and now (7) ... percent of Haiti's population currently (8) ...... on less than 2 dollars per day. So the mud cakes, at only 5 cents each, are the only really affordable option. 1. 5 A) becomes A) is rising B) was becoming B) rises, C) has become ) was rising D) is becoming D) rose E) become . E) has been rising 6. 2 A) was co’ting A) were eating B) cost B) has eaten C) has cost Cheats D) costs D) are eating E) has been costing E)ate 7. 3. A) has stood A) don't have B) stood B) aren't having C) has been standing C) haven't been having D) stands D) weren't having E) was standing B) didn't have 8 A) has lived 4 B) lived A) over B) ago ©) lives C) since D) to D) was living E) from E) has been living tnish Language seues EER 7. Check What You Know The World's Smallest Countries VATICAN CITY The size of a golf course, Vatican City is the smallest | country in the world. itis f= (1) sss there is not even a f single street address in the | entire country. It has a population of about 820 people, (2) permanent residents. People working at the . are Vatican are considered citizens of Vatican City re. Italian is the - many other until they (3) ...... working most common language, (4 European languages are spoken to some extent. In fact, Vatican City's ATMs are the only ones in the world that offer services in Latin, The Vatican City has a radio broadcasting service, which was set up by radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi (5) ...... Vatican City also has the only non-commercial economy in the world. It is supported financially by contributions, postage stamp and publication sales, and tourism 1. A) small enough 8) smalier than C) too small D) so small that E) the smallest 2 = A) most of which 8) one of whom ©) all of which D) some of whose E) none of whom 3. A) had stopped B) stopped C) stop D) will stop E) were stopped 4 A) owing to B) though C) in spite of D) ever since E) if only 5. A) of his own B) itself C) himself D) of its own E) oneself DP crash angus MONACO. The tiny state of Monaco enjoys a fine location (6) sss. the Alps and the i Mediterranean Sea. The i country is about the size |__ i of New York City's Central Park. It has been independent off and on since the 13th century. (7) ...... French is the official language, some natives also speak Monégasque; English and lalian are also widely spoken. Monaco (8) ...... much smaller than itis now: in the 1970s, 33 hectares were reclaimed from the sea and added to its land size. Walking in the country is facilitated by public lifts and escalators that operate 24 hours a day to help overcome different altitude levels. Monaco's casinos (8) ...... the heart of the country’s fame and fortune ever since they were built in the 19th century. The Grand Prix, (10) ...... in the narrow streets of Monaco every year, is one of the most prestigious automobile races in the world. 6. A) between B)at ©) during D) above E) to 7. A) Despite B) While C) Asif D) Incase E) Therefore 8. A)has to be B) had better be C) would rather be) used to be E) can be 9. A)are B) will be C) were D) would be E) have been 10. A) having held B) to hold ©) held D) to have held E) holding NAURU Nauru is the world's smallest independent : republic, andthe only republic with no official capital. Formerly known as Pleasant island, Nauru has an economy based on phosphate mining. However, phosphate reserves are now (11) sess exhaustion, so the country must find , other sources of income. In 1920, Nauruans experienced a dramatic drop in population (12) ...... an influenza epidemic: the number of people fell drastically to only 1,068. This appalling “demographic drop” put the survival of the community in doubt. It was (13) .....- 26 October 1932 ...... the population rose up to 1,500, The event was declared a public holiday, Angam Day, which (14) ...... ever since, except during World War Il, when the population (15) ...... dropped below 1,500. n. A) in touch with B) in return for €) on behalf of D) on the point of E) for the sake of 12. A) afterwards B) due to C) because D) so that E) in case 13. A) not until / that B) no sooner / than €) whether / or D) the more / the more E) most / of 14, A) has been celebrated B) had been celebrating C) is being celebrated D) will have been celebrated E) was celebrated 15. A) so many B) even then ©) any longer D) as if E) once more TUVALU Tuvalu, (16) consists of nine | coral islands, is located in the South Pacific Ocean. The islands were first settled by Polynesians 2,000 years ago. The Spanish explorer Alvaro de Mendafia de Neira reportedly sighted the islands in 1568 Life on the islands (17) ...... greatly after the first Europeans arrived in the early 19th century. The economy of Tuvalu is based on agriculture. The country is an ideal venue for tourism, but it still needs (18) . improve- ments in that area. The only airport is located on Funafuti Atoll, and transportation between islands is by boat. With a total land area of just 26 square kiometres, Tuvalu may not even exist 50 years from now, (19) ...... the sea level continues to rise, Other problems— (20) ...... high population growth and coastal erosion—also contribute to making Tuvalu a very vulnerable country. 16. A) what B) that G) which D) where E) whom 47, A) are changing B) has changed C) changed D) changes E) will change 18. Ajalittie B) some C) none D) every E) plenty 19. Ajit B) but for C} due to D) despite E) during 20. A) alike B) even so C) the same D) such as E) as though Se English Language Su SAN MARINO One-tenth the size of New York City, San Marino is completely surrounded by Italy. Having been founded in the 4th century AD, the country claims to be (21)....... state in Europe. San Marino has survived attacks by (22) ...... self-governing ttalian city-states, the Napoleonic Wars, the unification of Italy, and two world wars. With the formal name “The Most Serene Republic of San Marino’, it is hardly surprising that this tiny country has got (23) ...... charm, San Marino, haif of (24) ...... income is derived from tourism, is visited by more than 3 milion tourists every year. It is not (25) ...... bigger «+++: to or three suburbs together, but it stil ranks among the world’s richest countries, i 2. A) older than B) as old as C) old enough D) so old E) the oldest 22. A) the others B) others C) other D) another &) each other 23. A) lots of B) quite a few €) too many D) a number of E) a large amount 24. A) whom B) which C) what D) whose E) where 25. A) as/as B) much / than C) hardly / when D) too / to E) either / or located between Switzerland and Austria in the Alps. It is (26) .. German-speaking country in the world, ...... the only European country whose neighbours are also land-locked. The country's entire western border (27) ...... by the Rhine River. Cultivated fields and small farms characterize Liechtenstein's landscape. (28) ...... its location high in the mountains, prevailing southerly winds make the country’s climate relatively mild. In winter, the mountain slopes are suitable (29) ...... winter sports, The Castle Vaduz, Gutenberg Castle, and the ruins of Schellenberg are among (30) ... historical sites in the country. .. the smallest 26, A) scarcely / when B) whether / or not C) not only / but also D) so / that E) neither / and 2. A) is formed B) has formed C) formed D) had formed E) forms 28, A) Now that €) Even though E) Yet B) Despite D) Since 29. A) down C)by B)to D) off E) for 30. A) too famous B) as famous as C) more famous than D) the most famous E) famous enough 8. Learn These Phrasal Verbs Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs in the box below. Pay attention to the verb form. 4. back up 2. come down 3. do up 4..get into: 5.hand back. 4. Many people bought the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on 21 June 2003, 's0 some bookstores .. .. of copies of it that day. 2. Orhan is going to . .. an excuse for the teacher, because he hasn't done his homework and it is due next lesson. 3. When Banu hired a car in Australia, she initially .................. it on the wrong side because the steering wheel was not on the same side as in her car in Turkey. 4. Surprisingly, the experiment .................. the least likely of the research team's hypotheses. 5. The first real aircraft carrier was the HMS Argus: light planes specially designed 143-metre-long flat deok von from its 6. Koray ..... Show TV and watched the end of a film before he went to bed. 7. Some people... eves thei SHOES ose. With @ turquoise turtle knot, which is slightly different than the normal bow knot. 8 Small asteroids .................. when they hit the Earth's protective atmosphere, so they don't hit the surface at great speed. 9. The British ........ the port of Weihaiwei . ..-. to China in 1930, but they kept Hong Kong until 1997. 10. The cakes in this store ..........-....... By 25% every evening after 6 o'clock. Replace the ital the verb form. ized phrasal verbs with a verb from the list. Pay attention to decrease ontel eae Om 1, Prices for some products in Japan have been coming down (. ) since the early 1990s. 2, Yale University has handed back (,................) thousands of Inca relics to Peru, 3. While Kevin was getting into ( sors) his truck, he noticed @ small crack in the windshietd 4, About half of the staff backed Andrew (..............-..) Up in his salary dispute with the manager. 5. The Romanian journalist ion Garnod made up (...... naming their newborn child Lucian Yahoo Dragoman. , 6. We have run out of (. ) our olive oil, so I'm frying the vegetables in sunflower oil instead. cs ...) a news story about a couple English Language Si Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs in the box below. Pay attention to the verb form. 1. break down stop working due 2. bring up __ introduce or 3. change into. 4. fall behind’ 41. The British explorer Captain James Cook Pacific Ocean in July 1776. third and final voyage to the 2. Your son has ....... Title 2... im his chemistry class, but he is doing very well in maths and geography. 3. None.of Fiona’s relatives .. eo her - from the bus station, so she had to take a taxi home, 4. Isabel didn't .................. the meal of the day, because it was duck and she is a vegetarian, so she ordered a salad instead. 5. Scott first went home and ........ suit and tie, and then went for his job interview. 6. A group of organized criminals a cargo terminal in an airport in New York in 1978 and stole $5,000,000. 7. When Marvin .. . the famps in the room, the candies on the dinner table looked less bright. 8. When Hywel ... --+- the poor performance of Caleb's basketball team, Caleb got very angry at him. 9. The prestigious London-to-Paris Eurostar train sssssenies Of bridge in 2003, and the annoyed passengers walted for five hours for it to be able to move again. 10. Scientists are stil ................ a cure for the disease called multiple sclerosis. Replace the italicized phrasal verbs with a verb from the list. Pay attention to the verb form. 1. Before remote controls, people turned up ( sets by means of a dial, ) the volumes on their television 2. In India, an elephant has been holding up ( ..) car drivers by standing in front of their vehicles and letting them move only after they have given it some food. 3. In June 2004, Tim Cope set off (.... ) ona trip by horse along Genghis Khan's route from Mongolia to Hungary, only finishing the trip three years later. 4. When the lawyer brought up (..... ) the possibility of life imprisonment, his client looked really worried, 5. Usually Jennifer picks ( +5) the children up from school, but sometimes Ridley does it instead. 6. The architect John Nash went for (.............-....) an Indian-style design when he was rebuilding the Royal Pavilion in Brighton in the UK. . Madeline . The two main characte! . The pilot out the application forms ever since she ...... down at her desk. A) has sorted / has sat B) sorts / has been sifting C) has been sorting / sat D) is sorting / was sitting E) was sorting / is sitting . This is the most moving picture | ... in my whole life; who ...... this? A) have been seeing / paints B) have seen / painted C) see / has painted ~ D) will see / was painting E) saw / did paint in Lost in Transtation ...... in the United States, but they ...... at a hotel in Japanyat present. A) live / are staying B) are living / were staying C) have lived / stayed D) have been living / have been staying E) lived / have stayed . “Stop!” just.as_the parachutist ...... out of the airplane. A) was screaming / is jumping B) screams / has jumped C) has screamed / jumped D) screamed / was jumping E) has been screaming / jumps cookies? A) have / have. .been eating B) were havingTdid...cat ¢) had / do...eat D) have had / were...eating E) aré“having / have...eaten |. Zinedine Zidane ...... now from professional footballcbut during caréer with fourtop.clubs, he goals. ° A) was rétiring / has-scored B) has been retiring / scores C) has retired / scored D) retires / was scoring E) retired /.has been scoring 7. The city of Manila in the Philippines . bigger all:the time as more people . into it,_ A) got / have been moving B) has got / moved C) gets / were moving D) is getting /-move E) was getting+-have moved 8, The theatre ...... upa list of September's plays yet, but { know they ...... The Caucasian Chalk Circle in August. A) wasn't patting / staged B) hasn't put / are staging C) doesn't put / stage D) didn’t put / have staged E) isn't putting / have been staging 9. It...... nearly 30 years since Haruki Murakami .. is first work of fiction. A) was / has been creating B) is being / was creating C) is / creates D) was being / has created E) has been / created 10, At the age of.18,Alan Johnson .. letters for a living, but . the British Secretary of State for Health. A) has been delivering / was being B) has delivered / is being C) delivered / was D) is delivering / has been E), was delivering / is Engtish Language £2 11. Vanessa fired now because she .. for tomorrow's exam all day. A) looked / is revising B) looks / has been revising C) is looking revises D) has looked / was revising E) has been looking / revised Theresa up in Singapore, but she / a small shop in Belgium these days. 12, A) is growing / runs B) was growing / was running C) has grown /ran D) has been growing / has run E) grew / is running 13. Spain ...... a female Prime Minister so far, but a number of women currently - positions in the cabinet. A) hasn't been having / held 8) doesn't have / are holding C) isn't having / have held D) hasn't had! hold E) didn't have / were holding 14, Wendel he .. an eclipse of the sun while in Mongolia. A) saw / was vacationing B) has been seeing / is vacationing C) has seen / vacations D) was seeing / vacationed E) sees / has vacationed 15. People ...... in restaurants in Albania because the government ...... smoking in public places in 2006, A) aren't smoking / has banned 8) didn't smoke / has been banning €) don't smoke / banned D) haven't smoked / bans E) weren't smoking / is banning 16. Half of the class .. today's exam, because they ... ready. A) didn't take / have...been taking B) aren't taking / have...taken C) haven*ttaken./ do... take D) weren'ttaking’/ are...taking_ E) don't take 7 wer®....taking MDP coaian tnguage s 47. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, At the end of August 1756, a Prussian army ...... on Dresden, aiid if ...... the city a few days later. A) has-advanced / was takitig B) has been advancing / takes C) advanced / has taken D) was advancing / took E) is advancing / has taken ‘The Swedish Academy ...... the Nobel Prize in Literature since the beginning of the last century, and Elfriede Jelinek sou the honour in 2004. A) awards / has been receiving B) was awarding / has received C) has awarded / recaives D) is awarding / was receiving E) has been awarding / received This is the first time that Morgan ...... on stage in front of an audience, but she ...... Very calm, A) has performed / looks B) performed / has looked C) performs / is looking 1D) has been performing / looked E) was performing / was looking Hurricanes nearly always tropical regions, and this ...... true~ during the 1997 Pacific hurricane season as well. A) are forming / was being B) have formed / has been C) formed / is D) form / was E) were forming / is beirig~ The soup ...... cold, but the waiter still us any spoons or bread. A) gets / isn’t bringing B) has got / wasn't bringing C) is getting / hasn't brought D) has been getting / didn't bring E) got / doesn't bring When Peter Carey ...... in advertising, he .,.... a number of short stories in magazines and newspapers. A) has worked / has been publishing B) has been working /is publishing C) works / was publishin D) was working / published E) is working / has published 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Judith ...... on the computer: ‘of the day, but she minutes from now. A) played / was going B) plays / has gone | C) is playing / has been going D) was playing / goes ) has been playing / is going Felipe Massa ...... Formula One races since he Ferrari team. A) is coming / has joined B) has been coming / joins G) has come / joined 1B) came / was joining E) was coming / is joining out a for most in first in eight the We ....., to the airport in a taxi because the flight to Havana minutes’ time. A) rush / was taking B) are rushing / takes, C) rushed / has taken off in just 15, D) have rushed / has been taking E) were rushing / took The usual man ...... our water recently; he probably A) wasn't bringing / has been B) isn't bringing /is being C) hasn't been bringing /is 5) hasn't brought / was being E) doesn't bring / has been 1... you could look after my daughter, ast , to the doctor’s later this aftemoon. — A) was hoping / am going B) hope / went C) am hoping / have gone D) hoped / have been going E) have hoped / go Different nations ... Spain A) occupied / was controlling B) were occupying / controlled C) occupy / is controlling D) have occupied / controls £) are occupying / has controll Some people: Like a already, but Dave Barry .. popular a few years ago. Minorca, but the island these days. led . International Talk irate Day on 19 September .. the day 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, ‘A) were celebrating / made B) are celebrating./ has been making C) have celebrated makes D) celebrated / has made E) have been.celebrating / is making in 1066, while Harold Il of England ...... in the north of his kingdom, the Normans ...... an attack on the south. A) marched / have been preparing B) has marched / prepared C) was marching / were preparing D) is marching / have-prepared E) fas been marching / prepare You ...... unnecessarily nervotis; none of these people =... ever ...... You before, A) have been /is...seeing B) are / does...see C) were / did...see~ D) are being/ has. ..seen” E) were being / was..seeing Konstantin ...... the restaurant early last Saturday, but he ...... it open late this Saturday. A) closed / is keeping B) has been closing / was keeping G) closes / has kept D) has closed / keeps E) is closing / has been keeping Between 535 and 522 BCE) the tyrant Polycrates ...... in Samos, so the philosopher Pythagoras ...... to southern Italy. her It Ay has ruled / has been emigrating B) was ruling / emigrated C) ruled / was emigrating D) rules / has emigrated E) has been ruling / emigrates The director Lars-von Trier ...... the United States at any time in his life, because flying ...... him. A) hasn't been visiting / was frightening B) isn't visiting / frightened C) doesn’t visit / is frightening D) didn't visit / has frightened E) hasn't visited / frightens English Language co EP

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